Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Findings of Earth ❯ I Remember ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Late as always… there is no excuse. Hope you'll like it.

Special thanks to Gaby for making me a beautiful fanart for this story. You'll be able to see it as soon as we can figure out where to put it.

Warning: This chapter is dark, the boss has Kenshin in his hands one more time and he is not happy with him.

On with the fic…

The Findings of Earth

From last chapter:

He sighted, his taste of freedom didn't last long, but now he knew he'll do everything he could to get free again or at least let his Kaoru get as far away from this people as he could. He had finally found something he didn't thought existed, he had found love and he wasn't going to loose it.

Chapter XII

I Remember

Kaoru sat still between the two men in the moving car. She kept her eyes fixed in front and her face blank. She looked even bored, but if someone looked very closely they could see the worry in her eyes. While she was riding comfortably in the back of the car Kenshin was trapped in the trunk. Every time theca jumped, even a little bit, Kaoru held her breath thinking about Kenshin and how every turned in the road affected him.

"It really is a wonderful sword" Said the first boss looking at the silver weapon in his hand. "but useless if you ask me, a reverse blade! How much damage can anyone do with that?"

Kaoru closed her eyes and refused to answer. Somehow that statement sounded old, like she had heard it a million times before. Yesterday that may had come as a shock to her, but now she knew that she had lived another live and that for some reason she was being able to remember it. She never though much about the meaning of life or what was suppose to happen once you died, but now she believed in reincarnation and she was sure she was not crazy. When she saw him for the first time she had felt something, even if she couldn't put words into it, she knew it. She had loved him before and she had died loving him, that's why when they found each other they were able to remember. Her memory of those days way before were like a dream, not really clear and some times didn't even make sense. She was amazed she was even able to remember this much, but she knew she would remember more later, it was her destiny.

The first boss was still holding Kenshin's sword in his hand playing with it, admiring everything about it.

"It looks old… I wonder how was Kenshin able to get something like this"

Kaoru ignored the man once again. She was in no mood to talk to the person responsible for hurting Kenshin the way he did. The first boss wasn't impressed by the girl's silence, it wasn't time to talk yet, the only thing that mattered was that he had her and Kenshin again, so now his plan could continue.

The rest of the ride was spent in silence until finally they came to a street that Kaoru recognized as the one they used to escape. The car slowly stopped in front of a black gate. Soon the gate open and the car pulled in.

"Welcome back" Said the firs boss with a mockery tone in his voice.

Kaoru slowly exited the vehicle as one of the men grabbed her by the arm.

"Otto take her to a cell in the first basement. Jason, help me take Kenshin down"

Kaoru's heart jumped in her chest at the mention of him. She stopped moving and Otto had to drag her inside.

"No! Wait, I have to see him!" She said as she was being led away.

"There'll be time for that later" Said the first boss and with that she was drag inside to the same cell she occupied before a red headed named Kenshin entered her life.

The metal door closed and Kaoru watched Otto leave from behind the bars. She stood as close to it as she could, griping the iron bars in her hand strongly. She knew Kenshin would have to go through there, so she kept her eyes in the dark corridor hoping to see him again. Her heart jumped once more when she heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Without moving her eyes she began a silent prayer. "Please let him be ok, please don't let them hurt him to much, please don't let him die… I love him too much, please…"

Déjà Vu would be the best way to describe what happened next. Kenshin came rolling down the stairs with his hands cuffed behind his back. The first boss, Otto and Jason were behind him kicking him and dragging him. Kenshin remained silent; he made no sound to acknowledge the pain he was surely in. Like history was repeating itself, Kenshin looked up from the floor to meet Kaoru´s worried face. He managed to give her a soft smile before he received a kick in the side.

"You good for nothing thug! What do you think you are doing? You better stop hurting him or you are going to pay!!"

Jason just laughed at Kaoru's words.

"And how is a skinny girl like you going to do that? You better keep that pretty mouth silent, or I may find some other use for it!"

The first boss was the only one who saw it. Kenshin moved so quickly that Jason couldn't understand what was going on or why was it so difficult to breathe. The voice that spoke to him froze him in the spot; it was so cold that he knew it would give him nightmares for days to come.

"You better apologize to her and take back everything you said or you'll never speak again… I'll make sure of it"

The man began to shake; he felt that the chain around his neck wasn't so tight and that he could speak.

"I'm... I'm… sorry… I take back everything I said… I'm sorry! Don't kill me please!"

With that the first boss woke up to the world again and decided to take action. He took his gun out and pointed to Kaoru.

"Kenshin let him go or I'll kill her… you know I will"

Kenshin looked ant the first boss with his amber eyes. He could fell Kaoru next to him, looking with her pleading eyes and asking him silently to let him go.

"I'm not afraid" She said, but it wasn't directed to the first boss and his gun, those words were meant for Kenshin, she wanted him to know that no mater who he was, she was not afraid. She had loved him before and she loved him now, she understood the darkest parts of him and loved them just the same. Every part of him made the Kenshin she loved and he wouldn't be the same without them.

"Kenshin let him go. He is not worth going back to hell."

Kenshin released his hold and Jason fell to his feet. His eyes were slowly turning back to their usual color and he fixed them in Kaoru before he was shoved down the stairs.

"I think I remember" He whispered as he fell.

"Yes, I think I remember too."

* * *

The old second basement, Kenshin thought, the solitary felt like home to him in a weird kind of way. He hit the floor hard with his knees but was able to put his hands before he could hit his face too.

"Kenshin I must say that you have really surprise me. I've never seen someone able to get his cuffed hands in front of him and assault the man holding him with them in less than a second, it's really impressive."

Kenshin didn't even look up at the boss. What he did he did to save Kaoru, his instincts took over and he almost did something they could regret forever.

"Now you'll understand that we can't have this type of things go unpunished. Kenshin you did many things wrong. You escaped, took my hostage, hided, attacked the men I sent to retrieve you and most recently the incident with Jason." The first boss walked towards where Kenshin laid on the floor and roughly grasped his hair and made Kenshin look at him. "don't ever forget that I raised you, I took you in and taught you everything you know. You owe me kid and all I ask for you is obedience!" The last word was emphasized with a punch in the face.

"Hang him!" Said the boss.

Soon Otto and a still sore Jason took Kenshin by the hands and raised them above his head. The chain was attached to a hook in the ceiling and Kenshin was forced to stand in that awkward position.

Kenshin kept his eyes on the men but let them do what they wanted. He was not about to fight them then. He had just discovered something very important to him and he needed to think about it. For as long as he could remember he had been alone, but now he had someone and he knew that his actions would not only affect him but also the person he loved the most… Kaoru.

The first boss had the pleasure to deliver the first blow and then Otto and Jason joined him. Kenshin remained still and silent. He had learned a lot of tings while he was away from that awful place. He now knew what freedom was and he was no longer afraid to fight for his, but he had also discovered love, and as long as they had Kaoru he would not fight back.

"Stop" Ordered the first boss after about half an hour. "I need him to recuperate fast. I have a job for him"

"I won't do it" Said Kenshin with a strong voice. Silence filled the room for a few moments before the sound of flesh hitting flesh broke it.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked the first boss "You belong to me kid and you'll do as I say!"

Kenshin spat some blood and then looked at the first boss in the eyes.

"No I won't. I won't work for you again. I'm done."

He waited for another blow to come but it didn't happen. The first boss just looked at him with an amused expression in his face.

"And since when are you able to decide what you can and can not do? You still belong to me. Remember the girl waiting in a cell upstairs. She is mine, and as long as I have her you will obey me!"

Kenshin kept his head high but slowly nodded. There was no way he would risk Kaoru's safety.

"I will" He said.

"That's what I thought" Said the first boss and then turned to leave. The men followed and soon Kenshin was locked in the darkness hanging by his arms because he no longer had the strength to stand.

The first boss climbed the stairs slowly. As soon as he reached the firs basement he was met by the angry look in his captive face. He ignored her, opened the door to her cell and walked in closing it behind him.

"Where is Kenshin? 2Kaoru asked the man standing in front of her.

"He is in the solitary obviously" Said the man as he took a cigarette out of his pocket and lighted it.


"Because he is my property. I need him, he is great warrior but sadly he has some bad habits that need to be broken. I need to… train him in the proper way."

"Train him!" Screamed Kaoru full of rage "He isn't an animal you can train and he is not your property! He is a free person and you have no right to treat him the way you do!"

The first boss just looked at her for a moment before speaking.

"Silly girl, I'm not going to argue with you about this, Kenshin is mine, end of story. Now I have some important business to discuss with you. The last time you were here you left rather quickly so we didn't have time to talk. Now we can do that." The first boss walked to the bed and sat on top of it. "Please sit down"

Kaoru looked at him with despise in her eyes.

"I rather stand"

"As you wish. First of all let me say how sorry I am for the loss of your father, his fate was sadly unavoidable."

Kaoru tighten her fists and took a deep breath but remained silent. She wasn't going to give him the pleasure to see her cry or to scream at him in rage.

"He stole something very valuable to my employer and he wants it back"

Kaoru didn't believe him. Her father was no thief she knew that.

"We searched your home but it wasn't there. Finally we decided to ask your father, at first he didn't want to cooperate but after we explained him that the safety of his precious daughter was at stake he told us it was in a safe box in a bank. Only two persons have access to that box. Your father and you, but since he is dead you are going to have to go to the bank and retrieve it for us."

Kaoru's head was a mess. She didn't understand anything. She couldn't believe that his father kept so many things from her and that he had stolen something. It took her some time to get her thoughts in order. She knew her father; he was an honest and good man. The first boss said he stole something, if he did it probably was for the best. Whatever he stole must be important and it shouldn't be in the hands of people like that gang. His father was killed for it, he gave his life trying to protect it and she would not dishonor him by giving it to the first boss.

"I'm sorry but I won't"

"Don't be foolish little girl, we are not playing with you!"

"I know that, I've seen what you do to your own people, don't think I don't know the consequences of my decision. I have thought about it and I won't help you in any way!"

The first boss saw in her face that she was not bragging and that treat wouldn't get him what he wanted so he tried a different approach.

"After you do this for us you'll be free to leave I will have no reason to keep you here"

"Or to keep me alive." She said "I'm not a fool and I don't believe a word you've said. After you have what you want you'll kill me, just as you killed my father."

The first boss was irritated and let his fake politeness fall. He stood and slapped Kaoru in the face. She was caught by surprise and the blow sent her to the floor.

"You will help me one way or another."

With that said he exited the cell leaving the door open.

"Bring her" He said to the ever present Otto and Jason and then he walked to the solitary.

* * *

He heard the door being open. He slowly steadied his feet and raised his head. He wondered why were they back so soon. The bright light of the corridor hit his face and he closed his eyes. He opened them again slowly getting used to the brightness.

What he saw wasn't what he expected.

Kaoru felt scared as the men rushed her down. She was sure that they would do to her the same thing they did to Kenshin. Her face still hurt and she was trying to calm herself mentally. She knew something worst was about to happen but she wouldn't help them no matter what.

They reached a steal door that the first boss opened. What she saw inside made her gasp. Kenshin was in there beaten and bloody. His hands were cuffed on top of his head making him stand in an awkward and obviously painful position.

He saw her standing in front of her with a terrified look on her face. Her eyes were trying to hold a tear that threatened to fall.

The first boss walked to Kaoru, pulled her arms back and held her near the door looking at Kenshin.

"Proceed" He said.

Moments latter the Otto and Jason were punching and hitting Kenshin. He remained silent and his eyes were focus on Kaoru every moment he could.

Kaoru gasped and open her eyes to tell them to stop but the words wouldn't leave her mouth.

"He never screams or pleads to stop. It's a shame." Said the first boss. "But you have the power to make it stop. Just say the word. You have a choice here. Either you help us or you watch him get tortured. This could go for days. We have done it before and if Jason and Otto get tired there are always other men available."

"Stop" Said Kaoru in a whisper, tears now falling freely on her face. "I'll do what you want."

"Stop" Screamed the first boss. "Let's go"

The left the solitary and Kenshin and locked Kaoru again in her cell.

"I'm sorry father" She thought as she cried herself to sleep.

* * *

The first boss closed the door to his office. He had a bright smile on his face and Kenshin's sword in his hand. He liked the sword; he would keep it for himself, even if he didn't know how to use it. He put it in a corner and then sat on the desk as he took another cigarette from his pocket. After it was lit he opened his cell phone and made the call.

"Yes" Said the voice at the other end.

"Sir we've found them"

"and the ring?"

"We are going to the bank tomorrow"

"Well done" said the voice. "I expect the girl and the ring in my office as soon as you have it."

"Yes sir"

"I also want the kid. I decided I'll buy him."

"Sir I'm sorry but I can't sell him for the price we discussed earlier. I've learned recently that he is more valuable than I thought"

"That's fine; I'll pay what you ask. I want him deliver tomorrow too."

"Perfect sir but I must warn you that he is not in perfect shape right now, but is nothing permanent so you don't need to worry."

"Can he still fight?"

"Yes sir, is only temporary, a few bruises and scratches. He heals extremely fast so he'll be useful very soon."

"I hope so or there'll be consequences."

"I understand sir"

"See you tomorrow"

"Yes s-"

The connection was terminated before the first boss had time to finish the sentence. He put the phone away and smiled again, it had been a good day.

* * *

A/N: Sorry for the long wait but I hope you liked it. I want to thank every one that reviewed even if I took so long to update. I'm now looking for someone who would be interested in being my beta reader. If you are please sent me a mail at so we cal talk. Thanks for reading and please tell me what you think!

Thanks for reviewing: Omochi, Fuuko-san, Red Ninja, Jaina, Sabrina-star, Naomi, Gypsy-chan, JML, Mistress of time (thanks for the gift), Momori (Thanks for all the reviews!), RK-128, SVZ (please don't torture me), Tree Nymph (Yes I have noticed that too and I'm trying to tone it down… I hope I did it in this chapter. thanks!), Chiki (Congratulations to you too!!!!!), Lynx, CrazyFireKitsuneGirl, anonymous, Saiyagirl (I'm actually looking for a beta-reader, are you interested?), Uenki (you have read my story twice? Really? I'm so honored!) and faye (thaks a lot, hope you got my mail).

***Special thanks to: Momori, CrazyFireKitsuneGirl, RK-128, Uenki and Chiki for putting me in your favorite author list!