Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Nothing but Nakedness ❯ What are you Doing? ( Chapter 3 )
Chapter dedicated to: SHIZUKA and Crystal, thankyou for reviewing
Rating: R
Nothing but Nakedness
Chapter Three: What are you doing?
"I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong."
-Leo Rosten
Shishio's base- just outside of Edo
Shishio paced the floor, hand running through his brown hair and his eyes rapidly going over the men assembled before him.
"they are both very important to the plan, something must of happened, take your troops and comb the roads, and bring whoever is alive back, I need to know what has happened."
Commander Yahuru glanced at the men assembled, before turning back to his leader "how do you know something has happened?" Shishio turned sharply on the man and stalked forwards
"because….commander, I sent my best men to take care of this, they should have been here by now, so go, you are all dismissed."
Shishio waited for everyone to leave the room before he turned to the man, standing in the darkened corner
"Muto Shougo, once they find out as much as they can about this, track down the perpetrator and kill them" the black haired man nodded his head silently and then vanished with a turn of his cape. Shishio snarled `whoever has done this will rue the day he crossed my path, and that is a promise!'
Black Forest-Vacari
The light played across the ground, sending some places into shadow while others were so bright they seemed to glow. A slow shuffling sound and heavy breathing could be heard from somewhere between the trees, dry branches cracked from under foot and leaves rustled as they were brushed aside.
"you should rest some Rorenzo, you can't keep carrying me until we reach this safe house of yours." Sayo's sweet voice carried across the quiet forest, Rorenzo just grunted.
"I'll keep carrying you until we reach the next town, then we can get some new clothes, some food and hopefully a horse." There was a short silence that greeted these words
"but….we have no money" again there was silence and Sayo twisted her head to look up at Rorenzo, he seemed to have an embarrassed look on his face "nani?"
"err….we don't need money"
"then how……oh" realisation dawned on the princess at that moment `he means to steal all those things? And I still don't understand why our home was attacked.' "Rorenzo…..why am I so important?"
the guard again was silent, `seems to be a favourite past time for him' Sayo giggled.
"They mean to use you to gain favour with the people, if we keep you away from them then the people will know that you are out there somewhere and that you are the rightful heir to the thrown of the Southern Kingdom, they wont serve the false leaders." Sayo smiled slowly at the conviction that Rorenzo held for the honour and loyalty of their people.
"arigatou gozaimasu"
"What for?"
"….. For saving me, I……I don't know what I would have done if they had caught me, just…..arigatou"
"Ah….your welcome?" Sayo giggled again and hit him playfully on the arm before she settled back against Rorenzo's chest and watched the forest go by slowly. After a while the sun began to climb high over their heads and Sayo's stomach grumbled.
"can we stop for something to eat?" The man seemed to think about it for a while before he stopped and allowed Sayo down from his arms.
"stay right here, I'll find us something, and if you hear anything or get scared just scream and I'll come running" and so saying the guard ran off into the trees and didn't notice the blush creep up onto the princesses face. Sighing she absently brushed down her clothes, nose wrinkling as she smelt the sewerage that was drying on her skin and clothes `arg I stink! I wonder how he can stand carrying me when I smell like this…..although, he does smell the same' a grin made its way to the young princesses face and she looked around her for some place that she could wash. `he told me to stay here, but….I just smell to much, I can't stand it!' the sound of water trickling caught Sayo's attention and taking a quick glance around to make sure that Rorenzo wasn't coming back at that moment Sayo followed her ears and was blessed with a small river. Sighing in relief she walked into it, up to her knees and begun to immerse herself in the water, relishing the feeling of getting clean.
`oooh this feels absolutely wonderful, urg….my hair is all gritty' grabbing a handful of sand Sayo rubbed it into her scalp to clean her coarse hair and all over her exposed skin o get rid of the grease and sweat. Running her fingers through the clear water Sayo smiled "I really do love nature, its so-`
"AHHHH!" Sayo jumped high out of the water and started to splash about, something had bitten her, eyes wide with fear she began to frantically run towards the sandy bank when the trees before her were rustling and she could hear running footsteps, fearing that it was the High Councils Sentries Sayo turned right around and started off to the other side when she realised that whatever has bitten her was still in the water, tears welled up in the princesses eyes as she looked around herself in a frenzy `what do I do?' she was breathing sharply, hyperventilating and she was continuously turning circles in the water `what do I do?' just as she thought to head to the other side the trees parted and a sabre wielding rather concerned Rorenzo jumped forwards and landed in a crouch, ready for action. Sayo sighed in relief before she remembered she'd been bitten and ran as quickly as she could over to the shore. Stumbling slightly on the heal of her dress she fell into Rorenzo's arms gasping for air.
"What is it? You screamed" his sword was now left forgotten on the sand and both of his arms encircled the trembling princess.
"Something bit me" she whispered
"on my…err….you know" Rorenzo shook his head
"no I don't, where were you bitten?"
"my…this is so embarrassing… buttocks." She said quickly and in a jumble. It took Rorenzo a couple of seconds to understand what she was saying before he blushed faintly and took a quick glance at her posterior. Sayo hit him upside the head "and your NOT looking!" Sayo stuck her bottom lip forwards in a stubborn pout. Rorenzo scratched his head slightly
"But….I need to see if what kind of bite it is, if its poisoness then I have to get you to the quickest healer there is…." There was silence, Sayo looked away from him `I cant; no one's ever seen me naked before! Nor are they supposed to, unless its my husband, its absurd, no, I cant let him….but it does hurt'
"FINE, but if you take too long I'll pick up your sabre and cut out your eyes" Rorenzo just nodded his head and laid the girl he was holding down onto the ground, face down and gently lifted her dress upwards, he felt so uncomfortable and he couldn't imagine what this would look like to someone who could walk by, again he could feel a hot blush creep across his face and down his neck `oh hell, I shouldn't be doing this….but I could never forgive myself if she died because I was too chicken to take a look at her bite' holding in his breath he pulled down her under garments and took a quick glance, the bite was there alright, but it looked to be only a water flea bite, he quickly pulled up the princesses under garments and placed her dress back over her before getting up and walking away a bit, trying to hold back his laughter at over reacting to a simple water flea bite and that he….a lowly guard had seen the princesses rather beautiful buttocks `I'm in some sort of demented heaven,' Sayo got up slowly and turned to look at her guards straight posture
"Is it bad?"
"um, no, you'll live" Rorenzo faulted over the words, still not turning around to look at his princess
"oh, so I'm ok?" she asked hopefully, coming around to face Rorenzo, her big brown eyes happy, Rorenzo swallowed thickly and nodded his head, then he turned and walked over to his sabre and sheathed the sword before going back and grabbing Sayo's hand
"I left our food back where you were supposed to be, come on, it'll take us another few hours to reach the nearest town." Sayo nodded her head and walked a little faster remembering that she was indeed hungry.
"Rorenzo….how long will it take us to get to this safe house of yours, please tell me where it is"
"around a month, its in Aizu, a Dojo, we'll be safe once we get there,"
"a month?"
"hai, a month" they continued on in silence, both of their minds were on their destination, Rorenzo was picturing the landscapes and the family, his cousin Kaoru, `hai, we will be safe there' smiling slightly Rorenzo turned to his companion who seemed to be a little spaced out and he sighed `she is so beautiful, and so kind, I wonder if she even knows just how wonderful she is? No probably not, she is too kind to be vain'
Seated around the large oak table were the twelve High Council members of the Meiji, their ages ranged from early twenties to late forties, but they all had one thing in common, they were all males.
"this is the last stage in our plan to take over the whole of the world, the western, Eastern and Northern kingdoms have fallen to our power, however this kingdom is not as easy to control. The people are too in love with their monarchs and know for a fact that their Princess is still alive, without her we have no rule over the people here. We have some of the finest trackers after them, but so far nothing has been found. Our magicians and Sorcerers have nothing to say on the subject, their magic is either not strong enough to find the Princess or they are having problems getting through the haziness of the forests magical fields. We will though find her and make her wed one of us, that way we will be able to keep everything together."
There was vast nodding and encouragement throughout the circle of men.
"who will wed the Princess?" this was one of the younger males seated, his long black hair was tied in a braid down his back and silver eyes reflected all light.
"ah, Okaira, it will be one of the younger males, so you will be in with a chance" Okaira smirked and looked over at the `leader' of the High Council.
"that wasn't what I was talking about, I am saying that if one of us is to marry the Princess then wouldn't we hold more power over the others in the Council?" there were mummers from the other members but once the oldest member raised his hand for silence it fell.
"calm yourselves, to the public eye this would be so, but you would only be a figure head for the people to be happy, this would allow the man who weds the princess to control the people, however the council will still hold the same amount of power everywhere as long as its members still believe in the shared power and strength." Okaira smiled and bowed his head `cryptic, but smooth old man, however not all of us are ready to allow themselves to be told what to do or to follow the majority… your back old man, for when my time comes, you will be one of the first to fall.'
He meeting went on for a while, but Okaira didn't take any notice of what was being said, his mind was on the princess `when we find you, we will lock you up in a tower, and you will never escape, I should already be in power. But I do like a chase, and so, you have set the ground rules, but I will set the prize, and when I find you, you will be mine, you are my key to the power I want, and I will get it!' shaking off his psychotic thoughts Okaira stood up and excused himself from the table, saying he had family business to attend to, `those old fools wont know what hit them.'
The Kamiya Kastushin Ryu -Aizu
the smell of burnt bread filled the kitchen at the dojo as well as running feet and a cursing voice. Sanosuke sighed and rolled his eyes as he walked into the main house, he wiped the sweat from his brow from training that morning and went to survey the damage that Kaoru must of done
"so jou-chan, what were you trying to cook? Was it water?" stifling a laugh he ducked the cup that was thrown in his general direction,
"just shut up and help" Sanosuke shrugged and walked over to where the smoke was most concentrated, picked up whatever Kaoru had tried to cook and threw it out the window, along with most of the smoke. Kaoru coughed and looked over at Sanosuke incredulously "you just threw out my FOOD!"
"THAT was food? I find that hard the believe"
"OOHH" Kaoru stomped her foot and began to push Sanosuke out of the kitchen "GET OUT!" Sanosuke sighed and held his ground
"I'm hungry and I'm going to wait here until you make me something….edible, although I may be waiting for a very long time, now hop to it jou-chan, I haven't got all day" Sanosuke then leaned up against he bench and watched as Kaoru's face went from a slight pink colour to full on fire engine red.
"make it yourself you lazy BUM!" and Kaoru stormed out of the kitchen, she was so close to killing him that she was scaring herself. Sanosuke shrugged and went over to the fruit bowl and picked out an apple
"at least she cant burn the fruit"
"I HEARD THAT" Sanosuke chuckled `she's so funny and strange'
looking around the room he sighed `I wish Megumi were here, she'd cook me something….well ok, she'd order me to cook something myself, but still she could cook when it was her turn, and I miss her face, she is so beautiful…..hmm I wonder what she is doing right now!'
Enishi's house-Aizu
A white haired man with purple shades paced the floor in front of the open fire place, the surroundings of the room were richly furnished and everything just screamed class. The Shirage man turned to the beautiful black haired women that was kneeling at the centre table
"We have to wait, I have just sent Sanosuke Sagarra into the dojo and so it will look too suspicious if another person just happened to want to learn to fight there. So….i have set up a plan. I have heard that the Batousai is going to be at the Kamiya dojo soon, so we wait for his arrival, make it look like some rival assassins followed him, then shoot the people inside the dojo with poison, they don't have a doctor at the dojo and so they will have to go into town to get one, that's where you come in, they will take you back to the dojo where you will treat the people there and they will of course offer you a job to help heal the injured." The Shirage man stopped pacing and turned to the black haired woman. "what do you say Megumi? A great plan is it not?"
"Of course Enishi, but I was wondering how they will chose me over the other twenty of so doctors around Aizu?"
Enishi laughed "oh, don't worry about that kitten, everything will be taken care of, we just have to wait a few days and then everything will be in order" Megumi bowed her head
"That sounds good, but what if I'm found out?"
"You wont, that is why Sagarra-san is there, you both will try and bring the dojo under my jurisdiction that way when the high council sets in we will be able to fight against them, my spies there tell me that there was been a lot of activity, all I have to check in with them and see what is happening, you wont have to keep us updated, ill call for you when its time, you may go" Megumi got up from her position at the table and bowed respectively to Enishi before walking towards the door "oh and one more thing, its Sagarra-san gives you any trouble or compromises your position at the Kamiya dojo, he will go, make sure he understands that" Megumi flushed slightly which was rather noticeable from her porcelain white skin and she nodded her head in understanding.
Walking out of the room Megumi silently cursed "I hate that man, I really do, and I so hope that psychopath gets what's coming to him for doing that to Yumi-san, I really do" continuing to walk down th halls of the large Enishi household she recalled Sanosuke's face and allowed a small smile to grace her beautiful face `he better watch what he does, or he'll get caught up way over his head, and he wont be able to fight his way out of it.' Frowning the young woman headed out of the gates and down the street, she really didn't like Aizu all that much, it was not a very pleasant place to be.
The Chosuhuu Ishin Shishi main base- Otako
"go safely, and you should reach the Kamiya Kastushin Ryu in Aizu in around two days, that is if you don't stop too often, but there is no hurry" Kenshin grinned at his former sensei
"I know, now let us go" Hiko mock frowned
"I'm hurt baka deshi" Kenshin just pushed his ex-sensei out of his way and mounted Tomoe, turning around he looked to where his deshi stood talking with his training partner.
"come on you two, lets get going" both turned to Kenshin and nodded before mounting their own steads, taking one last look at his former sensei Kenshin kicked his heels into his horses side and set off at a quick gallop, Yahiko and Setsuae right behind him.
It was almost noon before the three of them stopped off at the side of the road for some lunch, there were no close towns or cities and so the three of them had to eat their squashed packed lunches.
Yahiko was about to comment on the fact that their food wasn't in the best condition but an authoritive male voice called out to them
"Oi! You three, what are you doing?" Yahiko and Setsuae's eyes followed Kenshin's instinctive movement of his hand snaking its way around the hilt of his sword. They stood up, seemingly nonchalant and turned to face the man. `a sentinel or the High Council…..but what are they doing this far south?' Kenshin's mind was clicking into over drive `this means that the kingdom has been over thrown…..this was why there was such a hurry to ship me off to the dojo, more recruits, more fighters, a way to start a rebellion.'
"konnichiwa sir, how can we help you?" all three males turned to look at Setsuae who was bowed low and humbly, her eyes lowered into submission `oh hell, half of the other kingdoms know what I look like, and they are sure to have wanted posters of what I look like around, Aoshi will kill me if I stuff this up.' The sentinel looked pleased with the way in which Setsuae was acting, Kenshin and Yahiko immediately copied her show and showed themselves as humble people of the kingdom.
"Konnichiwa to you to chibi onna, what are you three doing all the way out here?" Kenshin decided that it was best for Setsuae to answer for them, as the man seemed to have some sort of soft spot for females.
"I am on my way to see my Otou-san, they are my guards to make sure I get there safely, you see my father is a wealthy man over in Aizu,"
"oh? May I ask his name?" both Kenshin and Yahiko looked sharply at Setsuae, waiting to see her response, the girl however smiled at the Sentinel and fluttered her eye lashes ever so gently, still keeping her face lowered to the ground.
"of course, his name is Takashi Yukishiro, my brother Enishi is there as well, have you heard of him?" `oh hell, this guy so better believe me or….well I don't quite know' however Setsuae didn't have to worry about what the or was as the guy immediately bowed to her
"yes I know of Enishi, wonderful man, I heard that your father is sick, I am sorry to hear that, gomen nansai for interrupting your lunch, carry on." And with that said the Sentinel walked away, keeping his eyes averted from Setsuae, sighing she turned towards Kenshin and Yahiko and found both of them scowling, their eyes narrowed into slits
"how do you know of Enishi?" Kenshin asked, slowly taking out his sword and advancing, Sestuae's eyes widened and she took a step back `they were going to kill her…..'
Sujakata: it took me longer to do cause im sick! How sucky is that? And I have my formal tomorrow so that's even better! oh hell, this is way shorter then the other ones, and well its not much of a cliff hanger is it? *sigh* there's not much I can do about that, however I believe that its getting more interesting, I seriously love Sano and Kaoru acting as brother and sister, and the Rorenzo and Sayo scene was a classic, so tell me what your thinking.
Oooh and with Muto Shougo and Sayo being brother and sister, that's gotta be something exciting in that, wooohooo, how much do I love all this???? Oooh and I wonder if they even know….. exciting stuff.
Oh and in this fic Shishio doesn't have all those bandages,
AND! If you would like the picture I have of what Yahiko looks like in this fic them email me at
He looks hell sexy, even if I do say so myself :D yummm
Thanks for reading.
Hai- yes
Goman nansai- I'm very sorry
Baka deshi- silly student
Deshi- student
arigatou gozaimasu- thankyou very much
arigatou- thankyou
Shirage- white-haired
Sensei- teacher
Nani- what?