Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Pleasant Surprises ❯ Nauseating Nuisance ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter Two - Nauseating Nuisance
(c) Original Storyline by Rainesolo
Misao Makimachi looked up at her cousin and asked, "Who was that?" She gave him a puzzled look, a look of curiosity drawn in her eyes.


"That boy we just saw with Shishio."

"Oh, him? He's Soujiro Seta. Shishio's nephew," Aoshi Shinomori answered in a low, seemingly emotionless voice as they entered the office together. They were only a few steps inside the office when a young woman who, seemingly his secretary, who was on her way out of the office, joined them.

"Aoshi-sama," the woman began in a rather sheepish manner. She stammered, and scratched her head. She bit her lip, saying, "I'm so sorry for coming here without your permission but I was told by Shishio-sama to put up your computer's new hard drive. I'm so sorry, Aoshi-sama, I promise not to do it again, please forgive me! I mean, shouldn't have done it, but Shishio-sama ordered me to do so, and I couldn't possibly disobey him---"

"Thank you. You may leave."

The young woman wouldn't let her chance slip out of her hands, however. She was in a private conversation with Aoshi Shinomori, and she was not going to make it end so soon. She wanted to get as near to her superior as possible, so she barged into their conversation even if she wasn't invited, making a lot of comments and asking a lot of questions.

"Oh, and you were talking about Soujiro Seta, right? Oh, he's such a fine lad! He's so very polite, very respectful, and he's always - and I mean always -- smiling. Every day is a bright, sunshine-y day if you're by his side... unless of course, you're with Aoshi-sama here," she said, pausing to giggle. She then cocked her head to the side slightly to give Misao a teasing smile. "You haven't seen the kid before, have you? The look on your face is priceless, Misao-chan! Looks like you've been struck by the love-at-first-sight---"

"Shut up," interrupted Misao, who turned red.

"---virus! You know, when the love bug hits you, it's impossible to pull away! You'll never be cured," she prattled on, ignoring the glares the two were giving her. "But then again, it's normal, happens to everyone. How about you, Aoshi-sama? Eyeing anyone in particular in this wonderful institution? There are so many girls here, you should be able to pick one out very soon!"

"Aoshi, you have a very nice office, but may I use your computer now?!?" Misao asked Aoshi in an unusually forced and rather loud voice, raising it on purpose to give the other young woman the hint that it was time for her to stop talking, and that she was to leave them alone. "I really need to work on this now, or else I'm never going to get done and it'll be all your fault!!!"

But her efforts to throw the woman away were all in vain. "Oh, you can use my computer, Misao-chan!" she exclaimed. "Oh, and my desktop theme is very nice," she bragged, grinning proudly. "You see, my brother came home from the United States just a few days ago and he brought new software that were so user-friendly and very easy-to-use, enabling me to make such wonderful themes. You can make almost anything, because it's so amazing! State-of-the-art technology! I can show you how they're done! Come, come, my cubicle's this way!" she motioned, pointing to the direction of her cubicle. She put her hand on Misao's shoulder.

Misao looked at Aoshi with pleading eyes. 'Help!' she mouthed quickly as she was dragged away by her cousin's talkative secretary.
He smiled thinly, allowing himself to enjoy the situation even a little bit, before he walked towards his desk and sat down on the comfortable reclining chair, leaning against it and savoring the moment. Things like this don't happen every day, he thought to himself. But I do hope Misao likes talkative people...


|Where is she?| wondered Soujiro, eyes darting from wall to wall. His uncle Shishio's office has certainly changed over the long time he hadn't been there. The girl, Misao Makimachi, wasn't anywhere in sight. He bit his lip, and Shishio emerged from behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Soujiro, looking for anyone?" he asked in a muffled voice, holding office papers in the other hand.

"Oh, no, I'm not looking for anyone. Where's your office here, Shishio-san?" he said, feigning curiosity. He smiled. "This place has certainly changed since I've stopped visiting it."

Shishio smirked. "It certainly has. This way, Soujiro," he said, pointing to the left hallway. Just then, they heard a hearty laugh coming from the corridor to their right. They spun around to look. Nobody was there, but they were certain that it came from a room in the hallway.

"Cool wallpaper!" The loud voice went, coming from a room far behind them. Shishio smiled cleverly at Soujiro. "That must be Makimachi-san. Her voice fills the building every Sunday. If she doesn't use the computer at Shinomori's, she'd use his secretary's."

"Ah," said Soujiro, a sheepish smile dawning on his face.

Shishio raised an eyebrow. "You're smiling in a weird way, Soujiro," he said. "Could it be you're...." his voice trailed off, leaving Soujiro behind to guess what he meant.

"NO, Shishio-san," he said, his eyes widened at Shishio. "I'm not. Hmmm..." said Soujiro, bored. He tapped his foot on the floor.

"Well, Soujiro," Shishio said, looking at his watch. "I'm extremely late. I'll have to go. Anyways, I'm sure you can find your way. Office is at the left corridor."

Shishio disappeared behind a corner and the click-y sound of his footsteps faded after a while. "Hmmm..." he said to himself. He smiled. "Now to find Makimachi-san."


Author's Note:
*Looks at her notepad, in which the author's note is scribbled on* Whew, this is going to be longer than I expected. *starts typing* Okay, so you've read the second installment of my fan fiction, Pleasant Surprises! I hope you enjoyed. I would want to apologize if the pacing is a little bit slow, and there are not any Misao and Soujiro interactions yet! But I'll get it up soon in the third chapter, and no, you won't have to wait so long for it. Anyways, this chapter was co-written by a really good friend of mine - I consider her my sister - Madamoiselle Kazie - and I just want to let her take some of the credit for her hard work. Also, special thanks to those who've reviewed; you've certainly made my day. Thanks!

Nope, not mine. Nuh-uh, everything belongs to the big man, Nobuhiro Watsuki. The characters are his. Storyline is mine, though. But thanks for reading!