Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Misao's Secret ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3
Aoshi closed his eyes and inhaled deeply through his nose and slowly released it through his mouth. Day after day, this was his ritual. After many long months he felt himself grow closer to the place he sought. Today, though, his mind was at ease but his heart was troubled. The image of Misao looking and sounding so miserable as she vomited filled his mind every time he thought of her.
The simple answer of she's worked herself to exhaustion was too simple. Dehydration and exhaustion can be a lethal combination, he reminded himself.
Aoshi inhaled again and picked up the faint sounds of approaching footsteps.
“Aoshi?” Kenshin called out, taking the steps to the temple.
“Hai.” Aoshi answered meeting him at the door.
“I cam to tell you how Misao-dono is.” Kenshin said then smiled.
Aoshi waited, his face indifferent, his heartbeat started to beat double time.
“Megumi-dono says she has worn herself out, as well as dehydrated herself. A few days rest and plenty of fluids should fix her right up.”
There was no change in Aoshi's expression but he felt worry ease into his heart. It's too simple, he decided, what is she hiding?
“Why has Misao-dono increased her practicing?” Kenshin asked with a puzzled look.
“I don't know.” Aoshi answered honestly, Kenshin nodded.
“Did she get into a losing fight with someone stronger?”
“Not that I am aware of. Why?”
Kenshin shrugged his shoulders. “She's working on her training harder and longer.” He shrugged again. “Most people don't practice harder just to be practicing harder. I thought maybe something happened.”
The thought of Misao getting into a fight with someone and then losing to them because they were stronger filled him with anger. Even more so at the thought of it then pushing her into over working herself to the point that she makes herself physically ill.
“There would be rumors of such a victory over a member of the Oniwa Banshu. Even I, who spend most of my time in this temple, would have heard of it.” Aoshi countered.
“Yes, Misao-dono would have made it known who she was.” Kenshin agreed as he looked around the temple.
“Where is Misao now?”
“Megumi-dono is seeing that she has broth and rests, she is in her room.”
Aoshi nodded.
“It's been about two weeks since she's increased her training?” Kenshin asked suddenly his expression very serious.
“Yes.” Aoshi answered.
“Did anything happen right around that time?”
Aoshi found himself thinking the same thoughts he had just before he followed Misao to the dojo. He hated the thought of sharing his thoughts with Himura Kenshin but it seemed that he thought the same as him. “About three weeks ago Misao stopped taking morning tea with me. It started the day after she came home from being out for the day soaking wet.”
“Why was she wet?” Kenshin inquired.
“I think she fell in a creek, I'm not sure I did not ask her. I haven't seen much of her in the last three weeks.” Aoshi admitted.
“She actually stays in the dojo for hours at a time?”
“She's been getting up at least two hours before sunrise and spending almost all day there.”
Kenshin thought on this for a few moments before he said “I see. I think if Misao-dono has a problem she would go to either you or Okina. Maybe Misao has a secret reason for wanting to focus her energies on her training.”
“Is it a good enough reason to end up being sick over?” Aoshi said.
Kenshin looked up surprised. “It may be. Megumi-dono will see to it that she does not do it again, I am sure.”
Aoshi didn't respond to this. Did Misao have a problem? Would she turn to him? Twelve years ago he would have said yes without second thought but since his fight that nearly ended Okina's life he wasn't so sure.
“I am going to go and check on Kaoru and Keniji.” Kenshin said drawing Aoshi's attention. “I shall speak with you later.”
“Yes.” Aoshi said and Kenshin walked away.
“I tell you I just can't do it.” Misao said and released a heavy sigh.
“I'm not trying to pressure you and I'm not saying you should get up and go and them this right now. I'm just saying that I think you should consider telling Okina and Aoshi. If not both of them than tell at least one of them. You can't keep this to yourself.” Megumi said with a soft voice.
“Eventually I won't be able to, it seems.” Misao grumbled to herself.
“No, you won't.” Megumi said nodding her head.
“To tell them just to do it doesn't seem like a good reason, Megumi-san.” Misao complained.
“Good because it isn't a good reason and when did I tell you that?” Megumi asked considering their conversation.
Misao ignored her. “You said I should talk about it.”
“That's good advice.” Megumi said smiling. “Sounds more like me too.” She added.
Misao smirked at her. “I don't think I could take the look on their faces.” Misao said dropping her head.
“How do you think they'll look?” Megumi asked quietly.
“Shocked, anger, horrified, and then there will be pity.”
“Because they love you they are going to naturally feel those things, Misao. And they will pity the soul who decided to do this to you.”
“Pity that they don't get to kill him themselves.”
“Do you know if a murder investigation was ever done on this man? Have you tried to identify him?” Megumi asked slowly.
“If there was one I never found it.” Misao said after a few moments silence. “There wasn't anything about a man found stab in an abandoned shed.”
“I don't think they could link it to me anyway.” Misao said as an after thought.
“Lets hope that is something we won't have to worry about.” Megumi said. “How are you feeling?”
“The broth felt good in my stomach, thank you.” Misao gave her a small smile.
“Good.” Megumi smiled back. “Okon wanted to come up here and watch you eat but I convinced her it would be best that you got your rest and that I would see to it that you ate.”
Misao gave a sigh of relief. “Thank you.” And she almost cried. How had her life come to this point? How? She had been a good person, right? Granted a little high-strung but a good person. She had even given Aoshi-sama the space he needed to get his own life back on track. Settling for morning tea with him in silence. Eventually he would come around, why push him? She had decided. And now she was denying herself that.
“When can I start practicing my karate again?” Misao asked.
“When you are willing to limit yourself to no more than an hour or two with breaks in between and plenty of food and water.” Megumi said seriously. “I didn't lie, some of the reason you are sick is from over exercising and dehydration. You have to take care of yourself.”
“I appreciate you not telling them the rest of the reason I am sick.” Misao said very softly.
“You don't have to thank me. You asked if you could trust me with your secret and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I lied to get you to tell me what was wrong just to run and tell the Aoiya about it. I would never do that to anyone.” Megumi said. “I'm glad you felt you could trust me with the truth.”
Misao shrugged her shoulders. “Don't take this the wrong way but I had decided that if I could trust you not to tell anyone I would confide in you because you're a doctor. Ignoring what might be happening wasn't going to make it go away. I had to know.”
“I can understand that.” Megumi said not the least bit offended.
“I don't know what I'm going to do.” Misao said her voice suddenly full of unshed tears.
Megumi reached out and took her hand.
“If I tell Jiya about my pregnancy, I know what he will do. So that I might be spared the public humiliation that will come from this if it becomes known, he'll suggest that I marry.” Misao said becoming more miserable at the thought of being married off to a stranger. It made her stomach churn.
Megumi, on the other hand, had a thought quite unbidden. She was unaware that the thought lit her whole face up.
“Your face lit up when I said marry, why?” Misao asked suspiciously.
Megumi turned a nice shade of pink and shook her head.
“I gave you a thought, didn't I?” Misao continued.
“I wasn't even thinking along those lines till you said something.” Megumi said in her defense.
“I wasn't going to say anything, Misao-chan.”
“Forget the chan.”
“Ah than you forget the san as well.”
“So?” Misao urged laughing softly at the unexpected banter between the two of them. “Who?”
“Shinamori Aoshi.” Megumi said in a flat voice. Misao could only stare at her in wonder, her head jerking to the side when she heard a distant sneeze. Was that from the direction of the temple?
“You're not serious?” Misao said breathlessly.
“Why not? You love him, you know him. Don't you want to marry Aoshi?” Again there was another distant sneeze.
Misao stared in the direction of the sneezing, her lips pursed. It was true that most of her life she's dreamed of marrying Aoshi-sama. But she never dreamed it would be to spare her public ridicule.
“I do but I would never marry him to spare myself public humiliation. I want Aoshi-sama to marry me because he loves me and wants me to be his wife.”
“It was just a thought that came to mind when you mentioned marriage.” Megumi said softly.
“And for marriage to work I would have to do it now and I'm just not ready to tell anyone.” Misao complained.
“You don't have to tell anyone anything right now.” Megumi said wanting Misao to calm down some. All their talking was getting her worked up. “Right now I want you to take this medicine.” She pulled out a small pouch and grabbed a glass of water, pouring it in. “It will help you sleep and keep your stomach from being upset. This should help with your morning sickness.” She handed the glass to Misao.
“Morning sickness.” She repeated and closed her eyes and drank the milky water. “Yuck.” Misao said and coughed. “This tastes terrible.” She handed the glass back to Megumi.
“Yes. Sorry about that, I should have warned you, but it works wonders. And it works fast too so why don't you change into your night clothes and get some rest.” Megumi rose from her spot on Misao's futon. “I'll see you in the morning.”
Misao got to her feet and pulled Megumi into a tight hug. “I'll see you in the morning.” She said releasing her. Megumi smiled, patted her on the cheek and left the room.
By the time Misao changed her clothes and laid back down on her futon she could already feel the effects of the medicine. “It does work fast.” Misao said yawning and before she knew it she was asleep.