Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Masterpiece ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Finally! My new computer is off with a bang. In more than one sense of the word. ^_^ This fic is dedicated to the artists and doujinshi suppliers of SxSAS: Flore (my Feedback Fairy!), Zanza, MKB, Zhara, Mizel, Neve, QY and Tokimaru. Jeez, I hope I haven't missed anyone. I love y'all.

Special congratulations and virtual confetti go to the twins, Zhara and Amber. Happy birthday, dears. I don't think you'd like my next fic as your birthday gift, so I'll just go with this one. *g*

Disclaimer: Saitou, Sano, and the cast of "Rurouni Kenshin" do not belong to me. I'm a poor student -- please sue me, I really don't want to pay the rent.

Warnings: PWP (Plot? What Plot?), lots of lemony goodness, language, a bit of sap *swoons from shock* and OOCness, creative usage of food and art tools.

Rating: NC-17 for explicit sexual situations and language. Mostly sex.


I paint pictures
To remember
You're too beautiful
To put into words
-- PJ Harvey, 'Good Fortune'

"Stop squirming!"

"But it tick--hey, no spanking!"

"Baka! You're ruining my masterpiece."

Brown eyes peeked mischieviously from under a messy thatch of dark hair. Sano removed his arm from where it had been pillowing his head, trailing dancing fingers up the thigh of the man kneeling beside him.

"Funny, I thought your masterpiece's right... here..."

Saitou sat back, seemingly unaffected by Sano's ministrations as he surveyed his lover's back critically. The faintly twitching muscles on the inside of his thigh, however, betrayed more than his silence hid.

A slow, lecherous grin spread over the younger man's face. He stroked the top of Saitou's leg as he would a cat, teasingly near where his lover's semi-erect cock twitched. The tip of his tongue ran delicately over his bottom lip, tasting the fruit of their earlier lovemaking. He began to hum to himself, a folk song vaguely remembered from childhood.

Their bedroom smelled of sweetness and sex, warmed by the coal burning gently in a small stove. A bowl of water stood on the stove, heating a dish of dark honey. Afternoon sunlight, still weak this early in spring, shimmered its way through the panels of the closed window.

Saitou dipped his brush into the warm honey and raised it in one smooth motion. For a moment, held up against light, the liquid was almost the same golden colour as his eyes. Then the brush lowered again, gliding against Sano's pale skin.

The younger man sighed, the smooth exhalation turning into a small chuckle as he watched Saitou's intent expression. The man looked so proper sitting there, even dressed in no more than shadows and painting his equally naked lover with honey.

"Done," Saitou announced, flexing his fingers and smiling a little in smug satisfaction.

Sano craned his neck over his shoulder, pouting in frustration. "I can't see anything, Saitou."

"You're not supposed to, ahou."

"Nani?!" The brown-eyed man stared at him in disbelief and outrage. "You spent over an hour painting your 'masterpiece' on my fucking back and I can't even see it?"



A deep sound of amusement rumbled in Saitou's chest, his eyes flaring with amber fire as he stretched out beside his lover. They were face to face now, so close their lips almost touched. "It's all mine to enjoy, koibito," he purred, flicking a tongue against Sano's soft mouth. "As you are."

Sano's lips nipped, capturing the tip of Saitou's tongue seconds before it slid away. "Am I?" he challenged playfully, though a part of him bristled at the older man's words. "Why would I agree to be only yours, Wolf of Mibu?"

"Why wouldn't you?" The tongue lapped his ear. "I think I can convince you to be my captive, beautiful boy."

Sano ran a hand down Saitou's side, changing course at the hip to trace the cleft of his lover's ass. A finger brushed against the puckered entrance, making Saitou buck slightly.

"Convince me," he breathed. "Make me yours -- if you can."

Saitou raised himself on one elbow with the grace of a predator, smiling ferally at the other man. Dipping his head in a wordless answer to the challenge, he began to lick sweet honey off Sano's back.

Methodically, he traced every line of his painting, starting from Sano's left shoulder. His tongue swept up, mimicking brushwork, until it rested where neck broadened into shoulders. He kissed the spot reverently before his tongue continued on its journey, leaving a wet trail in its wake.

A small whimper escaped Sano's throat and he blushed, mortified. Who knew it could be so... erotic? Eyes clenched shut as he fought the urge to spread his legs and beg Saitou to take him, right there and right now.

Saitou licked his skin in small, delicate patterns, making Sano wonder just exactly what his lover had created. He felt Saitou shift, crouching over his back, sweeping firmly down to the small of his back. There the tongue flicked teasingly on the edge of his cleft, then worked up again to his waist.

His mouth worked soundlessly, trying to hold back a plea as Saitou stopped.

The older man reached for his brush, swirling it in honey. His eyes glittered with amusement, taking in the rounded globes of Sano's backside.

Sano nearly jumped when he felt the brush paint spiral patterns on his ass cheeks -- and would have protested, save for Saitou's teeth nibbling his honeyed skin. The older man's lips soothed the minute hurt, fluttering kisses that seemed to sizzle their way up his spine.


"Will you surrender?" Saitou asked silkily, chuckling when no answer was forthcoming. He painted a line on the back of Sano's left leg, heel to hip, tongue following the movement soon after. He did the same to the right leg, adding an extra swirl on the back of the knee.

"Convinced yet?"

"Not on your life, cop," Sano croaked out, scrabbling for the last shreds of his defiance.

"Stubborn ahou." The brush dipped lazily, a dark swallow gliding down to drink.

Sano's eyes widened. Something soft and sticky lavished his entrance with warmth, teasing the sensitive bud. His legs spread apart, almost involuntarily.

"Mine," Saitou growled.

"N.. never..."

The honey-laden bristles slid past his tight ring of muscle.

"AH!" Sano's fingers clutched the edge of the futon. One hand covered his mouth, trying to stifle his whimpers as Saitou continued to work the brush into him. His efforts to drive it out only rubbed his erection into the bedding, driving his arousal higher with no promise of relief.

The world tilted around him, and he suddenly found himself on his back. Dazed, he could only blink up at the predatory eyes of his lover. Saitou leaned over him, plundering his mouth in a brutal kiss which left him wanting for more.


A thin finger against his lips silenced him, and he could only stare as Saitou scooped more honey from the dish. The brush left a thin amber line down his chest and stomach, stopping just before his turgid cock.

Sano held his breath.

Delicately, Saitou painted tiny feathery strokes on the hard flesh, holding down Sano's hips when it bucked into the brush's touch. He slowly made his way to the tip, caressing the weeping slit.

"Did I hear you surrender, Sano?" he asked conversationally, putting down the brush and reaching for a bottle.


Saitou smiled again, dribbling oil onto his fingers. He sat up, kneeling between his lover's legs, pushing them up and out. "You leave me no choice, Sano," he said evenly, enjoying the sudden uncertainty on the other man's face. He inclined his head closer to Sano's, his fingers finding their target by instinct. "Your obstinacy will be your undoing."

Sano's opening, still moist from the honey, soon gave way to his initial assault. Saitou added another finger, and then another. The younger man panted when the third finger entered him, pushing down hard.

"No..." he repeated in a whimper.

With his other hand, Saitou slathered more oil on his cock. Sweat beaded on his forehead, trickling down to his jaw. There they fell in warm drops, spattering against Sano's skin like rain.

Removing his fingers, he entered Sano in one smooth thrust. His lover's back arched, chest touching chest for a moment before Sano slumped down. The younger man's arms were spread wide, his eyes closed tight.

"You. Are. Mine," Saitou ground out, punctuating each syllable with a hard thrust. His fingers were clenched on his lover's hips, tight enough to bruise.

Sano shook his head wildly, even has his hands came up to grip the older man's shoulders. He did not see Saitou reach behind himself, or the wild look in the amber eyes. He only felt Saitou's cock withdrawing from inside him, making him gasp with loss, and the rasp of skin against cloth as the other man shifted.

And then he felt hot tightness surrounding his length, the heavy weight of his lover slamming down on his hips.

Sano cried out, brown eyes flying open in delighted shock. He was treated to the sight of Saitou breathing harshly, taking his cock into his hot passage in sharp, rough movements. His lover's usually immaculate hair was damp, plastered against sweat-slick face.

"Mine," Saitou whispered, muscles flexing as his hips gyrated against Sano's.

The younger man's head fell back, stars bursting behind his eyelids. "Yours!" he cried, beyond caring for anything save the sensation of Saitou clenching around his cock. "Yours. I'm yours. Take me, fuck me... oh god, Saitou!"

Sano came like a storm, fierce and sudden and unstoppable. Dimly he was aware of Saitou's own climax, and the warmth of his lover's seed on his belly. His brains felt as if it had melted and fused again into a new shape, making coherent thought impossible.

Saitou slid beside him, turning Sano around so he could cuddle against the lean chest. His lover's heart was beating wildly, as fast as his own. Looking up, he saw amber eyes watching him. They were heavy-lidded with pleasure, and held something which may have been pain.

"Are you all right?" he asked hesitantly, running a thumb over Saitou's cheekbone. "You didn't prepare me..."

"I'm fine," was Saitou's concise answer. He captured Sano's hand and kissed it, lips curving against the salty skin. "Would you like to know what I painted?"

Sano snuggled closer. "Tell me."

The amber-eyed man murmured a few words into his ear, chuckling.

"You didn't." Sano's eyes widened again, then narrowed in outrage. "I had that on my back and I couldn't even see it?"

Black brows lifted. "I thought our first time was indelibly carved into your memory."

"So why'd you paint it?" Sano snorted, whacking him on the arm.

Saitou kissed him lightly, covering their entwined bodies with a blanket. "Because I lack the skill for poetry."

An innocent brown gaze blinked at him.

"That's not true, y'know." Lips quirked in a smile, Sano pressed his lover's thumb and forefinger together, mimicking their hold on the brush.

"This is poetry too."


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