Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Misao's Tale ❯ Departure ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“C’mon, Lord Aoshi! Let’s go! Lets’ go!” Cried a young Misao, jumping up and down. Aoshi stood idle and silent, polishing his now shining kodachi. “Lord Aoshi! You said you’d help me train today! C’mon!” Aoshi stressfully put his katana down and said, “For once, leave me alone, child!” “But L—“ “NOW!” Misao grew silent and took a few steps back. “…yes… Lord Aoshi….”

About a mile away was a forest which Misao always came to when she needed to think alone. Now was one of those times. She sat down under a tall, shady tree, head resting on her hands. Many thoughts went through her mind, but many of them were just different ways of thinking, ‘What’s up with Lord Aoshi today? He’s been acting odd…’ and, ‘Have I done something to upset him? I hope not’. She looked up through the leaves of the tree she was under. The sky was a pale peachish-pink now. The sun was setting, and it was time to go home. Misao got up and started to walk home, thinking of what to ask Aoshi when she got there. However, when she did get there, the paper walls had a yellowish glow, indicating that the room was candlelit, and through those walls were two silhouettes.

“you must tell the girl!” said Hanya’s voice. There was a pause, and then Aoshi replied, “No, she can’t know. She’d follow us.” “So you decide to leave her in question!?” “… …it’s for her own good…” Misao quickly hid behind a tree. She slowly peered behind the tree until the shadows were once again in sight. Aoshi picked up a sake dish and drank some, and while setting it down, said, "Our job begins in 15 days. If we hurry, it will take two weeks to reach... our point of interest..." "Who are we guarding? I believe you haven't mentioned yet." "I don't plan on mentioning now, I think the girl is watching." "what!?" Aoshi then slid the door open and threw a sharp rock in misao's direction. She barely dodged it. "Trust me, she is. And if I say who we're guarding, she'll know where to find us." "I see..." "So anyways...." Aoshi got up and begun to walk out the door which he didn't close. "Don't forget to bring everything you need. We aren't coming back to kyoto again. I'll fill you in on more later." "Yes, my lord..." Hanya bowed and dissapeared into the darkness. Though Misao knew it was impossible for her to be seen behind the large tree she was behind, aoshi looked directly in her direction and said, "Go to sleep, girl." Misao slid down to the bottom of the tree and sat for a second, hoping that he wasn't REALLY going to... he wouldn't..?

That night, misao could not sleep. The words, "It's for her own good..." and, "We're never coming back to Kyoto again" echoed in her mind. Misao stared at the ceiling and turned to her sided. "Maybe it's just a misunderstanding..." she told herself, "...but... he was very clear in saying he was leaving... and never returning... and he wasn't even going to say goodbye!" Then, she heard light footsteps on the ground, along with some loud, thunderous ones. "hyottoko!" whispered Aoshi's voice. "sorry.." replied the voice of hyottoko. 'they... they're leaving!!!' Thought Misao. Quickly, she ran outside with a scowl upon her face. "Lord Aoshi!!" She yelled. Aoshi paused and turned to her. His expression was emotionless and cold, as usual. "you weren't going to just ditch me like that, were you!?" She again yelled, eyes becoming watery. The 4 oniwabanshuu members aoshi had chosen to bring with him glanced at each other. Aoshi remained silent. "Lord Aoshi!!!" she screamed. She then ran to him and grabbed his hand. "you aren't going anywhere with out me, I'm never leaving your hand! Never! You can't do this! I heard you earlier tonight!" Aoshi looked down at misao and closed his eyes. 'a shame I won't be here to see her grow... she will make an excellent ninja.' he thought. Aoshi shook his hand free with such force misao fell to the ground. He then kept walking. Tears began to form in misao's eyes, partially from the pain of the fall, but mostly in the pain of Aoshi's departure. The only person she ever cared about... leaving... forever. Again, she ran to him, grabbing onto his white trenchcoat. "Why!? Why is it better that I stay?! I'll never ever ever be able to forgive you if you do this, you know that!!!" cried misao. Aoshi again paused. "'s okay, I won't see you again. Your anger will not matter." he kept on walking, but she didn't let go. He finally picked misao up by her braid and threw her in the direction of their kyoto residence. "LISTEN, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN! EVER!!! It'll only make things worse!" yelled Aoshi. realising his loosening grip of self control, he deeply inhaled and exhaled. "Stay here, you'll be safe that way. It's what best for you, trust me. Stay with the rest of the Oniwabanshuu." "but I don't want t--" began misao, but stopped as she noticed her words had no effect on aoshi, who was now long gone. Forever.