Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When You Think of Me ❯ Chapter 1 ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

When You Think of Me by: Sakura

A/N Okay, here's another songfic. It's my first Kenshin one, so I hope you like it. Sorry if Kenshin's a bit OOC.


I had finally made my decision to go back to the resting place of Hitokiri Battousai. I had yet to tell the others at the Kamiya dojo; for fear that their petty emotions would make me stay in Tokyo. Especially Miss Kaoru's. I quietly walked back inside the dojo; everyone should have been asleep. I strode past Miss Kaoru's room, and slid the door open, so I could see her one last time before I left to Kyoto.

You look so peaceful sleepin',
You don't know that I'm leaving, but I'm gone.
Well I did my best to beat `em, but in my head, the demon said, move on.
You wake up your gonna curse my name.
But as some time goes by I hope and pray.

I stood there, staring at Miss Kaoru- I just couldn't keep these prying eyes away. I knew that if Miss Kaoru were to awake, she would yell, and then throw something hard at my head. She was a heavy sleeper, so I stood there a while longer, but then thought of the possibility of her waking. And I really didn't feel like going to bed, or Kyoto, with a headache. I slid her door shut, and walked back out to the yard.

I know I should have told someone, maybe Sano, about my leaving to Kyoto. Well, Saitoh knew I was leaving, but only because he was to accompany me on the journey. I walked over to the well, and through the crystal-clear water, could see my reflection. The first thing that stood out to me was the scar on my left cheek...the one given to me by...

I sighed; it was nothing but a memory now. Seeing as how I could see my reflection in the well water, it was also possible to see the small lights flying around my head. The more I watched the fireflies, the more they reminded me of Miss Kaoru.

When you think of me,
Remember the way that I used to be.
Remember the times I held you, tenderly.
Remember the way that I loved you.

It was early morning- time to get up to make my last meal at the Kamiya dojo. I moaned quietly; I had stayed out late the night before thinking about Kyoto and, my opponent Makoto Shishio.

I opened my eyes as the sound of padded footsteps neared my room. The bright, shining sun shown silhouettes of three people- two very young, the other, not so young. "Uncle Ken's still sleeping." I recognized the small voice to be Ayame.

"Quite, Ayame... Kenshin? Kenshin, are you awake?" That voice, I realized, belonged to Miss Kaoru. I stood up, stepping towards the sliding door. I felt my kimono sliding off my shoulders, so before greeting the girls, I decided I had better pull it up.

"Good morning, Miss Kaoru," I looked down. "Ayame, Suzume." Miss Kaoru's face looked troubled, but it was soon gone and replaced by a happy smile.

"I made breakfast already, Kenshin," she said happily. I nodded, letting Suzume climb up onto my shoulders. Ayame grabbed my hand, and the four of us walked to the dining area.

After everyone had stomached Miss Kaoru's breakfast, I decided to head into town. The thing is, I came back way later than expected- it was already getting dark. As I walked down the long road to the dojo, I thought about the others; this morning had been the last time I was to see any of them. They had been told that I would need to make a choice on whether staying with them in Tokyo, or protect others in Kyoto. Most of them knew where I headed.

I think about the night I met you, I swore I'd never forget you, well I won't.
I think about the way you'll live and breath
Inside my dreams forever.

I saw Miss Kaoru alone, outside the dojo. She seemed to be looking at the fireflies, but inside, I knew she was thinking of me. I quietly walked up behind her, calling her name. She turned, smiling at me.

Without thinking, I roughly wrapped my arms around Miss Kaoru. I began talking to her reassuringly, not even knowing what I was saying. As I finished up my discourse, I felt warm water falling onto my shoulder. I knew it wasn't raining, so could it have been...that Miss Kaoru was crying?

My arms fell limp at my side as I stopped my embrace with Miss Kaoru. I really didn't want to just leave like this, but I had no other choice. I turned and began walking away. I heard Miss Kaoru fall to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. It hurt to think that all those tears were falling over my sake.

You'll be better when I'm gone, you'll be better when I'm gone.
Cause I know your gonna fall in love again.
I'm sorry this is how it has to end.

On the early part of my journey, I met up with a female bandit, who, surprisingly, was robbing a small group of male bandits. I fought her for the possession of the money she had stolen, and won. With her, I returned the money back to the owners, and continued my journey with a new comrade, Misao Makimachi from Kyoto.

While with Misao, I remembered some things about my life and the people in it. Later on, we met up with Saitoh, and he helped us fight a large group of Shishio's men. We left Misao with a village boy, named Eiji. The poor boy had had is whole family killed by Shishio's men. Saitoh and I soon realized that Misao and Eiji had not listened to a word spoken to them, and had followed us.

As I stood there fighting the young swordsman, Shojiro, I thought about Miss Kaoru. She was probably very worried about me. And what was to come of the others? If I knew Sanosuke Sagara, he would come to Kyoto to aid me with Shishio.

But when you think of me, remember the way that I used to be.
Remember the times I held you tenderly.
Remember the way that I loved you.
Oh, when you think of me.

Once I had gotten another reverse-blade sword weld, it was time to fight with Makoto Shishio, himself. The battle with my successor was as difficult as I had imagined. So difficult, that I thought I had lost my life early in the fight. But in the end, it hadn't been my sword to end the long awaited had simply been the fact that Shishio was not able to fight the long, hard battle.

I stayed at Misao's place with Miss Kaoru and the others- they too thought they should be here to support me in the fight. Tomorrow would be the day we returned home to Tokyo. I was so relieved when that day finally came.

As I pick up these bags and turn around
I say a little prayer and hope somehow.

When you think of me, remember the way that I used to be.
Remember the times I held you, tenderly.
Remember the way that I loved you.

Misao walked us to the train station -much to Sano's surprise- and watched as we departed. We were all going back to Tokyo, and when we got back, I told myself to go down to the Akabeko for a meal. The Shirobeko in Kyoto was nice, but there was no Tae and Tsubame to give us our free meals.

When you think of me, remember the way that I used to be.
Remember the times I held you, tenderly.
Remember the way that I loved you.

After the Akabeko, I was finally going back to the Kamiya dojo with the others. Like Miss Kaoru was saying, it felt nice walking down this road together. When she called my name, I turned to her.

"I had nothing to say to you the night you left for Kyoto, but now I do." She smiled warmly at me. "Welcome home, Kenshin." I hesitated as she held out her hand. Up until now, I had never really called this place my home.

I placed my hand over hers, and said, "I'm home...that I am."

Oh, when you think of me, when you think of me
When you think of me, when you think of me.


A/N I hate it so much! It was supposed to be a Kenshin/Kaoru songfic that was supposed to be all lovey-dovey. But instead it only turned out to be a brief summary of the Kyoto Arc. That really sucks... Oh well, maybe I'll rewrite it sometime next week. Or maybe you guys will like it that I won't have to. Well... review it, flames are welcomed this time.