Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Misao's Secret ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: I've just been a writing fool past few days. It's felt good but I'm still frustrated with my Kagome's Realization chapter, but it's coming along. Hope to have it out soon.
Chapter 4
Hanya clapped his hands together, rubbing them at the site of Aoshi's return to the Aoiya. He will be Okashira, he thought to himself with great pride.
“You have to see little Misao-chan.” He said coming up to greet him.
“Good day, Hanya.” Aoshi said coming to a stop in front of his comrade and friend. Hanya nodded at him. “What about Misao?”
He laughed, “You must see for yourself.” Hanya lead him towards the dojo.
“Aoshi-sama!” Misao cried and ran to greet him.
“Misao.” He said catching her as she jumped at him. “I understand you have something to show me.” He couldn't help smiling as her face lit up and she scrambled to get down.
“I do.” She said beaming as her feet touched the ground and she ran to the other side of the courtyard. “Are you watching?” She said as she took her stance.
“We want to watch.” Called the rest of the Oniwa Banshu as the entered to courtyard to stand next to Aoshi and Hanya.
“Again, huh?” She asked laughing. Then her face turned very serious and she took a deep breath and then ran. She did a cartwheel that turned into two back flips, a summersault, and a perfect landing, which she instantly bounced back on and did the same thing back to the other side of the courtyard.
Aoshi could only stare in wonder. “When did you start doing acrobats?”
“I showed her this morning and she insisted she could do it.” Hanya answered.
Misao did another cartwheel. “I got it on the first try, Aoshi-sama.” She smiled proudly, her arms high in the air, and did another cartwheel.
“She did and she's been doing it all day.” Hyottoko said.
“I think it's best.” Beshimi added. “I think five is old enough.”
“I'm old enough.” Misao said after she landed her back flip.
“Hai, Jiya.” Misao said and ran back to the dojo.
“I've been practicing with you for the past hour.” Jiya observed. “It is time for you to take a break. Go and have some water.” Misao instantly obeyed. “You've been practicing all day, huh? How many breaks have you taken?”
“It's felt more like playing than practicing, Jiya.” Misao said taking a big gulp of water.
“Drink your water slowly.” He ordered softly. “How many?” He said looking at Hanya.
“We took two breaks this morning and then we had lunch.” Hanya said.
“Have you been thirsty and not gotten a drink today, Misao?” Aoshi asked stepping forward.
“H hai.” Misao said softly, feeling a lecture coming.
“Why?” All eyes were on her.
“I didn't see anyone else have anything.” She answered.
“That does not mean that they did not eat or drink today.” Jiya said.
“I have told you that you must see to your needs, Misao.” Aoshi said coming to stand in front of her. “No one should have to tell you you're hungry because you should now.”
“Hai, Aoshi-sama. I will drink when I am thirsty.”
“And rest when you are tired.” He added.
“I shall learn to take care of myself.” She said and smiled and suddenly everything was black.
“Can you hear me?” A voice breathed in her ear.
Misao wanted to demand to know who the hell he was but found that she was unable to move or speak.
“Lets have some fun, shall we?” He laughed. “Do you know how? Huh?” He pulled at her clothes.
“No!” Misao screamed and shot up. “No.” She said again, this time in a whisper. She looked around the dark room, confused as to where she was, but the nightmare cleared from her head and she realized she was safe and sound in her own room, on her own futon.
Plopping back down on her futon, she covered her face with both hands. “He's dead.” She reminded herself. “He can't get me again.”
Misao turned her attention towards her door, was someone there? When there was a light tap on her door she sat up. “Misao?”
Aoshi-sama? Misao jumped to her feet and practically ran to her door, sliding it open. Two years after he returned to the Aoiya with Kenshin she had finally gained on his 6' 3”. Her eyes came to rest on his chest before moving up the few inches to his face; she used to come up to his stomach, as high as his elbow the most. “Aoshi-sama.” She said breathlessly.
They stared at each other.
If the situation didn't feel so serious Misao would have laughed, even now, when he'd come to her, he was speechless. “I'm sorry I woke you.” She said softly.
“I was awake.” He offered.
She nodded at this, why was she not surprised. “Did you see anyone stick their head out to see what was happening on your way up here?” She asked hoping he would say no.
“All but I told them to go back to bed.”
Misao sighed and rubbed her temples. “That's what I thought.”
“I figured only one was needed to make sure all was well.”
“None, actually.” Misao countered determinedly.
Aoshi offered he the barest of smiles. “I told them all was well.”
Misao matched his smile. “Yes, all is well.”
Aoshi opened his mouth as if to say something thing closed it again. Misao raised her eyebrows in surprise. She waited.
“I have just made some tea.” He said finally.
“You made the tea?” Misao asked.
“I do not need to wake someone to make tea for me, Misao.” He said softly, as if she were eight.
“I know that.” She said sounding it.
“I would like some before it gets cold.” He took a step back. “Would you care to join me?”
Misao looked down at her nightgown.
“I'm wearing mine.” He said and walked away. He smiled when Misao laughed and ran to catch up with him.
“So you are.” She said and laughed again, softer this time.
Misao carefully sat the tray of tea on the temple floor before settling herself on the floor next to it. She placed the two cups in front of her and carefully poured the tea, handing on to Aoshi.
“It's very dark in here.” Misao said looking around the temple.
“It is still nighttime.” Aoshi said closing his eyes and he took a drink of his tea.
Misao gave him a hard looking before taking a drink of her own tea. “Yum.” Misao said closing her eyes as the tea warmed her chest on its way down to her stomach. “It's been years since I've had your tea.”
“It's been years since I've made it.”
“What do you put in it?” Misao asked closing her eyes and taking another long drink.
Misao opened her eyes slowly. “You still aren't going to tell me?” Misao asked, remembering asking him as a child and receiving the same silence.
Misao stuck her tongue out at him. “Don't tell me.” Misao grabbed the pot of tea and rose. She almost laughed at the surprised look on his face. “Since you won't tell me so I can one day make it for myself, I'm going to take this and drink it all by myself.” Misao turned on her heal and headed for the temple entrance.
Misao stopped in her tracks. “And?” She said without turning around.
“And sugar.”
Misao turned around and walked back to him, taking her seat again. “Want some more?”
“Hai.” He held out his cup.
Again they sat in silence.
“What troubles you, Misao?”
The sudden question caused Misao to jump, luckily she had just put her cup down or she would be covered with tea. “I'm not troubled.” She lied hoping he would believe her but doubting it. He's always known when I'm lying, she thought.
“Maybe I could help you if you told me what happened.” He went on.
“What do you mean what happened?” Misao asked shocked.
“Why have you been starting practice earlier and working longer and harder?”
“Three weeks ago you came home soaking wet, and ever since then you've distanced yourself from your friends and family. Did something happen that day? If I am correct you left just after breakfast and returned just after dinner.”
“That's correct.” Misao said looking at her hands.
“What did you that day?” Aoshi was surprised at himself. He hadn't talked so much in he wasn't sure how long but he needed to know what was going on. And from the way she was unable to make eye contact with him told him that he wasn't far from the truth. She'd never been able to keep secrets from him.
Misao shrugged her shoulders as she struggled for an answer. “I just spent the day out, Aoshi-sama.”
“Where did you go?”
“I was gone all day.” She forced a laugh. “I went everywhere.”
Aoshi sat in silent observation. He knew if he pressed her any further she would flee and he didn't want that. He wanted her to trust him with whatever it was that was that she was keeping secret. He wanted her to let him help her.
“More tea, please.” He said holding out his cup. “Are you planning on practicing your karate today?” He asked changing the subject for now.
Misao forced her hand not to shake as she poured his tea. “Not today. Megumi will have a fit, I'm sure, if I don't take it easy for a day or so.”
Aoshi noticed that she didn't add a -san at the end of Megumi's name but said nothing. Aoshi simple nodded his head and closed his eyes in meditation.
Misao sighed inwardly. She liked to think she knew her Aoshi-sama pretty well, and if she was right, he wouldn't be making any more conversation with her without her starting it. She was very grateful for that. If he had pushed her she would have told him everything and that scared her. She told Megumi that she couldn't tell Aoshi-sama and here she sat, not a day later, on the verge of telling him she was pregnant. At the reminder of her pregnancy Misao suddenly felt sick to her stomach.
“Not now.” She whispered to herself through gritted teeth.
“What?” Aoshi asked.
“I'm going to lay down.” Misao slowly rose to her feet.
“Feeling okay?” Aoshi asked standing as well.
“Fine.” She lied closing her eyes against the nausea her sudden movements caused. “I just feel tired suddenly and since it's still dark I'm going to go and lay down till the rest of the Aoiya gets up.”
Aoshi just nodded as he watched Misao turn and walk away. Even in the dark temple he could see how pale she got suddenly. Why would she lie about it?
“I shall find out, Misao.” He said watching till he couldn't see her anymore.