Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Running ❯ Running ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Just to let you all know, I don't own the show, Rurouni Kenshin, even though I wish I did. ^^ Also, this is my very first thing on this site, so it might not be all so great. :P Please read and review!!


Through the trees, on quiet feet,

Kenshin, a swordsman who swore to kill no more,

Moves gracefully through the street.

His sword at his side,

Friends as his aides,

He is almost undefeatable.

Beside him run a teenage girl,

Her hair glimmering in the moonlight,

As the stars observe closely above.

Karou, her name known by some,

Owner of a Dojo, she's one

That will kindly help you out.

Trailing behind is a small child,

Rescued from a gang, he's lucky,

To have friends like these.

A bit stubborn, but a lot of heart,

Makes up little Yahiko.

Running at this boy's left,

Sano dashes through the town,

His gigantic blade on his back.

He acts tough, but under the shell,

Is a heart of gold, if you can't tell.

The group is watched by the dancing moonlight.

I know it's short, but it's my first. Please Review!! I'd greatly appreciate it!!^^