Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Misao's Surprise ❯ Yummy! Things Are Starting To Heat Up! ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Misao's Surprise

An NC-17 Romantic Comedy by: A Warrior's Soul

POV = * *
Thoughts = ' '
Speaking = " " (Did I really need to say that?)

Chapter 2
(Or: "Yummy! Things Are Starting To Heat Up!")

Honestly, Misao was just having a good time! Her gloved fingers had parted the two sides of Aoshi's onmitsu top and were trailing over his chest. She took her sweet time in parting the rest of it, but eventually the two sides fell open, exposing Aoshi's scarred chest. As always, her heart gave a little twinge at the suffering she knew he had endured, but it was quickly pushed away. Other, more pressing feelings were currently rushing through our little weasel girl. Not the least of those was the growing impatience that made her want to tear Aoshi's clothes off and go at it...

However, there was also the sweet anticipation that made her want to drag this out as long as she possibly could - have her way with him. It was probably just this once, so she figured she may as well have a hell of a good time with it while it lasted! She slid her hands up to rest on Aoshi's powerful shoulders, just to feel the heat of his skin through fabric. Keeping her hands on him so as not to break his trance, she slid down to play around with his shirt again. She watched her own hands travel over the expanse of soft skin and toned muscle, all covered by deep blue cloth. A smile lit on her lips as she continued her play. The expression widened as she noticed that he had dispensed with his undershirt today and twin protrusions were evident beneath the blue covering.

A gasp passed Aoshi's lips as one leather-covered hand came down to tease one hardened knot, sending warm sparks under his skin. Something warm and moist covered the other one through the material of his onmitsu top, administering gentle suction. The former onmitsu Okashira wondered if he had died on the way home and if this was heaven. His eyes fluttered for a moment, then closed as those gentle hands massaged his chest, lulling him into a feeling of warm security.

Misao grinned against a large wet spot on Aoshi's shirt and pulled back from her ministrations, drawing a groan from the man she loved. This was good - she had him completely unsuspecting and in a state of euphoria. Now was the perfect time to start with some of the initial move-ins - the heavy artillery could come later. Settling into the task at hand, she slid her hands up under the shoulders of Aoshi's onmitsu top. For a moment, she was content to let her hands rest there, feeling his the warmth of his skin against her palms and fingers, but she shook it away. In a careful, controlled movement, she slipped the garment off his shoulders and let it fall. She eased it off the crooks of his elbows and dropped it on the floor, forgetting momentarily about the metal buckles...


Aoshi's eyes snapped open, then narrowed as he pulled his arms in close to his body - he was the picture of total alertness. Misao stifled a frightened yelp and barely managed not to fall in a heap on the floor beside the discarded shirt. While Aoshi's gaze darted around and he tried to make sense of his current situation - shirtless and on the floor in the bath house with no recollection of how he got there - Misao reached the point of desperation. All rational thought switched off and her only drive was that of immediate action. Casting about frantically, she found a table leg that had been snapped off when Aoshi fell over the table. She took a shaking grip on it and muttered a near-silent apology as she crept up behind the former Okashira.

*BLAM!* - Aoshi never knew what hit him.


*Aoshi's POV*

"Uhh... What happened?" I asked as my eyes fluttered open. "Where am I?"

I blinked away the haze of awakening and craned my neck so that I might better survey my surroundings. It was then that I realized three things: one, it was pitch dark wherever it was I had wound up. Two, I couldn't move, and, three, I had one hell of a splitting headache - and one hell of a serious problem. The tang of leather once more filtered into my senses as I shifted one arm experimentally and found that I was bound by my wrist. I tried the other arm - though I really don't know why, considering common sense would tell me it was tied too. Though I tried, I couldn't move enough to see what I was tied to. At that point, I couldn't have cared less what it was - I just wanted to get loose!

Alright, so let's run through this again - I was tied down who-knows-where, in the dark, with a headache and no idea how any of this had happened. Half-heartedly, I shifted one foot and found it to be tied down too. Shifting the other with even less enthusiasm, I figured I was tied spread-eagle in what was probably a doorway. I rolled my eyes, thinking about how much good THAT little tidbit of information would do me - none.


Author's Note:

Ok, ok! I admit it! I'm going through a bad case of writer's block! Could somebody maybe, when you leave a review, give me an an idea of what you'd like to see happen? And I mean besides the obvious, people...

Also, I'm having a hard time of it finding time to get writing done. High school with hawk-eye teachers isn't exactly the right place to be writing something like this, if you get my drift. Also, my parents have been seriously on my case lately. I REALLY don't wanna get caught with this! So cut me a break and give me a hand, if that made any sense, and be constructive. Thank you Kenshin.