Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ What You Don't Know ❯ Chapter 14 - Together ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin
Chapter 14 - Together
The wedding was a simple affair, just as Kaoru had hoped. Kenshin looked wonderful in his new hakama and gi, red hair briefly tamed by Tae's comb. Kaoru felt like a princess in her mother's wedding kimono, the fan Kenshin had given her tucked securely in the obi. The local Shinto priest guided them through the ceremony, and finally, they were married.
The gathering afterwards was small but precious, the small circle of friends enjoying the celebration thoroughly, especially after all that had occurred. Their friends at the Aoiya had even managed to send congratulations in time for the wedding, Misao promising to come visit with Aoshi in a few months. After a while everyone left with only a little teasing, Yahiko blushing harder than Kaoru as he left to stay with Tae for a few days.
Kaoru relaxed in the furo, the steaming water unraveling the little tensions of the past week. Kenshin had suggested the bath while he cleaned up a little bit, and after a small protest she agreed. She gratefully submerged her healing arm into the bath, happy to be able to completely immerse herself once again. Her thoughts wandered as she soaked.
Preparing for the wedding and repairing the ruined gate on short notice had meant quite a bit of running around for all of the dojo occupants. Kaoru barely had time to finish the alterations on their clothing, completely clean the dojo, and take care of all the little tasks that kept cropping up. She and Kenshin saw each other mostly in passing, brief touches to her shoulder or waist reminding her of his affection.
He'd decided to sleep outside her room instead of sitting by her side for the week leading up to their wedding. She couldn't deny her disappointment, but he insisted it would be better if he was not so near until after their nuptials. The heat in his eyes as he spoke brought a blush to her face even now, melting her insides with a curling warmth.
She herself had insisted on goodnight kisses. She savored those moments in his strong arms, his firm lips parting hers with tender strokes, occasionally teasing her tongue with his. When he pulled away, it always left her wanting, a sweet promise of things to come.
Kaoru rose from the bath, cheeks flushed from something besides the heated water. She knew a little about what to expect from tonight based on taking classes with boys and Megumi's pre-wedding lecture. But the new feelings rising in her gave her an edge of uncertainty and anticipation.
After drying herself, Kaoru wrapped herself in a clean yukata, keeping her hair wrapped in the towel that had kept it out of the bath. She padded down the engawa to their room, anticipation growing with each step.
The shoji to the room was open, rice-paper lamps gently glowing in the dusk. Kenshin wasn't there, but the unrolled futon and neatly spread covers showed his recent presence. She sat down in front of her dressing table, picking up her comb to tame her long locks. A careful pull on the towel sent the raven tresses spilling down her back, and she pulled the mass over her shoulder and began working through it. This always relaxed her, and the familiar motions took the edge off of her anxiety.
Light footsteps near the doorway signaled his presence, and she turned to smile at him as he entered. Kenshin was wearing a simple yukata like hers, the neckline drifting open almost to the navel, revealing his smooth chest. His fiery mane was unbound and floating like silk around his shoulders. Lavender eyes held her in an affectionate gaze with darker currents floating just beneath the surface. Her eyes widened a little at the appealing sight.
He smiled at her scrutiny, and moved with his smooth grace to her side. He sat behind her, taking the comb out of her still fingers and continuing where she had paused.
“How do you feel, Himura-san?” he said lowly into her ear as he tended to her heavy tresses.
Kaoru sighed and shivered a little at his words.
“Very happy, my husband,” she replied, leaning into his caresses.
“That's good,” he replied, comb replaced by his fingers tracing along her hairline, past her ear, and down her neck. Kaoru gasped as he peppered light kisses where his finger had trailed. She turned to face him, needing to have him in her sights while he touched her. His eyes were warm with love and growing passion, a slight question forming in his gaze. He cupped her face gently with one hand, the other resting on her shoulder.
“Kaoru-koi, do you want this? I don't want to hurt you.”
Kaoru smiled at his care for her. With everything that happened, he obviously wanted to make sure she was comfortable with his intentions. Kaoru answered with a gentle kiss.
“Please, love,” she whispered against his lips, “make me yours.”
His lips slanted over hers with a light groan, tongue seeking hers as his arms pulled her into a close embrace. Kaoru placed her arms around him, griping the back of his yukata as he kissed her deeply. Heat radiated off him, his body warm to the touch even through the barrier of his clothes.
His hands began wandering up and down her back, creating burning trails along her skin. Kaoru moaned lightly at the sensation, head spinning as he channeled his passion into the kiss. She continued little breathy sighs as his lips traveled down her neck and to her shoulder, loving the feeling of his lips on her skin.
Needing a moment's respite from the fire he was stoking in her, she sat up and knelt between his legs, wanting to bare his skin to her exploration. He indulged her with a smile, hands resting at her waist. She blushed, but raised slender fingers to his cheeks, covering both with equal pressure. He was so handsome, almost beautiful. She traced the tendons in his neck with light fingers, watching them jump a little with heated fascination. Her small hands slid underneath the neckline of his yukata, pushing the garment down his shoulders with one smooth motion.
He groaned a little and closed his eyes as her hands explored the smooth planes of his chest. A light gasp escaped him as she brushed over a taut nipple. Kaoru delighted in the sounds she drew from him. She traced the twisting scars along his slight frame, leaning in to taste them with her mouth. His eyes flew open when her tongue touched his skin, a hand tangling in her long hair. Kaoru lost herself in the salty-sweet taste of his skin.
The world spun suddenly, and Kaoru found herself on her back, Kenshin panting over her and raking her form with hungry eyes. He licked his lips and bent towards hers.
“My turn.”
He kissed her again briefly before worshiping her neck with little nips and licks. Deft fingers pulled open the knot on her yukata, and he pulled back a little as he bared her to his gaze. Kaoru moved to cover herself, but he gently took her lips again as he brought her arms to his bare shoulders.
“Beautiful,” he murmured into her mouth.
Kaoru arched her back as calloused hands cupped her sensitive breasts, hands gripping his shoulders as he ran his thumbs over the distended nipples. She moaned further as his warm lips closed over one aching peak, her hands finding purchase in his silky locks. The gentle pulls of his mouth on and around her chest sent hot white bolts of sensation between her legs, where a pool of heat was steadily growing.
One particularly strong nip on her skin by his talented lips sent her mind reeling, her hips thrusting up towards his, seeking some kind of relief she didn't fully understand. Kenshin groaned into her skin as she pulled him closer, obviously affected by her movements.
He pulled her up against him for a moment, pulling her yukata off and tossing it to the side. They both breathed heavily at the feeling of skin on skin, and Kenshin made quick work of his own yukata when he placed her back down.
Kaoru took in his naked body, admiring his lightly muscled form. She blushed when she saw his straining manhood, a silent testimony to her affect on him. He leaned in, pressing his firm body into her softer one, and she gasped as his hardness brushed tantalizingly against the wetness between her legs.
“Kenshin, please, I need something,” she pleaded, words torn from her lips as she drowned in sensation.
He peppered soft kisses around her cheeks and lips, diving deeply into her mouth for a passionate tangle of tongues. He pulled away a little and studied her flushed face.
“This may hurt a little, but I promise to give you what you need.”
Kenshin pulled up a little and guided his blunt head to nestle in-between her folds. Panting lightly, he leaned over her again and captured her lips. One measured thrust, and he was settled within her.
Kaoru closed her eyes briefly against the light tearing pain, though it was less than she imagined. The odd pressure of him inside took some getting used to, but he continued to stroke her body with gentle hands to relax her. Finally, feeling the warmth burn within her again, she moved against him, seeking more. Kenshin groaned deeply, a husky sound that vibrated through her body.
“Gods, Kaoru, you feel so good.”
He began to move then, pulling out slowly and returning with deep, steady thrusts. Kaoru gasped a little at each motion, lost in the delicious friction. She felt the fire inside burning hotter with each stroke. A coil of tension was slowly building, almost becoming unbearable as he continued his thrusts. She planted her feet on the futon and lifted her hips to meet his, urging him to go faster.
Kenshin moaned again, his hands finding purchase on her hips as he pulled her up to meet him again and again. His head hovered above hers, panting and murmuring her name. The red silk of his hair formed a curtain around Kaoru's face, and her world focused down to nothing but his eyes, his voice, and the feel of his body in hers.
Using his grip as leverage, Kenshin increased the pace of his thrusts, eyes locking with Kaoru's. She cried out as the fire inside burned hotter and hotter, the tension inside becoming unbearable. His movements lost their rhythm, and he pounded into her with blinding speed.
The building tension suddenly snapped, and Kaoru arched into Kenshin, mouth open in a soundless cry. Her vision turned white, and she lived and died in that instant of pleasure. Kenshin shuddered above her, and a streak of heat exploded into hers, prolonging her peak.
She came back to earth, enjoying the weight of his body along hers. His breathing was still rough, hot but oddly soothing in her hair. Several moments passed as they both recovered from their passion.
They both groaned with Kenshin finally pulled out from her, rolling to the side. He covered them with a blanket, tucking her against his shoulder. Kaoru sighed into his warm embrace, snuggling happily into him.
“Wow. That was incredible.”
Kenshin chuckled lowly, running a hand warmly up and down her arm.
“Yes, koi, it certainly was.”
Kaoru basked in the warmth of his embrace. His gentle caress encouraged her to drowse in his arms.
“Yes, koi?”
“Are you happy?”
His embrace tightened around her, and he kissed her ear gently.
“More than I ever thought possible,” he whispered into her ear.
Kaoru looked up into his lavender eyes, warmed by the love that shone through his rare genuine smile. She kissed him sweetly and then relaxed back into his embrace.
Sleep crowded around the edges of her awareness. She relaxed, giving into her body's desires. This trial was over, and something new was beginning. Her last thought before drifting off was wondering what color her childrens' hair would be.