Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Where Are You Now? ❯ Chapter 1: In The Rain ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Well, not as many reviews as I had hoped but thank you all for reviewing me and especially telling me my weak points and how I force the story. Hint, hint (AngryBee). But the day that I had finished my last chapter, the prologue, I was starting to get a writer's block and I couldn't really do anything to get around it.

Disclaimer: ::Secretly hides all Okita dolls:: Ano, I don't own Rurouni Kenshin or anything that deals with Rurouni Kenshin. ::secretly pulls out an Okita doll and hides it in her shirt:: Yep, yep only me and my imaginary friend here that's right. ^_^

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Where Are You Now?

Chapter one: In The Rain

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`I'm competing against a memory, something I can and will not do. My heart drops wearily, from the love I feel for you. It's what she is and who she is, that drives me far away. It's how she is and where she is, that torments me night and day. She is with us from sunup to sundown, yet you claim to be free. She's turned my world upside down, so why can't you see. I'm competing against a memory, something I can and will not do. My head drops wearily, from the love I feel for you.' - April Zumwalt

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December 8, 1867

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He couldn't breath, it seemed as though a tree was on top of him. Drowsiness still sweeping over his lazy body, twitching his hand he could feel it under him. He was lying down on his stomach, his body feeling so heavy. The roaring sound of a river was behind him and a tense feeling over swept him. Not knowing what was happening, or what his body was doing to itself, he could only feel his mouth move. Agony, nothing but great pain hit his lungs, slitting open his eyes he could only see red in front of him.


His fluid of life was flowing out of him just like the river was flowing out of an area of rough rapids. He was dying and nothing could save him now. The hand that was under him pushed as hard as it could to get him onto his back. As soon as he hit the rocky shoreline he let out a short cough that released a mixture of blood and water. His wet black hair laid in strands over his tensed shoulders and face.

A silent murmured voice came from a far off distance it seemed, his ears still feeling the effects of the harsh tones of the water. His body temperature had dropped drastically as he could feel the ice-cold death wash over him slowly. Then, a hand touched his frozen shoulder and shivers went down the man's spine.

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He grabbed the boy's shoulder and pulled him up, feeling the young man go limp in his arms. His arms held around his waist, but he felt something quite odd. The elder man looked down at the boy's hip. There, held snug towards him was the sheath of a sword.

`He is a samurai at his age? Nonetheless, he is in a serious state, if I don't do something, he'll die.'

Now dragging the man that had gone unconscious, the elder man tried his hardest to get him where he truly belongs.

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December 9, 1867

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The sun, warmth shined in on his porcelain face. He had lived another day, but why? He cracked open his eyes and stared at the wooden roof. Where was he? Before another thought could cross his mind an old man leaned over him.

"Ah, I am glad you are alive, you had me quite worried."

"Who are you?"

"I am just a doctor who happened to come across you on the shoreline of that ferocious river. You are lucky I came around when I did otherwise you would be dead." The man looked down at the other paled man who eyes seemed to want to go back unconscious.

"May I know your name?"

"It's Okita Soushi."

"Are you a soldier?"

Okita closed his eyes; nothing but pure darkness and something about the darkness made his stomach cringe. `Was he a soldier?' He couldn't remember, nothing came to his mind. He slowly opened his eyes to look up at the older man.

"I can't remember."

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April 17, 1879

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"Oh Aiko look at the blooming Sakura tree's aren't they magnificent?"

It was hard to believe that Saitou was married to such a kind woman. Her hair danced in the wind as she stared at the newly blooming cherry blossoms. She was a beautiful woman surely, but to be married to Saitou, that was a whole different thought. Tokio seemed exceptionally pretty on the outside but it seemed that she held something harsh and dark in her heart. Maybe that's why they go married, maybe they both had a dark past. Aiko just didn't understand it, how could Tokio handle such a scary man.

Aiko Isami, now a twenty-three-year old woman and young lady now spent most of her days in the house doing chores. It had only been five years ago when Saitou had found her in Osaka. The same place that her and Takara were separated ten years ago during that night when the entire former Shinsengumi member's were to be killed. All, she thought, were supposed to be dead, but seeing that narrowed eyed man's face proved her wrong and before Saitou had found her and took her in, Hijikata took care of her until his death in the Boshin wars. Hijikata was also with her in the very back of the crowd when Aiko's father had been executed. She wanted to see him one last time, to bad the last time she saw him was when he had gotten decapitated.

"What's wrong Aiko?"

All this time, she had been alone, no family except family friends such as Hajime Saitou, or rather Fujita Goro, and Tokio Hajime. Both of them were strict but caring, actually Saitou was the strict one and Tokio was the caring. If it weren't for them both, Aiko would still be wandering the streets of Osaka in an old ragged kimono. If truth be told Saitou could barely recognize her due to all the cuts and bruises she had gained from all the men. Many people thought she was impure and diseased but she was just fighting for her very own existence. Life played a tricky hand on her and the only way she was going to get through in was to live through it.


Tokio now stood in front of the saddened young woman, ::sounds like Tomoe:: her eyes gazing at nothing in particular. Aiko had done this quite a lot now, of course she would daydream though what else could she do besides sit on the engawa or does house chores that needed to be tended to. Never did she smile, never did she laugh, and she would only cry and be silent. Tokio had thought she had gone mute until the day when Aiko finally said something, though it was a whisper on her saying two syllables. `Okita.' Since then, Tokio knew that she was heartbroken but when teishu told her the story about Okita that's when everything fell into place.

Death. Aiko had been surrounded by the horrid essence of death. Every person she had truly cared for her was torn away from her. First her mother, then Okita, after that Takara, and finally her father, each one of them she cared for and now were no longer with her. She couldn't feel the happiness she used to, all she could do was morn for everything. Aiko hated life, she had no more reason to live, and she felt like a ghost of the revolution that slowly drifted into nothingness.

There was no way Tokio was going to get through to the young saddened girl in front of her. Feeling slightly sorrowful herself, Tokio walked around the woman and proceeded to the kitchen. A strange sound came from beyond the rice paper for this time of day; behind it she could make out the outline of a tall person. The shoji slammed open frightening Tokio just enough for her to jump, and in stepped the rather irritated Hajime. She had stopped middle way from the hallway to the kitchen, she could tell that Hajime wasn't in the greatest of moods just by feeling his presence.

"Teishu, you are home early."

"Aa." Was all Saitou could give his beloved wife. `Seems like I'm not going to get even an hour of sleep.'

"Would you like me to make dinner?"

"Aa. That would be nice."

Not even taking a slight glance over to his wife, he went straight to the back room where all his paperwork lay about. Tokio gave a deep sigh, everyone was just not feeling right today. Of course, Aiko is always in her own world but Hajime seemed rather frustrated. Tokio looked back down the hallway, and the still sad Aiko sat there, her long black hair hung over her small shoulders and her eyes watched as the attractive pedals fell from the trees. She had missed out on the most precious thing there is for a woman and that precious thing is known as love. Eiji, the now adopted son of Hajime and Tokio, had been in the back of the house tending to the garden that he had started when he came to Tokyo. Tsutomu, what was there to say about that one year old little boy who looks up to Eiji.

Tokio continued to saunter back to the kitchen, a small kitchen that a lot has happened in. She could remember the first time she had that Kamiya girl here to teach the poor child how to cook. What a mess she had made, but at least Tokio had Eiji and baby Tsutomu laughing. A long year has passed since the troubling times of the Shishio battle and every day everyone grows more and more.

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At the Kamiya Dojo

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"ITAI! Hey that hurt ugly!"

Kaoru stood back, her bokken held in front of the now angry Yahiko. What a stubborn little boy he was, when he is in true danger he'll take up the Kamiya Kasshin style and when he isn't he says he'd rather be taught under Kenshin. She couldn't help it but hit him as hard as possible without hitting him non-stop. Taking a deep breath Kaoru finally eased her straining body; her black hair tied up tightly in a high ponytail.

"Yahiko, stop whining and pick up your shinai."


Immediately he grabbed his bamboo sword and swung it in front of himself, his right foot stepping in front to balance his stance. His deep childlike brown eyes seeming serious just like before, his grip on the shinai tightened and he threw it up above his head to come smacking down on his assistant master's bokken.

SMACK! What a horrible attempt, and Yahiko stumbles forward as a huge bump hit appears at the back of his head.

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"Well, it seems Yahiko is training really hard today." Said Kenshin as he pursued the usual task of doing the always-white laundry ::Hey you have to admit that everytime Kenshin does laundry its always white::. A sweet smile crossed his face and began to remember the days when Yahiko absolutely refused to be trained under an ugly girl.

`Wait come to think of it, he still doesn't want to be trained under Miss Kaoru.'

Sano sat on the spotless clean engawa, his rooster-like features brightened in the sun. He crossed his arms and stared over at the rumbling dojo.

"Yeah but Kenshin I thought that he always trains hard, even if he's being trained by the Missy."

"Well you certainly have a good point there Sano."

A silent breeze drifted by them both, their hair and clothing both rustled in the wind. It had only been a few days after Enishi was defeated, everything had returned to normal or at least that is what it seemed. He had a nagging thought in the back of his mind that something of some great importance is going to happen. Last time he felt like this was when Saitou was trying to make his presence known. But as far as the Shinsengumi goes, only Hajime Saitou, the captain of the third squad of the Shinsengumi, has survived these long years of the Meiji. Kenshin had long since stopped from washing away the entire dirt and grime on the clothing and now stared off into nothingness.

"Hey Kenshin what's the matter?"

Kenshin knocked himself back into reality, shook his head at looked back at the curious Sanosuke that sat behind him on the engawa.

"It's nothing."

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A hour out of Tokyo at an abandoned hospital

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Cherry blossoms, the gorgeous flushed pink of the pedals. They always seemed to calm his inner longing for happiness and meaning. Life, everything was alive and moving. The birds flew and chirped with songs of love and the river roared for it wants to be acknowledged. Eleven years ago, the bank of that raging river found him, half-dead and half-alive. Now it wouldn't be long before he himself would be leaving for a new life, a life that was desperately waiting for him to return.

Okita sat with a fake smile that seemed to always cross his paled face. He blinked softly to rid away with all the dryness in his eyes. With a sharp and painful flash, the face of an engaging young woman shot through his mind eye. His hand shot up to his temple and pressed down, her face wouldn't disappear, staying only to pain his body. This woman's girlish laugh echoed throughout his mind, straying cherry blossoms caught up in her loosely hanging black hair. Two worn out feathers straggling to the side of her head.

"Itai…….Who is she?"

Oh, did his head ever so hurt, her presence seemed to strike him down with her sunny gaze. This same nightmare or maybe memory had been with him for a few days now. Another flash came and attacked Okita once more.

"No, please stop!"

A shrilling scream pounded another headache in his skull; a red fluid blurred his vision. Dripping sounds were silently heard, and there, now on the bloodstained ground, laid that same woman, whose eyes now showed no emotion, no fear, but just the look of death. The engaging young woman's hair lay spread out around her, a deep slash went in through her chest, blood seeming never to stop its restless flowing. Her mangled body, her blood, all over the cherry blossoms that she once danced in.

At the same time, Okita felt like someone was choking him, not releasing the grip around his neck. He abruptly took a large quantity of air, filling his damaged lungs with the vital oxygen that his body desperately needed only to be choked on. A horribly wet cough came from the now shaking mans body, footsteps now stomping the dusty porch that he sat on. `I need some medicine, now!'

* * * * * *

"Aiko, could you go out into the marketplace and get me some tofu."

The voice may have seemed small and frail, but Aiko could clearly hear it. It had broken the dragging silence that she had grown up around. Without saying another word, she walked over to the end of the floor to where her shoes lay and slowly and precisely slipped on the slippers. Her right arm rose from her side to pick up her bag of money, gripped it and gently opened the rice paper door that kept her from the outside world that she so feared.

(What is it General Kondo?)

(We're leaving for Kyoto tomorrow, tell your troops to get ready.)

So long ago had that happened, and even yet her heart felt horror of losing the closest thing to her. The streets of Tokyo were busy as usual, people wondering around the markets and some just out for a stroll. Had they been in Kyoto in the past at the time……, she wouldn't think about it. `Okita.'

Stop thinking Aiko, be a lady like father wanted you to be…..

Her hand rose to the sacred necklace wrapped around her neck, a jewel, and the only thing that connects her to her mother, Maemi. `Okita, dear Okita, I wish you could come back to me as if nothing had ever happened.'

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"His fever seems to have gone down, but, that's impossible."

The doctor shot back in disbelief, his hands held up in the air as if supported by an invisible entity. It had only been a few minutes ago when Okita had an ever so high fever and now if remarkably went down without any struggling at all. `Maybe he is getting better?'

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Stop it Aiko that will never happen……..never.

Her hand released the now sweaty jewel that hung from her neck.

"After all, he did disappear during battle."


* * * * * *

His body was no longer tense, but was feeling actually loose, as if what all had happened in the past had disappeared into nothingness. He could breath, not just short slight breaths, but deep and refreshing gasps of air. The old wrinkled doctor couldn't believe his eyes, the man that had one choice in life which was death was actually getting better in his illness. This man most likely had a guardian angel looking after him, keeping him alive to see the strange kindness of the Meiji era.

He handed a large packet to Okita, beholding many medicines for the thirty-five-year old man to take to make sure his illness is rid of. A smile that Okita had once wore during the Bakumatsu had long ago disappeared. With a straw hat and very old clothing that the old doctor used to wear, Okita was to go off to a life that was patiently waiting for him. Nodding to the elder, he started off down the old road. He had gotten at least five steps away from the dressed in white man before he called out his name.

"Wait Okita Soushi, there is still something I have yet to give you."

Okita stopped and looked back, his face clearly said everything that was on his mind, `More medicine?' There he stood feeling the slight breeze go by him, his clothing floating and tugging at his body. The man had left for the inside of the hospital only a few minutes ago, and surely Okita was in no hurry to return to a world that had proclaimed him dead.

`Maybe, when the winds of time stops, I will be able to see someone from the past.'

Almost noiseless footsteps were heard and out of the corner came the doctor, and in his hands, he held a sheath that in the past Okita had worn in the Shinsengumi. But a hilt was sticking out of the sheath, had the old man found his sword, Kikuichi monji norimune. He slowly handed it to Okita, and Okita held out his hand left hand calmly.

"I have found you a sword to be placed in your sheath, though it is not your own it will be as reliable as any other sword. Since you are a samurai, I thought is necessary that you have a sword even in this era when swords are no longer allowed on the streets of Japan."

He looked up at his caretaker and gently smiled.

"You do outdo yourself. I thank you Doctor."

"No need of thanks, Okita, just live a new life without so much blood shed."

Both bowed to each other and Okita soon made a gap between the past and the future. Walking over the fallen blossoms that were full of life, the ground making the same familiar crunching sound under his feet. His head stayed tilted forward to keep the passing light out of his face that now began to regain its normal human color. Everything was no longer swirling in a distance, he was able to walk up to the far away destination of Tokyo. This was it; he was leaving a place of segregation to another place of solitude, unable to live in a moldy, old hospital. He had to admit, he did like the thought of leaving that place, and it was starting to smell like death itself swept over the place. A small smile crossed Okita's face.

`Oh how Saitou-san would agree with me on that account.'


`Oh great is it going to rain?' (Inca_dove: insert Rurouni Kenshin).

The wetness of the drop soaked right into his sleeve, yes, very likely it would rain. Okita stopped in his tracks and stared up at the sky. Dark clouds in the distance stirred, winding around each other, packing to make a large collection of watery dampness. Those times in the past, when it was also raining was always a predicament that bad fortune was coming, and always it was right.

* * * * * *

"AH! Oh no, auntie Tokio I think it might rain!" Eiji yelled from behind the house, stomping footsteps and panting could be well heard. Still, Aiko had not returned, maybe she took a detour; even so she still should've saw the rain clouds. Tokio walked over to the shoji and opened it carefully; surely enough there in the distance were some storm clouds. Her deep yellowish brown eyes searching the sky well, seeing slight movements and changes in the cloud formations. Without any notice, Tsutomu had walked right behind her.


The slightly squeakiness of the child's still growing voice startled her and Tokio turned around quickly. Tsutomu, Hajime's and Tokio's first-born son was only one year old, but his hair would soon need to be cut. If it continued to grow he'd have to wear it in a ponytail. He grabbed his mother's kimono and tugged on it, his eyes big and wide like any innocent child's would. She kneeled down in front of her son, his eyes followed her as she bent down and smiled at him.

"Are you hungry Tsutomu?"


She then put her hands under his arms and picked him up to rest him on her hip. Wrapping her left arm around the young baby, Tokio continued to the kitchen to prepare the still cooking food.

* * * * * *

"NANI?! Why didn't I see the clouds coming before?"

Panting, Aiko ran as fast as she possibly could in her now damp kimono. Not even an umbrella to cover her head, she'll end up with a cold if she continues in the rain like this. The tofu held tightly against the woman's chest, she had altogether forgotten it was even there. Then, as if something had came by her and pushed her over, she fell. The tofu flew out of the wooden basket and fell in pieces in front of her. She had fallen face forward, landed on her left hand and now soaking in the mushy ground under her.

Aiko pushed herself off the ground and tried to catch the air that had left her when she had fallen. Her body shook ferociously, mud slightly splattered on her face. A slight laugh came from one of the people in the restaurants, probably laughing at her, making fun of her. No, she wouldn't turn to look at the dumb bastard that laughed at her. Standing up, calmly but shakily walked over to the wooden basket and picked it up.

"You're so reckless you know that."

Aiko's mind clicked a thought of Okita thundered through her mind.

(How can you be so reckless?)

Her dark brown eyes grew wide, her heart seemed to stop and her mind went blank. Aiko quickly stood and whirled around, in one of the shoji's stood a man. His smile, that smile was the same, his eyes were also the same. Had Okita lived that night from his fall? He leanned against the wall and laughed at her, his arms crossed over his chest and on his hip……..was a sword?


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AN: Hey I'm doing pretty good so far, and its before January that I update this chapter. Wow, I am amazed. Cliffhangers don't you just love them, leave the reader at an instant "What that's all to the chapter!" Why yes this time it is. Insert evil laugh :: BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!:: Alrighty then, I thank you guys for telling me that Aiko is not a mary sue, but mostly a original character. I bow to you all……..NOW GROVEL BEFORE ME BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :Glomp:

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Next Chapter

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HAH! It is secret it is safe! No telly!

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Character notes

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Aiko Isami: I can slightly relate myself to this character…..if none of you noticed, Aiko wears a mask to hide herself now-a-days. In this chapter, you can't really make out her personality, and that's the point. But you will start to understand her in later chapters. This woman is at least 24 years old now and has never loved a single person. She feels a deep sorrow for the world and still has yet to find her purpose to stay among the living. But what did take her so long to get some tofu? I think I might've screwed up on her name in the last chapter, its not kindness its beloved one.

Okita Soushi: Poor, poor Okita, what a horrible sickness you bear both in your lungs and your mind. The wonderful headache that he had is going to be more detailed in later chapters. Alrighty, Okita in the beginning of the chap. had swallowed so much water and coughed up so much blood that he got amnesia. No Okita is not going to die anytime soon, if he was then why would I write the story ne?

Hajime Saitou: Um……hehe……Sorry Angrybee, I really meant to put more Saitou in the chapter, teehee, GLOMP! ::Raises eyebrow:: I wonder why he won't be able to get any sleep, ne? But wow, who would ever think that he would have such a big family! O.O

Tokio Saitou: Still trying to figure her out……..

Tsutomu Saitou: Kay, everyone, Tsutomu is going to turn out like his father, except for the fact he won't kill anyone…..erm at least I hope he won't. I can see it now "TSUTOMU THE ONE-YEAR OLD KILLER!" ………….no. Oh he's so cute, all one year olds are cute until they hit terrible twos, ah damn.

Eiji Saitou: Eiji, I want him to have the same personality as he had in RK. So, be expecting arguing from this little boy.

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Special thanks to…….well…….the three people who reviewed.

AngryBee: When I told my sisters that you actually reviewed they REALLY NEARLY glomped me. They love your stories, though I didn't tell them my secret on having people like you ask……maybe I'll tell them later…..someday…….in another life. HEHEHEHEHE!

Inca_dove: BAKA DENSAI this is my story not yours, also you didn't want to beta-read my story so you shouldn't complain. >:P Anyways thank you for reviewing and I will try my hardest NOT to leave out COMA'S.

CeeCee: Oh Arigato CeeCee, you are so kind, ::Face becomes evil:: Yes torture your reviewers and spread the word about my story BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ::cough:: I've done to much laughing today that I have. I wonder when ChocoBerry is going to update her story on Changes in Friendship, I hope soon, I wanna read more Okita FanFiction. There's just to little of it!

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So Ka: Is that so?

Nani: What

Itai: Ow or how I like it OWIE!

Shinai: Bamboo sword for apprentices

Teishu: Husband

Aa: yeah

Kami: God

Fanfic by ione_girl