Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ On a cold winter's day ❯ Chapter 2

[ A - All Readers ]
Standard disclaimers:
I don't own Ruroken, the creator, Watsuki, and some big name companies do.

Yes,... this is different from my usual style =^^=, I hope you like it
despite this fact. I admit, I feel a bit sick from the sugar here, I barely
survived it... please don't expect too many fics of this kind from me.

This chapter is from Tokio's POV after Chou left, as you might realise =^^=.



I cast a furtive glance at my husband. His characteristic cigarette was
sticking between his pinched lips, a puff of smoke escaping his lips
as he stared behind Chou.

But not only his cigarette was fuming, his head as well, the small
cloud was literally visible. Hajime was far too easy to be upset, he should
instead enjoy his free evening at home. Even if I need to force him to relax.

Sighing I shook my head and hurried back to catch a comfortable Haori
and an ashtray. The Haori was far more comfortable and warm than his
uniform-jacket and I had just cleaned the floor thoroughly. I hadn't done
that to find fresh remains of cigarettes only some hours later, the
ashtray was necessary.

As I came back Hajime was still staring behind Chou, Yoshi-chan in his
arms, holding tightly on to his father. Persuading Yoshi-chan to let go of
his father wouldn't be an easy task as we both knew by now.

Perhaps I could take off our son together with the jacket? It was an
considerable possibility and I started to open the bottoms. The jacket
smelled like Hajime anyways, hopefully the jacket would be enough for
"Won't you change, Hajime? I have your dinner ready and afterwards a
hot bath. You came back late today."

For sure he noticed my disapproval about his delayed coming back, our
evenings together were something I treasured very high and he knew it.

"I am sorry, I had a report to finish. We closed the case."

"Really? That's great! Another good job done by the successful
For what I wanted from Hajime it was better to remind him of the good
work Chou was doing as he told me. Of course Hajime hadn't said it directly,
but in his own way he had admitted that Chou was a good spy and a great

He murmured something in response I couldn't quite figure out, I was too
busy helping Hajime into the Haori, balancing the ash-tray somewhere in
front of face, while handling Yoshi-chan, who desperately wanted back to his
father -I should have known that he wasn't easy to fool, no wonder with
Hajime and me as his parents; and holding the jacket, that urgently needed a
cleaning -thanks to Hajime's son
"Why don't you go inside already and have a seat? I'll go and catch
your dinner."

Still grumbling -what could have annoyed him so much?- he turned to the
room we used for almost anything and I settled a still protesting Yoshi-chan
on my back.
"Daddy! Carry!"
This boy had an unhealthy need to be around his father, luckily he didn't
start crying.

I hurried to the kitchen, fortunately I had a meal left. With the
unexpected guest, the poor scum, and the bento for Chou later, there wasn't
enough for all of us. Maybe I could have a soup later, after the bath.
It was easy and quick to prepare, and Hajime wouldn't realise
what had happened. For now tea had to be enough.

I arranged what was left on a tray and hurried back to Hajime. By now
he had lightened a lantern and was sitting beside it, reading a... REPORT!
He was home now, for heaven's sake!

With a slight force, indicating my anger, I set the tray in front of
him and released Yoshi-chan from my back. He immediately took the chance
and started crawling around in the room, satisfied in his little world with
his parents around.

Hajime barely acknowledged the tray in front of him, and ignored me.

ENOUGH! I leaned forward and gently caressed his hand, slowly loosening
his grip on the pile of papers.
"Hajime, you are home now. You are supposed to relax, the work can wait
until tomorrow."

He looked at me and with surprising less resistance I got the report
and laid it far away behind me. Out of his reach.

I scooted closer, I had missed him this day and laid my head on his
shoulder while he started to eat. Yoshi-chan was crawling with incredible
speed around the room not getting tired, always finding new, interesting
things. Now he was at the meditation edge, in front of the flowers...
but... WHAT WAS THAT!! I had spent HOURS this day to get some fresh flowers
on the market and to arrange them properly! Now there was only chaos
left under the wall scroll! The flowers where everywhere but where they were
supposed to be! Evidence enough that I need to put everything beyond
Yoshi-chan's reach in this house.
I gave up. With these two man in one house I would never be able to
stop cleaning.

The market reminded me of an important 'happening'.
"I met Battousai today."

Hajime's hand froze in the middle of its move and his body tensed
"Where and when?"

As always when he got concerned he switched to this commanding tone
and quickly I assured him
"I didn't introduce myself, I just recognised him on the market. He
doesn't know who I am."

His muscles relaxed and he continued eating
"What happened?"

"I recognised his red hair you told me about, it is rather remarkable.
By his side was this woman
he is living with, Kamiya, a young boy and a young man. Yahiko and Sagara
are they names if I recall it right. They were looking for some
bargains at the groceries, and I was looking for some flowers." I couldn't
help but cast an angry glance at the spilled remains of my efforts, and
just in time I looked back to catch a glimpse of Hajime grinning at his
son about the mess. Great. They were already sticking together against me.
"Anyway, while I was looking for some flowers, I walked around the stalk
and came closer to Battousai, I didn't pay attention how close. Unfortunately
Yoshi-chan was on my back and he took the chance to examine the red hair
closer. I still have some strands here, Yoshi-chan was rather reluctant to
let go of it."

"He ripped out Battousai's hair?"
In Hajime's opinion that was just the right spirit as I could tell from
the proud glance in his eyes.

"YOU didn't have the trouble, Hajime. This man made some ridiculous sounds,
it sounded like 'oro' and nearly fainted. Really, Hajime, that was
embarrassing. It were only a few hairs! The boy, Yahiko was yelling at Yoshi-
chan who was clue less and grinning wide and this Sagara actually tried some
of his charms on me. The girl tried to calm the situation but only made it
worse. They nearly caused an uproar there."
What an inadequately behaviour for a young woman.

"I told you about them."

"Yes, and I heard the gossipping about the Kamiya-girl. Still, I never imagined
that it really could be THAT bad. I thought it might be alright that she
carries on that dojo if she wants it so badly and I didn't pay close
attention to those saying of her temper and her violence... but now I saw
it with my own eyes. Battousai even carried HER purchases home. Really,
Hajime, are you sure that they didn't change roles?"

Unmoved Hajime chewed his rice
"You shouldn't take Battousai lightly, Tokio. It is a fatal misjudgement.
He may leave the impression of a clue less and helpless young man, but he
isn't. Under his calm surface there is still the assassin from our old
days in Kyoto and he still can break free."

"It is nearly unbelievable when watching him together with his friends."

Shrugging his shoulders, indicating that this was none of his concern,
Hajime sipped on his tea
"It is his own choice, if he wants to stay."

One thing on that girl had been remarkable though
"The Kamiya-girl was quite interested in Yoshi-chan, she asked if she could
hold him and they all were enthused about our *cute* son after the excitement
had settled down..." I couldn't stifle my giggles any longer
"...I can understand now why you didn't took the offer for settling the
score." I brushed with my lips against his ear
"The mere idea of him living with that girl and even having children with
her is a compensation and a victory to us."

Hajime's only response was a grin which would have send shivers down the
spine of his opponents -if they could have seen it.

His shoulder started to feel uncomfortable with the time and I
removed my head.
"Did you get this man behind the conspiracy you were investigating

"Yes, Chou brought him into my study today."

"Isn't it of great help that you don't need to do this snooping around
alone anymore?"

Grinding his teeth, Hajime had to admit that this was right and I
realised that I better stopped here if I wanted to have a good-tempered
husband this night.

"Did something important happen today, Tokio?"

Maybe it was the best to drop that subject for the moment, I could refer
to it later again. For now I had an even more delicate news to tell.
"I got the calculation for the new room. They said they could add it without
mayor problems in the backyard. Using the same material it wouldn't be
recognisable that we added it later."

"How much do they want?"

"120.000 Yen."

He chocked on his rice, and when his face turned red, I got concerned and
patted his back until he breathed again.

"We want one more room and not a whole new house, Tokio. I didn't
intend to spend a arm and leg for this."

Men... he had no idea how expensive workmen were these days.
"But Hajime.... I got several offers that was the cheapest one! They would
start early next spring."

"The question is: Do we really need the room?"

The idea of spending so much money at once didn't appeal to him, but he
had already agreed to have the room built.
"I thought we discussed this! Really, Hajime! With a larger
family two rooms won't be enough. We barely have space enough at the
moment for the three of us, Yoshi-chan being very small. He will grow up,
and he will have more than one brother or sister. We NEED the extra room."

"How much money will we have in store after this?"

NOW he was getting reasonable again
"Enough for the essentials like food, cigarettes, cloths and such stuff,
medical supplies and even some luxury like going to a good restaurant once in
a while." I grinned mischiefly at him. "We are lucky that now the government
pays for your medical treatment, your injuries always consumed a huge amount
of money from our savings."


It was for the best to ignore his protest about my teasing
"You see, this is not an obstacle."

"How long will the money last we have left then?"

Not that he was giving up that easily.
"It should be enough for about nine months. If we use it sparingly; maybe
up to twelve months. No chance for you to retire yet."

"I could, if I wouldn't have this expensive family."

He thought we would only cost him money, nothing else? Now he was
teasing me and I played the mocking wife

Quickly he brushed his hand over my cheek, the look he gave me compensated
his comment completely.
"I wouldn't want to miss you, now matter how much you cost me."

In the meantime Yoshi-chan had started to examine the lantern what I noticed
with discomfort. He could easily be burned by the flame.

"Come to me, Yoshi-chan." I clapped my hands to get his attention and
reached out my arms for him to give him a direction "I have your meal here."

From the corner of my eye I glanced at Hajime, he was slowly relaxing
and enjoying his meal.

"Eat." With twinkling eyes and an even brighter smile Tsuyoshi turned
away from the dangerous candle in the lantern and chose the fastest way
to come to me.

He rose on his trembling feet and made an attempt to set one feet
before another! His body wasn't used to the movement yet and he reached
out with his arms to find a halt. Dangerously near the candle behind him.


Instantly he knew what was wrong and threw the chops-ticks aside, but
surprisingly Yoshi-chan had re-gained his balance and set the next foot
in front of him. We both watched fascinated how our son made two more steps
before he landed on his nose flat on the floor, and we both twitched as he
hit the ground.

Faster then we both could react, Yoshi-chan was back on his knees and
hands, crawling the rest of his way to us, grinning wide as if he had just
won a competition. Relieved I took him into my arms as he reached me and set
him on my lap, for a second I had really feared he was hurt.

Hajime continued his meal and I took a second pair of chop-sticks
and started feeding Yoshi-chan from his father's rice-bawl.
"Wasn't this interesting, Hajime? This were his first steps!"

"He nearly burned the house down."

Typical Hajime. Unmoved I rewarded Yoshi-chan with one of the sweets from
Hajime's plate. Father's and son's favourite sweet.

"Don't be so grumpy, Hajime. It was his first try."
After having had three chops-ticks full of rice Yoshi-chan already
refused the next potion I offered him and shoved it determined aside,
crawling from my lap. Hajime wasn't the only one being a bit grumpy tonight.
Our little son wanted to play with me, smiling at me excitedly.

I longed behind me to pull the box closer in which I kept his toys and
found what I was looking for: a horse and a ball that I had made from some
fabric. It were his favourite toys and demanding he reached for them. I
gave him the horse and he pressed it tightly against him.
"Here... can you catch the ball?"

I gave the ball a slight push and it rolled towards him, he giggled

Over the whole time I felt Hajime watching our little game until he had
finished his meal and put his chops-ticks aside.

"Tell the men they could start building the room this spring as early as

"Good." Unmindfully I continued "If the money should get short despite my
calculation, we still can ask my father to borrow us...." I broke of
the sentence as I realised Hajime's hardening features.

"Never, Tokio. I'll never beg your father for some money."


"No but, Tokio. I'll never get this low." He slightly brushed my cheek and
looked at me with eyes so soft that they melt my heart. I would forgive him
anything when he looked at me that way "I'll care for my family alone, on my
own. Your father laughed at me, but I do my best even if I can't offer you the
luxury you were used to have."

I wished these two would be able to put their differences aside
someday. I bowed deeply in front of my husband.
"I am sorry, Hajime. It was a stupid suggestion. Your income is enough
to cover our costs."

His features relaxed, we both knew that he could trust me and that I would
never betray him by asking my parents behind his back for money.
I respected him and his past too much and I loved him for what he represented.
How much easier had life been before the Meiji...
what could we have done when we were still living in the Edo....

I cast a glance at Yoshi-chan who
was still busy with his toys and turned back to Hajime.
"Are you finished?" I didn't wait for his answer "Your bath is already


He stood up and I followed him closely with our son in my arms... and
his toys of course. Stubbornly he had refused to put them back into the

As we reached our bathroom I helped Hajime to undress and placed him in
front of the mirror, our son sitting close beside us.
There were many scars on my husband's body... slightly I brushed across one.
He had been such a lonesome man before I met him, used to fighting on his
own. My hand wandered down one of his scars. He didn't knew what he was
missing until he met me, maybe he only realised it when I was around him.

When I had seen Hajime on the streets for the first time, I had immediately
felt his pride and self-confidence, it was emerging from him, drawing me
closer to him.

When I had looked him into the face for the first time, I had realised the
strong will and character he owned.

When I had spoken with him for the first time, I had learned about his firm
belief and his motivation.

But the most obvious point back then had been his loneliness right under the
surface, unnoticed by himself.
It was still there, it was part of his personality, but he had needed me.

Like Chou. He was truly alone in this world.
Some aspects of their character were more alike as they both would ever
admit. Chou was lacking a family even when he had not realised it now.

It was the right time to ask Hajime some questions. He was
relaxed and when I felt him leaning slightly against me as I started to
wash him, I began with my task in the most casual voice.
"Why did Chou-san come to our house today?"

He tensed a bit, he knew that I was up to something but I continued
scrubbing him as if nothing happened
"We have a new investigation to start and I wanted to discuss the case
with him privately. He mixed up the days, I told him to come tomorrow. He is
really good for nothing."

"I already wanted to scold you for inviting guests without telling me.
I nearly didn't have enough rice ready for all of us."

"You haven't eaten yet, Tokio."

Reassuringly I let my hand wander down his back and laid the cloth aside
"It is something left, and I cooked some soup for me."

"You gave that idiot your meal."
Now he was angry, I could feel it as he stiffened.

"It really doesn't matter for me, Hajime. And he didn't knew that it wasn't
for him." I took a bucket of hot water out of the tube and spilled it over
him to wash away the soap, preventing him from speaking.
"You can't blame him for what I decided to do."

Hajime still grumbled and longed for his cigarettes.

"Go into the bath-tube and relax, Hajime."

I shoved him over and cared for an already impatient Yoshi-chan. It was
cold and he knew that the hot bath would warm him up.

"He took good care of Yoshi-chan. He is really good with children."
There was no need to tell him about Chou's discomfort around our son.

"You left him alone with our son?"

"Hajime! Really! There is no need to be upset! He wouldn't have harmed
him, he was safe with him."

"You should be more careful with whom you invite in our house, Tokio. There
are criminals out there who could hurt you and there are still some old
enemies looking for us."

"I know, Hajime. But you told me so much of Chou that I recognised him
instantly, and you should know that I am able to defend myself."

"Yes, Yes." He muttered before diving, he knew when it was pointless to
discuss with me. I hadn't come one step closer to my task yet.

As he dived up, I handed our son over to him and got back to our room
to remove the tray and to set up our bed for tonight. I had prepared an
pottery with hot water earlier that I used now to warm the bed. Luckily
I didn't need to sleep alone in this chilling night as I had done it in
former times. This wasn't a night one would like to spend without company.

When I got back to the bath-room, I expected to view the usual chaos
when my two men had a bath together, but the sight that awaited me, let me
stop short. Hajime was leaning casually back in the tube,
the cigarette lying carelessly aside. Yoshi-chan was resting on his
chest, eyes closed, nibbling on his thumb and obviously sleeping. A peaceful

Loudless I stepped closer and kneeled down beside them. Hajime looked
up and I couldn't resist any longer and kissed him slightly.
"Welcome home, Hajime."

Slowly, not to disturb Yoshi-chan in his sleep, he eagerly leaned
"That tasted like more, Tokio."

"You're welcome."

He gently kissed me back until Yoshi-chan kicked him protestingly about
the uncomfortable situation, and I pulled back.

There was one last thing to do and I picked up the razor blade, Hajime
"Come on, Hajime. It won't take long and you urgently need a hair-cut and
a shave."

He gave in and I had the chance to ask him without getting protests
while I was shaving him.
"So Chou will come tomorrow evening?"


"I'll prepare a dinner for us."

Now he meant to interfere
"There is no need to prepare a special dinner just for us three."

Mischief I bent over to grin directly in his face
"Who said that there would be only we three?"

Only the blade in his face prevented a more tempered reaction
"What do you intend, Tokio?"

"Do you remember what you told me about Chou?"

"Of course I remember, that's not the point."

"I'll come to the point soon. You told me about Yumi Komagata and
Makoto Shishio and that she died during your fight against the man."

What a romantic ending... dying for the man she loved. Seriously I
looked Hajime into his eyes. I was far too easy to distract tonight.
"I'd do the same for you, you know."

Suddenly his eyes narrowed and his hand grabbed me in my neck pulling
me closer
"Never, Tokio. I'll never use and hurt you like this. And everyone who
dares to hurt you will be killed by me first."

Well, he was deadly serious and he only released me as I nodded that I
understood him. So much for that.
"But you didn't tell me that Yumi was his last relative. I thought his
parents would still care for him."

"I considered it not for important. And I am surprised that you are so
interested in Chou's family-affairs lately. Come to the point, Tokio."

"When he has no relatives left and no friends than it is your duty as
his superior to care for him."

"Tokio, I am getting impatient, come to the point."

"I think Chou could need a family and I want to invite Ryoko to meet

Now he was annoyed about my interference about something that
should remain private in his opinion.
"Tokio, I am not going to look for a family for this good-for-nothing."

Not every men was so lucky like him, meeting a woman on the streets, in the
chaotic ends of an revolution where every second counted, could be the last
before death. The circumstances back then let us both not hesitate.
"But Hajime, I didn't say that YOU look for a wife for him. I'll do
that, all you have to do is bring Chou with you from time to time."

"Ryoko is that friend of yours you are training with, isn't she?"

"Yes, and she is still unmarried."

"No wonder with her temper."

"But she is well-educated and behaves properly, especially in public."
I couldn't help but think of the Kamiya-girl. "With the right man she
will be the perfect wife and mother. I think she would be a good
match for Chou."

"Tokio, I am not going to arrange someone else marriage."

"I am finished. Can you hand me Yoshi-chan?"

Yoshi-chan protested a bit, but never woke fully up while I was rubbing
him dry and wrapping him in his sleeping Yukata.
Hajime got the same treatment and he picked up Yoshi-chan to take him with
him into bed.

It was time to care for myself. Eating, cleaning the kitchen, bathing,
before I could finally join my two men in the bed.

Yoshi-chan already slept peacefully cuddled against his father and relieved I
noticed that Hajime was reading a novel. He was working far too much and far
too hard.

Shuddering I slipped under the blanket to join the two and Hajime laid
the book aside, turning to me.
"When will you come home tomorrow, Hajime?"

"You are not giving up, are you, Tokio?"

He really should know me by now and I giggled delighted, causing him to
look astonished at me. I never gave up and I always got what I wanted.
"Of course I am not. If I would give up this easily you wouldn't be
here with me."

A mischief glim appeared in his eyes
"You really were persistent back then."

"I had to. Otherwise you wouldn't even have noticed me."

He pulled me closer and I rested my head on his shoulder
"I noticed you, Tokio. No man could oversee that beautiful and strong
woman you were."

Once he had told me that he had been interested in me, but he had never
dreamed to even catch my attention. How wrong had he been.
"I WAS????"

Immediately he tried to calm me
"You are, you are."
With the kiss he rewarded me with, he could have done anything and I
still wouldn't be upset. Unfortunately he knew it too well, and wandered with
my hand under his Yukata, staring to part it.

"You are impatient today, Tokio."

Accidently I brushed over a fresh wound and quickly I moved my hand deeper
into his cloths
"No wonder when you are around. Don't you want more than one child?"

He really got into action and pulled me closer.
"I thought that would already be cleared, Tokio."

"But that is no reason to stop here, is it?"

Anticipating he turned me around and I saw his eyes narrowing in the
candle-light. Like in one of our first nights together.
The sudden remembrance made me giggle.

"What's wrong, Tokio?"

I had problems breathing and talking
"Do you remember my father finding us together?"

I should have known that this was a mood-killer, Hajime's feature's
froze. To say that my father had been 'slightly' upset,- finding me together
with Hajime in a unmistakable position, too late to retreat and pull back-
was an understatement. My father had scared the hell out of Hajime, not
able to defend himself otherwise we both would have stand completely
naked in front of him. On the other hand it had had a good side, my father
had finally agreed to the marriage. Luckily he never found out about our
other previous nights together. A 'one-shot' was something my father was
able to accept.

"I'm sorry, Hajime. But don't you think that, by looking back, it was funny?"

He grumbled under his breath
"By looking back it was funny, but really, at that time I thought he
would kill me, I was still excited too much." He kissed me tenderly
"Luckily we were just finished."

I snuggled even closer and our kiss deepened
"I don't regret what we have done."

He didn't answer just cuddled me to him and we both enjoyed our
well-earned night together, Yoshi-chan sleeping undisturbed.
As Hajime blow out the candle I insisted
"I'll tell Ryoko to visit us tomorrow afternoon for some help in the
kitchen, that will be inconspicuous. Otherwise, I am afraid, she won't

"Do what you want, woman."

He was too tired to resist anymore and satisfied I fell asleep in his

----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

started: 10th October 2002
finished: 17th October 2002
first posted: 18th October 2002

erm, this is getting longer than planned... First it was a one-shot,
then it was too long for one chapter... ARGH!

Next chapter Saitou's POV??? no. NO! NOOOOOO!

Ja ne,
