Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When The Time Comes ❯ Leaving ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sano is 21 in this story. He might act like a kid, but to me he always has. I got this chapter out sooner then I thought I would, so donÕt expect the third one as soon. IÕm also posting another story. Most my stories are KK, just to let all ya out there know.

I do not own Rurouni Kenshin. If I did I wouldnÕt be working at Taco Hell.


When The Time Comes
Chapter 2

Kaoru woke with the sun the next morning. With tired eyes and a sleepy mind, the wanderer made her way down to the kitchen where she found Tae and Sae already preparing food for the early morning customers. They greeted their friend cheerfully and sent her out to help Yahiko with the water. With a grumbled reply, Kaoru did as she was told.
ÒHey brat, I was sent to help ya.Ó Kaoru greeted once she found Yahiko at the well in back of the restaurant. Yahiko threw her a glare before motioning to the bucket at his side. His teacher picked it up just as the young boy finished with the second bucket. They went inside together and delivered their burdens.
ÒGo out and help with the orders Yahiko.Ó Tae directed and waved Kaoru to her side. ÒThis needs to go to group five in the back left booth.Ó
Kaoru gave her acknowledgment and took the order to the back booth. She found the friends she had met the day before waiting for their breakfast. They had a new friend with them, someone Kaoru already knew from previous experiences. She set down the order without a word and waited. Black eyes stared back at her for a moment before the woman flipped her black hair hautily.
ÒBeen a long time Raccoon girl.Ó She said with a smirk.
ÒNot long enough Fox.Ó Kaoru sparred. ÒI was hopping to put off seeing you until it was time to leave.Ó
The woman frowned and opened her mouth to deliver a retort, but was cut off by a happy screech. A little body flew into her arms and bestowed the woman with a hug. ÒAunt Megumi!Ó
ÒHello Kari.Ó Megumi offered the girl a smile and returned the hug. ÒI was wondering when you would come out of hiding.Ó
ÒMama says weÕre leaving today! IÕm gonna spend time with her!Ó The little girl pulled back and smiled brightly. ÒIÕm not gonna be able to help you now.Ó
ÒYouÕre always happiest when your mom comes around aren't you.Ó The woman stated. The little girl nodded enthusiastically before turning and jumping up. Kaoru caught her and spun her around before settling her on her hip.
ÒHow is your clinic doing Fox?Ó Kaoru asked with a small smile.
Megumi examined the girl before giving her answer. ÒGood. Doctor Genzai should be there when you leave. Kaoru, IÕm afraid he wont be around much longer. He hides it but his body is failing. I think it will only be a year before he goes.Ó
Kaoru looked at the floor as the news was given. ÒI will stay then, once I return with Kari. I know he wants me to perform the ritual. How are Ayame and Suzumi doing?Ó
ÒGood. You donÕt have to worry about them. I am planning on becoming their guardian when Genzai leaves.Ó Megumi sighed. ÒI have already told them, but I donÕt believe they understand. He spends more time with them now and less time at the clinic.Ó
ÒAhh, as it should be. I will go visit him then. We need to hurry up and make our stops, I want to return to traveling before noon.Ó With Kari still in her arms the woman bowed and turned. With a wave from Kari the family was gone.
ÒWhat was that about?Ó Sanosuke asked. ÒI know Doctor Genzai has failing health but why did she need to know?Ó
ÒBecause when she first came to us Genzai was the one who took care of her. She needed to learn how to trust again and he has a talent for things like that. He also taught Kaoru how to take care of Hikari.Ó Megumi said, annoyance clearly on her face.
ÒShe told us she was fourteen when Kari was born.Ó SouzoÕs quiet voice implored. Megumi turned to him and looked as if she was debating if she should answer. After a minute she gave a nod to herself.
ÒYes, she was. The birthing was very difficult for her. She is now twenty-two. Kari will be nine before too long.Ó The doctor cast a look to the door way where Kaoru and her daughter had disappeared.
ÒThat was about the time when the Kamiya family fell.Ó Souzo observed. The others nodded in agreement.
ÒYes, many families were ruined during those years of war. I am certain that she has high blood in her from the way she acted when she first came. We donÕt know much about her but what sheÕs told us. DonÕt pay attention to her last name; it always changes. ItÕs like sheÕs trying to hide from something.Ó Megumi leveled a hard gaze on her companions. ÒIf you are to be fully accepted within her family, you have to prove you will protect her. I know you havenÕt been around her long enough to know her well, but all the sacrifices we have made for her have been worth it.Ó
ÒWho is her family? I though she only had Kari.Ó Katsu asked. Megumi leaned back in her seat in answer.
ÒTae, Sae, Yahiko, Tsubame, Genzai, his grandchildren, and me.Ó Megumi sighed and shook her head in short movements. ÒShe has demons that haunt her, that I know.Ó

Kaoru moved swiftly down the street with Kari on her hip; the eight year old hung on to her happily and giggled. They went unnoticed by the other pedestrians as they worked a path through the crowd. The people increased as they neared the market and Kaoru forced her way through. She stopped at a stall that caught her attention at the edge of the market. Looking at the items she picked two ribbons and examined them closely. One was a light powder blue with purple flowers, the other a dark midnight with stars imprinted on them.
ÒHow much for these?Ó Kaoru asked politely. The stall vendor gave her an answer of ten coppers and the swords woman handed over the correct amount. Kari smiled and hugged her mother when she was handed the powder blue ribbon. Kaoru moved away from the vendor with a laugh. ÒCome on Kitten, I need to breathe.Ó
ÒMomma, how long will it take to reach Grandpa? I want to play with Ayame and Suzume before we go.Ó Kari asked as her mother lowered her to the ground and took her hand.
ÒNot long.Ó Her mother answered as they pushed their way through the people. Some one yelled at them to be more careful, but they paid it no mind. As long as no one was hurt it did not matter. They came to the edge of the market square and turned down a quieter, less crowded street. After walking for a few more minutes they found Doctor GenzaiÕs clinic and quietly entered. It was not busy for it was too early in the morning, the busiest time being the afternoon. There were three people in the waiting room, two little brown haired girls and an old woman. When mother and daughter entered, the two children jumped up and ran over to greet them.
ÒAyame, Suzume, want to play?Ó Kari asked. The two girls nodded and the three ran off. Kaoru shook her head, a small smile playing on her face, as she sat down to wait. The lady next to her shifted slightly and gave a little cough. A disapproving frown marred her face when Kaoru directed her eyes at her. The old woman opened her mouth to say something, but Doctor Genzai made his appearance with his last patient on his arm.
ÒAh, Kaoru! I thought it was about the time you returned to pick up Hikari.Ó Genzai ushered his patient out the door before turning fully to Kaoru. ÒHow have you been? Is Hikari in back with Ayame and Suzume?Ó
Kaoru giggled and stood as Genzai approached her. They hugged tightly for a moment. ÒYes, she is. IÕll call her in after your done with your next patient. SheÕs been asking when we would stop by here all day.Ó
The doctor laughed before turning to the other occupant of the room. With a slight motion he signaled for the woman to follow him. Kaoru was left alone to enjoy the silence of the empty room. She concentrated on the sounds from outside where she could hear the laughing of the girls as they played. The peace lasted only a few minutes before a short scream sounded from outside and Hikari ran inside with Ayame and Suzume chasing her. Seeking cover the girls ran behind Kaoru to hide from the young man following. Spotting the children he ran over, making the girls screeched and run around Kaoru. She stood silent, watching the activity with interest.
ÒMomma, help us!Ó Hikari laughed as she was caught by the stranger who started tickling her. Kaoru smiled and moved away silently with a shake of her head. ÒMeanie!Ó
ÒYou really want me to help Kitten?Ó The raven haired woman had a mischievous glint in her eye which her daughter missed. Hikari nodded as she tried to fight the hands that invoked her laughter. Kaoru bent down next to the two and reached out her hands. ÒIf you want her to start crying you need to tickle her feet right on the arch.Ó
With wide eyes Hikari renewed her efforts to escape. Ayame and Suzume started to inch away, but the man suddenly turned and caught both of them in his arms. He pulled them back into the space between Kaoru and him, piling them directly onto Hikari. Kaoru caged them as the man went for their feet. It was an odd sight to see when the doctor and his patient were done with their meeting. Rolling on the floor in a heap were the children, who were trying to scramble away from the adults, laughing as they were being tickled.
ÒWell this is a sight to see. Kaoru, I believe it is time for our talk.Ó GenzaiÕs voice brought Kaoru back to the present. She looked up as the old woman walked past and met her foster fatherÕs eyes. With a nod she left the group and followed the doctor down a hall and into a room to their left. Even with the door closed they could hear the distant sound of laughter.
ÒMegumi told me about your health.Ó Kaoru said quietly.
ÒYes, I thought she had. I suppose she also told you about how much time I have left as well.Ó Genzai gave a sigh when Kaoru nodded.
ÒShe said about a year. I have made the decision to stay a while once I come back with Hikari so that I wont be out of reach for the ceremony.Ó Kaoru hung her head when she felt her eyes start to tear.
ÒKaoru? Everything will turn out fine.Ó Genzai slid his hand under her chin and lifted it so that he could look into her eyes. He let his hand drop when he saw she would not look away. ÒIÕm getting old, I canÕt last forever.Ó
ÒI know, but I hate losing family. After the war, alone for all that time before you found me, was the worst few months of my life.Ó A tired sigh escaped her lips. ÒThe war left me with nothing and you saved me from that.Ó
ÒBut I canÕt last forever.Ó
ÒI know. ItÕs about time for me a Hikari to start moving again.Ó Kaoru cast her eyes to the window. ÒBy the way, who is the man looking after your grandchildren?Ó
ÒThatÕs Enishi Yukishiro. His family moved her shortly after your last visit.Ó
ÒYukishiro?Ó KaoruÕs eyes widened. ÒI havenÕt heard that name in a long time. Is his whole family here?Ó
ÒNo.Ó Genzai examined his adopted daughter. ÒHis sister is away. They wont tell anyone where. Do you know them?Ó
ÒA once noble family before the war loyal to the Kamiya Family.Ó Kaoru shrugged with indifference. ÒJust the common knowledge.Ó
ÒEnishi is a nice young man. He cares about his sister a lot and makes a good baby sitter.Ó Genzai followed her gaze to the window and ushered her out of the room. The girls were still in the waiting room with Enishi playing some sort of game on a chalk bored. Hikari jumped up as her mom entered the room, sending a small line of bright blue color from her fingers. Kaoru caught it and wrapped it around her wrist.
ÒMomma! IÕm winning!Ó The girl smiled,bouncing on her feet. ÒCan I finish before we leave?Ó
ÒSure kitten. Make it quick all right? Noon will be here soon.Ó Kaoru glanced around the room. ÒWere did you put your pack?Ó
ÒBy the back.Ó Hikari answered, retracting her magic. Kaoru went of to retrieve the missing pack, returning to hear a happy screech.
ÒI won!Ó Hikari turned to Kaoru. ÒMomma! I won!Ó
ÒGood job. What did you win?Ó
ÒUmm, donÕt know!Ó The girl chirped brightly.
ÒHow about a cookie before we leave.Ó Kaoru dug in her bag, handing Kari hers, and pulled out a container. Inside was about a dozen cookies that she handed out to everyone. Once the cookies were finished Kaoru ushered her daughter to the door, bidding everyone goodbye.
Outside the day had brightened, but dark clouds on the horizon made Kaoru worry. A slight bite to the air signaled that she needed to retrieve the coats from her bag. Hikari obediently pulled her coat on when her mother handed it to her. They traveled until dusk set and it began raining, just a Kaoru feared. Hikari protested loudly as the first drops fell and she was ushered under a large tree just off the road. The tired girl drifted to sleep as her mother set up the tent. Kaoru had to smile at that, her daughter could probably sleep anywhere.