Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Misao's Surprise ❯ Watch Aoshi's Jaw Drop ALL The Way To The Floor! It's Funny! ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Misao's Surprise

An NC-17 Romantic Comedy by: A Warrior's Soul

POV = * *
Thoughts = ' '
Speaking = " " (Did I really need to say that?)

Chapter 1
(Or: "Watch Aoshi's Jaw Drop ALL The Way To The Floor! It's Funny!")

*Misao's POV*

'Oh, maybe he isn't even coming,' I thought bitterly. 'Maybe he's just going to stay in that stinking temple all damn night!'

I had started twirling the black leather object in my fingers, tossing it up in the air and catching it every once in a while. Omasu once said that I have the attention span of a deranged carp, but tonight, I hadn't even started THINKING about being bored until now. A clock was ticking in my head and I wondered if this was the kind of thing Aoshi dealt with all the time. I ask you, ME - of all people - HEARING THINGS!?

Oh, that little ninja girl didn't know how right she was! Aoshi's eye had been twitching steadily since he was halfway down the path, which now seemed a thousand miles long. That had been ten minutes ago and now he was muttering to himself in a rather distressed fashion. He knew Misao's voice - hell, so did everyone else she had ever spoken to - and he could swear he was hearing it. For a brief moment in which he questioned his sanity more than ever, he wondered if it could be... No, he had stopped hearing Hannya and the others long ago. For that brief moment, he wondered if it could be them playing jokes in his head. Aoshi's fingers ached for his kodachi - for what was not exactly the first time, he felt a strong desire to put it through his temple and be done with it.

He would have dwelt longer on that thought, but what felt oddly like one of Hannya's reverse backhands connected squarely with the back of his head. His eye twitched again and he had to sink his teeth deeply into his lower lip to keep from shouting his late friend's name. The slippery copper taste of his own blood brought him back to reality and he shook his head. Pausing for a moment to relieve himself of the unpleasant mouthful, he squeezed his eyes shut to will away his headache. The throbbing in his temples and behind his eyes was becoming unbearable.

"Get a hold of yourself, Shinomori," he ordered himself under his breath, his voice hushed and stern. "If the others see you standing out here in the pouring rain and talking to yourself, you'll be in a straitjacket in nothing flat..."

Squaring his shoulders, he pressed on resolutely through the rain, his ice blue eyes fixed immovably on the door of the bath house. His spirits rose slightly at the prospect of a warm bath to relax away his lapse of sanity. He kept his steady pace - his usual brisk walk - and soon the door was clearer through the sheets of rain. He couldn't see the small crack in the door, couldn't see the emerald-green eyes blinking nervously at him - but they could see him.

He was the perfect image of the proverbial mouse in the trap - completely unsuspecting.
*Misao's POV*

Oh my God! He was almost there! I had three minutes, maybe two if it was even that much, to prepare for a major turning point in my life. Three minutes to make myself a seductive creature of the night (as one of the packages said) and a "dominating diva" as another said. I have to admit, this was easier said than done, considering my heart was thudding audibly in my chest. I could hear Aoshi's footsteps on the path outside and soon I could literally hear his breathing. My ears perked up again as I noticed he was sneezing intermittently and mumbling something I couldn't make out.

'Oh, God!' I thought frantically. 'Tell me he's not talking to himself again...'

I nearly had my ear pressed against the door as I strained to hear him. After a few more seconds, it was undeniable - Aoshi had snapped, gone round the twist, cracked like a nut! He was talking to himself again, having an acutal conversation! In fact, it sounded more like a heated argument he had once had with Hannya - did he think his friends were haunting him again? What in heaven's name was going to happen when he opened that blasted door!? I tensed completely as he reached for the door, then pulled his hand back. My heart was doing all kinds of acrobatics I don't even want to think about as I heard him apparently pondering whether or not to open the door at all.

I wondered about my own sanity for awhile as I could swear I heard an argument in my own head. Half of me wanted him to open the door and get it over with while the other half wanted him to go back to the Aoiya so I could crawl into a hole and hide. From somewhere, the last rational bit of my mind (or was it something else?) stepped in and ended the fray. I had made my decision - I was going to take a deep breath (quietly) and go ahead with it.

The feeling of much-needed oxygen once more reaching my brain was oh-so-refreshing and I think it was that one deep breath that renewed my courage. I let myself relax, readjusted a few recalcitrant raven ringlets around my face and settled back into position. At least I'd had the sense to arrange things so that I wouldn't be visible right when he walked in. It was a relief to know if Aoshi seemed unsteady, I could just slip out through a broken panel in the changing room. I let out a silent sigh as I thought I heard him turn away, then inhaled sharply again as his fingers touched the door. I held that breath as the shoji creaked in protest, then opened smoothly.

Aoshi blinked for a moment as the shoji reluctantly opened so that he could assess the unfamiliar situation - the bath house was pitch dark. In his experience, a dark bath house either meant the bath had been cold for quite some time or there was someone hiding in it. Either way, it just never ended up being a good thing - that was just his luck tonight, wasn't it? Still blinking to get his eyes used to the darkness and keep his wits about him, he sensed something. He tilted his head, confused, as the pleasant tang of new leather met his sense of smell and stared into the darkness.

The whole bath house was silent as a tomb and Aoshi shivered uncomfortably, both from cold and another feeling he couldn't place. He took a few tentative steps forward, his sensitive hearing keyed up and his narrowed eyes searching what they could of the darkness. He could make out a few dark shapes, but had no clue what they were and assumed they were old towels. Looking closer and stepping forward again, he stopped short, his systems on full alert. His hands clenched, itching for his kodachi - he wished that he hadn't left them in his room. Just by his experience and logic, there had to be someone there, but he couldn't detect another ki. The fine hairs on the back of his neck stood on end at the realization that someone had him totally off-guard.

A slight sound reached Aoshi's ears and he flinched slightly before he whipped around to investigate the source of said sound. Still, he could see nothing in the darkness - unusual for him, since by now his eyes would normally have become used to the absence of light. It was as if something were MAKING the place dark. Cautiously, he attempted to make his way to where he knew a window was located - he hadn't taken two steps before his shins collided with something hard and wooden. It must have been the edge of a table, because the object turned over and fell with a crash. Several smaller objects scattered on the floor and Aoshi fell over the table, cursing loudly.

It took him longer than normal to collect himself after the fall, mostly because his mind was busy processing the sound that had caused the disaster in the first place. If he had heard correctly, and he knew he had, it had sounded like someone trying to strike a match as silently as possible. It had sounded much like... No, it couldn't be Misao - even she wouldn't do something this strange (or at least he hoped she wouldn't). He had eliminated Okina's practical jokes as a possibility long ago for two reasons. One, this was too complex for Okina's goldfish-like attention span and two, Okina would have blown his cover some time ago. Aoshi was so busy analyzing and re-analyzing that he didn't hear the actual match being struck.

The light, though it was only one small oil lamp and very dim, seemed blindingly bright to Aoshi, who blinked dazedly in an attempt to clear his vision. The attempt was for the most part futile, since all he could see was the halo of light itself now. Again, the rest of the bath house was one giant shadow - the only thing he could make out was a dark form behind the halo. Aoshi squinted hard at the light, trying to see the dark form, which swayed ghost-like in front of him. His hands skittered over the floor, attempting to find one of the objects he had earlier upset to use as a makeshift weapon. As soon as his fingers found an object of desirable size, they closed around it and he held it to his chest. The form was continuing its approach, its shape definitely human now.

Aoshi's eyes narrowed into their most fearsome battle glare as he crouched animalistically on the floor and prepared to scare this unwelcome visitor out of their wits. However, the dark form seemed unperturbed and soon it was so close he could have touched it. Later on, his mind would ask him why he didn't, considering it would have saved him a lot of trouble, but I digress. A new scent reached his senses and he relaxed involuntarily for a moment - it was amber musk. He snapped his eyes wide open, glaring ominously at the still-serene intruder. The object in his fingers seemed oddly familiar, he realized belatedly, and he extended it towards the form - partially to try and frighten it and partially so he could see what it was. As he did so, realization dawned on him and he froze in horror - it was a leather paddle... with a handle meant to look and feel like a sword's.

Ice blue eyes widened slightly as Aoshi looked up to confront the dark shape, dropping the paddle as if it were a poisonous spider. A pair of large, mysterious-looking eyes shone emerald-green, catching the light of the lamp as they blinked back at him. Slowly, it dawned on Aoshi that the person had been covering the light with their hand and he wondered what was going to happen next. He was totally unsure of himself and he cursed himself for it briefly. The next moment, a colorful myriad of swear words flashed in his head as the hand was withdrawn and he was temporarily blinded. His eyes squeezed shut out of reflex and he covered them with his hands to soothe the burning.

He froze instantly when he felt a slim, leather-clad hand sliding up from his collar bone to glide over his neck . The hand paused for a moment at his pulse point, then slowly tilted his chin up with its fingertips. Aoshi clenched his teeth and set his face in a stone mask, unwilling to let them get the best of him. Though he tried to keep his face expressionless, he knew his eyes were flashing - Misao had told him enough what it looked like that he could feel what she described. Oh well, it could only help him if it scared them. The problem was, it didn't seem to work...
*Misao's POV*

Well, everything was going just fine so far - in fact, it was going even better than I had hoped it would. I was standing over him, stroking him under his chin with my leather-gloved fingertips, just like the younger lady had suggested. For some reason I felt better about taking her advice than the cheery older lady's - it was nothing personal, I just did. Maybe it was something about how she was so casual about it, as if she did it all the time. It was like she was giving advice on how to cook a popular exotic food, but anyway...

I leaned in just like I was supposed to, keeping the light in front of me, but not getting so close that it burned either one of us. Aside from just being the cautious thing to do, which the younger lady had emphasized was very important for first-timers, it would highlight my eyes. Aoshi had told me so many times how he loved my eyes - their color, their expression, etc - and I was eager to see how he reacted to them looking at him as I was now. I knew I looked mysterious, almost frightening - I'd been practicing with the lamp in my mirror - but there was a new, almost predatory feeling. It felt odd being the one in control, but it was a good kind of odd. I wasn't scared anymore and my nerves seemed to be so relaxed that I wondered if they had been drinking.

Aoshi was staring wide-eyed at me, as if he couldn't really figure out who I was, where I had come from, or even whether or not I was real. I smiled at him, the expression holding a definite predatory feeling. For once in the time that we had known each other, even counting when I was a little girl, I had the upper hand - I was the one in control and I loved it. Vaguely it dawned on me that this was what the younger lady had been talking about - falling perfectly into my role. As I kept getting more into it, I became bolder with my touches.

At first, "bold" was a euphemism for tentatively exploring the muscled curves of his neck and shoulders, occasionally trailing my fingers along his jaw line or over his brow. At first, I was ready to pull back in an instant should my love snap out of his trancelike state. Then I realized that he *was* in something almost like a trance, locked in contact with my eyes. I figured that as long as I kept eye contact from behind the concealing veil of light, I could do whatever I wanted! Never in my life had I felt a sensation so sweet! With this new discovery backing my exploration, I began to use "bold" in a much truer sense.

I let my hand slide under the fabric of his... trench coat? Huh? He hadn't worn that thing in ages! Why in the heck was he wearing his full onmitsu uniform? I mean, honestly - to the temple of all places!? Oh well, it was just more fun to take off! I let myself snicker evilly inside my head - oh I was such a bad little ninja girl! Maybe this could wind up in a role-reversal setup later tonight, if I got lucky...

Aoshi was still in a daze, staring into those deep emerald orbs that shone back at him from behind the veil of soft light. He could feel the leather-covered fingers moving lower, pushing his trench coat off one shoulder, then moving over to do the same to the other. He hadn't worn his undershirt that day, so the absence of his trench coat brought with it a rush of cold air. He sucked in a quick breath through clenched teeth as he felt a shiver trail up his spine. The leather-covered hand played over the short, short sleeve of the onmitsu uniform before moving lower down his chest. It paused briefly at each of the three buckles holding his top closed, then moved back up to trail over his collar bone again.

He let a slow, halting breath in through slightly parted lips as the soft leather tickled his skin - the hand was moving down again. This time, it paused even longer at each of the three buckles and then pulled away altogether. Aoshi's eyes widened as he remained almost perfectly still, his only movement the rapid rising and falling of his chest as he panted. Yes, he was actually panting and he didn't even know what was going on! All he knew was that his dream girl was pleasuring him and, damn, it felt good! His eyes were totally glazed over and he wasn't even aware that said dream girl had put her lamp down and was now going at it with both hands...