Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Where Are You Now? ❯ Chapter 3: Memories Somewhat Fulfilled ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Yeah, yeah we all know that Samurai X and Rurouni Kenshin are mine BWAHAHAHAHAHA they're mine, mine, mine, mine, mine! MINE! *Glomps herself*

AN: I have a lot of talking but barely no writing in this chap so please bear with me on my horrible writer's block.

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Where Are You Now?

Chapter 3: Memories Somewhat Fulfilled

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"I look into your eyes, do you know what I see? Secrets and lies, is all there will ever be. I look into your mind; do you know what is there? The stories I find, they were never fair. I look into your soul; do you know what you hide? Not but blackened coal, withering inside." -Shana Tout

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April 24, 1879

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"Ah man, still I got no luck and because of that no money either."

Sanosuke Sagara grumbled unhappily, his hand stayed tucked in his pockets and an old skeleton of a fish dangled out of his mouth. The market place seemed to be bustling with people, millions of colors flashed by his eyes as he kept walking miserably.

"Hang me upside down and you probably won't get any lint."

"Seems like you have trouble getting money."

The familiar voice seemed to be right behind him and all that Sano could do was grin. Katsu had snuck up right behind him through all the people. Sano stopped walking ahead of him and twisted his back a little to look behind him. There he stood with his expected clothing that he always wore and the same demonic grin he had when he found something interesting to write about. At least Katsu was happy unlike Kenshin who seemed to be searching everywhere whenever he got a horrible feeling.

"You wouldn't mind hearing some new information I just found."

Sano raised his eyebrows and stared at his old friend tiredly.

"Oh yeah what is it Katsu?"

His friend's hand pointed to the alleyway right by them, Sano agreed and continued walking to his new destination……a dark alleyway. Right behind him like before was Katsu following him, his head was slightly pointed down to make his eyes not visible. When they finally reached the alleyway, which did take them a fairly long time to reach only because of the people who were rushing up and down the streets, they leaned against separate walls so that they could face each other.

"I found some disturbing information from other policemen on who was responsible for last weeks murder."

Katsu pulled out a booklet of paper and inside it was a brush from his shirt, the brush he could clearly still tell that it was slightly crusted with the old ink the man had used. He handed the booklet to Sano who in return opened it to where the brush lay.

"The only thing that the policemen could tell me was the symbol that was left behind on the murdered man."

Sano read the word but it still confused him, he looked up his friend curiously.


"Right. I checked into groups in Tokyo to find anything out but there was nobody here that knew of the word or the person who killed that man. So I went to the nearby villages around Tokyo and you know what I found."

Katsu once again grabbed something from his shirt but this time it was a folded up piece of paper. He unfolded it and putted it on the book that his companion held. On it said:

`Okashira Phoenix.'

"So it's a signature left behind by the leader I take it."

Katsu nodded and removed his grin to a more serious face, a face that Sano rarely saw except for when he and Katsu planned to attack the Meiji government. Sanosuke shut the book along with the paper inside of it and handed it back to his friend. This information would soon be told to the police and he would have to tell Kenshin of this. Could this be what is been bugging Kenshin so much?

"Thanks Katsu, I'll make sure Kenshin finds out about this."

"No problem."

With this said Katsu and Sano both waved each other goodbye and began to walk their own paths once again.

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At the Fujita household

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The day was going on its usual and boring way, Saitou left for work and Eiji and Tsutomu went outside into the garden. Aiko on the other hand, she seemed a little different, she was actually helping Tokio with cooking. Just the other day, Aiko walked up to Tokio and asked if she could teach her how to make good meals and not just tea. Then, when Tokio can't usually find Aiko, she sometimes finds her with the sleeping porcelain doll Okita. The man hadn't woken up yet and she was beginning to worry for his sake.

Tokio walked out onto the engawa to look over what Tsutomu and Eiji were doing. Eiji had out his hoe and was leaning against it as he over looked the seedlings he had just planted. Not even noticing that Tokio had came out to sit on the engawa Eiji began to tell his little watcher about a story his mother once told him. He bent down to little Tsutomu's height and held his index finger in front of his face.

"Now listen to me Tsutomu, if you do something wrong with planting seeds then the ancient of earth will nag at you until you do it right. So trust me, always look over seeds when you finally plant them to see if any are poking out of the earth."

Tsutomu looked a little puzzled by the story and just thought to take it seriously for once and nodded. Eiji let out a loud chuckle and looked down at his still growing stepbrother. Tokio laughed silently to herself as Eiji went on about how there was an ancient of earth and what he would do to you if you did it wrong, and in response her son would nod after every comment.


The silent voice slightly nerved Tokio and made her want to look behind her, there stood Aiko with her left hand holding onto the wall.

"What is it Aiko?"

She took a deep breath and released herself from the doorway to sit down by the older woman. Tokio smiled and watched her come to sit by her.

"Did Saitou ever tell you about him….I mean Okita?"

She could tell that Aiko was feeling extremely uncomfortable in this situation, she had never really opened herself up before and now she is. Tokio took a short glance over and the two boys who were now having a dirt fight and returned her gaze to Aiko who was staring at her hands in her lap.

"He did, but I wasn't told anything about his relationships or anything really just about his time in the Shinsengumi."

"I see."

Aiko's face softened a little bit and she tried her hardest to smile at her friend, raising her head and giving only a slight grin that seemed to much full of sorrow and of pain. Tokio couldn't help but to feel sorry for the girl, here she was trying to speak about the past when it is still to hard to even talk about. She grew up with this boy Okita, and in growing up Aiko became so attached to him that she could never really let go, but then when Okita supposably died she felt that she had also died or so that was how teishu's story went.

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Back over at the Kamiya Dojo

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"100 more times Yahiko, and this time put more effort into it!"


The voices just kept on coming out from inside the old dojo, but to Kenshin he couldn't even hear them. He was concentrating on this nagging feeling that something was going to happen or someone from his past was going to show up in Tokyo. Kenshin didn't feel so great, all this thinking was starting to get to him, sitting out with his sword which stayed in his arms at the moment.

"Hey Kenshin!"

Knocking himself back to reality, he looked back to see Sano coming towards him with a serious face. `Sano must want me to come with him for gambling.' He stopped in front of his sitting friend, which was on the large engawa and began to sit himself.

"You know that murder that happened last week, I got more information on it from Katsu."


"Yeah, the person that might have murdered that man was called Okashira Phoenix."

"Phoenix, why whould someone call themselves Phoenix?"

"That's exactly what I thought, this guy… you think he's someone from the revolution?"

Kenshin brought his hand up to his chin and stared at the wood of the engawa.

"No, the word Phoenix isn't really popular in Japan because people here don't believe in fairy tales all that much."

"So you're saying…."

"This man, Okashira Phoenix, must be a man from China, that he must certainly be."

Kenshin returned his gaze back to Sanosuke who was now looking hard at the surroundings. The man that was killing these people, he would need more information on him before he even dares to try to guess who this man can possibly be. Phoenix, the legendary bird of fire, mostly a myth known to people but then the bird had the power of life and death so stories say. The name for the bird was Ho-oo, but if this guy was Chinese then why does he wish to attack Japan? Is he trying to bring Japan into a world of chaos and hysterics?

"Should we go ask the police for more news?"

"I think that would be best."

Kenshin and Sano both stood up, Sano bent down a little as he watched the shorter person walk by. They stopped in front of the dojo and told Kaoru and Yahiko saying that they were going out to the market for some tofu. Then, when they left the front gate, a feeling of complete fear swept of Kenshin making him look to his side to see if there was no one watching him and Sano leave. They continued to walk forward, the sun casting overhead making it hard to see shadows. There was completely no noise around them, but that of only silence. This wasn't a good feeling, why was it so quiet?

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When they got to the market place the surroundings seemed to have gotten better. People laughing, walking, and maybe even fighting with each other. The headquarters was just a few minutes ahead of them, the large building that ran with so many policemen because of the recent happenings that many people had already heard. Kenshin looked to his side to see the houses that lined up against each other.

Something caught his eye almost immediately, a shadow that didn't seem right like the last time. Sano stood looking back at his paranoid friend who began to turn around. He couldn't help but to feel puzzled about how Kenshin was walking another way, looking forward to see nothing except homes and plants.

"Hey Kenshin what's up?"

Kenshin stopped when he reached the closest and most annoying shadow that lingered on the side of the building made with old wood. Not letting his eyes leave the spot he turned around to return to the gate of the destination that he wished to go to.

"It's nothing Sano, let's go."

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"Right this way."

One policeman, just one Kenshin could only see around the place, everyone had must've left to investigate further on something that probably happened. He wasn't tall at all, actually he was quite short and plump, a mustache and some glasses nonetheless a sour expression proved he fit the job perfectly. Unlike Kenshin, who was quite comfortable in the place, Sano was constantly looking around, seemed like he was just as paranoid as Kenshin.

"Here we are."

The man quietly opened the door to show a room full of papers and books maybe even newspapers, which lay onto of the man's desk. A window right behind the desk silhouetted the figure that sat behind it making it hard for Sanosuke to figure who exactly this guy was. But for Kenshin, the ki was all to familiar, the figure who sat in front of them all was the one and only former captain of the third squad of the Shinsengumi. Kenshin could also tell by the cloud of smoke surrounding the man.

"So you did come after all…as well as the moron."

Sano could feel his face go a burning red.

`He is alive!'

"Saitou, we only came here to find some information on this so called Okashira Phoenix."

"I've only gotten as far as you, the only way to find out any more is perhaps find ourselves a Tokyo ninja."

Kenshin's eyes grew wider, were there actually any ninja's in Tokyo. Sano was about to burst with that anger and Saitou just leaned back in his chair and looked at the document in his hands. Something seemed different about him and Kenshin could notice, there was something other that work and the Mibu wolves on his mind. It was slightly irritating when he couldn't find anything that could possibly annoy Saitou. He looked up at Kenshin's awkward face, narrowing his eyes and his hand nearly fell onto the desk.

"What is it, why are you looking at me that way?"

"It's nothing."

"If you're hoping for more information then forget it, I have nothing to tell you and besides do you really think I would tell you Battousai."

Before Kenshin had a chance to say anything Sano roared in.

"God damn it Saitou you acted like you were going to die at Mt. Hei. Now here you are smoking that cigarette as if nothing had ever happened!"


"What did you say!?"

Kenshin put his hand in advance of Sano to stop him from tearing up all the reports that may seem useful to one extent. The same annoying ki that he was feeling hadn't left yet, it still lingered outside and from what he could tell, it was a fighter's spirit. He needed to see what was out there and without further ado Kenshin pushed his burnt up friend outside the door to leave Saitou in peace and to find out what in the world could be outside.

As they began to walk outside the gates, a movement of a shadow appeared clear to the both of them that they were being followed. Kenshin grabs his sword and Sano just being Sano began to run in the direction the shadow was moving. Kenshin was sure that this person would want to try now and be in the crowds to act like a normal person so they would have to get him before he does so.

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YAY! Fujita residence

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Aiko calmly returned to the kitchen with the heavy pot and went to the counter to set it down. Tokio gently laughed at the sight of the woman carrying it as if she were still a child. Today and maybe only today Aiko had pulled her hair up into a well-done bun. A gorgeous pin kept it all together, beads of gold and blue strangled down on a piece of string.

"Tokio-san what do I do now?"

She wanted to keep on helping her, not just to annoy Tokio but to finally learn. Tokio waved her hand to tell her to leave; the next step would be way to complicated for Aiko to learn just. A sudden jerk came from Aiko and she was about to disagree when she remembered, `Tokio-san is older and knows what she is doing…… is not my place.' Aiko sighed and bowed to Tokio and left the room.

A sudden shuffle came from down the hall, she couldn't help but to think that he had woke up. Aiko quickly ran down the hall until she came upon the shoji that had hardly ever opened, and she proceeded to reveal what was inside it. There he lay, just like before when she stayed by his side. His eyes still shut closed and the color was beginning to reappear, soon very soon he will wake up, but she will be there when he does. Hopefully, when he looks upon her face, he will remember who she was.

She walked in leaving the shoji opened behind her, letting the stray light cascade down into the room which windows were covered by blankets due to the orders of the nearby clinic. She sat down and peered at him once more, so much like a child he looked. Still having no face hair, no appearance of being old just, who he was. (Except for the long hair)

"Okita, when will you wake up?"

She put her hand to his forehead, it was not burning and yet it was not frozen cold. The warmth of her hand caused a sudden twitch of his brow.

"I have so many stories to tell you, some are sad but I'm assured that you can liven them up like you used to."

Aiko could feel herself lower, bending face forward onto his chest.

"Please Okita, wake up soon."

She shut her eyes, and listened to the soft breathing of the man under her. His chest raised up and down, every time it did so her head would do the same thing. She had questioned herself so much about if this was the man that she knew or not but now. Aiko slowly reopened her eyes to see the blurry white blanket, this man she did know, and he had to be Okita if not then his reincarnation. Listening to the regular beats of his heart that pounded against his chest as if trying to break out of a cage, she said to herself, `Okita is alive and not dead.'

Tears seeped up into her opened eyes, her mouth quivered as she began to let out sobs of joy and of pain. So many years she bubbled herself out from the world and tried to be alone to show the people what the Meiji had done to her. No one understood and took advantage of her by thinking she was a whore or maybe a lonely orphan that ran away from her home. She had fought for her life through those six years, fought to stay alive to rid her of all the pain people had caused upon her. Did they even care, no, no one cared for her back then everyone hated her as she did with them. But now, here she lingers on in this full house of children, of past and of bravery, a house that her father would probably want her to be in. (Writers block broke or so I hope.)

A slight cough came from Okita; Aiko looked up with her glossy eyes and stared at his face, a face she had known since she was a child. He was growing better, ever day she would come to see his body in a new position hoping and wishing that he may have woken up even for a split second. Aiko sighed and straightened up to a sitting position, rubbing her eyes to remove all of the tears that had ran down her face. She kept her gaze on Okita who lay comfortably on his back. A small movement of his eyes occurred and Aiko dropped her hand to her lap quickly, desperately watching to see if he was going to wake up or not.

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The past, everything was so blurry, people laughing and children crying. The Shinsengumi, that's right, he was part of that group; he wanted to kill the men who murdered his sister. His sister was the woman who came to him in those visions. What does she want? He was so confused, he started to remember things that he wished he hadn't and some things that he wanted so dearly to remember.

`Aiko Isami……'

Another vision came to his mind it was not of a little girl but of his sensei, Kondo. As the man disappeared into the pitch darkness of his mind, he thought of something else that seemed would not leave his mind.


More laughter echoed in the darkness, laughter that seemed from men and women alike. He could hear thunder, not thunder as in the type of loud noise but thunder as in a storm. Suddenly he opened his eyes to see a darkened room, but a room full of pictures of geisha's and two swords at the other side of the room. (Writers block kicked in again sorry) Okita look down at the blanket surrounding him and something else that seemed to show him the true agony of his true self. There kept tightly around him was a haori with blue and as he looked down his arm, white triangles made their appearance.

Dry blood caked all over his uniform; Okita jerked back to only hit himself on the wall. He took another glance at the red stains and immediately brought his hand up to his warm face. So scared to find an also warm liquid coming from his mouth, he found nothing. It was blood, blood from the men he himself had killed, but he didn't want to imagine it not imagine the kind of face his victims wore last. Imagine the fact that he had made people unhappy by killing people whom fought for their own beliefs. Okita shut his eyes tightly, he was a murderer, a man that killed for the Shinsengumi. Was that who he truly was, an assassin?

"Okita-chan, are you alright? Why do you fear your uniform?"

Okita looked up to a woman about the age of twenty-five, her brown eyes looked down into Okita's and her hair swooned up into a bun with decorated pieces hanging about it.

"Here, let me wash it to remove the blood, I'm sure you do not want to see anymore of it now do you?"

Her smile seemed to change everything, could this woman be? As he began to wonder about the facts, his whole mind went dark again, the woman's still smiling face disappeared into nothingness.

`That woman was……'

The darkness of his mind went bright suddenly and he could finally see what was around him

`Was Aiko's mother……'

He had opened his eyes, though he regretted opening them due to the fact that light blared into the room. His eyes immediately shut, pain of the light rushed through them.


A voice, not fuzzy but as clear as day and a woman's voice that reminded him of Nariko. His eyes slowly opened just like before, revealing the quarters in which he stayed, he noticed the blankets over the windows.


Okita sleepily looked over to his side to see the girl in which called his name. He wanted more sleep; he wanted to know more about his past. Memories long since gone from him kept away not longing to be seen once again. Someone was leaning over him, the woman who called out his name.

`My name…….that's right…..'


`She was calling out my name before I left the Shinsengumi headquarters, I remember it, and she was so desperate to have me stay. I wanted to serve Japan though, if I only knew this would happen then I may have stayed behind.' Okita gave a weak smile at the girl above him, a smile that had disappeared through the years of the new era.

* * * * * *

Aiko seemed to have swallowed her words that she was speaking, his smile wasn't fake like when he came, and it was just like the past. Speechless by the way he was smiling she just sat there, opened eyed it complete happiness. Okita soon pushed on his elbows that were under the blanket to sit himself up his smile still not fading from his face. He looked at her, soon becoming confused because she hadn't said a thing except for his name. All this time he had been sleeping Aiko wanted to tell him all the stories that she had gone through.

"Is this really all you can do after these many long years Aiko-chan?"

His smile became happier, and Aiko didn't know what to do. She could feel more tears swell up into her eyes, and feel the sobs return in the back of her throat. His smile still didn't disappear, as if he knew what she was about to do, her jaw quivered and her hands seemed to do the same. As soon as she had began to cry Aiko fell straight onto his chest, her sobs were horribly mellow and he couldn't help but feel sorry for her little soul. Okita couldn't help but to let out a small chuckle as he watched her cry…..or perhaps laugh. Her hands clutched onto him, and her face dug into his chest as she let of sobs of laughter. Okita grabbed her shoulders and lightly pushed her away from him to look down at her grown face.

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Nest Chapter:

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Who is this Okashira Phoenix and has Okita really received all of his memories from the past? Find out in the next chapter of "Where Are You Now?"

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CeeCee: DON'T DIE CEECEE DON'T DIE I WON'T LET YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you though for reviewing me oh kind reviewer erm I think it's something like that. Anyways yeah my sister also loved Sessy and we both also thought of him as a Saitou at first, it changed though.

Shippo-the-Crazy-Fox-Demon: Oh arigato Shippo its great having a friend like you around. YAY! Well hope your story turns out good I know mine is.

Kagome_angel2000: YAY another chapter out, how kind of you to say such things of my story. As you can tell Okita did get part of his memory back but not all take that to note KK!

Inca_dove: Unfortuantely I didn't receive your review in time to write something down here however just like all my other reviewers I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart TRULY (cough, cough Yeah right, cough, cough)!

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Okashira: leader

Phoenix: A bird of fire usually symbolizing long life or prospers.

Chan: Said to a person younger than you in my belief, or said to someone with caring. I don't know it's something like that.

Nariko: Meaning gentle child

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Fanfic by ione