Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The beauty of life ❯ Meiji, 1870 ( Chapter 5 )

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It was now 1870, well into the Meiji era. It was somewhat calmer and peaceful. Kyoto was back and women and men lived in Kyoto happily. With new laws and new lifestyles, samurai lived on as farmers and husbands and lived happily. As the new government formed, many of the shinsengumi fell apart and all the feuds faded away.
Elena's clan had broken apart, moving to other cities. Some resided in Kyoto living happily now that the war and the fights had ended.
Elena however, had left after she had fought in the war. Hachiro went looking for her, but his searches were in vain. He began to wonder if she had even made it out of the war alive.
He looked around for a woman who fit her description, but only found one former assassin who lived in the area.
He approached the Dojo where the assassin was said to be living in. Above him was a sign that read: “ Kamiya dojo” He read aloud.
He walked across the courtyard and knocked on the large oak doors.
No one answered. He wandered to the back.
Sure enough, they were there, sitting and eating. The woman stood up, surprised at his presence.
The man too stood up and bowed slightly.
“ Excuse me. No one answered the door, so I came to check if you guys were home. Pardon my rudeness,” Hachiro said.
The woman smiled warmly.
“That's okay. Is something wrong?” the woman asked.
Hachiro shook his head, “ Not concerning you, I'm sure. I came to see if- oh excuse my rudeness. My name is Nara Hachiro,” He said, bowed deeply.
The woman gasped, “ Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Kamiya Kaoru. This here is Kenshin Himura,” She said.
Hachiro raised his eyebrows.
“ Himura? I recognize that name,” he said. He thought for a moment.
His eyes widened when he began to remember.
“ Ah, you were involved with the battles that ended the era of the Tokugawa shogunate. If I remember, you were known for your number of kills. I think you were called the hitokiri battousai?” He asked.
The man with red hair nodded and shook Hachiro's outstretched hand.
“ I prefer the name Kenshin now,” He said politely.
Hachiro nodded. He shifted his weight onto his left.
“ I was wondering if you ever came across an assassin that had exceptional speed and strength. She should be about your height,” he asked.
Kenshin frowned, deep in thought.
“ Come to think of it, there was a girl who I couldn't beat. She was an escort to two men I was assigned to kill,” He said.
Hachiro nodded, “ Yes, I was one of the men that she was protecting,” he replied.
Kenshin gasped.
“ Ah, so that would explain why you know this. Well, I'm sorry for trying to kill you. So what about this girl?” he asked.
Kaoru frowned, “ Girl? Were girls allowed to be assassins back then?” She asked.
Hachiro laughed, “ It's quite funny. She was able to get by looking like a guy, but she really is a girl. No one seemed to care though,” He mused.
Kaoru looked at Kenshin, “ So are you looking for her?” She asked.
Hachiro nodded, “ I fear that she might not have made it out, but I want to make sure. She was a valuable member to our clan and I just wanted to thank her and apologize for all the things I've put on her,” he said.
“ Ah I see. Well I haven't actually seen her since that day, but we'll keep a lookout for her,” Kenshin said.
Hachiro nodded, “ Thank you for your kindness. Her name is Elena. Arai Elena. You have her description. If you find her, she might not be keen on coming with you, so you'll have to convince her,” he said.
He thought for a moment, “ Ah and she might remember you, so be careful,” he added.
“ I'll be sure to keep that in mind,” Kenshin said.
Hachiro began to take leave.
“ Oh, and don't let her try and attack you. She doesn't take people too kindly and she'll attack if you're involved with the government of some sort,” He said.
Kenshin nodded, “ What typed of swordsmanship does she use?” He asked, suddenly curious about her technique.
“ The Hiten mitsurugi Ryu. From what I've heard, it's the most powerful kenjutsu of all the swordsmanship techniques out there. Do you know it?” Hachiro asked.
Kenshin looked at Kaoru warily. He nodded, “ Quite well,” he replied.
Hachiro nodded, “ Well I must go. I'm late for a meeting. It was nice to meet you all,” He said.
“ You too,” Kenshin and Kaoru said in unison.
They watched Hachiro leave and then turned back to their food. A young boy was watched closely.
“ What was that about?” The boy asked.
Kenshin sat down, “ She knew the teachings of the hiten. No one knows it, except for Shishio and this one,” He said.
Kaoru sat down next to him, “ Maybe she got taught by Hiko-san as well,” She said.
Kenshin shrugged, “ One doesn't know, but we should keep an eye out for her nevertheless,” He said.
Kaoru nodded, “ Yeah,” she replied.
The boy shrugged, “ I think maybe he was bluffing,” He said.
Kaoru glared at him, “ Yahiko, don't be rude,” she snapped.
Yahiko ducked, “ Sorry,” He said.