Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Findings of Earth ❯ A Special Reflection ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter IX

A Special Reflection

The old man widened his eyes and looked at Kenshin for a moment.

"How did you know that?" He finally asked "The sword was sheathed"

Kenshin just looked at the sword Yamada was holding in his hands. He didn't understand either… how could he know that? The old man just kept his gaze on Kenshin and so did Kaoru… She was beginning to think that there was something extremely odd with the read headed man.

"What is a sakabatou?" Asked Kaoru breaking the uncomfortable silence that had begun.

"The katanas normally have only one sharp side" Explained the old man "A sakabatou is a sword that has the edge on the opposite side"

Kaoru looked at Kenshin again. There was no way he could have known that before the sword was unsheathed. Kenshin still has his violet eyes fixed on the sword. His mind was a complete mess, he couldn't understand why was he so attracted by that sword, there was something about it and that feeling he got about it was tiring, he felt like the answer was in his mind but that there was no way he could find it.

"Can I see it?" Asked Kenshin extending his arm trying to reach the mysterious weapon.

The old man handed the sword to Kenshin. He held it with both hands and slowly unsheathed it. He could see his bright violet eyes reflected on the shinny metal. He felt relieve when he realized that the sword was in perfect shape, someone had bothered to keep it as good as new. He held the sword in his right arm. The feeling was so comfortable, so familiar. He knew it was weird but he felt like he had just recovered a missing part of his arm. He was so tempted in testing it. He wanted to try some moves with it. His hands and his feet were aching to move but he remained still. He knew that the energy that he was feeling from the sword was too powerful and he didn't dare to try it there. It was too dangerous and Kaoru was by his side.


Kenshin looked up at Kaoru; she was looking at him with her bright blue eyes.

"Yamada-san was saying that if he takes the handle of this sword he'll be able to fix the other one"

"No!" Said Kenshin a little bit louder than he intended. What was wrong with him? Why did he care so much about a simple sword? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scream, it's just that…"

"You want that sword don't you?" Said Kaoru looking at Kenshin.

Kenshin lowered his eyes. How did she know? Was he that easy to read? It didn't matter how much he wanted it, he couldn't ask Kaoru for it.

Kaoru didn't need a spoken answer, his actions, his movement was everything she needed to understand.

"Yamada-san, how much is the sakabatou?"

Kenshin looked at Kaoru. That girl just knew exactly what he wanted she had such a kind heart.

"Kaoru is really not necessary…"

Kaoru just ignored Kenshin and asked Yamada again.

"Well maybe we could make a trade. You know I've always wanted your father's sword… if you want I can give you the sakabatou in exchange for the other one."

"I thought you said the sakabatou wasn't as valuable" said Kenshin.

"That is true… consider this, the handle in your sword is damage so it isn't as valuable, and in addition I'll give you the difference in money"

"It sounds like a good deal" Said Kaoru and then she went to the back of the store to make the final arrangements.

Kenshin stood there holding the sword in his hands.

"A sakabatou couldn't hurt a fly""You are still going to use that sakabatou against this mighty Zanbatou?""The sakabatou is my most price possession""Is good that the old one broke, now you can get a real sword""With this sword I can protect the happiness of the ones I care about"

Kenshin heard Kaoru's voice approaching and her voice silenced the strange ones that were speaking to him.

"It's all settle, the sakabatou is yours!"

Kenshin smiled widely and thanked her. She didn't know how much that meant to him. They both exit the store together. Kenshin remained silent; he couldn't stop thinking about the sword, and on top of all the strange things that he felt, he was hearing voices… now he was sure that he was crazy.

* * *

"What do you mean by 'they escaped'? I really hope that it doesn't mean that they did because if what you are trying to tell me is that you had our runaways and let them go I'm going to punish you worst than I ever did that stupid kid!"

The man felt a nod on his throat. He was as scared as a person could be. It wasn't his fault that they got away. The kid was mad! And he was so strong! There was nothing he could do.

"He fought us with a sword… he is so quick… I swear he dodge a bullet"

The first boss smacked the man hard in the face. He was really getting tired of that group of incompetent fools that worked for him. He needed Kenshin and the girl found as soon as possible, if he didn't then everything would be ruined. How could his mistreated fighter and a stupid girl ruin everything? He smacked the man again. He needed to release some of his tension somewhere and Kenshin wasn't around. The first boss took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. Yes this was terrible news but there was also a good side. He always knew Kenshin was strong, but now the little slave was proving to be even more than he hoped for. The bay had beaten three men with guns using only a sword… yes that was good, that would certainly help his plans, but only if they were found!

"I swear to you Tanaka" Said the first boss to the man at his feet "That if you don't find Kenshin and the girl by today I'll kill you myself"

The shaken man raised immediately from the floor.

"Thank you" He said before rushing out the door.

The first boss watched him leave and then slowly took a cigarette of his pocket and began smoking slowly. There was no more stopping it, he'll have to make the call.

He took out his cell phone and slowly dialed the number. It only rang once and then the voice talked to him.


"They have escaped sir"


"The Kamiya girl and Kenshin"

"Don't call me back until you find them"

The first boss closed his cell phone and finished his cigarette. If he didn't have any news by tonight he'll have to go out and find them himself.

* * *

He had never experienced something like that. He couldn't believe such things existed and knowing that they did gave a special meaning to life… Kaoru was right! There was nothing as delicious as cake!

Kenshin was in haven. Kaoru had taken him to a pastry shop that she knew and had convinced the owner to give her a little taste of every kind of cake they had. Kenshin was enjoying each of them and couldn't decide witch one he liked the most. Kaoru was just looking at him and smiling. Kenshin was happy! He deserved to have a little happiness in his live. Kaoru didn't know everything that happened to him but she knew enough to be sure that he had a rough time. Now he was a child discovering something for the first time, something that didn't had a bitter taste in it.

"You should eat slower" Said Kaoru still smiling at the beautiful view in front of her. Kenshin was sitting at the table with at least six dishes in front of him, each with a different flavor of cake on it. He had a spoon on his hand and more chocolate in his hands then in the spoon. He was looking at the dishes in front of him and using the spoon to try everything. First chocolate, then strawberry, then orange, then cheese cake, then ice-cream cake and when he was finish trying each flavor separately, he began to make as many combinations as possible. Chocolate and ice-cream, ice-cream and strawberry, strawberry and cheesecake, and so and so. Kaoru meanwhile just stayed seated in front of him, eating a muffing and drinking a coke. She had a big smile on her face, she could see how much this little treat had made Kenshin happy and she was just as cheerful. Finally Kenshin finished eating a great amount of cake and they left the pastry shop.

"Domo Arigatou Kaoru-san, this was just the best thin I've ever tasted"

"Don't worry Kenshin, it was my pleasure. Just don't call me -san please. If you continue like this you'll end up calling me -dono again"

They both gave fake smiles but there was still something about that word that made them feel weird.

"So where are we going now?" Said Kaoru breaking the silence.

"I guess we should go back to the house"

"The one we slept yesterday?"

"Yes, I can't think of any other place to go"

"What if we go to a hotel?" Asked Kaoru "Now we have money and you said that you didn't know how much time it'll be safe to stay in the house"

"We can't go to a hotel" Answered Kenshin very calmly "The first boss has connections all over the city, if we are spotted in a hotel he'll know with in the hour. The house is the best place for now. Is getting late and we shouldn't stay for too long in the streets. We'll start looking for another place in the morning.

Kaoru just nodded and kept walking. She knew Kenshin knew what he was doing and she trusted him completely.

* * *

"Where did you saw them?"


"I understand, what time was that?"


"Next time you should inform earlier, they could be anywhere by now!"


"I know you are sorry. Keep your eyes open, next time there'll be no sorry"

The first boss hung up the phone. This was getting tiring but at least now they had a lead.

* * *

Kaoru was in the room fixing everything and Kenshin was downstairs getting dinner ready. After all that cake he was still hungry. He smiled haply when he remembered the delicious food. He was so used to having to steal his food or starved that this was indeed a pleasant change.

The sakabatou was lying in the kitchen table and every time Kenshin saw it he felt an urge to go and practice with it. It was like the sword was calling him. After passing in front of it and ignoring it as best as he could a few times, he finally gave up.

He walked to the kitchen table and took the sword in his hand. He felt like there was some kind of energy that was possessing him just by having the sword in his hand.

He looked around the kitchen and knew that he didn't have enough space so he exited the room and went into the living room. Without putting the sword aside he moved some furniture and rearrange the room so that he had enough space to move as he wanted to.

When he was done he slowly unsheathed the sword and put the saya aside. He looked at in for a few moments. He could see his reflection in the shinny metal. He saw his eyes looking back at him. He saw his violet eyes, and then he saw them slowly changing into amber. He had a strange look on his face, but it still seemed so familiar to see that picture of himself reflected in the blade… why? He moved his eyes and blinked a few times. He saw his refection in the mirror at the wall… he had violet eyes, he looked as he usually did. Was he hallucinating again?

He decided to stop worrying about that and close his eyes so he could concentrate. He started moving slowly. He raised the sword and tried a few simple strokes. The sakabatou felt so right in his hand. He knew that that type of sword was supposed to be a bet slower, but he was able to move it just as fast as a regular one. After a few minutes he began trying more difficult moves. He moved the sword back and forward and used his body weigh to bring power to the strikes. The more he practiced the faster his moves got. He didn't notice it but he was moving faster than he had ever done before in his life. Suddenly he jump up in the air and would have hit the roof if it wasn't so tall. He descended the high jump and gave a single forceful strike into thin air. He reached the floor and gasped.

If Kaoru had closed her eyes she would have miss it. Kenshin noticed her standing in a corner looking at him with bright blue eyes.

Kaoru was in a daze. Seeing Kenshin do that had made her see a thousand images in her mind in just one second. She wasn't sure what went to her mind but she knew that she had seen him do that before.

"I know that move" Said Kaoru in a soft whisper that was barely hearable to Kenshin. "It's Ryu Tsui Sen"

* * *

A/N: I hope you liked the chapter. Please tell me what you think of it.

Thanks for your reviews: Jason M. Lee (I corrected the chapter, thanx), ewunia, Yukimi, jenna, Gypsy-chan, Val (how did you know?), Sabrina-star (yo te dije que no iba a dejar la historia y es cierto :)), star-chan, Yume Kuroi, Fuuko-san (I'm still alive!), Kyaa-Kyaf, Chiki, Skipper, michelle, coldxshivers(The same thing happens to me, I forget the story line when I don't read in a long time. I don't think I got your mails… sorry for the long update), White Plum, Mimiko_, (I can tell you one thing for sure: I'm not dropping this story), omochi, The*Spangled*Pandemonium (your feeling is correct), Kaoru: Kawaii Aisuno Sakura (Thanx for all your reviews).

I hope I didn't miss anyone… if I did I'm deeply sorry.

Special thanx to: coldxshivers, Enchanted Winter Stars, Kaoru: Kawaii Aisuno Sakura and Koyasha for putting me in your favorite author list!