Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Sanosuke Sagara's Mistake ❯ Sanosuke's Mistake ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sanosuke's mistake

Sanosuke's yelling filled the Dojo, and could possibly be heard three miles away. Katsumi sat silently has his voice rose higher and higher.

Does he really think that yelling is going to make a point? She thought while keeping her gaze to the floor.

"You coulda been killed! You know that missy?!" Sano's face was one of pure rage, he had never lifted a hand to a woman, but he felt like he was about to start.

"Sano…Calm yourself…please." Katsumo asked, her voice calm, not the least bit troubled.

Sano glared at her, she had the nerve to act like nothing had happened…That was Katsumi for you…Always calm, never troubled…Just like Kenshin…You could tell the two were siblings.

Sano's voice still rose, "I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do with you!"

"Oh, so now I'm a piece of your property…That's great." Kat sighed as she stood, walking over Sano, whom was seething.

"Yeah! Yeah you are! That's generally what happens when ya get married, Missy!" He spat in her face.

"I. Am. Not. A Piece. Of YOUR property!" the dam broke and Kat was getting angrier by the second, "And you will treat me with respect!"

"Oh believe me! YOU ARE MINE!" Sano yelled back at her, his eyes aflame.

Kat walked straight up to Sanosuke and slapped his cheek, hard.

There was a long silence and then Sano burst, he came trudging towards her with such ferocity that even she was afraid, she stuttered out, "S..sano?" He gripped her wrists tightly and placed his face right in front of her, and spoke in a low dangerous tone, "Do you realize what you just did?" He seethed.

Kat struggled to get out of his grip, her wrists were bruising and she was holding back the tears that weld up in her eyes. Sano raised his hand, making it into a fist, and brought it crashing down into her jaw. Kat was sent several feet back, she pulled herself up, looking at Sanosuke while clutching her jaw.

Sano's face faltered and he looked at her in horror at what he had done…He had hit his wife…His love.

She let out a sob and picked herself up, "Kat…" Sano mumbled. Kat shook her head walking towards the door, sliding it open she took off down the hallway out into the pouring rain, Sano called after her in anguish.

Come up to meet you,
Tell you I'm sorry,
You don't know how lovely you are.

Kat ran as fast as she could, straight towards Kenshin and Kaoru's home, she made it to the steps and called for Kenshin softly.

She fell to her knees in the dark mud, the moon lighting her figure, casting a shadow on the ground beside her. She heard the dojo's door open and looked up, Kenshin stood there, eyes wide.

"Kat!" He ran forward, lifting her into his arms carefully, "What happened, Kat?" He asked carrying her inside the house.

"S…Sano...and I had a…fight." She sobbed softly into Kenshin's kimono.

"Kenshin…wha-…Oh Kat!" Kaoru cried as she saw the bruised face of Kat.

"Kaoru, get a bath going for Kat, would you?" Kaoru nodded and set off for the bath.

"Now explain to me what happened, Kat." Kenshin looked at her, he knew she didn't want to talk, but he had to know what had happened.

"Sano…and I got in a fight…and…I slapped him…the he grabbed me by the wrists," She lifted her wrists to show the damage done there, "And he punched me." She broke into sobs once again, looking at Kenshin's look of anger.

"How could he do that? I trusted him with you…" Kenshin sat in silence thinking of the things he would do to Sanosuke for hurting his baby sister.

Kaoru came back and tapped Kenshin on the shoulder, "The baths ready, Kenshin." Kenshin nodded and showed Kat to the bathroom, "Do you think she'll be okay alone, Kenshin?" Kenshin nodded slowly, "I don't see why not…Kat's always been a strong girl."

I had to find you,
Tell you I need you,
Tell you I set you apart,
Tell me your secrets, nurse me your questions,
Oh let's go back to the start.

Sanosuke followed Kat's tracks in the mud and knocked softly on the dojo's door.
The door slide open slowly and Kenshin peered out, "Hello Sano." Kenshin's voice dripping with anger.

"Kenshin…I need to talk to Kat…" Sanosuke said ringing his hands.

"I don't think she's in the state of mind to speak to you, that I don't." Kenshin knew that they would have to forgive each other eventually, "Come back in the morning, I'm sure she'll see you then." Sano looked hopeful and then sighed, "I made a huge mistake Kenshin."

Kenshin nodded softly, "You most certainly did…It's not right to hit a lady…Especially your wife." He looked at Sanosuke with pity, he knew that he was hurting…but not as much as his sister.


Kat sat in the tub, looking at the belt that was dangling by her kimono, she had to end this…She didn't know what Sanosuke would do if he found her here, she had no other choice…She was sad, and confused…There was only one way out…

She reached for the dagger, taking a deep breath, she drug it along her right wrist, the pain was unbearable, but she knew it would be over soon, the dark red blood ran down her arms into the water, staining it with a pink tint, she carried out the same act on her left wrist, dropping the dagger to the floor, she let herself sink lower in the tub, watching as the water changed to a redder tint.

Running in circles,
Coming In tails,
Heads on a science, apart.

"I really need to talk to her now, Kenshin…I won't be able to live with myself if I don't."

Kenshin nodded, and looked back over his shoulder at Kaoru who was currently sitting in a nearby chair, nodding in agreement. "She's in the tub right now, but she'll be out in a few moments, that she will."

Sanosuke smiled weakly, and walked inside the dojo, sitting down and looking at his hand, the one that he had struck his wife with.


Katsumi felt herself growing weaker as the waters tint grew darker and darker, she knew somebody who had done this…But she never knew how much it would hurt.

Nobody said it was easy,
It's such a shame for us to part,
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be so hard,
Oh take me back to the start.

It had been several minutes since Katsumi had gone into the bath, and by now the water would have grown cold, Kaoru looked at Kenshin curiously, "Kenshin, maybe I should go check on Kat?" Kenshin nodded at Kaoru, as she turned and made her way to the bath house.

A few moments later there was a loud shriek and Kenshin heard Kaoru running back sobbing, "K-kenshin…Kat!! Kat…she…she--" Kaoru broke into sobs. Kenshin looked up in worry, "Kat!"

I was just guessing,
At numbers and figures,
Pulling your puzzles apart,
Questions of science,
Science and progress,
Did not speak as loud as my heart.

Kat's eyes grew heavy, she felt herself grow tired.

Memories came back.

(Flash back)

"Kenshin, Sano loves me…It's not something to kill him over…Put down the sword." Kenshin glanced up at her, a deadly look in his eyes, "Fine…But if you hurt my sister…You will die…" He paused, allowing the happiness to come back into his voice, "That you will!" he said with a smile. Sanosuke released a breath and pulled Kat into his arms, "So whadda say Missy…When are we gonna get hitched?"
(end flash back.)

She could barely hear the foot steps of Kenshin and Sanosuke as they approached the bath house, Sanosuke yelling when he opened the door, "Kat! What the hell have you-" he paused at her pale face, he took a step towards the tub and looked at her, "Kat what's wrong with you, ya look sick…" He reached forward, grabbing her arms, not noticing the tint of the water in the darkness of the room, he gripped her wrists gently and felt a stickiness, looking back at Kenshin who stood in the doorway, eyes wide, "Blood." Kenshin mumbled, Sanosuke looked back at his hands and called to Kenshin, "Go get Megumi!…NOW!" Kenshin ran out of the bathhouse.

"Oh Gods, Kat." He looked down at her, tears filling his eyes, he looked at her pale face, "Oh gods, I'm so sorry." He clutched her to him tightly.

Kat's breath was coming in ragged gasps as she looked up at his face, she mumbled softly, "So….cold." Sanosuke looked at her and then grabbed a robe wrapping it around her, and laying her on the ground.

"S…S…Sano…" Kat trailed off gasping at the pain coursing through her body.

"Shh, you'll be fine Kat." Sano said smiling weakly, in a failed attempt to tell himself that she'd be fine.

"No…no I…I… won't be…" She mumbled as her eyes slowly began closing.

Sanosuke glared at her, "Look at me…." noticing no response, "Look at me Dammit! Kat…talk to me!" Kats eyes fluttered open and she gazed at his lively eyes, he looked back at her glassy ones.

"What….s…should…we…talk…a bout?" her voice becoming a hoarse whisper.

"Tell me….tell me ya love me." Sano muttered, a tears slipping from his eyes.

Tell me you love me,
Come back and hold me,
I want to rush to the start,
Running in circles,
Chasing our tails,
Coming back as we are.

She lifted a shaky hand up to his face, "I….love…you." she rasped out.

Sanosuke looked down at her, and kissed her cold lips, "I love you too, Kat." He pulled her to him.

"S…s…sano…I'm.…so…tired."< br>
Sano shook his head, "Stay with me, Kat! Kenshin will be back anytime and we'll get ya all fixed up."

"I…just…want…to sleep…" she whispered.

"Stay awake, Kat….Don't fall asleep on me." Sano warned.

"I…love you…Sanosuke…Sagara." With that Katsumi's body went limp in his arms, Sanosuke looked down at her lifeless eyes.

"Kat?" No response came, "Kat?! KAT! NO WAKE UP!!" He shook her trying to wake her.

The door flew open and Megumi came running in, Kenshin and Kaoru trailing behind.

Nobody said it was easy,
Oh it's such a shame for us to part.

Megumi placed two of her fingers at the pulse point at Katsumi's neck, shaking her head, she let out a defeated sigh and placed a supportive hand on Sanosuke's shoulder.

"I'm sorry." She whispered softly.

Sanosuke looked up, the tears shining in his eyes, he left out a soft sob, "Kat….No…"

Kenshin sank to his knees placing his head in his hands, crying softly, as Kaoru wrapped her arms around him, and cried with him.

Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be so hard,
I'm going back to the start.