Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Unkept Promise ❯ Rain of Blood ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

He broke his promise…he left us again in tears…does he enjoy our tears?!

Mother…how could she love someone who kept on leaving her in tears?

I couldn't stand to see her cry…so I left…I left to become a master samurai…to

leave behind all those tears…

He woke up to a dark raining morning. His back hurt and he was tired from another sleepless night. But he didn't care. He took up his sword.

Tying his long brown hair into a high ponytail, Kenji stepped into the rain. Drawing out his sword he lunged toward a tree and cut it right in two. The rain began to pound on his back as he began to pull the trunk inside a shed for it to dry. His master will wake up soon.

Kenji then picked up a good-sized rock and threw it up in the air, taking his sword and slicing it in two.

"Too slow," Kenji hissed and threw up another rock. The rain has officially drenched him and was making it more of a challenge to see the rock.


The water flew off his sword as he cut another rock. Someone was calling his name but he didn't bother with it.

Throwing up a rock, he missed and the sword went instead to his left leg. He let out a scream and pulled the sword out, the cut being at least an inch deep and a good 4 inches long. The blood poured out mixing in with the rain.

A puddle of blood was forming around his leg and all he did was stare. In the dark reflection he saw his reflection…but in his mind he saw Kenshin.

"DAMN YOU!" he yelled as he stomped into the water causing pain to shoot up his leg. "Damn you…," he whispered as he fell to his knees and crashed into the mud.



Kenji let his eyes open slow. The pain in his leg increased when he moved it.

"Your suppose to get firewood and dry it. Not practicing in the rain!!"

Seijuro Hiko glared down at his young apprentice.

"You are how old now?"

"I'll be 16 soon,"

"Then start acting like it! You still make childish decisions!" Hiko took a deep breath in. "If you expect me to continue teaching you the Hiten Misurugi Ryu then start thinking like a man!!"

Kenji closed his eyes. He didn't want to be scolded, a daily event. Hiko put coins into his hands. Violet eyes opened.

Kenji looked at him confused.

"The rain is letting up. You will go into the nearby village and fetch medicine. I will wait here,"

Kenji took the money and put in a small satchel. He got up warily but was able to make it out the door.


The rain finally stopped and children already were drenched in mud puddles. His leg bean to bleed so he tied a soft bow tightly around it to stop the bleeding.

Ting, ting…

Kenji heard the soft sound of a wind chime. Similar sound to the ones his mother kept up year around.


"Kenji! Kenji!" a man yelled. Kenji looked up to see a young man his age in a nearby stand.

"Yuuji!" Kenji smiled. The young man named Yuuji Ueda ran a dumpling stand in the market. Always giving a free one to his friend.

"Same as always Kenji?" Yuuji said as he took out a fresh hot dumpling. He handed it over to Kenji.

"This rain makes it hard to work in," Kenji smiled. "Thanks,"

"You know Kenji. I hear the soldiers from China are finally returning!" Yuuji said happily. Kenji smiled weakly.

"Your brother-in-law, Lex Lang, he's returning then?" Kenji asked.

"Yes. He promised my sister he'd come back," he sighed. "My sister is early with child,"

"Wish her congrats for me," Kenji said.

"I will," Yuuji said. "Just a moment, isn't your father returning also?"

Kenji was silent.

"I must run my errands now. Thank you for the treat," Kenji said.

"No problem my friend," Yuuji said confused as Kenji walked off.