Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ To Hate or To Forgive ❯ chapter 11 why did you do it? ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Antica: hey guys I'm back thanks for all who reviewed…you made my birthday even better with your reviews.
Kenshin: happy birthday antica-dono
Antica: thanks Kenshin
Battousai: now that your birthday is over….I guess there is no reason not to kill you for what you did in the pervious chapter
Antica: what you still what to kill me?
Kaoru: of course, come on Kenshin
Battousai: with pleasure
Antica (avoiding Battousai's sword and Kaoru's bokken): wait chapter 11 gets better….I promise you won't regret reading it
Kaoru: let's give her a chance Kenshin
Battousai: okay we will read it and I didn't like it then you know what I can do
Antica: thanks you Kaoru……here's chapter 11
Chapter 11 why did you do it?
Shit shit shit shit shit” cursed Kenshin as he looked at his beloved
“damn it…….she saw me……she knows now that I killed her father……she would find out eventually….but not like this…….I can't leave her like this now…….but I afraid of what her reaction would be like if I take her with me……no she needs to know why I did it…..I thought I can leave her when I finish off her father but now I can't leave her…..I love her too damn much he thought
Carefully carrying her in his arms he walked toward the stables. When he entered it he lay Kaoru on a pile of hay while he saddled his horse, he was about to pick Kaoru up when he heard Kaoru's horse starting to complain.
“Don't worry….. I won't hurt her” he said walking towards Kaoru's horse.
“You don't want her to leave with me and be left alone do you?”
The horse roughly shook her head.
“Alright I'll take you with me” he said while grabbing the horse reins and tying it to the reins to his own horse.
He then picked Kaoru up in a bridle style then placed her in front of him in the saddle and let her head rest against his chest while he wrapped one arm around her waist and held on his horse's rein with the other as they galloped off into the forest.
Meanwhile unknowns to Kenshin, on the other side of the forest, two figures were devising a plot
“Sir the ambassador is dead…that new body guard killed him” said one of the figures
“Finally…..what about, his daughter Kaoru?” the other asked.
“The body guard took her with him”
“Damn it……..follow them tell me everything that happens between them……if you loss them it will be your head”
“Y…yes sir”
Kenshin has been riding thought the forest for almost an hour until he stopped at a familiar house; he got off he horse with Kaoru still unconscious from the shock. He carried her inside and laid her on a futon then went back outside and let the horses in the sables.
Before he returned to Kaoru he went inside another room, dust completely covered it and the moths have eaten their way through the futon and the curtains, he made his way towards the table next to the bed where a picture of a young woman was placed.
“Tomoe I'm home” he said.
Several hours later Kaoru's eyes slowly began to open, she opened her eyes, trying to remember what happened.
Where am I? what happened” she thought before she gasped and shot up form the futon I remember now…….I found my father dead in his room…..and….and Kenshin was there too….his sword was covered in my father's blood, I must have fainted after that I….I cant believe Kenshin would do that and why?……. where am I now? And where is Kenshin” she thought as her eyes began to fill with tears
She looked around the room, it was simple room it had plain white walls, a window and a desk with a chair.
She continued to scan the room until she saw Kenshin sitting on a chair in the corner of the room with his head down but raised it and looked at Kaoru, she tried to read his face but found no emotions, she started to feel scared when she saw him get up and start to walk towards her.
Why doesn't she say anything? Does she hate me now? I wouldn't blame her if she did” he thought
What is he going to do to me now? Why did he bring me here?” Kaoru thought as she stood up and slowly began to back away.
“Kaoru” he whispered dropping the “Miss” from her name
Kaoru didn't answer him; she just kept backing away until her back was against the wall, looking at Kenshin, with fear in her eyes.
“It's okay Kaoru, don't be scared, I won't hurt you” he said reaching out to touch her face.
“Don't……don't touch me” she said as she turned her head not letting him touch her.
Kenshin pulled his hand away from Kaoru and continued to look at her.
“If you are planning to kill me, then do it quick” she said not looking at Kenshin.
She thinks that I am going to kill her....I'll kill myself if she is even hurt let alone killed” he thought
“Kaoru I'm not planning to kill you….I would never hurt you” he said.
“You're not?” asked Kaoru, she was a little surprised at his answer
Kenshin stood in his place with barely enough room between him and Kaoru. He simply shook his head.
“Why did you do it Kenshin?” Kaoru continued to ask while staring in his eyes. “Did I do anything to you that upset you so you can punish me like this?”
“Kaoru, you didn't do anything” Kenshin whispered “but I ….I can't tell you why I did what I did”
“Kenshin I have the right to know why you killed my father” she snapped at him
“I know you have the right to know…..but I still can't tell you” Kenshin argued
“Fine” Kaoru said as she stormed out of house and started walking through the forest.
“Kaoru wait” Kenshin said running after her
Kaoru didn't answer him instead she just kept running towards the forest until a hand grabbed her wrist stopping her in her tracks
“Let go of me Kenshin” Kaoru demanded not turning around to face him. She tried to struggle out of Kenshin's grip but all her efforts were pointless.
“No I won't let you go” he said firmly.
“You already killed my father, what else do you want? There is obviously no point of me staying with you if I can't even know why you killed him” She asked turning around to face him
Kenshin saw many emotions in her eyes sadness, hurt, pain and betrayal.
“I can't take it anymore…..I can't see her hurting like this” he thought.
Kaoru was still trying to get her hand free from Kenshin's grip but gave up and sank to the ground with her head down
“What do you want Kenshin?” she asked again as tears began to fall down her cheeks and land on the ground.
“I want you Kaoru” he answered making her gasped.
“W...w…what?” she said still staring at the ground.
It's now or never” he thought
“I love you Kaoru….I loved you for a long time…..I began to love you from the first day that I saw you but I never realized my feelings except for a few days ago” he did it he finally told her how he felt.
He loves me? Why am I still sad? I love him and he loves me back… he can't really love me…..he is probably saying that to make me feel better” she thought
“Kaoru” said Kenshin breaking her from her thoughts
“What is she thinking? Was it a mistake to tell her how I feel? She obviously doesn't feel the same” he thought
“Don't say that, you don't really love me” she said not daring to look at him in the eye
“Yes I do, I would never lie to you about that….please look into my eyes and tell me if they are lying” Kenshin said putting his finger under Kaoru's chin to raise her head until she could look into his eyes.
Kaoru stared into Kenshin's eyes, studying them. She found sadness, pain and… in them
“No they aren't lying, you are telling the truth” Kaoru realized, as she clutched on Kenshin's gi and started to cry on his chest
“Kaoru please stop crying” Kenshin said as he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a soft kiss on her neck.
“Do you really love me?” she asked trying to hold back a sob.
“With all my heart Kaoru” he answered
“Then please Kenshin…… tell me why did you do it” she begged and pulled herself away just enough for him to look at her.
“Okay. I'll tell you but lets go back inside” Kenshin said as he lead her back inside.
In the shadows nearby a strange figure that was hiding, he had seen and heard everything that has gone with Kenshin and Kaoru ran back to tell his master.
Kenshin and Kaoru sat on chairs opposite to each other; they stared at each other for a few long moments.
“I don't know what to tell you Kaoru? I don't know how will you react if you knew the truth?” Kenshin finally spoke.
“Please tell me, I want to know Kenshin” Kaoru snapped.
“Okay, exactly six years, did your father come back from his ride into town looking very scared?” he asked.
Kaoru kept quite trying to remember what happened six years ago, then she remembered her father storming into his room and locking the door, he didn't want to come out but he did eventually when he was hungry.
“Yes I do, why? what happened that day?” she asked.
“He was riding on his horse when a group of rebels started to hire their guns, your father fell from his horse and saw one of the rebels pointing a gun at him, he knew that he was going to die if he didn't act fast…… so he grabbed an innocent women from the crowd and… and” he hesitated.
“What Kenshin what did my father do to the woman?” Kaoru asked she was on her nerves of wanting to know what happened next. Kenshin got up and walked towards the window and stared at the moon
“He used her a shield to protect his body from the shot, and after letting her take the bullet in her chest, he threw her aside and ran into a carriage leaving her dead on the ground” Kenshin paused to wipe a tear from his eye “ that women was my sister” he continued turning to look at Kaoru's reaction.
Kaoru's eyes were widened as she tried to take in the information that Kenshin just told her.
All of his suffering, all of his pain of losing his sister….my father was responsible for it…..and all because my father was too much of a coward to face death” she thought as she waited for Kenshin to continue
“When you asked me about my scar, I lied to you it wasn't from my childhood but I got it from the same man who shot my sister before I killed him….I'm sorry I lied to you but I afraid of your reaction” Kenshin apologized
“Kenshin” she whispered his am but Kenshin cut her sentence off
“killing those rebels wasn't enough, I knew that even thought I killed them my sister's soul was still not at peace……so I wanted to kill your father as well but to do that I had to become your body guard so I challenged all the other warriors until I fought your father and at that moment I could have killed him but I looked in your eyes, something inside of me stopped me from doing it” Kenshin said walking towards Kaoru.
“I didn't realize that your father had such a beautiful, kind and innocent daughter or that I would ever love anyone as much as you” he continued gently rubbing his fingers on her face and wiping her tears.
“Kenshin I -” Kaoru started to say but couldn't continue as Kenshin placed his finger on her mouth.
“Shhhhhh hear me out before you say anything” he said
Kaoru nodded.
“Right now you're what's important to me, but I can't force you to love me after what I did……I was selfish to take away your only family and then take you away from your home” he stood up and drew his sword.
“What is he doing? Is he going to kill me?” she thought were again interrupted when Kenshin handed her his sword, she looked at him in confusion.
“What does he want to do? Why did he give me his sword? What is he thinking” so many questions wandered he mind as she stood there waiting for Kenshin to explain.
My mission is done….. And I don't want to live if she is going to hate me….this is the only way we both will be happy” he thought as he backed away a little
“You probably hate me for killing your father, and I can't live with my self if you hate me so I'm going to let you take revenge for your father” he said raising his arms from his sides.
“What?” Kaoru yelled in surprise.
He…he does really love me that much? He would rather give up his life just to make me happy and have revenge on my father” she thought while staring at the sword in her hands
“What are you waiting for? Do it…kill me, take revenge on your father” he said “I even make it easy for you” he continued as he took off his gi.
“There now you know there is nothing blocking your way… it” he said
Kaoru still didn't move she just stood there staring at Kenshin and thinking of what he is doing.
What is she waiting for? She can kill me right now, why doesn't she kill me?” he thought
“Do it” he demanded.
“I can revenge my father right now….but why can't I do it? Do I still love Kenshin? Yes I love him……oh kami…..I still love him” Kaoru thought
“Kaoru, do it” commanded Kenshin
Kaoru threw the sword away, and with her eyes watering she ran towards Kenshin wrapping her arms around him and started crying on his naked chest, it was warm and Kaoru could feel his heart beating. Kenshin just stood there, surprised of Kaoru's reaction.
“I can't kill you Kenshin, and I won't. I love you too…..I love you very much” Kaoru said still crying on his chest.
She…..she loves me…..I can't believe it ……she loves me” he thought
Kenshin threw his arms around Kaoru giving her a tight embrace, bringing her closer to him.
“Kaoru, I'm unworthy of your love, I don't deserve you after what I done” he said pulling away from the embrace.
“Don't say that Kenshin, I love you and I will always love you, only you, for the rest of my life” Kaoru said smiling.
“But what about your father Kaoru, don't you want to have revenge on me?” he asked
Kaoru shook her head and said.
“no Kenshin I don't I was upset on what you did……and I know what my father used to think of me and why he hired you…..yes I know very thing…..I was upset because even after he treated me badly he was still my father”
Kenshin was taken back by what Kaoru just said.
She knew everything? Maybe she isn't as innocent as I thought” he thought slightly amused then as he opened his mouth to say something he found Kaoru finger on his lips silencing him.
“I'm not finished….Kenshin I may have loved my father, but…..I love you more, you are the first person who treated me with respect and love and I love you for that….and I don't blame you for killing my father…..not anymore”
Kenshin was relived that she had forgiven him so quickly and that she loves him back. He leaned towards her, their faces were inches from each other.
“Thank you” Kenshin whispered before he bought his lips on hers, it was a chant kiss as first but he began to deepen it into a long and passionate kiss, which Kaoru returned with no hesitation. Kenshin tightened his hold one Kaoru bringing her closer to him as both of them poured all their emotions in that kiss…….they have both found love.
Kenshin didn't want this moment to end, the women he loved with all his heart loved him back, even after he killed her father, he felt his lungs burn in desire for oxygen, he broke the kiss and gazed on his beloved face.
“Are you going to stay with me? Do you think you would be happy here?” he asked which resulted in him being smacked in the head.
“Oro…..Kaoru what was that for?”
“That's a stupid question Kenshin….of course I want to stay with you and I don't think, I know that I'll be happy with you…… ……..baka, I love you and I always want to be with you…..but……”
“What is it?”
“Where will I stay…I mean obviously not in your room”
“Don't worry… can stay in Tomoe's room……although, I wouldn't mind sharing a room with you” he whispered huskily in her ear
“Mou Kenshin…..are you sure I can stay in her room….. I don't want to be a burden”
Kaoru's heart fluttered when she heard him calling her that
“You are not a burden on me…..not now not ever…..I love you and I will do anything for you and to stay by your side” he said before capturing her lips in a loving kiss.
“I love you too” she whispered breaking the kiss
He pulled away and started to walk out the room
“Where are you going?” she said confused
“Tomoe's room hasn't been used in six years so it needs to be cleaned up” he said
“I'll help you” she said as she followed him out the room
“You don't have to”
“I want to” she insisted “I mean I am the one who will stay in it so it's only fair that I help you clean it”
“Alright koishii” he chuckled before holding her hand and leading her towards her new room
Antica: so do you still want to kill me now?
Kaoru (jumps and hugs Antica): ohhh Antica-san I love this chapter….Kenshin finally admitted that he loves me
Antica: well I was going to make him do that sooner or later so I figured why not sooner
Kaoru: Kenshin why don't you say anything
Kenshin (blushing): aa…..kaoru-dono….I…..I mean…..Sessha is not worthy….aaa
Kaoru (hits him with bokken): Kenshin don't you dare say that your not worthy, didn't you read what I told you in the story.
Kenshin: ORO
Antica: ya and drop the -dono already
Kenshin: ORO…..I'll try
Kaoru: good
Antica: well I'll try to update the next chapter soon in the meantime a good review will help pass the time
EXTRA NOTE: this update is in honor of my bday…..yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay finally 18, sp please review
Antica ^_^