Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Amethyst Loved Amber ❯ 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Do I even need to bother? Its only been 11 times that I've told you that I lay no claims to RK….~.~

Chapter 12

Kenshin laughed, warmly and Rurouni-like as the two little girls, Ayame and Suzume chorused his name, "Uncle Ken! Uncle ken! Come play with us!" He looked over at Kaoru who was scolding Yahiko for practicing the wrong stance, then back at the shining faces of the two little ones and nodded. They cheered, "Uncle Ken is going to play with us!" Ayame smiled at her little sister who mimicked her, "Yeah uncle Ken is gonna play!"

As the two little girls chased him around, each taking turns tagging him, in the back of his mind, he wondered if Sano had somehow managed to find Hanami. Neither him nor Kaoru had made any mention to anyone about the night before, but he could tell that Kaoru was distracted as well.

"Oro?!" Kenshin cried out softly as his sandal caught on a rock, and he went face first down to the dusty ground, his quick thinking saving him as he threw his hands out to catch himself. Ayame and Suzume stopped, crouching down. He felt their little hands on his head, "Are you alright Uncle Ken?" Ayame asked. He smiled when Suzume mimicked her sister, "Yes I am alright." He stood and dusted off, laughing as the two little ones cheered yet again and began running around him.

**(earlier that morning)**

Sano had sat beside Hanami, until the sky began to lighten and the early morning birds began to sing their songs. It was then that he realized she would rise soon, and had slipped quietly out, nodding off to sleep on his futon seconds later.

His prediction had been correct, soon after Hanami rose, stretching her arms up to the ceiling and yawning widely. Kneeling, she pulled her blanket up neatly. The ribbons slid from her hair as she moved to stand, so she pulled them out. Laying them to the side, she shook out her long hair and combed it. Enjoying the moment before she pulled it back up into the two tight tails.

Hanami headed outside, sliding open the rice paper door and creeping softly out front, as to not wake the sleeping Sano, and sat down, proceeding to repair her Koketsu. She had found it rather difficult to handle since Kenshin and split the end off.

She sighed as she began to work, wondering if what Sanosuke had said last night was true, and if she could allow him into her life. She looked down at the ground…He already was in her life. She pondered him all morning. Accessing the situation from the good and bad points…Until her stomach growled.

Loud and obnoxious rumbling in the pit of her abdomen caught her attention. She set her weapon aside, to allow it time to cure and stood. I'd better go see what there is to eat. With a hand on her stomach, she padded softly to the kitchen, frowning irritably at the dirty dishes, adding that to the list of bad things about him.

Ignoring the un-cleanliness, she opened the cupboards, sighing when she found them to be all bare. It was amazing that he stayed so healthy with no food in his house. The grumble in her stomach became more insistent as she remembered that she had not eaten dinner the night before. That lazy fighter should be getting up now anyways…I'm just not sure if I want to wake him…

She shrugged of the uneasy feeling and treaded lightly to his room, sliding open the rice paper door and peering in at him.

He had kicked most of his blankets off during his tossing sleep, and they were now entwined around one of his legs as he lay flat on his stomach. His arm was curled lifelessly around his head, the other stuffed under his pillow. The loose ends of his bandana were resting innocently over his broad shoulders against his bare back.

She scowled down at him. How could he just sleep the entire day away? It wasn't possible…was it? Scowling she walked into his room, toeing him in the ribs. She wasn't about to wait around and see if it could be done. He groaned and swatted at her leg, "I had a late night…just a few more minutes…"

She frowned and bent over, pinching his ear and hissing, "Wake up! I'm going to die of starvation here you bum!" His eyes fluttered open, and he frowned up at her, "Well good morning to you too, rude ass." This earned him a swift kick to the side as she stood.

Air whooshed past his lips as the breath was knocked out of him. He sat up, and rubbed the sore spot, "what the hell was that for!" She smirked, "For being an ass, now get up! I have to eat sometime." He groaned and stood, "The kitchen-" "Has no food." She finished, "Be thankful I checked before I decided to wake you up."

Sanosuke sighed, what a lasting impression that would be. He scratched his head, "Alright, I'm sure that Tae has food." Hanami nodded satisfied and turned to leave, walking slowly out and sliding the door shut, catching his eye for a second before the door passed between their gaze.

Sanosuke watched her shadow longingly, before jumping up and grabbing his yakuta. He ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to half ass fix it and walked out. Hanami met him at the door, surprisingly leaving her most loyal weapon behind. Has she finally?… Sanosuke wondered as they tramped down the dusty roads.

He nodded to her empty hand, "Where is it?" She scowled at him, "My Koketsu is sitting at your house, I cant use it now." He was about to ask why but she interrupted him, "I had to repair it since Kenshin broke it." He nodded and they continued in silence.

Miss Tae greeted them warmly as they walked in. Hanami only hid her eyes as Sanosuke smiled. "Here to build another tab Mr. Sanosuke?" Sano only chuckled, allowing the friendly woman to lead them to a spot to sit.

Neither of them had made mention of what had went on the night before, and Hanami began to wonder if he really meant what he had said at all. It had been awfully late…Maybe he had been drunk, or tired. It would have been like Sano to be drunk beyond his wits. She lifted her eyes to his, and found him watching her. Hanami shifted uneasily, relieved when their food finally came.

They ate in total silence, the tension building between them. Sanosuke was afraid to upset her, truth to tell, he was afraid that she would leave if he made mention of what had gone on the other night. She certainly wasn't giving off the aura that she wanted to talk.

He shrugged it off, deciding to play it her way, and pretend as though nothing had happened. He began to eat, hushing the voice that told him to speak. After they had finished, Miss Tae rushed over, Tsubame following to quickly clear away the dishes. Miss Tae smiled warmly, "Shall I add that to your new tab Mr. Sanosuke?" Sano quickly shook his head, "I won some money a few days ago, I think I can pay this time." He and Hanami headed out the door, leaving behind a shocked Miss Tae.

They walked silently down the streets, kicking up dust behind their heels. Finally Hanami broke the silence, "You really don't pay much do you?" He shook his head, "Naw, but they're a nice bunch, they understand the hardships of a guy like me." He flashed her a grin, and she rolled her eyes, "You could get a job you know. You cant always have everyone waiting on you hand and foot."

He punched her playfully, and her hand flew up to block it, "People don't wait on me hand and foot. I take care of myself." She lowered the hand that had caught his and began walking again, "At least I have a job. You probably couldn't get one on the education a ruffian such as yourself has." "And like it takes and education to have a job like yours." He scoffed, smirking when she clenched her fists, "It takes more brains than you have to offer Sano." He sighed and silenced, it was pointless to argue with her. He hoped that her need for always having the last word would also be changed as soon as she came out from behind that mask. Otherwise, they would have a tough time together. Together…

Sanosuke looked up when he noticed a blur of red ahead of them. His eyes caught the Rurouni's as Kenshin headed towards them, exchanging a silent nod. Kenshin's face melted into a warm Rurouni smile as he greeted them, his scar had a small bandage over it showing a thin line of blood through the wrappings, "Good evening Sanosuke! Hanami!" Hanami clenched her fists, how could he be so cheery? He's acting as though nothing had happened! She thought angrily.

"Where are you heading Kenshin? Ya wouldn't be happening to be going to get a few drinks without me buddy, were ya?" Kenshin shook his red head, "I'm afraid not Sano. I was just heading into town to get some tofu, that I was." Hanami cut rudely between the two friends and headed off down the street at a brisk pace, frowning irritably, angered at both of them. But mostly Sanosuke who seemed as though he was playing on both sides. Knowing full well that she shouldn't be mad, after all, Kenshin and Sanosuke were friends…Long before she even came.

Kenshin and Sanosuke watched her walk away, before Kenshin turned, "Is she alright? I noticed that she did not have her Koketsu, that I did." Sanosuke shook his head, "She has been acting weird all day, her Koketsu is sitting at home, she repaired it this morning." Kenshin looked down at the ground, "You love her, ne?" Sanosuke was reluctant to respond, but lying to Kenshin was like trying to lie to a monk, you just couldn't do it with out feeling guilty. Sano nodded, and began to unweave the tale of all that had went on last night.

As he and Kenshin went their separate ways, Sano was surprised to find Hanami out front, testing out her new and improved Koketsu. Trying out various moves to see if the weight was right. She swung it in a full circle, shouting as she did so. Sanosuke walked a little closer for a better look, and yelped when she greeted him. Her blade stopping inches from his neck, "Its nice to see you back." She peered at him over the blade before, pulling her Koketsu down. He sighed, "What's the matter with you Hanami?"

She shook her head, "There is nothing wrong. I am perfectly fine. I've always been." There was a hit of sarcasm in her voice as she turned, setting her Koketsu down. Sano grabbed her arm, pulling her around to face him, "I know that something's up. Why did you leave us there? You don't have to be all high and mighty all the time Hanami. Kenshin isn't so bad, he really is a nice guy once you get to know him."

Hanami shoved him back, pulling her arm free, "You aren't the one who loved him, and you aren't the one he left back in Kyoto! But since you seem to care so much, Why don't you go to him then?." Sanosuke clenched his fist, shaking as he refrained from punching her. Knowing it would be utterly futile to try, "Kenshin is my friend, and I wont let you-" She turned and walked up to the door, "So why don't you go to your friend, and that pathetic little girl. The only one with decency out of all of you is that rambunctious little boy. I'm going to get ready for work." She left him there, fuming in anger.

After a moment he followed her, throwing open her shoji and walking in without announcing his pressence. Hanami gasped, quickly sleeving her arm. She suddenly thought that insulting his friends had not been such a good idea, as she met his enraged cinnamon eyes. He scowled down at her, as she turned from her position on the floor, "I will not go to them…" She rolled her eyes trying to keep her composure, "And why not? Its not like your going to have anything to do here once I'm gone?" He crouched down in front of her, his jacket floating to the ground, "Who says I'm letting you leave Hanami? I promised to help you remove that mask of yours, and I intend to keep it…" Her gasp was muffled as he pressed his warm lips to hers.

A/N: *Does a little dance* The lemon will be the next chapter, I promise! This is going soo well! ^.^ Sad to think its almost over, ne? anyways, as always reviews are appreciated. Ja ne!