Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Most Nerve-Wracking Nine Months Of My Life ❯ Five Years Later ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Most Nerve-Wracking Nine Months of My Life

A Romantic Comedy by: Serenity-chan

POV = * *
Thoughts = ' '
Speaking = " " (Did I really need to say that?)

(Or: Five Years Later)


For about three months, Midori had been acting and feeling very odd. When it first started, all she did was eat more than usual, but I wasn't too worried. But about two weeks later, she could hardly keep anything down. She figured it was just some kind of flu or something like that and that the best thing to do would be to rest and wait it out. I thought she must have been right, because in a few weeks she was fine. But she still would be sick sometimes just at random. Again, she just said it wasn't serious. I wasn't so sure...

The second month was fairly calm. It seemed like all that Midori ever wanted to do was sleep. But for some reason, she was always waking up at all hours of the night, and then wanting to sleep again by noon. I had been getting more and more worried since that supposed "flu" but she would never tell me what was wrong.

It seemed like whenever I asked about any of this, she always found some way to get around my question. Usually she would just tell me it wasn't really that serious. The usual excuse was that she would claim it was another stomach flu or something like that. If I persisted, which I usually did, she would just stop where she was, turn to me and kiss me mid-question. Well that always made my mind switch off and I would forget what I had wanted to ask her in the first place.

But it was the second week of that third month when one night, she told me she was worried. When I asked why, she said it was because she was three months "late". Yes, THAT kind of "late". Alright, THAT seriously scared me. But before I started overreacting, I just took a deep breath and tried to think.

'Three months ago...' I thought, 'That was when all the trouble started...'

I took her in my arms and looked down into her eyes. Those irresistable violet orbs were wide in worry. Gently, I insisted that she see a doctor. Tomorrow. To my surprise, she agreed without any argument. Feeling better knowing that she would get help, I just held her close to my chest and we drifted off into a peaceful sleep... Well, interrupted only once or twice this time...

I had no clue that tomorrow morning, my life would change forever.