Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Amethyst Loved Amber ❯ Chapter 13

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Why do I put this here…For every chapter…You people should know by now… Alright, for your "reading pleasure" I'll say It again…I hold no claims to Rurouni Kenshin or any other things that weren't made by me… ^.^

Warnings: Lemon alert!!!! ^.^ Sweetly sour, just how I enjoy it ^-^

A/N This is the longest chapter I have, and that's only because it's the Lemon, and I take pride in putting great detail in these areas ^-^;… If you have a problem with lemon, then I suggest you skip this chapter, I promise that it wont affect any part of the plot.

Chapter 13

"I promised to help you remove that mask of yours, and I intend to keep it…" Her gasp was muffled as he pressed his warm lips to hers.

Hanami could not think, she could only react as she succumbed to the kiss. Stilling and obeying as he coaxed her lips apart, slipping his tongue into the dark cavernous depths that he had anxiously waited to explore. He brought her into a dance through the exchange, meshing his mouth to hers as he tilted her head back, catching hold of the back of her head with his huge hand.

The kiss seemed to last forever, and even when Hanami began fighting to breath, she still hadn't wanted it to end. Surprised at the forcefulness that the young fighter had imbued upon her, she was a rather disappointed when his lips left hers. Her hands had fallen onto his knees, as he had knelt before her, curling into the loose white fabric. She hadn't been expecting this…An outburst yes…A fight yes…but nothing like this. She hadn't wanted this…or had she?

Her eyes closed, as a single calloused hand fingertip drew down her soft, pale cheek. He watched her, noting how gentle she looked now, harmless, like a tamed kitten before him. Her eyelashes had came to rest, softly against her skin. Sanosuke wasn't sure of what to do next, he hadn't been expecting her to act this way. He had winced as he kissed her, forcing her to respond, and waiting for a strike of her fist…in his abdomen maybe, or just below his ribs.

Taking advantage of the period of motionless silence from the recent Death Goddess, he leaned and brushed his lips over her closed eyes, murmuring softly when a faint whimper of protest pushed past her throat and she shoved halfheartedly against his knees, "I'll never know exactly what happened to you…and I'll never know how it felt…But I can still love you…and I do…"

Hanami's heart stopped at those words, as her breath caught in her throat; Having not the strength to meet the honest youth in the eyes. He was still a young boy. Lust is common among his age…This is only a clumsy attempt to get me to believe him, then get hurt again… She rebuked her thoughts, not wanting it to be just that. Not wanting it only to be the blind lust of a young man, not wanting to re-live the torture…

She shook her head, lowering it from his grip, allowing the tears to slide slowly down her face, "You cant possibly love me… Kisei Megami will never fall for another man…ever…" Her words were like venom, but he didn't miss a beat as he responded, "Maybe so…But I never said I loved Kisei Megami…Tell me…Can Hanami, love again?"

Her eyes slowly climbed to his, blurred through the misty tears, which he quickly kissed away, licking the salty taste from his lips. He knew that it was going to take all he had to convince her to come to him. And he was ready… She stumbled over her words, "Hanami…Doesn't exist…Only the goddess who yearns to kill…" He stretched his neck out for her, "Then Kill me Hanami." He whispered, deliberately using her name. She shook her head and looked down.

"I knew it…" He whispered, pressing his lips to the crown of her head, "You cant kill someone you love…Someone who loves you in return." She choked back a sob, "Kenshin said that he loved me as well…but-" He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at him, his other hand coming to grip her shoulder, "Damnit Hanami! I'm not Kenshin! I am Sanosuke Sagara, the last surviving member of the Sekihoutai! I am the man who loves you now! And goddamnit, I'll never stop!"

Her tears flowed without resistance, she knew his words were true. And she certainly knew that he wasn't Kenshin… Far from Kenshin… before she knew it, he had pulled her into his arms, and cradled her head against his shoulder, softly petting her hair, rocking gently to sooth her sobs. Hanami wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, "I know…And I-I believe you now Sano…" She felt him nodd, his chin brushing against the top of her head.

His hands rubbed gently at her back, sending warm and welcome chills down her spine. She sighed, relieved when her sobs subsided, and was greatful to just lay against him. Sano, as content as he was, truly was rather uncomfortable. His feet had begun to fall asleep, and when he wriggled his toes, a shiver of ticklish sensations shot up his legs. Hanami shifted to look at him when a low laugh unwillingly escaped his throat.

Sanosuke shook his head, sliding her off of him and switching to sit Indian style, before pulling her back onto his lap, "That's better." He rumbled softly into her ear, brushing his lips gently against it. This small movement, more than a caress, but less than a kiss, sent welcome feelings pooling at the base of her spine.

She felt content in his embrace, secure, and full of unrequited love. As long as he was there, she would no longer be afraid of her feelings, although she was still slightly unsure of letting her emotions run the course. She certainly didn't want to hurt him, as she had a tendency to be rather rough in her own loving way. Kenshin certainly knew this, for she had hurt him once or twice. But sano…She had a feeling, that he could take whatever she had to offer.

Sanosuke's heart fluttered beneath his breast as his mind registered her soft fingertips drawing down his chest. When he looked down at her, she had her eyes on what she was doing, completely absorbed in making goosechills rise on his arms and legs. "Sano…?" There was a question behind the way she said his name, and he understood… His lips pressed softly down against the crown of her head, "Hai…Hanami…you will be mine?"

Her eyes flew up to lock with his, nodding her head slightly and pressing her lips to his, "Iie…Sanosuke…You are mine." He gasped at the finality of the last statement and his eyes widened as she pressed him back down onto the futon behind them. As small as she was, she proved her strength once again in that instant. He found that he was pinned beneath her frail body and he couldn't help but groan softly at the butterfly kisses that fell atop his lips.

It had been so long since she had felt the fire of passion, and she would not take it for granted this time. Her hands left his shoulders, allowing him to draw his arms up around her waist, as her fingertips fluttered to the inside of his yakuta, softly circling the nearly pebbled nipples before grabbing them mercilessly between her thumb and forfinger.

Sanosuke yelped at the sudden pain, sending pleasure to every one of his nerve endings. He had a feeling that whole new experience was in store for him, and playing along as the submissive one was part of discovering that.

Hanami released the sensitive skin, gliding her sword calloused hands up the planes of his chest and to the neckline of his yakuta. Slowly she slid the white fabric down his shoulders, taking care that her palms brushed over each, distinguished, muscular crevice; before, in blatent hurry, shoved it aside. Her fingers reached up and unclasped her necklace, tossing it aside in a small pool of silver.

Sanosuke watched as she arched her back, her skinny sides streatching as she reached behind her head, pulling on the ribbons that held her hair back. The fabric slid smoothly down her long hair, curling innocently beneath her bottom which Sano's hands had come to rest on.

His jaw fell slightly open as his eyes followed her tongue, moistening her lips thoughly, in a purpously teasing manner. A small smile tilted the corners of her strawberry pink lips and her hands slid back up his well defined torso, the muscles twitching under her light touch.

He shivered visably as she sat up on his hips, rocking her small bottom slightly and smiling as Sano gasped. A quick glance to the right told him that night had begun to fall and the room began to dim. A single night bird sang its solitary lonely song just outside the thin ricepaper doors, adding a touch of music to their silent caresses.

Hanami's skillful fingers played against his flat stomach, light teasing touches through the white strips of cotton that bound his waist. Ever so slowly she leaned down, his lips widening as strands of dark hair fell over her shoulders, innocently grazing over his skin. Her small pink tongue delved with quick precision between his lips, causing a single shudder to ripple through the young mans lithe body.

His hands gripped her bottom, one sliding up her back and sliping into the dimond shaped cut in her outfit. He closed his lips over hers, savoring her devilish taste of springwater mint as their tongues battled fiercely in the dark cavorn.

He groaned in the back of his throat, feeling the heat intensify at the pinnacle of his thighs as her chest flattened against his. Her fingers flitted up, combing a single hand through the fine brown strands and tugging gently on the bandana, ignoring his grunt of protest as the red ribbon slipped away, allowing but a few solitary strands to fall over his eyes.

She was shocked at how long his hair actually was, and couldn't help but toy with it a bit. His fingers brushed around her side and over her breast, overjoyed when he felt her nipple strain through the thin fabric of her skintight outfit. Hanami pulled up, her face inches from his, connected by a thin string of saliva extending from the tip of her tongue to his slightly bruised bottom lip.

As she stared into his boyish face, she began to wonder what exactly had made him fall for her. She hadn't exactly been the nicest person to him, yet he showed her the kindest compassion. A wave of guilt hit her as she noticed a fading bruise on his cheek, that she had given him when they had first met. Her eyes wavered and his filled with concern.

"Sano…" She whispered, swiping her tongue over his lips, "I'm sorry…" His rich chocolate eyes widened in a bit of surprise, "What is there to be sorry for?" She smiled down at him, trailing her fingertips down his cheek, "For being me…I never meant to hurt you." Her eyes averted his and she became absorbed in the light that the moon cast against the far wall. He shook his head, bringing his huge hands to cup her cheeks, forcing her to look at him, "You would never hurt me intentionally, I know that Hanami." He smiled, bringing his lips to hers.

She pulled away from the kiss, standing and turning from him. Sanosuke reached up in surprise and protest. "Stay." She commanded in a firm tone of voice. Fear stopped his heart, and he half expected to see Kisei before him. She turned, sliding her arms from her body suit and peeling the almost see-through fabric down her chest.

Her breasts fell silently from the second skin fabric and peaked in the sudden chilling air. She continued pulling it down, stopping just above the pinical of her thighs. Sanosuke took a rigid breath and felt his member thicken and swell against his thigh. His heart pounded fiercely in his chest as she came and stood over him, towering above.

He sat up and ran his hands up her legs, her long hair tangling in his fingers as he finished removing the ties. Ever so gently he tugged at the skimpy outfit, sliding it down her graciously curved legs. His eyes followed as the new flesh was revealed, her fair skin marked with various scars, some long, some short, but one particular one that curved around her abdomen, stopping just above the fine dark curles at the crevice between her thighs.

Reaching up, he ran his finger over it, a flicker of bewilderment running through his eyes. He wondered how she managed to get a job at the tavern, with so many past injuries. It wasn't that he minded, her wounds did nothing but intensify her bueaty.

Stepping lightly from her non to concealing outfit, she kneeled over his legs, her hands pushing his shoulders down against the futon. As their positions changed, he caught her in a ray of what moonlight could stream through the worn rice paper, his breath hitching in his chest. He watched as she loweredher self, pressing her soft warm lips to his chest, her tongue slipping out to tease the heated flesh, trailing over to round the tiny pebbled nipple at her side. Her teeth teased the sensitive skin. And somewhere in the back of his mind, he registered her hands plucking at his Hakamas, and feeling them slide down his hips.

She moved, her lips giving the same attention to the unattended side, first biting then laving her tongue over the small mark. She felt his heart flutter against her lips as her fingers slid against the bandages, yearning to remove the last separative object between them. She took her time, allowing Sanouske's member to swell more, probing in a pleading manner against his thigh. She grinned as his hardened erection brushed over her leg, and slowly unwound the wrappings.

The thin cotton fabric slipped easily from his well defined torso, allowing her roaming fingers access to the considerably paler skin beneath. Her lips replaced her fingers, which quickly tossed away the remaning bandages. His member pressed longingly against her chest, driving him mad with the connection between their flesh.

She stopped for a moment, to gaze openly at the young man before her. Sanosuke blushed, and tried to pull away from her intent gaze. Hanami gripped his hips and forced him back down on to the futon. Leaning forward, she breathed slowly over his throbbing member, watching fascinated as a single drop of passion emited from the tip and rolled lazily down the underside of his shaft.

Her hair had fallen to shield his view of what she was doing, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he registered the firm, yet gentle caress of her calloused hands, slipping to his inner thighs. He gasped as her warm moist tongue swiped the droplet from the underside of his shaft, rounding over the plum shaped head before pulling back. Then there was the rush of cold air as she tortuously blew over the chilled dampness.

"Hanami!" He gasped as she took him in her mouth, the exquisite feeling of being surrounded on all sides by her luscious lips was more than he himself could withstand. The previous death goddess slipped her hand up his inner thigh, moving to take and knead the sacs below his pulsating member.

The young fighter moaned in pleasure, thrusting his hips up involuntarily. She took him in wholey, ignoring the gag reflex as her throat muscles worked the sensitive head. Sanosuke squeezed his eyes shut, another moan erupting from his throat as his hands worked at gripping the futon and twisting it beneath them without mercy.

The divinity before him, which had now become the demon of seduction before his lust filled eyes, held his pulsing hips still while she pulled back off him, gently suckling on the perfectly rounded tip. Sanosuke could withstand it no longer and with a final thrust into the dark recess of her mouth, he came, shouting out in both agony the agony of losing the high of passion, and the pleasure of the relaxing recidation of the adrenaline.

His breathing slowed as she noisily swallowed and lapped up any of the salty liquids that had managed to escape. She shook her hair out of her eyes and planted as soft, teasing kiss on his abdomen before his hands drew her up to his lips.

His tongue seeked hers, finding pleasure in the taste of himself beneath her strawberry pink lips. His hands ran through her hair while he held their lips together, expressing his love without the aid of words. Hanami returned the kiss fervidly, her fingertips coasting lazily over his chest, circling around the rosy nipples again and teasing them to rigid peaks.

The small ministrations from her fingertips radiated heat straight down to the apex of his thighs. Hanami tore her lips away from his, suckling softly on the hallow of his throat. She bit down and pinched the crimson red nub in her fingertips, tugging on it gently and producing a soft moan from the man beneath her.

Sanosuke began to feel the after effects of her touches, and his member thickened and swelled against his thigh. He took her slim hips in his hands and in one liquid motion, flipped them over. He grinned down at her and crushed his mouth to hers, his calloused hands cupping her breast as his thumb rounded over one solitary pink nipple. He growled softly and ran his tongue down her throat.

Hanami gasped at the sudden change, and tangled her fingers in the fine strands of ebony hair. A wide serrinade of sensations ran torrently through her veins when his lips closed over the pink nub.

Sano nursed her breast, flicking his tongue over the smooth skin and taunting it to a riged peak. One calloused fingertip slid down her distinct torso, the muscles there lightly defined her milky skin and clenched at his soft touch. A low moan escaped the now red lips, bruised and swollen from being kissed, as his hand wormed its way between her creamy thighs.

Sanosuke's lips left her breast, nuzzling the valley between before brushing his lips down to her stomach. His tongue dipped seductively into her navel as he drew his fingertip up her slick womanhood, using his freehand to part her hips. Another groan was tore from the small body beneath him as his tongue moved to toy with the scar that marked one of the more serious wounds of the past.

"Your beautiful Hanami." Sano whispered gently before straddeling her hips. She arched her back up and it took all of sanosuke's power to keep her hips down. He desperately wanted to make sure she was ready to accept him before anything. He leaned down and swiped his tongue over her lips, "Not yet itoshi…wait…"

She gasped in wanton remonstration and fought his attempt to hold her needs at bay. "Sano…" she whined, breathing heavily and looking up into his deep russet eyes, "I love you…please, don't worry about hurting me…just take me."

His eyes widened in realization that she wasn't one of the innocent virgin girls that he used to bring home from the bar. A sudden evil smirk crossed his lips and he settled atop her thighs, "Alright Hanami, have it your way."

She chuckled and ran her hands through his hair, "sano, if I had it my way-ah….sano?!" she hissed, squeezing her eyes shut as she felt the sudden intrusion of his manhood. A low moan came from the ex fighter for hire as he nudged aside the soft petals and sheathed himself inside the warm cavern and surrendered to her.

Hanami's body flushed as he began to move, and her legs came up to squeeze his skinny sides. His large hands gripped her hips as he forced himself to contain the wild animal that threatened to pummel the poor woman's thighs. Grunts escaped both bodies, and sweat slicked skin slid together. Hanami tightened her legs around him and her eyes flashed a deep sea blue as she cried out his name. Sanosuke's eyes closed as he grunted with release and watched the blue fade from Hanami's eyes.

A/N: Well…this isn't as good as I wanted it to be, but here you go. Reviews welcome, but no flames. I accept criticism but flames are laughed at and used later to roast marshmallows.