Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved Sibling ❯ The girls ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Well…here goes chapter 2..
Disclaimer: Based on RK and Asagiri Yuu's story (er…can't recall the title just yet)
Chapter II
The week went by like a whirlwind. Kaoru was only half-aware of it all. First, there was her mom and Yukishiro-san's marriage, oh, it was a simple one really, only celebrated amidst themselves and the three children, and a marriage celebrant, who was Yukishiro-san's close friend. A couple of days later, the removalist truck came in to move Kaoru and her mother's things, as they moved into Yukishiro's estate.
She was just sitting down inside the room, surrounded by a number of sealed brown boxes that bore her belongings. Thinking of whatever happened in the past week, has made her head swirled in wooziness. A new room, a new last name, new siblings…and talking about siblings…'Where is he?' She wondered.
A soft knock was heard at her door.
“Come in”, she said in a tired voice.
A little head with gleaming black bangs peeked in shortly after.
“Kaoru nee-chan…please go down when you're ready, we're going to have dinner together soon”, the cute little girl that was Tomoe Yukishiro said.
Kaoru turned her head at her. “Oh, I'll do that Tomoe-chan…you can go down first, and I'll follow you soon, okay?”, she answered the girl.
She nodded cutely. “o-kay..”, she said and closed the door.
“A new little sister….this does take some getting used to”, she sighed as she grabbed her sweater and about to take it off.
The woolen sweater was halfway up her back when her bedroom door opened abruptly.
She was so surprised no word could come out of her gaping pair of lips.
“Oh, and I thought having a new sibling isn't going to be good….seems to have a benefit or two..”, a masculine voice sounded.
She grimaced as she felt a deep crimson flush crawled up her cheeks.
“…C..Could you at least have the decency to knock the door first!”, she said, seething, swiftly putting her sweater back in place.
“Ah..”, he commented with mocking disappointment.
“Yeah…whatever.”, he said while approaching her.
Her heart beat suddenly raced very, very fast. `What is he going to'..
“Just letting you know…we may be siblings inside this house…but outside of it, especially at school, we're complete stranger, you get it?”, he said in a low voice.
She was utterly shocked. “Nn…why?”, before she could stop it, the question popped.
He narrowed her clear turquoise eyes at her. “Why? If you must know. It's because I don't want to ruin my reputation”.
She glared at him. Darn him! Everyone at school knows that Yukishiro Enishi is one of the all-round best students. `What an arrogant baka he is!'
She rolled her eyes “Sure..” she answered in a boring tone, waving one of her arms in response.
His eyes narrowed in annoyance at her response, but he didn't say anything.
He marched off quietly in an instant.
She was fuming in anger. `Who did he think he was? The Emperor of Japan?', she frowned as she turned to her pillow, covered her mouth with it and let out a distressed scream she's been holding all along. Ahhhmuch better..
She calmly put down her pillow, and changed into a more comfortable outfit, then she went downstairs to mingle with her new family short after.
Her alarm went off loudly and annoyingly like a set of long nails grating on the blackboard. She winced as she kicked it to the side of the room to turn it off.
She sighed. `A new daywell, let's face it!' She rubbed her eyes lazily, and took her change of clothing with her as she walked out to the bathroom, clothed in her sleeping yukata. Yukishiro-san, er…her new father's estate was quite a big one, so last night she drew a map, asking for the assistance from Tomoe-chan, to make sure she wouldn't get lost in it.
She remembered Tomoe giggled at her silly request. `She was really a cute girl, with personality so unlike her baka brother', she mentally added.
Absent-mindedly, she opened the bathroom door..
Only to come face to face with a wet, half-naked, with a towel-draped around his waist, dripping with water and ever so arrogant silver-haired guy that was her new step brother.
He smirked as her face paled considerably.
“Go..gomenasai”, she blushed as she bowed her head down.
`Damn, he looks good..'
“Well….now that makes us even, ne”, he said, a small smirk crossed his handsome features.
Kaoru was positively sure she was going to faint, but she managed not to.
At school that day….
Lunch break
“Mm..Will you look at that sexy guy”, her best friend, Megumi winked, as Misao, her other best friend giggled. “I agree…Yukishiro-kun is rather sexy. But I still vouch for Aoshi-sama”, she said with a wide grin across her face.
“You're silly, girl…”, Megumi's tone was dry as she teased the petite form.
Well, everyone knows that Shinomori was one of the popular guys three years their senior, but Megumi wasn't about to admit it and made Misao feeling all smug about it.
And also, she was well known, at least among the three of them, that she was the flirty one, so Megumi deserved to look at every possible candidate whom she could flirt with, ne?
Kaoru was spacing out, her eyes flickered back and forth, and finally halted at the direction of the school's gymnasium.
The familiar silver-haired figure just came out with a group of guys, and as soon as their eyes met, purely coincidental, as she forced herself to think, he turned his face around, to talk with another guy in his group.
Damned arrogant..
“Ne, Kao-chan…oh, you were on the moon?”, Megumi's voice was heard.
She turned around and blushed. “he heh…gomen ne..I was kinda sleepy”, she uttered.
“Uh..Hum…looks like Tanuki didn't get her 12-hour beauty sleep, ne?”, she replied, a playful smirk etched on her red lips.
“Cut it out will you, Kitsune….”, she stuck out her tongue.
The foxy laugh was halted by Misao's wistful voice.
“Tah dahh…here comes Aoshi-sama”, the petite Misao obviously had her focus elsewhere.
Both Megumi and Kaoru spinned around “Cut it out, Itachi…we're sick of it”, they said it in unison, then laughed delightedly at seeing Misao's dark scowl.
“You guys are terrible…” she grumbled.
“Anyways……let's go grab something to eat”, Kaoru said.
Together they walked to the cafeteria, chatting amiably in the process.
“Oh, really? So your mom re-married? Hm..that explains it…after all, she's an ex-model, and still quite young and beautiful, ne?”, Megumi commented.
“So who's the lucky man?”, Misao chirped.
Great going there, Kaoru! Just how are you getting out of this one
“Uh…..Yukishiro..”, she said, attempting a casual tone.
Megumi laughed. “Ho ho ho….you want it to be with Yukishiro Enishi's dad, eh?”
“Er…yeah”, Kaoru was sweating nervously.
“Huh…not in your lifetime, girlie”, Megumi said, her lips grinned widely while Misao nodding in agreement. They suddenly look rather… crazed in Kaoru's eyes. She shivered a little..
She managed to laugh it off..”Joking…I'm just joking..”
`Pheewwthat was close!'