Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Lay All Your Love On Me ❯ alive again ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… As all my readers have known Kaoru and Kenshin would be a couple already… not to say they are sleeping at each other house…. Haha~ No hentai thoughts ne…. anyway…. Kenshin's a doc and Kaoru's the nurse…. They work in the same department. Megumi have known Kenshin longer than Kaoru, the both of them had met each other since…. School time. Megumi has this BIG crush on him, so when she saw Kenshin and Kaoru together. She loathes what she sees. Thus she wants Kenshin to ditch Kaoru. Megumi has a plan…. But… it just went a little too far. Enjoy the story ne.>

Lay All Your Love On Me

Chapter 12: Alive Again...

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Previous: --

"I never messed the job. You said I was able to do ANYTHING you bitch!"

"For your information... she's in coma now, a blood clot pressing on one of her brain nerves... you want to be jailed? I can always give you the money..." Suddenly the door to the ward opened as she was being pushed to the wall.

"Ken... san..." Megumi dropped whatever she had with her. Her phone and... Kenshin's golden clock watch. Kenshin stared at it not believing what was it right before him. He turned his gaze back to Megumi.

"It was always you wasn't it? It was always you."

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Kenshin couldn't hold up his anger any longer.

'How could she? Why did she do it to Kaoru? What had Kaoru done?'

"Why? How could you?" Kenshin growled as his hands tightened at each side of her head.

"What has she done to make you hate her so much as do that to her? What. Has. She. Done. To. You?" Kenshin leveled his mellow-yellow eyes with hers. Those amber eyes looking through the once icy brown pair. Megumi kept silent.

"What!" Kenshin demanded as Megumi's mind was churning to find an answer. She could find none but only one...

"S-she took you away from me..." Kenshin's anger brewed harder. He laughed bitterly. Megumi was taken back by his actions.

"Ke... Ken-san?"

"Kaoru took me away from you? Was that supposed to be a joke Megumi? What do you want me to say? We went separate ways before I even started courting her and going out with her. So what's the big fuss you are making? Face it Takani! What has she really done to mess up your life? Please... DO enlighten me." Kenshin challenged. Megumi only knew one thing at the moment.

Kenshin was right...

"She... she had done... nothing..." Megumi whispered. Finally ashamed for what she had done. Tears have already overflowed from the brim of her eyes. Kenshin took no notice of it. He banged his fist on the hall making Megumi jumped. For the first time... she felt fear being around Kenshin.

"Nothing! NOTHING! So why did you do it!" Kenshin yelled not caring about the surroundings. Just then Misao and Sabrina who were in duty came up to check what's the commotion about. When they arrived they only found Kenshin shouting at a crying Megumi. They quickly went up to stop Kenshin.

"Himura sensei! Please!" Misao who went up first to hold his shoulder earned a glare from Kenshin's amber depths.

"Let... GO." Kenshin hissed. Immediately Misao let his shoulder go.

"What do you have to say Megumi? Or should I call the police to end your beautiful build up career? How's that?" Megumi was fast to react to this. She grabbed Kenshin's collar tee as it crumbled due to her fisted hands.

"Onegai... No... I can't end here... please..." Megumi begged as she held her head down not daring to see what Kenshin's eyes hold. Kenshin pushed her away as Megumi's back hit the hard concrete of the wall.

"You can't? What about Kaoru? All you think is about yourself? What about others? You know what? I have finally seen through this mask of yours... You are just a god damn bitch!" Kenshin raised his right hand up into the air ready to give what she had deserve when mid-way, a strong hand grasp his wrist. Megumi who knew what was coming shut his eyes tight. When nothing came, she cracked open an eye and saw Sanosuke holding Kenshin's wrist as they glared at each other.

"Kenshin... you are not acting yourself today..." Sanosuke boldly confessed. Kenshin yanked his wrist out of the dead lock.

"Not acting like myself? Try telling that to yourself when you find out that your love might not wake up anymore to love you like she did before and after that incident found out that the whole fucking incident was actually made up by your ex? How would that feel to you?" Kenshin sneered at Sanosuke. Sanosuke furrowed his eyebrow and looked at Megumi who was kneeling on the floor, face buried in her hands.

"It's enough Kenshin... you have hurt Megumi enough... I won't let you do this to her anymore..." Sanosuke looked straight into his eyes.

"Even if she was the one who had done all those... I would carry the burden for her... Tell the police that I have done it if it really satisfies you that way. Buddy... you and I would know what Kaoru would really do in this situation. Don't spoil her reputation man..." With that Sanosuke walked pass Kenshin and went towards Megumi who was looking up with her teary eyes. Without a second word, he helped her up and they went out of the hallway.

Kenshin who had talked to Sanosuke stood there for a few minutes before he turned around to take back his watch. After that he walked right back to the ward where his beloved was.

Kenshin needed time to think. He needed to think about how Kaoru would really deal with suck situation. He looked up at her peaceful.

'Kaoru... you have to wake up... you have to... I can't live without you.... I'm so lost...' Kenshin admitted to himself, as he held onto her hands tighter this time.

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"Why? You should have let Ken-san give me what I deserve..." Megumi cried harder as she finally spilled her feelings. Sanosuke just looked away with his eyes at the ground.

"I can't let him hurt you... I can't..." Sanosuke said casually. His hands stuck in his pockets.

"Why? You have seen the bad side of me.. laugh if you want... Ken-san's right... I'm.... nothing but... a bit-" Sanosuke clasped his hand over Megumi's mouth to stop her from saying those cruel words.

"No... Kenshin... Kenshin's just not thinking straight... I believe... Jou-chan won't blame you for it... She hasn't blame anyone since young. She forgives and forgets." Sanosuke laughed as he looked straight into those brown depths.

"That's her motto since young. Kenshin have to understand that. I have been her friend more than anyone here has. I know her better than Kenshin and Kenshin knows that too. That's why when it comes to Jou-chan... Kenshin has to agree on what I have to comment on. But... kitsune... I think you went a little too far this time." Megumi held her head low, not daring to meet Sanosuke's eye level. Then she felt a warm hand cupping her chin, forcing her to look up.

"But don't worry... If Kenshin really resort into calling the cops... just push all the blame to me... I'll take it. For you. I'll do anything to help you." Sanosuke said sincerely, new tears resurfaced. Megumi threw herself at Sanosuke as she cried all her bitterness out.


H iko strode through the hallway. Nurses and other doctors who saw him greeted him. Usually, he would greet them back and ask how the patients were doing. But today he just brushed them off as he had a more important person and situation to attend. He stood outside the door, reading the card to see if he was at the right place. After making sure, he opened the door, to find his son sitting beside Kaoru. His son was staring at the darkness. He didn't even make a point to turn on the lights. The first thing he went in was to switch it on. He heard his son groaned at the sudden blast of shine.

"Shishou..." Kenshin growled as his father walked towards Kaoru who had her head bandaged, her cheek being plastered.

"How's Kaoru-chan..." Hiko asked as he sat on the chair which Kenshin had just given up for him.

"Still the same. The good news is... her condition isn't getting any worst... but the bad news is... it isn't getting any better either." Kenshin replied as he stared at Kaoru sadly. In those violet hue, held much sadness and pain. Hiko had never seen Kenshin in this way since... his mother died. No... it was even worst. At least, Kenshin knew how to climb up from his mother death but this Kenshin he saw now... he wasn't even making an effort to do so. He was waiting for something... he was waiting for Kaoru. Hiko sighed as he looked at Kaoru who looked ever so tranquil.

"I want you to stop all your duties from tomorrow onwards." Hiko exclaimed out of the sudden.

"W-what?" Kenshin couldn't believe his ears. Why? Why was his father stopping his duties?

"You are unfit of conducting it now. Due to your wavering emotions." Kenshin's temper rose.

"What do you mean? I will not stop du-"

"Kenshin! You know as a doctor, you have to resume your duties no matter what happen! Even if Kaoru is going to die, you as a doctor should continue your duties. You! As a doctor should know that brewing over what has happen is of no use. What have Kaoru shown you when one of your patients passed away? Has she failed you? If you still can't understand how and why you should do what you must. I hereby announced that I shall fire you and you shall not step into this hospital again!" Hiko reprimanded Kenshin. Hoping that he could see the light that Kaoru had once shown him. Hoping that he could light his own road and continue his way and not cry over spilled milk. Something in Kenshin's eyes flickered.

"I... I understand..." Kenshin knew that what Hiko said was right. If he continue to dwell on Kaoru's mishap... Kaoru's effort in the last few years was wasted. Kenshin looked up at Hiko.

"I'll start duty tomorrow... just let me have another day alone with Kaoru... onegai..." Kenshin pleaded. Hiko looked at Kaoru again.

"Another day it shall be... I'll leave the both of you alone now." Hiko said as he exited the room. Not before he heard Kenshin's thanks. He smiled in triumph to himself. His son had come back again. Kenshin was alive again. This time... it was because of Kaoru.

"Arigatou... Koishii...."


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… WAI WAI WAI!! Another chappie… Haahahaa~ Okay.. I think most of you might think that Kaoru's awake from the title... but bad news guys... I'm such a bad author... hahaha~ It will be happening but not so soon yet... maybe after 2 more chappies? And another new problem will start... bwahahahahahahaha~ anyways... In this chappie... Kenshin has been brought alive for Kaoru together with the help of Hiko... ^^ Hope you'll like this chap... ^^ R&R ne! THANKS!

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

mama-sama, Jason M. Lee, abc, Madam Spooky, Red Ninja, Shizuka, Leigh, Sabrina-star, Kriska, ewunia, MP, Mistress of All Worlds, Val, Isis 13, Kaoru Himura, omochi, digital*girl, swtrkgurlz, marstanuki, Tan Kimiko, Gypsy-chan, chitchat, Minako-chan, White Witch, Kyaa-Kyaff, Chibi

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru chan HAPPIE!!!