Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Findings of Earth ❯ The Light that Breaks the Shadow ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Sorry this update took so long. I went away to a small colonial village near my home city to celebrate new years, witch reminds me…. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Hope you'll like this chapter too and please review and tell me what you think.

Chapter III

The Light that Breaks the Shadow

He was asleep. He had his eyes shot and his cuffed hands beneath his head. The floor was cold but he couldn't feel it or didn't care. His body was covered on bruises and cuts and he was dirty with blood. But he was asleep and for the first time he could have a peaceful sleep in the solitary. His bosses were long gone and Kenshin was just lying there, dreaming, resting.

He didn't know were he was, he couldn't recognize the place, the only think he knew was that it was dark. It was like he was submerged in a world of black and gray that moved around him like water and encircled him. He wasn't afraid, he just felt lost. He kept using his violet eyes to look around him, trying to see something, he didn't knew what he was looking for but he knew he would recognize it the minute he saw it.

He moved his hand forward and realized he still had his usual color. He moved the hand in front of his eyes for a few moments, he watched his fingers turned from side to side and moved playfully in front of him. He wasn't aware exactly when his hand stopped being controlled by him to be manipulated by someone or something else. Now he could only watched his hand as it moved swiftly from side to side like it was holding something but he didn't knew what it was. His left hand quickly joined the right one in its movements and soon his arms shoulders and chest were out of his control. His body was reacting to something beyond his conscience but the movement felt so natural so comfortable. Kenshin felt like his body knew what to do better than him. The black and gray shadows kept encircling him and Kenshin noticed them once more. He was still trying to find something. His body moved before his mind could react. His legs were moving so rapidly and he was running so fast. He didn't know were his body was driven him, he only knew somehow that it was leading him to the right place. The shadows never stopped moving around him and he kept looking at them trying to find…

Suddenly he stopped. His body stayed still as he used his beautiful violet eyes to look around and then he se it. It was just in front of it. The shadows almost covered it completely but he could still see the small and sparkling sapphire shinning beneath them. He was enchanted by it, his eyes were fixated in the shiny figure and then he caught a glimpse of something amazing. Just next to the first one there was another sapphire shining just as brightly as the other one. Then he realized that that was what he was looking for, the thing he needed. He kept staring at those blue spots when he realized the deepness of them. His eyes widened when he realized the sapphire were so deep because they were the shining eyes of a woman that was laying beneath the shadows. A familiar feeling overtook him as he stared at the now clear figure of a woman covered in black and gray. The woman wasn't in any pain, he could see that. She was trapped. The shadows were hiding her soul and the only remains of it that were shown were those beautiful eyes filled with hope.

Kenshin opened his beautiful eyes to see the darkness of the cell again. He twitched in pain from the slap that had woken him up. He waited for his eyes to focus the person in front of him. It was the first boss. He slowly incorporated and stood before him expecting whatever that was about to come but with a strange feeling in his heart that he had left something unconcluded.

He felt a hand touch his cheek slightly and then he heard his voice.

"Three years ago I put that scar on your face so you could remember never to disobey me again. But yet you made the same mistake again. Believe me that if you weren't as useful as you are you would be death." The first boss stopped and looked at the red headed youth in front of him. He then punched him in the face and then walked out the door. "Take him to his cell," He said to the two guys in front of him "and cuff him to the bars"

Kenshin didn't have time to get up by himself; he was picked up by strong arms that dragged him out of the solitary cell. He sighted as he felt he had forgotten something that was very important.

* * *

Kaoru was laying on her bead staring at the ceiling. That was the only thing she did. She had been in that cell for a week and she still didn't know what she was doing there. She spent her days thinking about his father and making herself a million questions that didn't have an answer, at last not yet. Who were those guys? Where was she? Why was she there? Why did they kill her father? What were they going to do with her? Why nobody spoke to her? She sighted and closed her eyes for a moment. Since the day the boss spoke to her nobody talked to her. Some guy came with food three times a day and left, he never spoke a word. Sometimes she could see men walking in the corridor in front of her cell and disappearing down the stairs, but they ignored her too. She kept wondering where did that staircase led to. She could always see the men going down and then returning, nobody stayed down there, no body but that guy. She remembered him his red head and his violet eyes. There was something in his eyes that kept her thinking about him. Every time she heard footsteps from beneath she looked at the staircase with hopeful eyes hoping to see him come up but it hadn't happen yet.

She felt weird every time he thought about him. She was confused; she had lost her father only a few days ago, the person that meant the most to her. She felt empty and lost, she was taken to that place and her mind didn't react, she was waiting for the dream to stop, that couldn't be real. But then that guy came in, with his red hair and violet eyes, and something in her heart woke her up and she didn't felt empty anymore.

She heard a noise coming from downstairs so she lifted her head to see who was coming up. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw who it was. Two men were dragging the red headed guy. One of them approached the cell across from her and unlocked it, then they threw the boy inside and then one of them grabbed a key from his pocket and unlocked the handcuffs in the boys' wrists. Kaoru thought for a moment that they were leaving but only moments latter they put the boys' hands around one of the bars of the cell and cuff them again, then they left locking the door behind them.

Kaoru rushed out of bed and kneeled in front of the bars of her own cell just across from the boy. She was looking at him with concerned eyes. The boy was badly hurt. She couldn't see him properly since his head was down and his red hair cove his face but she knew just by watching him breathe that he was hurt and in pain. She didn't know who he was or what was his relation with the men that capture her, but no person deserved to be treated like that. The boy was hurt and all they could do was cuff him to the bars, she couldn't begin to imagine how uncomfortable that was. She didn't believe that the guy was in any condition of escaping, if that was what they were afraid of. Her thoughts were stopped when she saw him moving. The red headed slowly began to rise his head and then she was lost once again in the beautiful violet of his eyes.

She could see him looking at her deeply in her eyes as if he was remembering something, then a small smile appeared in his face.

"Are you ok?" Kaoru asked not knowing what else to say.

Kenshin remained silent for a moment just looking at her. He saw the concern in her eyes along with the sadness.

"Yes" He finally answered smiling softly at her.

She could tell he was lying. She saw in his eyes that he was only saying that so she wouldn't be worried… but why? Why would a total stranger worry about her?

"Why are you lying?" She asked without even thinking the words before saying them.

Kenshin was surprised. How did she know he was lying? And why did he lie in the first place? He didn't know the girl in front of him, he remembered he saw her when they threw him in the second basement but that was it. However he had a strange emotion that made him feel comfortable around her, like he already knew her, and the last thing he wanted was that pure and beautiful girl in front of him worrying about him, he wasn't worthy of that.

"I didn't want you to worry about me" He answered truly.

"But you are hurt!" Kaoru said not believing how he could act like he was more concerned about her than himself.

"It's not the first time and it's not that bad, I had worst"

Kaoru gasped at his words and Kenshin immediately regretted speaking them. She looked at his eyes and saw that this time he was telling the truth. She looked at the person in front of her and wondered just how much suffering he had had in his life. He acted like he was resigned to that life, like he didn't know or expect anything better. Kaoru felt a warm tear slid down her cheek. Kenshin saw it and cursed himself mentally for talking too much. That girl didn't need to hear about his life, she didn't deserve to hear anything sad.

"I'm sorry" Said Kenshin as he looked at the floor turning his eyes away from her. "I didn't mean to make you cry"

Kaoru wiped the tear from her face as she silently looked at the boy in front of her.

"There is nothing to apologize about" She said wishing he would look at her again. "It's not your fault"

Kenshin slowly raised his head and focus his eyes on the beautiful woman in front of him. She smiled softly at him and he instantly felt better.

"Somebody should take care of your wounds" she said.

"I'll do it myself"

"But your hands are cuffed!"

"I'll just have to wait until the first boss decides that my punishment is over and let me go"

"The first boss?" Asked Kaoru trying to understand what Kenshin was trying to tell her.

"He is the one on charge of the whole gang, everyone has to obey him"

"Do you know him?" Asked Kaoru as she realized she didn't know the man in front of her, she didn't even know his name.


"How long have you been here?"

"Since I can remember. I only have one memory previous to this place." Kaoru could see the change in Kenshin's eyes as he recalled that memory, she thought it most have been a painful memory.

"Do you live here?" She asked with a weird tone in her voice.

Kenshin looked at her for a moment before answering.

"I don't know what are you here for" He said looking at Kaoru "I've seen many prisoners in these cells but all of them eventually leave. I haven't, I live here and I always have. The people that brought you here are part of a gang and I work for them" Kenshin lowered his eyes not daring to face Kaoru. "I'm sorry"

Kaoru looked at him. She couldn't believe what he was hearing, there had to be an explanation, that boy in front of her couldn't be one of the people that killed her father, it just wasn't possible. She had seen how the members of the gang treated him and she was seeing his injured body. He was in a cell just in front of her, bruised and with his hands cuffed to the bars making him even more uncomfortable. That was not a gang member, it couldn't be, then why would he be in that situation.

"Then why are you in a cell? She asked in a soft voice.

"I'm been punished" He said without taking his eyes from the floor.

"For what"

"I disobey their orders and endangered a mission"

"What did you do?" Kaoru asked in the same whispering voice.

"I let a witness escape."

"What do you mean?" Kaoru asked even if in her heart she knew the answer, she wanted to hear it from him.

"I didn't killed him as I was supposed to"

Kaoru looked at him silently before speaking. She was right.

"What's your name?"

Kenshin slowly looked at her again. The beautiful girl in front of him was smiling. How could she? She knew he wasn't an innocent person, she knew he was part of that gang that capture her, an enemy, and she still smiled at him and even wanted to know his name.

"Kenshin" He answered in a whisper.

"Kenshin" She said the name as if she was tasting it, hearing the syllables been pronounced by her voice. There was something familiar in that name and the way it sounded when it was spoken by her, they both knew that. "I wanted to tell you Kenshin that you are not a member of this gang. You are the oldest captive they have."

* * *

A/N: I hope you liked it. Thanks a lot for all your reviews you guys really make me happy with all your comments so please keep them coming. ^_^x

Thanks to:

Fuuko-san: You make me blush with your review, you are so nice and you really know how to encourage some one so thanx a lot. You don't know how happy I get when I get a response like yours to a story!

Skipper: Thanks for your suggestion, I'll keep it in mind for next time. I hope you liked this chapter!

star-chan: I'm glad you loved the chapter even if its sad. Thanks for a wonderful and encouraging review!!!!

Kriska: Happy Holydays to you too. I hope I didn't take to long to update and if I did that you'll forgive me. Thanks for your nice review and I hope you liked this chapter.

Joey: You have to love the internet!! You get to know persons and not males or females. Why would I be disappointed in you being a girl! The truth is that you surprised me but it wasn't a bad surprise. *Misanagi throws the shinai and gets herself another katana to block the killer blow Joey sent her* I'm sorry I didn't update early but it was new years and I was gone and… *Misanagi still fights with Joey since she doesn't believe her*

Chiki: I'm glad you love this Kenshin since I love him too!!!! Thanks for your complements, you are so nice *blushes*. I also wish you a great holyday!!!!! You didn't review late, what are you talking about? And for reviews like yours I don't mind waiting. Thanks a lot!!!!!

White Plum: Tu pregunta será ampliamente respondida en el siguiente capítulo pero por el momento te puedo decir que yo nunca le haría algo demasiado terrible a Kaoru. No eres la única que ama a Kenshin, yo creo que describiste bien en tu fic lo de el club de admiradoras que andan detrás de él, yo sin duda sería una de ellas. Te deseo también una feliz navidad y un feliz año! Gracias por tu review!! PS: Recibiste mi mail?

Grace Ann: Thanks for your review and I'm glad you like the story! Hope you liked this chapter too and I'm looking forward to hear from you again.

Laie Himura de Fanel: Entiendo español porque soy orgullosamente Colombiana, pero escribo en ingles porque así más gente puede leer mis fics. Me encanta cuando más gente de habla hispana me pone reviews, no se si a ti te pase pero me siento en familia!!! Gracias por el review y me encanta que te esté gustando la historia!!! PS: ¿De dónde eres?

Kaoru Himura!: The guy that Kenshin saved was just some guy. Those were two separated missions. Remember I said that they no longer took Kenshin in the assassination missions because he didn't kill so he used him for stealing and things like that. Merry Christmas to you too! I'm glad you liked the chapter even if it was sad, thanks for the review and I hope you liked this chapter too!

moonblossom: Don't worry about the late review! I'm glad you liked the last chapter and I also hope you liked this one too.

omochi: Yes I know, poor Kenshin… I'm sorry I didn't update sooner but I hope you enjoyed the chapter anyway.

C-Chan & Eko: I know it was sad but I'm glad you think it has potential. Thanks for the great review and I hope you two don't fight like that all the time. I also hope you liked this chapter and weren't disappointed.

moon goddess: Yes poor Kenshin… How did you know about the sword? You'll still have to wait a few chapters to find out anyway. I'm glad you liked tha chapter and thanks a lot for the review!!!

Naomi: I hope you liked this chapter. Broken Pieces uh? I haven't think about it… but there are crucial differences and we can talk about it in MSN, anyway I'm flattered, that story is so good! I think your question is answered in this chapter ne? Anyway Kaoru and Kenshin are meant to be together, they wouldn't fight for something like that, leave that to Hollywood. Thanks for your review and talk to you latter!

Vesca: *Misanagi hides behind her computer* Well maybe I'm in a Kenshin torture bend but I just couldn't resist the idea, he is just so sexy when he acts strong!!! This chapter wasn't that happy but it was at least happier than the last one. I hope you liked it anyway. Thanks for your review!

The *Spangled* Pandemonium: Thanks for all your reviews!!! You are so nice!!!! I know it's angsty but I think it gives the story a lot. I hope you liked it anyway and that you liked this chapter too. Once again thanks for reviewing every chapter, that's so cool!!!!

Jason M. Lee: Yes, I know, poor Kenshin, but don't worry, the choice is coming. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Sabrina-star: Yo se, pobre Kenshin…. Kenshin y Kaoru tuvieron un encuentro más largo en este capítulo aunque no se hayan reído. Espero que te haya gustado de todos modos. Gracias por tu review!!!

Lady Night: Thanks so much for your review!!!! You are so nice to me! I don't know if I deserve it *blushes* I'm glad you liked "Heavenly Lost" and this one too. Thanks a lot for your review (again) it makes me so happy!!!!!

Kary: Muchas gracias por tu review!!!! Me encanta que te guste la historia y me hace muy feliz!!! Yo se… pobre Kenshin y pobre Kaoru… Y yo también lo amo es que es taaaaaaaaaan lindo o no? Espero que te haya gustado también éste capítulo. MUCHÍSIMAS GRACIAS POR PONERME EN TU LISTA DE ATORES FAVORITOS!!!!! No sabes lo feliz que eso me hace, Gracias!

Claudia (I think that's your name) : I'm so glad you like my fics and that you e-mailed me. That makes me so happy!! I hope your mom doesn't kill you. No need to excuse yourself about your English. Thanks again for your mail and I hope you liked this chapter too.
