Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Push Comes To Shove ❯ Helicase and Primer ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it. Period.

Notes: Exams are over, Christmas vacation!!! Heh. I can write without guilt now. ^.^

To Lelsy: I'm glad you're no longer bent on killing me. As for killing the guy, I'm considering it. Bwahaha!!!

To Susan: Pressure…. ^_^It was probably impossible (heck, really impossible! The bladder's capacity is only a pint. ^^;) that he lasted that long. Hehehe…

To Fairchild/Wronski Feint (How do you pronounce that name anyway? ): Belated Happy Birthday! (ngek) Is Enishi gonna kill Kaoru? Hmmm…. I can't decide who he'd kill first! : maniacal laughter: Jk. Sweatdroppy, huh? I guess it is. ^^; (Now, Don Quixote de la Mancha is very sweat droppy, ne?)

To Bunny, Gypsy-chan, Naomi-chan and everyone: Thanks for reading. Glad you liked the chapter. And I'm trying my best to finish this fast. Honest… (hah. At least I've regained my enthusiasm in writing this. ^.^ I owe you people.)


To Seiyo-sama: I most certainly am not in love/attracted/infatuated/obsessed/whatever on Enishi. Period. I'm not like you guys. : sniff: No offense meant.

Chapter 8

Helicase and Primer

"This really sucks."


"It's bad enough I got left out of quality food last night-"


"-but now I gotta practice alone on a deserted dojo like some weird hermit."


Yahiko dropped the shinai, drawing an arm across his face to remove droplets of sweat. He walked out of the dojo, went to the house and flopped down on the porch, leaning against a wooden support.

"I'm tired of talking to myself, talking to the shinai, training with invisible losers…" He sighed. "Geeze, where is everybody?!"

Just then, he was startled by the loud bang of the dojo gates opening.

"Kaoru-dono!? Yahiko?" the voice called out frantically.

Yahiko lazily sat up but the speaker came to view before he was able to rise to his feet.

"Yahiko," demanded the swordsman urgently. "Where's Kaoru-dono?"

"Well, finally! Somebody finally remembered Tokyo samurai Myoujin Yahiko. How's it been going deserters?"

"Yahiko, I don't have time for this!" he snarled in the most un-rurouni manner. "Where is she?"

Still mad, the boy didn't quite catch the ex-assassin's tone. "Do I look like that busu's keeper?" he snapped back haughtily. "Sorry, I don't keep tanuki for pet."

Kenshin hissed, freezing in place in that typical response to danger and/or fear. Just then, Sano stumbled between them, panting madly.

"Kuso, Kenshin!" he managed, collapsing hard. "I having a goddamned hangover! I can't run as fast and as long you can!"

"Kaoru's gone," he answered quietly.

"Wha-?!" Sano sat up at once. "You don't think she's kidnapped?"

Kenshin said nothing. Yahiko rolled his eyes at them.

"Duh," he said. "Who the hell would kidnap busu-sama, anyway?"

"You know that lunatic isn't much of a concealer when it comes to his feelings towards you," said Sano. "We would have seen right through him if he was planning something."

"How well does any of us know him anyway?" murmured Kenshin.

"Lunatic?" repeated Yahiko, startled. "Enishi?!!"

"Butt out kid!" ordered Sano. To Kenshin he said somberly, "You think he really did?"

"We have to find her either way."

"Like searching for a needle in a haystack."

"Yahiko, when did you last saw her?"

"Eh? I thought you said butt out kid?"

"Yahiko, please…"

"Fine. She left early this morning."

"And she didn't say anything? Where is she going?"

Yahiko looked a tad sheepish. "I couldn't exactly ask coz I was too sleepy. She left at the crack of dawn."

Sano groaned. "Why did the brat pick this day of all days NOT to be nosy?" he asked heavenward.

The brat stuck his tongue out at him and then turned a troubled look at Kenshin. "Is she in trouble?"

"I hope not," he replied shortly. "I will make sure not."

"Oh, right. Baka me. I forgot. She left this letter for you."


"Why didn't you say so at once!?" exploded Sano.

"May I?"

Yahiko silently handed over the letter. They waited in silence as the wanderer opened the letter with shaky hands. He immediately recognized the neat legible handwriting of Kaoru. The others tried to crowd around but he pulled away to read it privately.

Dear Kenshin,

Ohayo gozaimasu! I hope you woke up feeling as wonderful as I did. I had a nice evening last night. I'm sorry I ruined it. Well, I don't think the latter part of the night shouldn't have happened at all. And yes, I admit it. It's all my fault. I am such a silly girl. I guess, I really am a tanuki-girl as Megumi-san said.

About what you asked last night, I understand that you didn't really want to ask that. Well, you do but you're just being pressured by, yes, my attitude towards you and that meddlesome rooster-head. And I have just one thing to say: Kenshin no baka! Just ignore me, will you? I mean it's not your duty to indulge in my silly little fantasies. Will you please quit being guilty about everything? How many times do I have to tell you not to humor me?!

About Sano, if he forces you again or something, I'll beat him up myself!

Like I said, it's my fault. Don't tell him I said so, but I think it was sweet of him to worry about his Jou-chan. It's also sweet of you to follow his wishes… but I am not a little girl. I am not a little girl who can be distracted by little games, little daydreams that doesn't have any substance. It's a wonderful fantasy, you know. But it's a lie. I don't want to live a lie. It would be unfair for both of us, especially for you. I don't want that to happen. Hinder with the good intentions, but I think I prefer reality.

Tanuki no baka! Gomen. I know I'm not making any sense. Anyway, let's just forget about that whimsical little episode now, shall we?

Anyway, I have a favor to ask. Since you obviously didn't come home last night (afraid of busu-sama's divine rage? He he he.), I just decided to write it down because I can't expect Yahiko to remember everything. I'll be gone for a while. Um, there's this tour thing at the Maekawa dojo. Some selected students are going to tour some dojos in various parts of the country to spar with students and such. Maekawa-sensei invited me to join and it was such a short notice that I actually only decided last night. So would you watch Yahiko and the dojo for me while I'm gone? Please? And if you have some engagements to attend to, you can leave him at Dr. Genzai's. Thank you very much and I'm sorry I didn't ask you personally. I'm really sorry for this mess. Peace? Peace!

Sincerely yours,


Sano and Yahiko stared at him expectantly as he slowly folded the letter and slipped it inside his gi. After closing his eyes momentarily, Kenshin sighed deeply and turned to meet their probing looks.

"Well," prompted Sano. "Where is she?"

"I don't know," replied Kenshin. "She didn't exactly say where. She'll be moving around Japan."

"You mean she joined Maeekawa-sensei's group?" asked Yahiko indignantly. "Hey! She promised I could go with her if she decided to change her mind. No fair."

"Nan de-?" demanded Sano.

"They're gonna travel to all these neat places and fight with other schools. And she left me, that hag!"

"Do you know where she'll be going first?" asked Kenshin.

"Well, I guess they met at the Maekawa dojo first. Then they took the train to Yokohoma."

"Yokohama?" mused Sano. "We can run that far, eh?"

"We're not running Sano. We're taking the the train."

"I am not going near that infernal contraption! That thing is possessed! It's the Devil's tool to collect souls to lead to damnation!"

"Oh no," gasped Yahiko suddenly. "That's right…"

"What?" Kenshin was standing before him in a flash. "What is it?"

"Oooh boy, Sano…"

"What is it this time?" snapped the streetfighter.

"You were supposed to be at the train station hours ago."

"Nani?!" Sano leaped up in surprise. "Why me?"

"You are soooo dead, Rooster head," warned Yahiko in perfect solemnity. "You'd be nothing but chicken broth when Megumi get her hands on you!"

"What?!" Sano unceremoniously shoved the vagabond aside and grasped Yahiko by the collar. "What about Megitsune?"

"You got mail from her yes-"

"Wha? WHAT?! WHERE!?? Why the HELL didn't you tell me YESTERDAY!!!"

"Well, I didn't exactly have the chance what with all that secrecy and crap!" Yahiko scowled at him ferociously.
"I'll give it to you if you tell me what's going on. Deal?"


"Okay, okay…" grumbled the poor kid, searching his pockets for the said letter. "Ugh. What is wrong with you people? You' re worse than the busu… Here it is, you gaycious* widow."

Sano grabbed it as if it was his long awaited salvation, tearing the envelope open as quickly as he could. He started to read aloud. "To my dear and beloved-" He immediately stopped when he detected Yahiko's undivided attention. "Let's skip that part…" he muttered, self-consciously. "NANI!!???"

Yahiko peered at the piece of paper and read aloud. "I'll be arriving there 6 o'clock sharp on Monday morning so you better be at the station, you sexy Rooster you." He frowned distastefully. "Sexy rooster? That's gross!"

"That's not the point!" screeched Sano like a madman. "I'm in DEEP SHIT!"

The boy only continued reading aloud from the letter. "Surprise, surprise! I know. It's so sudden. Say hi to the others for me. And tell Ken-san to tell me when he's planning to have kids so I can schedule my stay there. Or better! I'll tell them when I'm available and they can schedule their * ahem * accordingly. No choice. Your little fox is so in-demand! Hohohoho…" Yahiko stopped reading and sweatdropped. "I can almost imagine the fox ears popping up…"

"I'm DOOMED!!" moaned Sano, indifferent to the blatant invasion of his privacy. He turned wildly to his equally problematic friend. "What am I gonna do?!!"

Yahiko proceeded with his reading. "I hope your plan to get them together works. And you better tell me the details when I get there. Till then! Hugs and kisses, Megitsune. P.S. You better have a thousand yen ready, babes. I'd bet my house you were in a bar last night and the previous night before. "

*A/N: Gaycious… It's a term coined by students in school. Just take it from gay-cious. We have some very effeminate male teachers. ^^; I just couldn't resist… (biyudang bading ^.^) and I couldn't think of any other.

"Screw that bet!" raved the rooster. "I'd pay any amount just to escape the hell that woman's gonna put me through."

Kenshin, meanwhile, ignored him completely. "Sano, do you have my sakabatou with you?"

"Hell! Even the sakabatou won't save me from the fox."

"Sano." Kenshin's sharp voice momentarily halted the chicken's squawking. "Where is it?"

"It's still with the lunatic, okay? I forgot about it. Geeze! How do you expect me to remember what with all the hell going on-" He stopped, looking on curiously as Kenshin lunged at the startled Yahiko.

"Hey!" protested the boy in surprise. "What do you think you're doing?"

"You're using the shinai?" demanded Sano incredulously.

"Too light," muttered the sword fighter. "I don't exactly have the luxury to be picky. Sano let's go."

"Eh?! Where to?"

"Train station." Kenshin bounded to the gates.

"NANI!? Megitsune arrived hours ago. She's in the clinic by now but I'd rather delay-" Sano rushed after him, leaving the poor innocent Yahiko alone.

"To find Kaoru-dono."

Sano sighed. "Here we go..."


"My doomsday has come and I'm in a train station."

Sano looked around glumly at the multitude of people crowding the halls of the station. There was no way they could find Jou-chan in that mass of heads, baggage and other miscellaneous objects. Of course, she being a part of a group of kenjutsu students would make the search easier, but they have not sighted any uniformed madcapped boys rampaging around in frolic, brandishing and poking each other with shinai. This, of course, brought home the fact that they had probably set off hours ago.

He watched as his tenacious friend searched every nook and corner of the place. The man's determination was admirable but Sanosuke was not so inclined to appreciate it at the moment, what with his impending torture and execution and all.

"Oi!" stated Sano sulkily as he trailed behind the wanderer. "You're determined not to give me any sympathy at all, aren't you?"

"Sano. In the first place, you got me into this mess," Kenshin retorted finally, the thin patience he had for the streetfighter has worn thin beyond repair by the latter's complaints. "Ever thought about sympathizing with me?"

"Heh. If you guys would just quit being so hard-headed..."

Kenshin frowned. "Let's just ask the dispatcher's office."

The two of them soon came to a sign bearing a list of all the trips for the day and for the whole week following.

"See? I told you so," said Sano. "They left at seven this morning."

"When's the next trip?"

"Are you kidding?! I don't have any cash available."

"Where is my money?"

"It's in the bank, you ahou. Where else?"

Kenshin suddenly struck a fist on his thigh.


"The next trip is tomorrow ten o'clock. We can't wait that long."

"So we're going home?"

"No. We can run for it or hitch a ride. Whatever's convenient."


Kenshin said nothing more and entered the dispatcher's office without bothering to line up before the windows.

"How may I help you, sir?" asked the man behind the desk, despite his initial surprise.

"Is there any other trip to Yokohama before tomorrow?" Kenshin inquired. "Perhaps, there's a train passing through there."

"Well, sir." The man leafed through the papers on his desk. "I believe we have a trip at 2 o'clock this afternoon."

"It says outside your next trip would be tomorrow," spoke Sano.

"You see, sir, the seven o'clock trip has been can-"

"Canceled?" cut off Kenshin. "You are certain?"

"Yes, sir. It's been delayed this afternoon due to technical difficulties."

"Arigatou gozaimasu!" With that, Kenshin sped out, leaving Sano awkwardly standing alone in the spic-and-span office.

"Ano..." he said. "Ja ne..."

And followed out.

Kenshin ran out the station as quickly as he could, dodging various passengers and the people who came to see them off or else to welcome them. Meanwhile, Sano followed the best he could, using his great height to his advantage. He towered over the multitude of heads and it was relatively easy to keep track of the one-time hitokiri what with the latter's head full of flame-bright hair and the pink (or fuchsia as he calls it or magenta as Enishi calls it) gi.

They reached the main street, also filled with pedestrians. Stores lined the sides of the street thus shoppers filled it, too, competing for space with coaches and buggies passing through once in a while.

Kenshin has stopped and was standing in front of a display window. Sano jostled the best he could to be able to rejoin his friend while stationary. The former, however, suddenly ducked inside the store, prompting Sano to curse under his breath for his friend's erratic behavior. Finally, he was able to shove his way into the shop.

"What is it this time, Kenshin?" Sano demanded as he marched towards the rurouni. "Hey!!"

He was staring at the man behind the cashier's counter.

"That man..."

"We found him..?" Kenshin murmured uncertainly.

The merchant was in a flashy Chinese costume, which jived well with his merchandise, mainly cloth and other paraphernalia imported from China. He was a very tall man with long hair, dead straight and black, flowing to his rear. His brown eyes, unreadable yet oddly familiar, casually turned to their direction.

Kenshin briskly turned on heels to face Sano, feeling rather dazed. "Tell me I am not seeing things," he implored his friend. "Enishi is in a baby pink silk blouse and a black wig?"

Sano shrugged. "Hey, even lunatics gotta make a living."

The sound of a throat being cleared was heard from behind them. "Is there anything in particular you are interested, good sirs?" the owner of the throat said.

Both slowly looked at the speaker. The foreboding was more than evident in their expressions.

Kenshin stated his business without further ado, never mind his disconcertion. "Return my sword right now, please," he ordered.

Certain that he was visible to no other cutomer, the man glared a little. "As you see, sirs," he said in the same soliticious voice. "I am quite busy with other customers. If you wish to inquire about arms and such, my assisstant will gladly entertain you."

"Oi, crackpot," protested Sano crossly. "Don't you dare ignore us!"

Enishi, however, has already glided away to another set of customers, speaking an assortment of Chinese dialects once in while. Anyway, the assistant soon arrived. It was a slight old man, bearded and bald. Despite his uncharacteristic cleanliness and modest but whole clothing, Kenshin immediately recognized him



"Good form!"

Kaoru flashed the best smile she could muster. Nobody suspected a thing, not even Maekawa-sensei himself. What the heck? It's not as if she's hiding anything! She told him everythying, right? The whole truth.

"Hiroshi-kun!" called out Maekawa-sensei. "Are you gonna be on defensive for the rest of this match? You can't win without offense."

"Hitokiri Hakusai beaten by a girl!" howled one of the students. "Bwahahaha!!!"

The others laughed heartily, but it was due to the nickname more than anything. They have just recently discovered that he worked on a restaurant parttime as the chef's apprentice (aka he chopped veggies and stuff, including celery and cabbage). The beating portion, on the otherhand, was insignificant since Kaoru has won each of their previous engagements. As for the girl part...

"Sempai doesn't fight like a girl!" pointed out one of the lot.

"Yeah!" chimed another. "Otherwise, we're all girls!"

She didn't even blink at the discussion concerning gender and skill. The pleased expression she wore on her face soon melted away into the stoic facade she was previously wearing. She continued with her series of attacks, not allowing herself to be distracted by praise. The boy, possibly a couple of years older than her, was driven back by her relentless assault. She executed a particularly emphatic blow from above as a finale, but he managed to deflect her blow, the sharp thwack resounding across the dojo as wood connected with wood. They broke apart, panting a little, eyes training on each other like hawks'.

Those eyes, thought Kaoru. He's so determined to beat me this time around. But he's afraid of hurting me, the baka. He should be a little more like Yahiko. Undaunted Yahiko... home... I wonder if he has- Aurgh!! Concentrate Kaoru!

She continued to eye her opponent, as if measuring him, figuring out his next move. Hiroshi didn't budge under her scrutiny. He merely grunted in grim determination.

"Sempai, why so fierce today...." he muttered through clenched jaws.

With a murderous glint in his eyes, the star student of Maekawa dojo launched himself at Kamiya dojo's shihondai. For a spilt second, Kaoru managed to muse on how reminiscent it was of a certain eleven year-old. Still, blood flooded her brain as her heart pumped madly to supply her body with energy. Her senses were alive and active, burning as she engaged in fierce combat. It was almost like a dance, an ordained dance, whose steps she has been learning since she had learned how to walk. And in this she tried to lose herself.

The brain was focused on the fight. It had to coordinate the movements, had to order each and every impulse in every nerve. From the lowest level, at the mere contraaction of a single muscle fiber, up to the plotting, the conjuration of strategy, it was a bizarre orchastration of small precisely timed events that one can barely comprehend or imagine of happening instantaneously. But somewhere, somewhere in the unknown recesses of her mind, somwhere beyond the heat and intensity of the battle, Kaoru was engaged on an entirely different matter.

Yes, Kaoru. The thoughts began to circulate in her head again. Lose yourself in the fight. There, somewhere in there, there is calm. No pain. Just the ultimate goal. Like Hitokiri Battousai. That was how the Battousai operated, right?

Thwack! Slap! Crack!

Stop it there! Don't even think about it, Kaoru. How would you know, anyway? He doesn't let you get even close to him, as if you're contagious or something. Wait-! Geesh... Now, I'm pondering about the Battousai?! That is so weird. But he's the same person! One and the same.

Again and again, the swords slapped against each other. It was the only other sound audible throughout the whole, for an awed hush has blanketed the dojo. Everybody else has stopped their training to watch them, their fascination at the fervour of the fight awashing their senses, beckoning to them with anticipation of the unknown outcome.

Isn't it ironic that the Hitokiri Battousai is afraid of you? After all, I am just helpless little Kaoru-dono, a mere toddler. Haha.

Kaoru mechanically matched Hiroshi blow for blow. The fight was definitely nowhere near conclusion, as they whisked across the gleaming floor, dynamically changing direction as control of the encounter shifted every now and then.

Of course he'd be scared of me. I can't believe how much of a flirt I've been. Ack! Listen to me. Megumi-san would laugh if she heard that. But I really have been so silly pushing myself to him. Silly, silly. Watashiwa no baka. And to think I fought with him just because he's just trying to be that nice generous imbecile that he is.


Kaoru bit back a scream as the shinai hit her hard. She reeled a little, momentarily dizzy from the force of the blow. Then, her senses snapped back to reality, any pain present dispersing into the void of her recovered concentration.

First hit. Another hit and he'll win. Aurgh.... Concentrate Kaoru!

"Point one!" yelled out the sensei amidst murmurs.

"Daijoubu (sp?)," she reassured Hiroshi, who was almost gawking at her apologetically. "Fight."

Hiroshi nodded and started his attacks again. Kaoru rejoined battle with renewed fury. The change in her was very noticable and again, he kept finding himself in tight situations. The tide has turned.

Baka! Baka! Watashiwa no baka! I should have anticipated that move. It was so obvious. I myself taught them that. Just like with him. I've been so blind. How can I be so blind?! How can I be so selfish? And how can you be so wonderful anyway?! I hate you Kenshin no baka. I hate you too Kamiya Kaoru.

She fighting so viscously. Hirsoshi was on the verge of panic. He had thought he had a chance of winning against the sempai. Well, he woould not lose. He definitely would not.

I'm such a liar. And such a temperemental baby. I said such horrible things. And they weren't necessary at all in the slightest. They weren't true. Lies! And he's always getting so guilty about everything. Wha-? What if he takes what I said seriously? What if he leaves? What if he leaves?!


Another close call. Hiroshi was fighting like a hunted animal, nearly balking under her glazed glare. Then suddenly, she gave way and he was met with hardly any resistance. There was no chance the shinai would miss her but she managed to block at the last moment as if she didn't falter at all.

With a savage battlecry, she flung him away using sheer strength. Hiroshi aimed at her head with deadly speed and accuracy. She ducked, the sword missing her by a hair's breadth. With a back-hand stroke, she attacked him from below, using the ground as leverage to return herself to her feet in the process.

Hiroshi was hurled a few paces away, shocked more than anything. Kaoru rarely relied on strength. She was a woman and she accepted the physical limitations being one had. The sempai he fought before employed more of speed and brilliant strategy. This was not like her at all.

A left upward cut to shatter his defenses, never mind the weird contortion of her torso then with the inertia of the centripital force backing the weight of her blow, she swung hard, almost in panic. Hiroshi desperately blocked- but not with the shinai! Bamboo connected with flesh; Kaoru dreaded the sickening crunch of breaking bone. But she never noticed whether it came or not. The wake of her attack left her in a compromising position when her opponent opted for injury rather than to leave himself all open. He swiftly lauched a counter attack, lunging at her like a bullet, using a powerful kick to fuel his move. It was too late block the blow....


So what happens next? Find out!

Um…. I am in a hurry. ^.^; I really should have done this before I went home…. Heh. I am late I know I said two weeks… but there are complications. Too many complications. So sorry again. And um another thing… I wasn't able to edit this properly. I'll do it later. ^^