Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Somewhere I belong ❯ Day Break ( Chapter 4 )

Anime/Manga: Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Adventure / Drama / | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 08.02.2004 | Pages: 2 | Words: 1.6K | Visits: 260 | Status: Completed
Chapter 4
Day break
Anya awoke that morning still holding her poetry journal she sat up in bed looking around she noticed everything was still the same her real parents were still dead and she was still living with the Yoshizaki family. 'I'm getting out of here sooner or later but I much rather prefer sooner' Anya thought as she crawled out of bed.
"Anya you up yet?" Mrs. Yoshizaki yelled from the kitchen.
"Yeah I'm up!" Anya yelled, as she got dressed.
"Breakfast is almost ready." Mrs. Yoshizaki yelled as she continued to cook.
"K." Anya said as she made her way to her bathroom.
Anya was brushing her hair when she heard a knock on her bathroom door she so wanted to ignore whom ever was knock on the door but she thought better of it since the persistent knocking was getting annoying as it is.
"Yeah?" Anya asked as she opened the door.
"Good your up breakfast is ready." Mrs. Yoshizaki said.
"I'll be down in a minute, k?" Anya said as she continued to do her hair.
"Alright." Mrs. Yoshizaki said as she left Anya to do her hair.
Anya arrived down stairs right as Mr. Yoshizaki walked into the house after getting the morning paper and back into the kitchen. Anya sighed it was going to be a normal day she being bored out of her mind and Mr. and Mrs. Yoshizaki reading books or watching something on the television. As Anya walked into the kitchen to sit down at the table she noticed Mrs. and Mr. Yoshizaki both cooking breakfast this time and not just Mrs. Yoshizaki.
"So whats for breakfast?" Anya asked watching Mrs. Yoshizaki at the stove.
"Bacon, eggs and French toast." Mrs. Yoshizaki said smiling.
"Sounds good." Anya said pouring her self a glass of orange juice.
"In deed it will be." Mr. Yoshizaki said putting the bacon on the table.
Anya watched as Mr. and Mrs. Yoshizaki continued to cook breakfast together. Finally breakfast was finished cooking and everyone sat down around the table and started eating in silence. Anya was planning on going to the old abandoned Kamiya Kasshin-ryu dojo after breakfast and hang out there for awhile then come home and go through the whole retain all over again the next day.
"Is it alright if I go to the dojo for awhile today?" Anya asked sweetly.
"Of course we don't mind just be back home at a reasonable hour, alright?" Mrs. Yoshizaki said.
"I will." Anya said finishing her orange juice.
Anya stood up from the table taking her dishes to the sink and washing them off before sticking them in the dishwasher. As Anya was leaving the kitchen she heard a knock on the front door and decided to get it before she went up to her room to get a few things.
"I'll get it." Anya said as she approached the door.
When Anya opened the door she saw the two police officers from yesterday smiling.
"Good morning officers." Anya said as she let them come in side.
"And how are you this morning miss Anya?" Asked officer Abukara.
"Doing good I was just headed out for a walk." Anya told them.
"To wear?" Officer Baisotei asked.
"To the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu dojo." Anya said as she shut the door.
"Now be careful around that dojo." Officer Abukara said.
"I will I know my way around the building rather well." Anya said with a smile.
With that said Anya excused herself up stairs to her room to gather a few things she might need while at the dojo even thought she was only going to be there for a little while and then come straight home that way as to not worry her foster mother and father. The officers watched Anya head up stairs to her room while they headed into the living room to wait for her foster parents. Anya came back down stairs with a back-pack full of odds and ends that she might need key words being might need, while at the dojo for a little while.
"I'm headed to the dojo now." Anya said as she entered the living room.
"Alright be back before dinner." Mrs. Yoshizaki said happily.
"Will do." Anya said as she headed towards the kitchen to get a water bottle.
Anya entered the kitchen and grabbed herself a water bottle and a few snacks just in case she got hungry while she was at the dojo sitting in one of the many trees reading one of her books or writing a new poem or two. Anya walked back through the living room and back up stairs to get one last thing her poetry book plus her personal journal she wrote in every day before she went to bed. As Anya was living her room she heard the officers talking to Mrs. and Mr. Yoshizaki about herself.
"Anya's a bright young girl." Said officer Abukara.
"That she is." Agreed Mr. Yoshizaki.
"And boy can she run." Officer Baisotei said rubbing his legs.
"Yeah but hey you needed the exercise." Officer Abukara said smiling.
"That I did but I didn't want to get my exercise that way." Officer Baisotei said.
Everyone laughed and continued with the conversation concerning Anya and they way she acts plus her frequent running away.
"But that's not why were here." Officer Abukara said seriously.
"We were just wondering why she runs away as much as she does." Officer Baisotei asked.
"To tell you the truth we don't know our selves." Mrs. Yoshizaki said sadly.
"We take care of all her needs." Mr. Yoshizaki said taking his wife's hand.
"But you still don't know why she runs." Asked officer Abukara.
"We have a pretty good idea as to why she keeps running away." Said Mrs. Yoshizaki.
"And whats that." Asked officer Baisotei.
"Well her parents were killed in a car accident five years ago yesterday." Said Mr. Yoshizaki.
"Yes she told us about that." Said officer Abukara.
"But why do you think that's that reason?" Asked officer Baisotei.
"She doesn't like it hear she did when her parents were around but not anymore." Mrs. Yoshizaki said sadly.
Anya thought about what her foster parents told the officers in away it was true but in away it wasn't yeah she didn't really like living with the Yoshizaki's but she's learned to deal by writing poetry or writing in her journal but mostly she found the dojo to be her sanctuary a place she could go to get away from all the memories that now plague her during her sleep and in her waking hours. 'I'm sorry I cause you so much trouble' Anya thought as she walked down the stairs the rest of the way. When Anya reached the bottom of the stairs she heard Mrs. Yoshizaki crying for some reason. 'I'm sorry' Anya thought again as she walked out the front door headed towards the dojo. Mrs. Yoshizaki heard the front door shut with a clang as Anya went out the door headed to the old abandoned dojo she spent more time at then at the house. When Mrs. Yoshizaki realize that Anya might have heard them talking about her with the officers she began to panic think the worst.
"I think Anya might have heard us talking about her." Mrs. Yoshizaki said sadly.
The two officers looked at the two very worried foster parents and hoped that Anya didn't hear them and if she did she might never come back ever again.
End chapter 4