Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Ressurection of the Fireflies ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Thanks to all the reviewers! Here's the first chapter.. Btw, grave of the fireflies and rurouni kenshin/samurai x does not belong to me. Enjoy!

It was a normal day at the Kamiya Dojo. The skies were blue and filled with cotton like clouds. A soft whisper of breeze blew through the air. It was a perfect spring morning, just like in fairytales. In Kaoru's mind, today would be perfect. Beautiful blue eyes, like a moonlit night sky wandered to the clouds. Lips parted as a sigh of content escaped, raven strands of hair fluttered in the breeze. Rustling of fabric could be heard as natures breathe passed. Kaoru was wearing her usual kendo-instructing outfit, as she gave Yahiko orders. "Alright Yahiko, lets see your kata's"

Yahiko, obeyed, and began attacking an imaginary opponent. Normally, he wouldn't do what his sensei said, but when she was actually teaching him, now that was a different story. Though Yahiko hated to admit it, even though he called Kaoru busu, and gave her all the disrespect a little brother would, he though of Kaoru not only as a sister, but as a mother. She took him in, gave him a real home, and even food. Though the food she made wasn't exactly edible. It's the thought that counts. Still, it's always fun to pick on her.

Kaoru turned her attentions back to her student, observing every move and mistake he made, and taking note to help him improve later. As she watched him, a surge of pride began to fill her chest. Her adopted brother had improved so much. He was learning quickly, and was on his way to becoming a master of the style. Kaoru didn't know why she had become so fond of Yahiko. Maybe it was because he reminded her of a distant memory of a loved one. Or that she knew what it was like to live without a mother.

Suddenly, her attention was once again pulled away from her student, as someone walked through the gate. The man had long red hair, tied back in a loose pony tale. He wore a magenta gi and hakama. His violet eyes were softened as he entered his home. A silly grin plastered on his face. Kenshin Himura stepped into his home, with buckets of tofu hanging from a pole of bamboo that his shoulders supported. Standing next to him was obviously a street fighter. His gi top had his sleeves rolled up a bit, and in the back has the kanji evil, the front was left open to slightly expose a bandaged abdomen. Around his head was tied a red bandana, and his brown hair was spiked up. He wore loose white pants. In his mouth, he was lazily chewing on a fish bone, from who knows where. Voices filled the air,

"Oi! We're home!" /"tadema!" /"Okerio"/ or "Welcome back!" The four friends, or rather, family members greeted each other. From there, the day was normal, Yahiko called Kaoru busu, Kenshin did the laundry, and Sano provokes Yahiko. And a game of chase ensues. It wasn't until evening that the day started to get abnormal. The four were sitting and eating dinner, when a knock interrupted their usual arguments and complaints about Kaoru's bad cooking. Kaoru, irritated, went to go greet the visitor, while the other three sat and waited for her to bring the guest in. However, instead of waiting, they scrambled to join her, as the sound of Kaoru's cry of surprise reached their ears. They came to the area, only to be startled to find that Kaoru, unconscious in the arms of another man.

This man stood tall maybe a head taller than Kenshin, with short black hair, resembling Yahiko's. He wore an outfit, akin to Sanosuke's, except it was pitch-black, and there was no kanji on the back. He also wore a long black trench coat to accompany the outfit. Hidden underneath the coat was a sheathed katana. His eyes were blue, the same as Kaoru's, except devoid of any emotion as he glared at the strangers. His free hand, the one that wasn't cradling Kaoru danced lightly over the hilt of his katana, fingers softly caressing the leather-bound handle.

The three men didn't know what to do, but they could feel the hostile ki that this man was admitting. Yahiko eyed him curiously, fury boiling through his veins, what did this man do to his mother? His hand whipped out his bokkon that was strapped to his back. His grip was firm, and he pointed the tip at the man. "What did you do to Kaoru?" He ground out, his teeth gritting in anger. He knew Kaoru well enough to know that she wouldn't faint at the mere sight of a stranger. This man had to have done something to her.

Sanosuke thinking the same thoughts clenched his fists together. Ready to fight for his friends. "You better not have hurt jou-chan. or else" he punched his fists together for emphasis.

Kenshin, though livid with fury, was the most reasonable one. Even though he'd rather be knocking this intruder out with his sakaboto, he restrained the urge. Calmly stepping forward, he placed his trademark rurouni grin on his face. "Um.. Do you mind if sessah asks your name, and what you wish for..?" Though he said this with the utmost respect and frivolously, there was also a hint of irritate behind it.

The man let a smirk grace his features. These people were amusing him, especially if they thought that they could stand a chance against him. However, he had come for Kaoru, and no one was going to stop him from having her. "You simpletons are none of my concern. However, since you are here, you obviously have some connection to Kaoru-chan" His eyes flickered with love when he mentioned her name. He wouldn't hurt these people if it would also hurt Kaoru. "My name is Ketsa Mibu, and I'm Kaoru's brother." he trailed off as he gazed down at the face of his sister. It had been so long, 14 long years. (Kaoru had been five when she was separated, making her 19 now, Kenshin is 30, and Ketsa is the same age)

The bokkon slipped from Yahiko's hands, and fell to the ground, as he stood there, shocked. Busu had never mentioned anything about family. They had assumed that they were all dead. His mouth hung slightly open.

Sano dropped his hands, since obviously if this person really was related to Kaoru, she wouldn't be happy to find him black and blue when she came to. It looks like there was a lot of explaining that needed to be done. Moreover, right now, their source of information was out of it. "How do we know your not lying though..?" Better to be sure than sorry.

Kenshin however, still did not trust this man, and shock rain though his veins. He didn't like the ki that this man had; it was one of a skilled fighter. He remembered, all of Kaoru's family had died. In addition, Ketsa's explanation's only made it more confusing. Kamiya, Mibu, which one was Kaoru really..?

Suddenly, all attention turned to Kaoru as she slowly opened her eyes, staggering out of Ketsa's arms. She clutched her head as she moaned and muttered. "Man.I had the strangest dream." As she looked up, she found all of her friends studying her. Confused, she turned around, only to meet a pair of blue eyes, just like her own. She was shocked, and confused, yet hope and joy filled her heart at the same time. Hoping with all her might that it wasn't all a dream, she whispered, "Ketsa, is that really you.?" Reaching out a hand to touch his cheek, and finding that it was real, she jumped into his arm, and embraced him. Her face buried into his chest, as she clutched his shirt, sobbing. "I-I thought you were dead. did..didn't think that you. thank you.. oh kami..

Ketsa merely held her, wrapping his arms around her tightly and burying his nose in her hair. He didn't think he would ever find her again. However, he kept searching. It was the only thing that kept him alive and sane. At a time, he had been willing to give up, and just die. However, when he remembered all the times he shared with his little sister, he regained some hope and determination. Over the years, he had become stronger, pledging to be able to protect his loved ones from that day forward. He trained on his own, while on the search for his lost sister and father. At the end of the war, their father never actually found them, nor did they gather any evidence that he was dead.

Finally, the tears ended, and Kaoru apologized profusely to her friends, and introduced her brother to the kenshingumi. Guiding everyone back to the table, the men sat, while Kaoru left to get more food for their guest. The men sat there in complete silence. Finally, Sano broke it and stated in a low voice to Ketsa, "Might want to watch out when Jou-chan returns. Her cooking will kill ya."

Yahiko, who at the time was scooping in some rice, that Kenshin made, started to laugh at the comment, and began to choke. Kenshin, with a small smile on his face chuckled, "mah mah.. Sano, that's not true. Kaoru-dono cooks very well." Personally, he liked Kaoru's cooking

Sano snorted, "Yeah right, admit it Kenshin, jou-chans cooking is terrible. Man, I wish Megumi was here, there's a good cooker." Yahiko laughs, finally swallowing his food, "You only want fox to be here cuz you like her. And Kenshin, Busu couldn't cook if her life depended on it."

At that moment, Kaoru walked through the door with a bowl of rice. Her fingers twitched, and she drew her arm back, throwing the bowl at Yahiko, who ducked. This caused the bowl to fly at Kenshin, hitting him in the face. Seeing that she missed, Kaoru began chasing Yahiko with a bokkon, leaving poor Ken on the floor, crying "oro."

Sano grinned, and began to join the chase; he still needed to pay that brat back for the last prank the kid pulled. Ketsa watched this entire goings with a blank expression on his face. Finally, he gave in, and his mouth twitched into a small smile, than a chuckle. It seems his stay would be a bit fun. Apparently his sister had found a very suitable family, hopefully, he would be family to. This new home was going to be very amusing and fun, yet he had a feeling that it wasn't going to last long. After all, he had several enemies, and they were after his head.


Well, Kaoru and Ketsa are reunited, but how long will this reunion last? =) Hope you liked the chapter, please review!