Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Time Reveals ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Characters are of their respected owners got it. Torn, Shine, and Kaoru's father are mine got it.

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"15-2 I win." Kaoru said as she laid and 8 down, after her mothers seven. "That's 9 games mom. You usually beat me, not the other way around." Kaoru picked up the cards and shuffled them, then placed them back in the box. She pulled the pgs from the board and put them in the hole in the back, sliding the plastic piece in place to hold them.

"Hmm," was Shine's only response.

"You weren't even paying attention were you?" Kaoru asked as she played the board on her table.

"Not really, sorry Kaoru." Shine stood up and picked the board and cards up.

"Well can I have some lunch now, pleeeeeeeaaasssssseeee?" Kaoru begged.

Shine smiled. "Yes what do you want?"

"A grilled-cheese sandwich." Kaoru said.

"Okay hunny." Shine stepped on a stuffed animal. She looked down and kicked it.

"Ow, What are you trying to do, give me a bloody nose?" Torn questioned as he appeared in the doorway holding his nose.

"Torn why aren't you in school?" Shine questioned, as she finally managed to get to the door, without tripping.

"Sure don't be worried if you hurt me...OW!" Torn yelled at his mothers back. "You know that things made of wood, and that hurt." Torn rubbed his side, where the cribbage board hit him.

"Answer my question, then maybe I'll worry about you." Shine called from the kitchen.

"College mom." Torn called.

"Humph, you still need to go to class, otherwise you won't pass." Kaoru stated as she glared at him.

"What would you know, you aren't even in college." Torn stuck his tongue out at her.

"So what? If you don't go to class how can you pass?" Kaoru whined.

"He, you'll see later." Torn said as he turned to leave.


Torn laid sprawled face first on the floor. A wooden sword was split in half above his head. Torn shook his head and stood up. He rubbed his head as he turned to glare at Kaoru.

"Leave already." Kaoru ordered. Torn picked the broke part of the sword that had the handle and threw it at Kaoru.

"AHHHH," Kaoru covered her head with her hands. "I CAN'T MOVE, YOU CAN." Kaoru screamed as she heard the swishing of the sword piece in the air.


Kaoru lowered her hands and looked around. A yellow light surrounded her, and she floated a little. "W...what's going on?" Kaoru questioned as the light dispelled and she fell back to the bed. Her mother stood in the doorway with her mouth wide open.

"Torn why the hell did you do that?" Shine walked back in the mess of a room and set the sandwich on the table.

"Its about time, when I heard about the car incident I thought her powers had awoken then, that was why I was home so early."

"But..." Kaoru was cut off.

"They would have been exposed when the time was right, why did you do that now?"

"Because, she is as vulnerable as she will ever be. C-mon mom, has Kaoru ever been hurt worse than this?"

"No she hasn't, even practicing with, her wooden sword, with the older boys when she was younger. She didn't get hurt to where she had to be helped.

"Excuse..." Kaoru was cut off once more.

"Well there you go it was the best time." Torn shrugged.


Kaoru hid her head under her blankets. `I hate it when my mom yells.'

"Well, I didn't really think about that." Torn confessed.



"Ohh I need to go start dinner, Torn come help me." Sine bounded out of the room.

Torn followed her as Kaoru threw things out into the hallway. "You are so lucky I'm hurt."

"Eat your sandwich dear." Shine called.

"Motheeeeerr." Kaoru growled and grabbed the sandwich and took a big bite. "This isn't fair." Kaoru finished the sandwich then laid back. `Why do I feel so tired?" Kaoru drifted off to sleep.

_______________________________________________________________ _________

Two Weeks Later

"Fresh air," Kaoru took a deep breath. "It smells so nice out," Kaoru twirled on the grass. `It wasn't fair I had to stay in bed an extra week, because I caught my unicorn figure.' Kaoru grumbled, as she pulled her backpack on to her back. She started the trek to school.

"Kaoru," A young boy with spiky hair called. Kaoru stopped and turned to him.

"Yahiko." The boy hugged her and then backed away.

"I heard you got hurt real bad," Yahiko looked down, he noticed her knees. "Ouch!"

Kaoru hadn't heard a word he had said, as she saw red hair. She took a deep breath as the kiss came back to her. `Kenshin,' she thought as she walked away from Yahiko, who looked at her with wide eyes.

She swiftly followed the red hair she saw. It entered the building and she followed. She entered and called, "Kenshin."

The figure with red hair stopped and turned around. He had a scowl on his face, which disappeared as he saw the person who called him. His eyes widened, as his feet brought him to stand in front of her. "Kaoru?" His hand touched her cheek, and he pulled it back as though she had burned him. He blushed, "Sorry."

Kaoru rolled her eyes, and walked to the side of the door, so she was out of the way. Kenshin followed her, and Kaoru's hand went to his shirt and pulled him closer. Their lips met in a tender kiss. Kenshin was shocked, and then slowly responded to the kiss.

He pushed Kaoru against the wall as he deepened the kiss. He ran his tongue along her bottom lip. She opened her mouth and their tongues battled. Kaoru pulled away as she breathed.

Kenshin gasped for breath as well. He realized he was holding her to the wall, quite roughly and pulled away. "Sorry," He breathed as he missed the contact.

Kaoru smiled at him and waved her hand. "No problem."

Someone cleared their throat behind Kenshin. Kenshin and Kaoru looked to the person.

Kaoru blushed a deep red as she recognized her history teacher. "You shall refrain from doing that in the halls." The teacher turned away and walked down the hall her heels clinking against the floor.

"Whoops." Kaoru's said as she bushed a deep red. "Umm I guess I should go to class." Kaoru looked at Kenshin. "Sorry to get you in trouble like that." Her eyes widened as he smiled.

"No problem at all." Kenshin turned to face her completely. "Would you like me to walk you to class?"

Kaoru blinked and then took the arm he offered.

Well it took forever and if this seems short sorry I just can't write anymore for this chapter. There are three reasons for this. 1 I just don't know what else to write. 2 Excuse me door being stressed about my dead nephews murder case. The kid was 17 and abused to death. 3. I also wrote this about 7 times but my sister closed or unplugged the computer and I lost it and had to retype it so it's not the best chapter and the humor I know is horrible. I swear I get one review asking why it took me so long to update or that I need to update sooner I will stop this story. I will write no more of it at all. Now saying I hope you update soon isn't going to do anything. Even a whole review with update won't make me mad. Its just if you say you don't update fast enough or complain about it I will stop the story and remove it from all the sites. Because I will tell you right now I am so stressed with my nephew's case it isn't funny. Luckily its over with, but still its hard. So please respect my wishes and don't tell me I have to update or something like that k.