Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ What You Don't Know ❯ Chapter 4 - Consequences of the unknown ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclamer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin
Chapter 4 - Consequences of the unknown
Kaoru awoke early again the next morning, visions of her kata foremost in her mind. Today was the day she'd start working with Yahiko again. The boy had been prodding as gently as an twelve year old could to resume his instruction. He was eager to help her put the pieces of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu back together, and was very excited yesterday when she promised to start today.
The tiredness that plagued her after the visit to the market was gone, replaced by restless energy. Her whole being itched to do something, and kenjitsu was the perfect outlet. She could work on her forms and spend time reconnecting with her pupil.
She dressed swiftly, hands unconsciously tying her bindings and ties of her gi and hakama. Her hair went smoothly back into the utilitarian high ponytail. Comfortable tabi completed the outfit, and she felt ready to take on the day.
Her stomach growled noisily.
`Well, almost ready.'
She padded down to the kitchen, unsurprised to see Kenshin making breakfast. His smile spoke volumes as she began hunting for a teacup.
“Ohayo, Kaoru-dono. Did you sleep well?”
“Ohayo. Yes, thank you.”
She poured her tea, and watched him mind the soup and rice. He cooked with a practiced ease that she couldn't help but admire. Too energetic to sit, she stood in the doorway and looked out into the yard. After some time spent watching the morning sun, Kenshin's quiet call brought her to the table. The simple breakfast smelled wonderful, and she dug in enthusiastically.
As Kaoru was finishing her meal, Yahiko stumbled in sleepily and sat at the table. Kenshin set steaming bowls in front of him, and the boy mumbled his thanks before beginning to eat.
“Yahiko, are you ready to start lessons this morning?”
The boy lit up instantly.
“Absolutely! What are we going to do first,” he said through his food.
“I'm going to start by figuring out a few forms. You're going to do 500 strokes in the yard, then we'll work together.”
Yahiko slumped and moaned dramatically, rolling his eyes.
“Aw, Kaoru, that's all I've been doing for two weeks!”
“Okay,” she smirked, and he relaxed, thinking he'd won. “700 strokes.”
“Would you rather it be 900?”
“No, no,” he grumbled, returning to his breakfast. Both looked at Kenshin as he chuckled. He made a placating gesture at Yahiko's hurt look.
“It is nice to have things returning to normal,” he said simply.
Yahiko muttered something about hoping for a less normal normal, which Kaoru chose to ignore. She stood, thanking Kenshin for the meal.
“Full strokes, Yahiko, or you'll be cleaning the dojo later,” she called as she left the room.
After a few warm-ups, Kaoru paused to center herself, much like she had yesterday. Her confidence was much higher today. If she could regain control over one part of her life, the rest should follow more easily. She pushed the anxieties of those unknown areas to the back of her mind and focused on her forms.
Kaoru settled into the first position of the advanced form she remembered. The map of the form solidified, and she closed her eyes to immerse herself in the movements. As she moved through step, thrust, swing, turn, imaginary opponents appeared in her minds eye. She neared the end of the form, but continued her sparring with the shadow opponents.
She channeled all her frustrations into the mock battle. Her movements increased rapidly in speed and power. Soon she was delivering vicious jabs and quick feints into the empty air. Her attacks finished with a strong overhead strike, aimed at incapacitating an opponent with a blow to the upper shoulder near the neck. She executed flawlessly.
Her eyes shot open in surprise as her blow was met with the resistance of a real body. A loud groan and thud reached her ears. Panting, she looked to her feet, and stared in horror at Yahiko's still form.
He wasn't moving. His eyes were closed, lids barely open to show the whites of his eyes. His left arm was bent strangely, a slight grimace on his face.
Kaoru's boken dropped from her nerveless fingers. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to teach her student, not hurt him. Her breathing increased as the tide of panic rose. She had to do something, but was frozen to the spot.
Kenshin appeared in the dojo doorway.
“Kaoru-dono, what—” He spotted Yahiko on the floor and rushed to his side. Kaoru's heart was nearly torn in two at the stricken look on Kenshin's face. She had to get away.
Her feet took her rapidly out of the dojo. All she could think of was getting away from Yahiko's body, and Kenshin's look. The stress she was trying to push away came back in force, threatening to overwhelm her. She barely heard Sano's startled greeting as she darted out the complex gates. She blindly ran down an unknown path, tears gathering at the corners of her eyes.
A burning in her lungs finally forced her to stop, bent over and panting. She worked hard to keep her breakfast from coming up from the stress and exertion.
Gradually, Kaoru got her breathing back under control. Straightening to look around, she found herself at a familiar stretch of river. Her feet had taken her to one of her favorite refuges. The river bent gracefully here, creating a small peninsula at the base of a gentle bank. The path was not well traveled, so it was perfect for quiet reflection. Various memories grounded her in this place, sometimes alone, sometimes with others.
Kaoru sat down miserably at the edge of the bank, staring into the rushing water. She absently hefted a boken-sized stick, playing with the unfamiliar weight and balance. The confidence she had was dashed so quickly, making her feel more vulnerable than before. She had focused so much on getting back to square one that she hurt Yahiko out of neglect. Her depression deepened when she remembered the look on Kenshin's face. What would he think of her now? Was she even able to take care of herself?
She still felt like something important was missing from her memories of the accident. It made her feel even more uneasy to contemplate that gaping hole in her thoughts for that day and others. Was she missing something important with her friends? With Kenshin?
A long time passed, punctuated only by the sound of the river. Kaoru poked with her stick, lost in the flow of her thoughts. Finally she stood, peering over the water. For all her worries, nothing would get better by hiding here, despite the peace. Her little family should at least be wondering where she went.
“Kamiya Kaoru?”
Kaoru turned to the voice behind her. Three men stood up on the bank, wearing unremarkable gi and hakama with odd black armbands. She couldn't quite see the character emblazoned on the side. Two were average, one tall and burly. They carried no visible weapons at first glance. She didn't think she knew them, but something set her on edge. She gripped her stick tighter in her right hand as she faced them.
One of the average men spoke, a puckered scar under his eye pulling with each motion.
“Are you Kamiya Kaoru?”
“Why do you want to know,” she challenged, sounding braver than she felt. Scar smirked.
“Our boss wants a word with you. Come with us.”
Kaoru took a slight step back, noting the close proximity of the river to her footing.
“If your `boss' wants to talk to me, he can come here.”
Scar took a step closer, a glint in his eye.
“This isn't optional, sweetheart. You're coming with us one way or another.”
Kaoru brought the stick in front of her in a defensive stance. It was a bit heavier than her boken, but it would have to do. She eyed the bank carefully. If she could get a few hits in, she could make a break for it. She wished she had put on shoes before she left. The tabi would make escape on the unsure footing more challenging.
“If that's the way you want it . . .” This from the other man with longer black hair. Kaoru repressed a shudder at the malice in eyes.
The men spread out and advanced on her. Scar darted out, arms raised to grab at her. Kaoru stepped quickly to one side and swung her weapon into his midsection, satisfied when she heard his groan of pain. Long Hair came at her from the side, and she pivoted on one foot, using his momentum to land a strong overhead strike to the back of his head, felling him quickly.
As she was about to raise her stick defensively again, the big guy grabbed her around the middle and lifted her off the ground, pinning her arms to her sides. The stick dropped to the ground. She squirmed and struggled, but he merely tightened his grasp until it was hard to breathe.
“Let me go you bastards!” she gasped.
Scar came in front of her.
“Not so brave without your weapon, are you,” he taunted.
Kaoru brought her foot up sharply, kicking Scar squarely in the solar plexus and then again in the face while he hunched over. Blood flew from his nose in a fascinating spray.
Big Guy tightened his hold again before she could kick back at him. She gasped in pain, swearing she heard a rib creak.
Scar staggered up and grasped her neck in a crushing grip, his face a bloody mask of rage. Long Hair stood up behind him, drawing a short blade from inside his gi.
“Bitch. You are lucky our boss wants you alive, or I would snap your neck.”
Kaoru struggled to breathe around his tight grasp. She would pass out soon if she didn't do something.
“Let her go.”
Kaoru almost cried when Kenshin's voice rang out over the bank. Scar released her neck as he and Long Hair turned to face the redhead. She coughed and inhaled as much as she could within Big Guy's punishing hold.
The look on Kenshin's face was hard and unforgiving. He stood ready with narrowed eyes, hand hovering over the hilt of his sakabato.
“Stay out of this little man,” Scar sneered.
Kenshin did not blink.
“I think not.”
Scar and Long Hair rushed Kenshin with a shout. In a flash, both were on the ground, clutching themselves. Big Guy's grip loosened just barely, and Kaoru took the opportunity to drive a heel into the inside of his knee. He dropped her with a grunt. She rolled away when she hit the ground, wincing at a sharp pain in her left ankle that twisted in the fall.
Kenshin moved in front of her, swiftly blocking her from her assailants. She heard them stumble up the bank.
“This isn't over Kamiya!”
Kenshin stood in place until the footsteps disappeared. He sheathed his weapon with a light click, and dropped to a crouch by her side.
“Are you hurt?” He reached a hand to our shoulder.
Kaoru wouldn't meet his gaze. She turned on the grass and gingerly lowered her injured ankle into the cold river, tabi and all.
Tears gathered again in her eyes.
“Is Yahiko okay,” she said quietly, voice a bit rough from the chokehold. Kenshin sat beside her with an almost inaudible sigh.
“He has a bruised collarbone. Megumi-dono said he shouldn't have a concussion, and will recover completely.”
Kaoru buried her head in her hands. Great, Megumi knew.
“You had to get Megumi?”
“He wasn't responding, and Sano and I didn't know what happened.”
Tears ran through her fingers.
“I'm sorry,” she whispered.
A moment stretched between them.
“Yahiko asked for you as soon as he woke. He said he walked into your swing. He felt bad that he didn't see you.”
Kaoru looked up at him, surprised.
“It wasn't his fault. I closed my eyes to focus and didn't see him.”
“Accidents happen.” He paused. “But, why did you run?”
She looked out at the river again.
“It was just too much. I've been so confused and disconnected. I finally felt like I was making progress on something, and then I hurt someone out of my stupidity.”
“And now this. I'm just going on feel, like I'm groping the dark. I know those men are dangerous for some reason, but I don't know why. I know that Yahiko and Sano are like brother's to me, and I know . . .” Kaoru faltered a little and got quieter. “. . .how I feel about you.”
She blushed, despite her upset. After a moment, Kenshin spoke.
“Kaoru-dono, I'm here to help you. This has to be frightening, but please don't run away from me. I can protect you if I am at your side.”
Kaoru looked up at him with moist eyes.
“So you forgive me?”
His hand brushed some hair behind her ear.
“There is nothing to forgive.” He examined her bruised neck and glanced at the foot in the river.
“I heard those men saying something about a boss?”
Kaoru nodded, hugging one knee to her chest. “Apparently he wants to talk to me, but wants me alive. It has to be connected to the accident.”
“No other details?”
“Just those odd armbands. I couldn't see the character clearly, but it was the same on all of them.”
Kenshin nodded.
“Are you ready to come home?”
Kaoru smiled, pulling her wet foot out of the river. Kenshin helped her to her feet. She stood a bit unsteadily, but managed to put a little weight on her ankle.
“I think I can walk. My ribs and left ankle are a little—eep!”
He lifted her effortlessly into his arms, carrying her bridal style up the bank. Kaoru blushed a deep crimson, secretly delighted at the closeness. He did not offer an explanation, and she did not protest, settling into his arms as he brought her home.