Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Wanderer ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: This is my first Kenshin fic so take it easy. Oddly enough, this fic has very little Kenshin in it. This fic is mostly about Yahiko and takes place just after the end of the manga. Oh and before I forget I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or any of its charters.

Way of the Wanderer:
Chapter One

"Kenshin's sword... no, it's my sword now." Yahiko said to himself as he waited out said the Akebeko. He then held the sword out. "It still feels heavy."


"This sword represents so much."


"All of Kenshin's beliefs are imbedded within this sword."


"And now it's up to me to uphold those beliefs-"


"Don't call me chan!" Yahiko yelled snapping out of his train of thought. He then turned his head around to see who had called him the 'C' word. What he found was a girl around his age standing in the doorway. She was wearing a black French maid uniform with a white lace apron. Atop her short brown hair was a lace hat completing the outfit. "Tsubame" he gasped with his face a little flushed.

"Sorry I had to call you 'chan' Yahiko-san, but it was way the only I could think of to snap you out of that trance." Tsubame said. Her face was also slightly flushed.

"It's alright." Yahiko said as he put away his sword. "So are you ready to go, Tsubame-chan?"

"Hai," And the two sent out on their nightly routine of Yahiko walking Tsubame home. The two walked on in silence until Yahiko finally struck up some conversation.

"So um ... how are things at the um ... Akebeko?" he stammered out.

"Oh, everything is fine. Business is going well... it's just that..."

"It's just what?"

"Well it's just that I wish Tea-san would go back to the old uniforms, these new western one have been causing me...problems." Yahiko stop abruptly, and grabbed Tsubame's arm.

"What kind of problems?" He asked with his voice full of concern.

"Yahiko-san it's nothing to worry about really. It's just that when Tae-san has me run errands for her some people like to comment on how 'nice' they think my uniform is." She said blushing a little.

"What!?" It was obvious that Yahiko was taking this situation a little too seriously.

"Oh, but it's really nothing Yahiko-san. It's not like last time its just a few cat calls that's all" She said trying her best to calm Yahiko down.

"Well if it doesn't bother you, but you know I could always..." Yahiko sort of trailed off.

"You could always do what, Yahiko-kun?"

"Well I could always come by during the afternoons and help you out with your errands."

"Oh Yahiko-san, I couldn't ask you to do that. I mean you already walk with me in the mornings and at night."

"It's not a problem."

"But I heard that Kaoru is already upset with you because you're late every morning I wouldn't want you getting into any more trouble."

"Oh I'm not worried about that busu, besides Tsubame-chan you're..." He trailed off again.

"I'm what?" Yahiko did not respond. Tsubame stopped walking and turned to face Yahiko. "Yahiko-san." Yahiko, who had also stopped, was looking down at his feet. Then he muttered something. "What did you say?" Yahiko then looked up and their eyes met.

"Tsubame-chan you're much more important to me than that." Tsubame didn't know what to say, here was Yahiko saying that she was important to him, just what was he trying to say. "Tsubame," Yahiko said softly as he made his way closer to Tsubame.

"Yahiko" Tsubame said just as softly. The distance between them was now very small. The two teens just stood there for some time, neither one saying a thing as they just stared at each other. The time just seemed to drag on.

"Tsubame," Yahiko whispered.

"Yes, Yahiko." There was an awkward silence for a minute or so as Tsubame stared into Yahiko's eyes waiting for his response.

"Isn't that your place over there?" He said very quickly.

"Huh?" Tsubame turned around and sure enough, the two had reached their intended destination. "Oh well then I guess I should be going." Tsubame started to walk to her house, but then rushed back up to Yahiko. "Thank you, Yahiko," she said as she gave a quick bow.

"Don't mention it. I'll see you tomorrow, alright."


"Well then, I guess I'll be going now. Good night, Tsubame-chan."

"Good night Yahiko-san." Tsubame then turn in for the night. As for Yahiko, he just stood there.

Yahiko just sighed as shook his head to the ground. He started to walk to his house or as he liked to call it that piece of crap shack, that Sanosuke left him. Tokyo was pretty quite around this time of night. Most of the shops were closed and there was pretty much no one in the streets. It was rather nice to just to walk along in the quiet. However that quiet would not last.

"Hiya!" The cry cut through the silence and immediately set Yahiko into alert. He immediately took off in the direction that the sound had come from. As he moved closer, he could hear more sound from what he was now sure was two people fighting. He was certain that at least one of them was using a real sword while the other was probably using a wooden one. Then just as suddenly as they had started, all sound of the fight stopped. Yahiko stopped as well, tried after all his running and with no more sounds to hone in on, he had no choice but to try and catch his breath. 'Have they stopped fighting' he thought, although he knew that probably wasn't the case. Yahiko set back off in the direction he hoped the fight was in. Then like a shot in the dark it came.

"AHHHH!" And at that moment, he knew the fight was over. Even so, Yahiko knew that there might still be something he could do if he got there fast enough. Yahiko quickened his pace to a speed that would make Kenshin proud. As he neared the place where he heard the scream, he started to hear other voices.

End of Chapter One.

A/N: Wow your still reading this, well as I said in the beginning this is my first fic so any tips are welcome.

Now for those who don't know any Japanese this is for you:

Chan: This is used to express endearment, mostly towards girls. It is also used for little boys, pets, and even among Lovers. It gives a sense of childish cuteness

Busu: ugly girl

The second chapter should be up two weeks, if I am not swamped with work from my AP English class. Oh and a big thanks to my beta-readers, Killarri Kuramaandkarasu thanks. Well guess that's all until next time.