Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Forgotten ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Memories Forgotten

Chapter One

Kenshin looked up from the laundry he was washing to look at Kaoru and Yahiko, as they were training.

`More like just Kaoru,' stated the Battousai half of his personality, but the Rurouni just ignored him.

`She's got good form,' he thought

`Yeah, and that isn't all now is it, Rurouni?' Questioned Battousai.

`Oro! Battousai, we shouldn't be thinking of Kaoru like that!' Kenshin thought as he went back to his laundry.

`But, you know that it wasn't too far from your thoughts, after all, I am apart of you too!'


Battousai continued as if he hadn't hear the warning tone of the Rurouni's thoughts, `And another thing! How the hell did Kaoru get the nickname Tanuki? I don't see anything even remotely `Tanuki-ish' about her! Especially her eyes! So deep that I would drown in them if I had the chance!'

`You know Battousai, you did have the chance but-`

`Yeah, yeah, I know, I was too busy fighting Mibu's Wolf. The yarou!'


`I see that you don't have anything to say to that huh? So then, you must agree with me, Rurouni! Don't bother trying to deny it either!'

`Fine. Yes, I admit it Battousai, he is. But then again, would Saitou be himself if he wasn't?'

`Hmm… Good point,' Battousai admitted grudgingly.

He was startled out of his inner musings by a light touch on his shoulder.

"Oro!" he exclaimed, flailing his arms when he started to tip forewards, but a hand grabbed his shoulders before he could fall into the laundry tub. So instead, he fell onto his back.

"Hey Kenshin, are you all right?" questioned a soft feminine voice.

Kenshin looked up and saw a pair of deep blue eyes looking at him with concern. He sat up and rubbed his back, then turning to Kaoru, who was kneeling beside him he said, "Arigato, Kaoru-dono for stopping me from falling into the laundry tub."

"But are you ok, Kenshin? You've been washing the same piece of clothing for five minutes now."

"Daijoubu, Kaoru-dono," he replied with his usual rurouni smile.

Kaoru had been with Kenshin long enough to know that something was up, but wisely decided not to press the matter any further. Instead she said, "Yahiko went over to the Akabeko to help out."

Kenshin saw a small flash, and a blurred image of a kunai whizzing towards Kaoru.

"Look out Kaoru-dono!" he exclaimed, his eyes narrowing as he spoke, then, employing his god-like speed, he tackled her, turning so that he would take the fall.

He hit the ground, with Kaoru on top of him, his arms wrapped around her.

"Daijobu, Kaoru-dono?" he questioned, his arms still holding her close. She was close enough to him so that he could smell the perfume that she wore. He breathed deep, enjoying the scent of her perfume.

"Daijobu, Kenshin. Arigato for saving me," she said as she blushed, realizing that they were in a most uncompromising position.

Kenshin's hands loosened, as he too, noticed their position he gently helped her up before getting up himself. He then walked over to the kunai, which had lodged itself into the step. He picked it up and took the note off of it. Opening the note, he read.


I have nothing against you but, one of your friends. By the time you have finished reading this, your woman will be crumpled on the ground-

Kenshin heard a slight gasp, and then a dull thud. His eyes narrowed further and the flecks of amber swirling in icy blue eyes became full amber in an instant. Turning quickly, he employed his god-like speed again, he scooped Kaoru up, jumped onto the dojo walls, leapt off and hit the ground running towards Dr. Genzai and Megumi's clinic at the other end of town.

A cold sweat broke out on Kaoru's forheadand she opened her eyes, which were slightly glazed and spoke.

"Kenshin…don't leave me…when we…get to the clinic," she rasped, a tear escaping her eyes.

Kenshin looked down at Kaoru, his amber eyes softened, "Alright Kaoru, I won't leave you," he replied while thinking, Even though that bastard deserves to die!

Kaoru's eyes shut and she turned her face into the crook of Kenshin's neck, the corner of her lips lightly resting on his skin. Kenshin sighed, pulled Kaoru closer and nuzzled her hair, planting a tender kiss on her head.

`Mmm,' he thought, `smells like jasmine.'

`You shouldn't be doing that Battousai, it isn't-`

`Shut-up Rurouni, he interrupted, I'm just doing one of the things you never could do.'

When they arrived at the clinic, Kenshin's eyes were an icy blue. He shifted Kaoru so that he could open the door, when he got in, he called out to the doctors in a semi-paniced voice.

"Genzai-sensei, Megumi-dono, Kaoru needs you help! I think she's has been poisoned!"

Megumi came shortly after Kenshin had called out.

"I'm sorry Ken-san, Dr. Genzai isn't here. What happened to Kaoru-chan?" Megumi asked, showing Kenshin a room for Kaoru.

"She was hit by some sort of dart. I have it with me, if it will be of any help." he said as he gently laid Kaoru on the futon that Megumi had unrolled.

"Arigato Ken-san. Could you please go? I need to do an examination."

Kaoru's words came back to Kenshin `Kenshin…don't leave me…when we…get to the clinic' "Alright Megumi-dono, but I will be back later."


"Megumi-dono, don't you have some other patients that need your attention? I will stay here with Kaoru-dono," he stated, carefully adding the honorific back onto her name.

"Hai Ken-san, arigato for watching Kaoru-chan for me. I will tell you what will probably happen after she wakes up when I get back."

Megumi left. Kenshin waited until her ki was far enough away before he knelt next to Kaoru. He brushed her bangs away from her eyes and pressed a light kiss to her forehead. He backed away from her, sat cross-legged on the tatami and put the hilt of his sakabatou on his shoulder. He dozed off a few minutes after.


He woke up a short amount of time later when he heard the shouji door slide open.

"Ken-san?" Megumi whispered.

"Hai Megumi-dono?"

"About Kaoru-chan," Megumi said, coming into the room and kneeling next to him, "The drug in the dart is a very rare sort of drug. When I was with Kanryu, the old doctor that was working for him had shown me a sort of memory loss drug. This drug that those people used on her, it is the same drug from back then, but from what I can tell, it isn't as strong. Also, there was an amount of poison in it, which is what caused the fever and weakened her quite a bit."

"A memory loss drug?" he asked, a look of slight confusion crossing his face, making him appear more like the rurouni.

"Hai, when Kaoru wakes up in the morning, I'm not sure how much she will remember, or if she will remember anything at all, because I did not see the after effects of the drug."


"Ken-san, what I want you to do is: go back to the dojo and get some rest. Also, if Yahiko and Sanosuke are there, you should tell them about Kaoru-chan. You can come back in the morning, but not before sunrise though. If you do, I'll be forced to throw you out." Megumi said, her tone laughing but the look in her eyes said that she was dead serious.

Kenshin noted the look in Megumi's eyes and agreed by nodding his head. He rose with his sakabatou in hand, and walked out the open shouji door, closing it again afterwards.


I opened my eyes, and found myself in a dark room. `Where am I? What happened to me? Wait a minute! Who am I?' I slowly sat up, using my elbows and arms for support. `I ache all over, and I feel so weak'. I turned my head, able to see better because my eyes have adjusted to the room. As I looked around I saw a person, no, a woman slumped against the wall. It was at that time that my eyes started to get heavy. Giving in to what my body was telling me, I slowly laid down again and drifted into slumber.