Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Push Comes To Shove ❯ Tottery ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I am just a poor dead-tired overworked student and this is just one of my outlets of frustration. So please leave me in peace and don't sue. 'Kay?

Note: Sorry I'm late. (am I?) Well, sorry for the delay then. =]

Dedicated to our yet unfinished research project, and to all sorts of luck we'd had with it, a sparse good and loads of bad.

Stupid research.

Chapter 10


Kenshin gazed at the other man warily. The latter just stood in silence, obviously having no plans of stepping aside to make way. Unreadable and undaunted he may be, Kenshin had no thoughts of surrendering without a fight. He gripped the shinai tightly; there could be a hidden weapon beneath the voluminous folds of expensive fabric. A most puzzling thing was the lack of fighting ki or anything else for that matter. Nevertheless, there were many things that one would expect from a madman… and many one would not.

Sanosuke though, was not a subtle man.

"Lunatic, outta the way!" he commanded rudely. "It's only 2 in the afternoon so get lost in the meantime. I gotta hide my ass before the fox gets my scent and you're delaying me dammit!"

Enishi ignored him, as well as the tension practically simmering from his one-time brother-in-law.

"Battousai," he said. "We need to speak of grave matters."

"Well?" said Kenshin impatiently. "Talk."

"Perhaps, this conversation is more suited in the confines of priv-"

"Do it now!"

"Suit yourself." Enishi shrugged. "I'm not the only one with grievances against you. You know well that there are others keen on getting your head and those of the people close to you. I warn you now of one close by. His master was once mine as well but he refused to disclose his schemes. He is a skillful stalker and an even better killer. I have no knowledge of his whereabouts but know this: He will attack. None of you is safe."


The suddenly, breaking out from his stupefaction, Kenshin grabbed his brother-in-law by the cutesy mandarin collar.

"Where is my sakabatou, Enishi?"

Enishi's face quickly contorted into a vexed scowl. "You ungrateful bastard!" he roared. "I just took precious time off my manic schedule just to share tidings with you and you whine about such rubbish! I have better things to do than run home to fetch your little plaything. You choose. Sakabatou or the girl? Now whether or not you'll excuse me, I have customers."

And with that, he abruptly turned and left behind the shocked rurouni.

"Enishi, wait!" ordered Kenshin, swiftly recovering.

The other turned, palpably annoyed. "Well?"

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

"Yeah," said Sano. "You want him dead before nightfall, remember?"

"Oh that." Enishi's frown faded. His face was solemn and thoughtful as he slowly but surely made his way back to Kenshin. Only did he stop when his nose was merely a finger's breadth from Kenshin's forehead (or somewhere higher, anyway). Then…

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" he screeched. "Are you daft or something?! Why am I doing this? It's obvious enough! I can't let that interfering piece of crap ruin my plans. This is my Jinchuu and don't you forget that! Mine!! And this is my sister's wish. I cannot fail my sister. So even though you're a fool-" Enishi stopped and huffed away.

So, the lunatic vanished in the rabble, probably on his way back to his flourishing business.

"Come, Sano," said Kenshin quietly, his fear for Kaoru's safety making him unperturbed by the uncanny events.

But Sano hung back. "Where to? Do you believe them?"

"Let's just go."

"I think we should split. You go to the clinic and I'll go to the dojo. That way we don't run around in circles, ne?"

"Good." And he was swallowed by the melee.

Sano sighed with relief as soon as his friend left.

"That was close," he muttered. "Really no point in giving myself up to the hunter. Now for the other arrangements…"


"Hold still!"


"Sir, if you don't cooperate you'll be in much more pain in a much longer time. Now, quit acting like a three year-old!"

Megumi swallowed a sigh. This was some vacation she's having. First day and already she was stumped with work in the clinic. It's not that she disliked her work; medicine after all was her high calling. Now if it wasn't for that rooster head she would have been in better spirits. His "forgetfulness" really ticked her off. Her guess was that Sano had overslept after drinking again. And we all know how close to the truth that guess was.

Enough of poor Sano. Megumi was again disturbed from her work by a persistent pounding on the door. Barely had she opened her mouth to yell leave for the caller to enter when the person himself appeared before her.


"Megumi-dono!" said Kenshin. "Kaoru-"

"You just missed her. She already left."

At this, Kenshin blanched. "She went home alone?"

"Why, yes. By the way, Ken-san, Sano-"

"Is headed for the dojo."

"Good. Keep the rooster in the coop for me, ne?"

"Yes, yes. Thank you." And again, he ran for it.

"Ken-san, she's fine!" Megumi called after him. "It really is nothing more than a scratch. You really should show more pity to the poor boy she maimed. Tsk, tsk."


"Be sure you have everything ready by five o'clock. I'm counting on you, buddy."

Whistling, hands jammed in his pockets, Sano sauntered away from the gambling hall. He had been to the dojo and found it deserted, which meant Kaoru was still in the clinic where Kenshin would meet her. Of course, he should go and ensure she was there but… Superman Kenshin could take care of that now, couldn't he?

Yeah, right. Well, that couldn't be helped at the moment. Sano had to take care of the finer parts of the operation.

Now, he was on his way back to the dojo. He could go back to the clinic and monitor the rurouni's advancements in his courting. However, the imminent danger was too great, for the lair of the Onna-Kitsune, the Fowl's Bane, lay thither. Ahem. There really was no point in tempting his fate with such serious business at hand. Besides, if he succeeded with this, he'd surely be forgiven by she who must not be named.

As for the enemy Enishi spoke off, Sanosuke was quite nonchalant about it. So what? Kenshin was there to protect her, and there's him to lend a couple of powerful fists. Of course, the sakabatou's absence would create complications but the wanderer was smart; he'd figure something out. Besides, they had met and survived Enishi. Nothing could be worse than him, right?

He wasn't that surprised when Tsubame careened from a round a street corner and crashed into him headlong. The girl was babbling and Sano had to give her a few shakes before he could make out a other few words other than "kowaii". Finally, she calmed down enough to report the situation.

"Sano-san!" she gasped. "Thugs took the Akabeko and hostaged the customers. Yahiko tried to fight them off but he was far too outnumbered. You have to help him!"

Now, this was something a little different. When Enishi told them of the hidden enemy, his thoughts immediately went to Jou-chan. Well, he could start with the Akabeko like Enishi did. Or else this was just the typical method of getting fast cash.

"Let's go Tsubame-chan."

"But Ken-"

"Ah, leave the dork alone. He has other problems."


She's gone home. I'll find her home. Of course, I'll find her home. Where else? But Megumi should have kept her there. It's not safe. They watch. They know. And I'm a rat in a maze. It's only a matter of time before I am caught…

Or anyone else for that matter.

The thoughts zoomed inside his head just like the people he passed (whoa! Déjà vu…). Yet he was aware of everything; he watched, listened and felt for those that might be lurking in the shadows or the thickness of the crowd. Nothing. And nothing there surely was, for his sense would never deceive him.

Perhaps this was indeed another ruse of the man from Shanghai. Or else the enemy - enemies- he spoke off were much better than the usual. Either way, they would all find out how possible it is to kill with a bamboo sword.


Tsubame's gentle little heart was all a-flutter but it wasn't because of poor Yahiko-chan. He could be quite scary at times but not as scary as this. At least, she found Sano-san. Yahiko-chan and Tae-san were in trouble.

"Kowaii," she mumbled in spite of herself. And on top of everything something smelled really bad.

She stumbled along behind the large man the best she could. Sano was eager for a good fight and was especially grateful for this one, being necessary and unavoidable. So happily he bounced along the way to the Akabeko. Suddenly, he halted, a smirk slowly formed on his face.

The restaurant was surrounded by black-garbed men, around twenty of them. Only a couple of them had their faces bared; the others wore masks and stood in silence like stone statues. These two, obviously the leaders, were engaged in an intense argument.

"This is stupid," muttered the tall and thin one. "This isn't our work. That infantile moron would pay for this."

"That moron is in charge of us," replied the bushy stocky one, his face serious and emotionless. "And the Big Guy trusts him absolutely."

"The Taipan?"

"Not the snake, you fool! That one is based in Hong Kong. We are at the moment serving the The Big Guy's dog, the one based in Shanghai."

"Oh." The man looked sheepish. "I'm kinda confused as to where our loyalties truly lie."

"Neither. We are loyal to none but ourselves. But they both pay well."

"But the stupid jack ass ordered us to do this stupid job. We're a kidnapping gang, not hold-uppers. Besides I'd like to return to this restaurant someday. Where's the Shanghai Triad going to? They're going down fast."

This man snorted. "First a dog, then a donkey. Fond of animals? Anyway, you're right. They are stretching their resources to thinly. It's the fault of incompetent underlings. Their mismanagement will cause their downfall here in Japan. The Big Guy has reached out his hand too far from his domain and his grasp has loosened."

"Feh. I'd sooner squeeze the neck of the tiny fool over here. It's his fault, all of this. And there's that brat who bit me. I'll make him pay later."

"Ah, leave the kid alone. He gave us quite a time, but now he's behaving like a good little boy should." He patted the bundle hanging beside him. Whatever it was inside was obviously alive as it struggled viciously. Thus, his movement set the bundle swinging like a pendulum. Slowly, it twirled as it came to a stop, revealing a brown face and spiky hair underneath the bundle.

Sano chose this moment to let his presence be known. He sauntered towards the formation surrounding the Akabeko. He stepped over the few prostrated forms of men.

"Lookee here," he said. "The cops were actually here before me. Saitou's really made a mark during his stay here."

The skinnier of the two men stepped forward.

"Let it be a warning to those who would dare come here," he called smugly. "Leave now or else suffer the doom the Twenty Stouthearts will dealt you."

"Twenty Fat Rabbits?" said Sano. "What kind of stupid name is that? And you crazy nut, get out of here! I wanna get some free snacks and you're on the way."

"How dare you!" The fellow bristled with indignation. "It's h-e-a-r-t! Not h-a-r-t. How dare you insult us!"

"Defend your so-called name. Come on and fight!"

"I'll beat you up, you spiky haired whatever!"

The other man restrained his partner. "You fool," he muttered angrily. "We shouldn't mess with the plan. He's baiting you, you fool."

"Hell! Let me go. I'm tired of acting under the shadow of that scheming git. I'll start with killing that rooster over there!"

"Alright then," said Sano, beckoning to him. "Let's get it on!"


It was uncanny. The dojo halls were quiet and deserted; it was supposed to be loud and shaking with the squabbles of master and student by this time. Perhaps, the student was napping or else snacking in the kitchen. But found inside his room was his futon, empty and folded, while the kitchen was vacant, even of the mangy cat that strayed occasionally. A thorough search outside failed to produce a single soul. Even the day's hangings were nowhere to be seen, nor was there any trace of laundry seen anywhere: soap suds, water, the old dilapidated basin. Nothing.

Kaoru sank down right in the middle of the yard, her emotions too overwhelming to be carried further. She sat on her haunches, never mind the dirt marring her immaculate kimono. Her hand groped for support. Tears flowed.

He didn't come. He didn't…. He left. He's not coming back. And it's all my fault!

-I've done enough charities to last a lifetime.-

No no no no no…

Suddenly, for the nth time that day, the gates banged open (poor, poor door). Kaoru didn't even look up. It was probably Yahiko, back to torture her, but she didn't care. She continued to cry quietly, soiling her face as she rubbed away tears with her dusty hands.

Thus in this way Himura Kenshin beheld his beloved as he stepped upon the threshold of his home. He felt his heart arrest in mid-beat: it was her sprawled on the earth. Something was wrong with her.

"Kaoru-dono!" he cried, rushing towards her. He scooped her up in his arms and shook her urgently. "What's wrong? What happened?"

Dread sank like a stone at the pit of his stomach. He had didn't know what was wrong with her exactly. It could be her pride, shattered by that ignominious defeat. It could be her rage towards him, still potent and dangerous. It could be something else yet unprecedented……. And he feared the worse. He himself knew how the most painful wound can be made without drawing much blood.

"Kaoru-dono?" he repeated, squeezing her shoulders.

A little too hard. Much to his horror, she gave a sharp yell and shot him a bloody glare.

"My arm!" she shrieked in agony.

Kenshin let go immediately, more anxious than ever. "Gomen nasai," he said. "Is it okay now? I mean, does it still hurt much? And it's alright about the fight-"

"You-" stammered Kaoru. "I thought- You came back?"

"Came back? What's-"

"I lied. I called you names, told lies. I'm so sorry! I was just so mad at you and I said- You're not a parasite. Never ever ever ever! Don't believe what I said. This is your home. You belong here. You can't leave!"

"Leave?" Kenshin was really confused and frightened. "Why would I leave? W-well, if that is what you wish.."

"Baka, I'm telling you not to! Please, don't go. Don't…"

"Of course not." He gripped her again, this time her hands. "Never. I said I won't remember? This is my home. Besides, you've gotten angry at us a few times before about that matter. And I am doing the housework in exchange for food and roof. That's fair enough, ne?"

The bulk of her worries quelled, Kaoru collapsed with the weight of her relief. She was gasping as Kenshin supported her, trying to swallow the rush of her flooding emotions.

"I'm sorry," she managed to say. "For everything. Did you?"

"Read you letter?" said Kenshin. "Of course."

"Well?" She ventured hesitantly. "A-are - are we friends again?"

Kenshin was quiet for a few moments that to her felt like eons. Then softly, "Iie."

Eyes widening in shock, she felt a dagger of ice stab her heart. A no. He gave her a flat no. Yet, she determinedly swallowed the bitter medicine, and lowered her eyes demurely.

"I understand," she said softly. "I'm sorry all the same."

"I'm not. It's not as if we're ending our friendship. We're just letting the inevitable come without resistance. But if you don't want to…" He took a deep breath and sighed. "I understand."

"Well, I don't. I don't understand you at all. What are you talking about?"

"About last night-" started he, but she interrupted at once, mildly vexed.

"Stop it about last night," she demurred, eyes pleading. "It's silly and I'm sorry that I brought it all about. Now, if you're still upset about that, fine, I understand. But please quit raising the topic. I have to get used to our new arrangement and… and if you keep on reopening the wound, I never will. Please stop picking on a scab that hasn't even formed yet."

He was silent for a few moments. Then he gazed back at her eloquent eyes solemnly. "I do not recall making any kind of arrangement with you, Kaoru."

"What?" She started, taken aback. "But the letter- Can't we really we friends again?" She demanded tearfully. "Are you really that mad that you relegate our friendship into a thing of sheer economic-"

His toil-worn fingers were swift to find the softness of her lips. "Stop. Stop it there. Let's talk, if that's all right with you. Can we talk?"

She practically exuded protests. But she nodded, and he withdrew his hand. He sighed, pulled her to her feet and motioned to the porch. When they settled themselves on their seat, he took another deep breath, as if preparing for a battle. When finally his mouth opened to speak, she beat him to it.

"You're not going to propose again, are you?" she asked ferociously. "Oh no you're not! I thought you said you read my letter? Now where is that Sanosuke? I'll pound him to bits. Don't you realize what a proposal is, you baka? You've done it twice and-"

Her mouth was shut effectively as he clasped her mouth with his hand, refusing relinquish hold despite her indignant mumblings. She glared at him, incensed at being treated so. To her surprise, he chuckled, shaking heartily in his mirth. Her frown hardened as she fought the impulse to bite him in her irritation.

"Now, that's better," he murmured, as he let go. "That's more of the Kaoru, I know." And her rage turned to a perplexed wonderment.

"I asked the wrong things from you, it seems," he continued. "Please listen to me. I will explain myself. And I promise you, I came here out of my own volition."

"Okay," she replied uncertainly.

"You're right. I am going to ask for your hand again. But I'd like to apologize first. I'm sorry I haven't been able to do it properly twice in a row now."

"It's all right," said Kaoru, staring at the lines of her palms. "It doesn't matter what people say. Why should I care if living with a man is scandalous? I mean, if they want to be malicious, fine. Why should I get affected if my-"

"I don't care about what they say either. I apologize about saying that to you. I knew it didn't matter and that I would definitely hurt your feelings but… but I had to justify what I asked of you."

"Justify?" Her voice died to a whisper.

"Kaoru, I know what I am. And no matter how I look at things, from whatever angle I look at it, I still can't see."

"Can't see what?"

"I can't see how… how one such as you can love one such as me." His voice too was merely a ghost of a sigh. "It's irrational and I tried to rationalize it. And that's the best I can do. I gave you that reason because I thought… I thought I'd have better chances if I told you something rational, something good for you. Not some stupid useless declaration…."

"Rational? Kenshin, do you really think I'm rational? That's funny. I thought you knew me better than that. But yes, I guess, I'd accept that as a reason why you'd want marriage. I don't think it possible for you to love me either. I mean, after all… Tomoe-san…"

"Need I remind you that Tomoe was my wife, not yours. I keep her in my thoughts and I can't help that but you don't have to. She is not some standard! You are Kaoru. I know you as Kaoru not as her. Leave her be. In my memories."

She smiled a little, a smile tinged with a tiny amount of condescension mixed with gratefulness. "You are so kind. But see, I am not rational most of the time. I may be called a tomboy. I may have preferred a bokken to a doll as a child. A gi and a hakama may suit me more than a kimono. But the truth is, I am a woman. And once, when I was a little girl, I thought of myself as a princess, like most little girls do. I believe in true love. I believed those silly little tales of romantic nonsense… I believe in love."

"So will you believe me if I tell you I love you? Would you?" He asked her earnestly. "Because I do. I really do. Do you remember those stories about love at first sight? They're so overused that people lose faith in it, that they label it hogwash. I didn't believe it either. I didn't want to. But will you believe me if I told you that? I know this is irrational. This is silly. Everything about me oppose the logic of what I'm saying: what I was, what I am, what follows at my tail. But this is what I feel. And I want you to know."

She stared at him, shocked, and disbelieving each word. Her eyes watered once again. How desperately she wanted to believe! But it was dangerous; her exposing her heart to the madness of something so fickle after she had ingrained in her mind otherwise. It was such a frightening prospect indeed.

"Why?" she intoned, her voice cracking with the unshed tears. "Why now? I am so overwhelmed."

"Because believe it or not, all their meddling has knocked some sense to me. And since I've decided to embrace life, I will do so fully. I want to cling to the reason I chose to do so.

"You. It's really you. You showed me how beautiful life was, that I just can't roll over and give up. But more importantly, I also learned that a mere spectator wasn't really living life, and that it is the same as rejecting it. So I was willing to bear life, -not immediately true, but after being one of the living dead in that place Rakuninmura- I was willing to live with only your memory. Because I couldn't be selfish.

"Kami-sama! Do you know how hard it is when the most amazing grace is hanging in front of your nose but you can't take it for fear that it shall suddenly be snatched from your reach the moment you try to grasp it? I am but a man and a temptation that strong I am not capable of bearing. Any rational person would avoid temptation. But I know I'm pushing you away. And I can't let go again. Because I don't have to. You're here. Well, I am not letting go of you again. I need you."

He held her by her arms again (careful of course not to touch her injury; Kaoru can be homicidal no matter what the mood is). She didn't pull away this time, nor were her muscles tense. She was practically melting in his arms, shocked, speechless, terrified, and unspeakably joyous.

But he was relentless, his grip firm yet gentle. The amethyst burned in their sockets, the resolute promise behind them fueled by passion and something else, something both divine and human, a secret that has finally been laid bare.

His mouth was inches away; the soft rhythm of his breath was hypnotic and the scent he exuded was heady. So near…. And this time, he really was near.

"You know why?" he murmured. "Do you really wanna know?"

She trembled in his hold. "Y-yes."

"Ai shiteru."

He pulled away and latched his eyes on hers; two portals connected for the spirits within to mingle free with each other. The blue was glazed, seeing but perceiving nothing. The purple was desperate, desperately hopeful, pleading and dreading.

"So I want to know if you do too," he whispered. "And I'm no longer afraid of the answer. Because whether you like it or not, I always will. Whether or not you return it. And that in itself is sufficient for my survival... So what would it be?"

Face flushed, eyes shinning, she snuggled into his chest and pulled him into a fierce hug.

"Baka," she growled. "Don't pretend you don't know the answer to that." And she wept.

"Why do you cry?"

Bliss, Kenshin no baka, bliss. "You play with poor little me…."

Raptly he smiled, like a child in frolic. Feather light fingers subtly ran down the length of her face, brushing away tears. "You're the one who is playing with sessha…. Pardon this unworthy one as he has never done this before. Are we now engaged?"

Close… So close… "If you like."

Closer… "Aa. That's good."

Silky smooth was her face in his hands. He had held her before like this, but then he was half-concealed in the darkness, a creature extending an arm towards an ethereal being. And now that heavenly vision has materialized, has become incarnated to endure with him the yoke of mortality!

But no. This close, the intrinsic has dawned upon him: she was no goddess. She was merely human, flesh and bone like him. But she was better than that, better than any deity. She was Kaoru. And she had plighted to accept him as hers…

Dare he claim her as his?

"I hope you don't mind…" he murmured bashfully, her tears moistening his chapped lips as they brushed past them.



"Shut up."

Kaoru herself watched him with her bleary eyes, waiting. She could hardly make out his features anymore, but that was not entirely due to her tears. He was much to close for the eyes to focus properly. But who was she to complain? They just had a "fight", didn't they? It would be imperative that she return to his good graces. She wasn't, after all, as belligerent as Yahiko made her appear.

Her lids were getting to heavy, burdened by the strain caused by her continual emoting. Yield she finally did to her muscles inclination and little by little her eyes slid shut. Through her now half-closed eyes, she espied the half-hidden gems in the opposite, peering back at her, watched as his lips parted and inched closer and closer to her, ever so demurring. Ignoring timidity, she scrunched her eyes tight and leaned forward.

It was… It was…

It was empty air.

Kaoru's eyes snapped open, her face now burning with embarrassment. She was met by the sight of Kenshin's face still only centimeters away. But he was staring behind her, at the gates. Now the rich plum was devoured by icy dark blue, appearing through slits. The his protective rage seeping from his touch seared her.

Fearfully, she looked to where he glared and gasped as she was met by an appalling sight.



"That was extremely unsatisfying."

"Shut up! You took long enough. I can do better than that!"

"Oh yeah? If you're so good, how come you're still hanging there upside down?"

"You bastard! Get me down from here now!"

"Ha! Cry yourself to sleep first, Yahiko-chan."


Sano gave the poor boy a last shove, sending Yahiko swinging by the rope he was hung. The gangster then freed the customers and workers of the Akabeko, then went away to survey his handiwork. Meanwhile, the police finally came full force, and set about their task of cleaning up.

"Well, it was at least a little refreshing," remarked Sano, stretching his arms up above his head like a chicken flapping its wings. "Ah! Wait. Let's load up with info."

He went to the police chief.

"Hey," he said. "Where's the peanut-brain I beat up?"

"Hello, Sano-san," said Chief Uramura. "He's-"

"I'm right here, rooster!" yelled a badly bruised fellow. "Just you wait when I get released. I'll defeat you!"

"Sure thing," yawned Sano.

"Why you-!" The man turned red, then purple. Then… "That's right. I know something you don't! So even if you go doing hero-shit, you'll probably be too late anyhow."

"Silence!" thundered another one of the captives, the leader. "Desist before you spill more than you can clean up. It is not the way of our group to ransom freedom with our tongues."

"Ah shut up! That bastard schemer brought about our dishonor. Very well, united we stood, united we'd fall. I'd drag him down with his stupid plans. Hey, you superhero jackass! He's after a girly man and his man-girl. Go do me a favor and beat up that loser too. And then we'll fight again!"

"Anytime, sweet cakes," called back Sano, smirking. "Girly man eh? Only know one girly man in pink. And man-girl. Jou-chan would spill blood."

"You idiot!" burst out Yahiko. "He's talking about Kenshin and Kaoru! They're in trouble!"

"I know that!" snapped Sano, irritated. "And I'm on my way to the clinic. They're there. Wanna come?"

"Oh, my! And aren't we in a hurry," said Yahiko sarcastically.

"Yahiko, Yahiko. I didn't know you cared about Jou-chan that much."

"Shut up and get me down here! You're not leaving me!"

"Right. Of course not. You are coming with me as proof to Megitsune that it ain't my fault I didn't know she was coming."

"Why you blackmailer! Release me now!"

"All in good time, Yahiko-chan."

And so the rooster hoisted his strange pack over his shoulder and merrily strolled down the lane towards home.


Kenshin and Kaoru has finally made up. ^.^ Still, Kenshin hadn't told her when exactly they had to get married.

Who/what was it they saw that was so appalling?

Will Sano arrive in time to lend his fists or will he fall under the might of the Fowl's Bane?

Will Yahiko ever get down from the odoriferous tower?

Will Enishi get to slaughter them?

Stay tuned. Till next week. (or the next. And the next. And the next.)


!!!!<<<<RAMBLE ALERT>>>>>!!!!! à Has no importance to the story whatsoever.

Well, didn't end the story with a cliffhanger. But still….

AHHHHH!!!! Mush! Mush! Too much mush. Much too much mush! Makes me sick. Can't believe wrote such-- wah!!! I'm not cut out for mush! I stink in mush (more so than anything else). Wah….

:pants: There. Done ranting.

I just finished this chapter (duh). It's our school fair. I just finished bouncing around a giant inflated playpen with Ornery-chan, Seiyo-sama, and Shioan-sama. I had just sneaked out of the fair grounds for fear of the jail booth and am now basking under an electric fan of the cafeteria. Whew.

I am rambling again. :pouts:

By the way, I just heard some of my batchmates practicing for the Battle of the Bands. They played the first closing song of RK Tactics by the Yellow Monkey. He he (didn't know the president was an otaku. No Ornery-chan, he was not there.) Yadda yadda yadda…

There. I'll stop. I'm so hyper. Whew.

Thur 011702 circa 16:00