Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Where Are You Now? ❯ Chapter 9: Terrifying Experience ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Cool, coolness, Kool, kwel, there's so many 'COOL' words out there when I think about it. This story is going good on it's tracks and it hasn't hit any really thick brick walls yet. **Sighs** I'm to devoted to this darn story…. Alright people, if you have ever listened to Linkin Park's song "My December" then listen to this, I now think that this is the best song for Aiko and Okita. KK, this is where angst starts to develop…….

Disclaimer: **Drools** Okita… **Drools some more** PRETTY I wanna pet you… **Realizes someone is reading this** Don't you hate it when you end up falling in love with anime characters that may have existed but are dead. **Sighs**

~ * ~ Means a dream for now on

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Where Are You Now?

Chapter 9: Terrifying Experience

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There she was in the darkness with her eyes not resembling what she was when she was younger. Her eyes no longer wanted to bear the weight of the world on her small shoulders and her eyes now deep and more womanly then why she had last seen her. Qi tried to swallow but her body was in complete and utter shock. Was this woman who was standing before really this sister she had seen so long ago, could she be the one who she looked up to all these years.

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Aiko couldn't help but stare at the girl sitting on the ledge, the girls eyes were so narrow, so angered that with those eyes she could almost pass for a female version of Saitou. Time froze altogether; Aiko lost the sound of the rain falling onto the ground.


Her hair darkened the girl's eyes and her body immediately tensed to the one word.

"Who are you?"

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The words startled her almost to the point that she was going to cry right then and there. Her sister didn't remember her; this was the undoing that made her stand up. She starred at the woman who stood in the middle of the courtyard. The thought that her sister wasn't able to remember her could help her run away more quickly then before. Before turning and jumping from the ledge, Qi got one last glance at the confused woman. Since she didn't recognize her in wouldn't hurt saying what she was now.

"Okashira Phoenix."

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Who was that?

Okashira Phoenix?

Aiko continued to stare at the empty ledge from where this so-called 'Okashira Phoenix' girl had sat. Giving a sigh of weariness, she turned around back to the engawa and patted the umbrella to get off all the remaining raindrops. Rain in the summer time was rather strange, especially at night. Right now she didn't care for all she wanted was sleep, a joyous sleep where she can regain her energy. Putting down the umbrella she made her way to her room, only footsteps later when she came upon the shoji to Okita's room. Silently opening the rice-paper door, she walked into his room and sat down beside the darkened form of the man she loved. Pulling back the thick covers, she did her best to sneak into bed with him. Wearing his clothing and her wearing her kimono, she had slept all alone for so long, she needed all this time to be with him. Resting her head above his shoulder Aiko fell asleep, tomorrow she wouldn't let him leave with Saitou again.

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June 7, 1879

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'Birds, why are they always so noisy?'

Without opening his eyes, Okita laid there breathing in all the morning fragrances. The warmth of the bed almost made him wish that he didn't have to do anything but sleep all day, but there was something that was with him. Opening his eyes to only a slit, he could see a black mass in front of him, then when he finally moved his hand feeling came to his body. Her warm subtle breathing hitting his chest and a hand loosely grabbing his gi.


His hand went for hers touching it so softly that she wouldn't be able to wake up from it. Suddenly, her hand tightened and her head moved closer to his chest. Aiko's head lifted from its place till it was in line with his, a small grin crossed her face.

"Good morning Souhsi."

Greeting her smiling face with his own Okita gave a small and short grin then began to pull her closer to him. Closing his eyes once more he took in a deep breath and released it steadily, still feeling the drowsiness of the morning. His free hand slowly moved up her side, examining all the delicate curves that her body possessed. Aiko, becoming very sensitive to his touch, tried to bring her face closer to his. Her lips pressed against his in a passionate motion, and soon Okita's hand shot to her face to gently pull her back. Not even daring the thought of kissing her back after even one of his coughing fits, he knew better.

"Good morning Aiko."

Aiko's forehead furrowed in light frown as Okita pulled away from her kiss. His hand still gently caressing her cheek while she stared into his bright eyes.


His hand moved and gently covered her lips with his fingers, "Hush, Aiko, everything is fine. I just have many things planned for today and with you kissing me like that." His eyes then grew dark as he huskily murmured the rest; "I would not have gotten out of bed for a long time."

Aiko blushed as she buried her face into his chest and sighed happily. This is where she belonged, right here in the arms of the man she loved. But the fire had already been lit, and with the knowledge she now possessed, Aiko couldn't help but be tempted.

"Ano, Okita. It's still rather early." She forced herself to look into his eyes as the implications of her open phrase hit him.

Okita could feel his blood rush to area's not mentioned in polite conversation as Aiko's innocently whispered words flowed over him. `Oh dear Kami. He really didn't need this right now.' Slowly with a conviction he never knew he possessed, he carefully pulled away from her welcoming body.

"Aiko, I must go." And yet his body seemed to protest against him. `Its cold out there! Are you insane! There's a nice warm body right here next to you and its willing.'

Okita groaned as he quickly moved away from the futon in which Aiko was now laying. His eyes closed and his fists clenched tightly at his sides, Okita struggled to gain control of his mutinous body. `Down boy!'

Aiko smiled. She slowly slid out of the futon and wrapped her arms around Okita's waist.

"Soushi, what's wrong?"

Why oh why did she have to be so tempting! The loss of her innocence created a monster that Okita really, really wanted to NO! No, he had to gather his control. Okay remember breath....count to ten!

One, "Soushi...." Ack!

Two, think happy thoughts....wait no, think of Saitou!

Three, "Are you okay, Soushi..." Damn it! Saitou in a tutu!

Four, Aiko is just a sister! A very voluptuous, soft, sweet....Ahhhh!

Five, Deep breaths, deep and heavy....heavy and deep....breathing...oh for crying out loud!

Six, :: cries ::

Aiko smirked. She could see the internal struggle going on within Okita's mind and with her newly discovered instincts she tested how far he would go until he cracked. Slowly she moved before him and set her small hands on his shoulders, a coy smile touching her lips as she neared his mouth. Aiko almost ruined it by giggling when she heard the soft counting coming from Okita's tightly closed mouth.

"Soushi..." she murmured as she drug out the syllables of his name in a lengthy purr.

Aiko watched in amusement as his eyes shot open and closed in on hers, with a wicked grin Aiko quickly pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss.

Several thoughts went rampaging through Okita's mind, and sadly none of them included pushing Aiko away. That was until the real reason for him keeping his distance returned with a vengeance, `Your sick! Worse than sick! You don't want her to catch this!'

Okita swiftly pulled away, his eyes wide and his balance unstable. Without warning Okita let out a startled yelp as he fell backwards over the small writing table he kept beside his futon. Aiko crumbled in giggles as Okita landed haphazardly on the ground, one thin leg laying on top the small table.

"Soushi, are you okay?" Aiko finally managed to speak in between giggles.

A sharp glare was her reply as Okita carefully tried to untangle himself from the table and floor. Carefully adjusting his clothing, Okita peered at the giggling Aiko through his bangs a small smile touched his lips, `you wanna play like that, eh?'

Aiko couldn't stop the laughter that was bubbling up from her belly. It had been too long since she had felt this happy and it seemed her body was going to make up for lost time. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Aiko glanced up at Okita and froze. Oh dear.




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"," Tokio hummed lightly to herself as she washed the morning meals vegetables.


Tokio jumped. What on earth? But as she was about to run and check a sudden burst of laughter echoed down the hallway. Tokio smiled when she realized whom the laughter belonged too. Tokio turned back to her vegetables as her husband wandered into the room, his usual sneer in place.


Tokio giggled softly behind her hand before replying, "Don't you remember those days where you would knock down walls to get to me Hajime?"

Saitou raised an eyebrow to his giggling wife and then replied mockingly, "Only because you locked yourself in your room."

Tokio simply waved off her husband's reply as she returned to her preparations.

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Immediately Nagakura looked back at his friend who sat wobbling in the corner.

"Already! We just ate only a few minutes ago!"

Giving a cheesy grin to the man who held an ink brush, which he was currently using, Harada fell forward and landed onto his chin.

"I can't help it, the food here is just to good, it's so much different from China's."

Twitch, twitch . . .

'Oh for crying out loud!'

Nagakura put down his brush onto the page that he was currently working on and went for his sleeve. There was no way he was going to sleep with a growling man right next to him so he might as well give him the rest of his MONEY in order to stop his whining. Instantly Nagakura stopped his motions, he couldn't believe it; he was treating Harada as if he were one of his children. Yep, it was for sure; he had been with his children for way to long.

Pulling out his hand, all he saw in his hand was about 50 yen. What the heck, just give to him since he's always the one hungry.

"Hey, take this."

Tossing it over to the man that had rivers of tears coming from his eyes, the pouch of money landed straight in front of him. Nagakura turned around and continued to his writing. Harada's hands went straight for the dark blue pouch in front of him and jumped up with joy. Without another glance at his friend, Harada shot for the door.

Nagakura began to grind his teeth together and the long brush in his hand appeared as if it were about to break.

'He didn't even say THANK YOU!'

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One of the most biggest grins swept across Harada's face like nothing ever before. Shinpachi was so kind to him. Stomping down the staircase, he made a sharp turn for the restaurant. He was finally going to get some food. Then, he stopped, how much did his buddy give him anyway? His curiosity peaked and he suddenly couldn't help but to open the tiny pouch and look inside. His eyes narrowed and his mouth nearly hit rock bottom. His dark arms rose to the sky as he began to protest in the middle of the street.

"That JERK! Only 50 yen! NO!!! I wanted miso soup, noodles, even dumplings, and probably drink it down with some sake. What is the WORLD coming to?!"

Without even realizing it, he had received a crowd of stares, and some people even began to think that the man had gone crazy. Breathing in and out like a maniac, Harada looked over to the people who hadn't stopped starring him and went menacingly narrow-eyed.

"What ARE you looking at!"

Becoming very frightened, the people ran off into the direction that they had originally been going.

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Fujita residence

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Aiko's hand shot for the back of his gi in a desperate attempt to keep him with her. Okita felt the jolt to the back of his neck, quickly falling back to a warm and soft body. 'Give up Soushi, you're not going to help Saitou-san today.' He told himself. Muffled giggles came behind him as he could suddenly feel a hand pushing on his back.

"Soushi . . . can't breath." Came Aiko's low voice from under him. Okita closed his eyes and rolled off the squirming woman from underneath. For some reason, he felt oddly tired, almost as if he hadn't slept for a night. Aiko's chuckles soon softened as they laid there, her hand brushing away all the stray black hairs as she watched him slowly drift to sleep. Managing to get herself closer to him, she rested her head under his chin and kissed him one more time. Closing her eyes finally, Aiko also fell into a deep sleep with the man she loved.

~ * ~

Cherry blossoms, a sweet fragrance that seemed to fill the air around her. Everything was so beautiful; a field of grass surrounded by some trees and the smell of flowers surrounded her. Aiko closed her eyes and fell back into the field of grass, piecing of it slowly brushing her face as she lay there with a smile. A slow breeze blowing through the meadow. Aiko opened her eyes to look upon a face in front of her. Half frightened and half confused, she lay there gazing up at the youthful face. A smile touching her face as the girl leaned back.

Sitting up Aiko glanced around to look for the girl but it so happened that she was no longer around to be seen. Aiko blinked and stared into the dense forest before her. Then she finally sighed thinking that the girl had run off until something covered her eyes. Childish laughter echoed through her mind, and the feeling of shivers ran up her spine. The woman quickly looked behind her, only to see the little girl yet again. Long black hair cascaded down onto her pale pink kimono covered with old blood. Jumping at the mere sight of it, Aiko widened her eyes and looked up to the girl's face. A face that was quickly becoming coming with its own blood, openings of flesh ran down the side of her face and other parts of her body. An old horror waking up within the child's body, but the only thing that Aiko's eyes remained on was the curled gentle smile on her face.

Then the girl's body collapsed in front of Aiko, leaking crimson from her body. She wanted to scream she wanted out of this. She dropped her paled expression to the little girl lying awkwardly on the grass; in her hair were two white feathers. Swallowing hard, she brought her shaky hand up to her chest. What was going on?

"It's frightening isn't it?" Came an older woman's voice, which was so calm and steady that Aiko instantly looked away from the blood. When quite suddenly she saw a mirror image of the girl that had just died but only older. Both of them staring at each other, and then she saw something that maybe she wasn't ready to see. The woman she was looking at almost resembled Okita.

~ * ~

Aiko shot up from the spot she where she was lying, taking in deep breaths and her eyes stayed wide. Her hand grasping the front of her loose kimono, showing her bony right shoulder and collar bone. She glanced down to the peacefully sleeping man beside her. The day was slowly disappearing; shadows began to make their appearance. Finding his hand she rested hers on top of his, she bent down once more and cuddled even closer to him. Her hands slipping into his gi, she laid there, forgetting even about why she had woken up in the first place and again falling asleep.

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Long looked to the sunset, he needed to find it, find the only thing that would drag her into the trap. Anything, he didn't care what just anything. Grinding his teeth he kneeled down on the rooftop and waited. His black eyes narrowing at all the walking people on the street, many colors of clothing painting the streets. Standing up he turned and ran in the direction of the forest, he'd find it soon, no doubt about that…….

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AN: *ione dives under desk and hides from all the incoming fists* Um….Teehee, sorry that this chapter was a *Little* shorter then the rest but you know how it goes, I had a loss of idea's for this chapter.

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Next chapter

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In the next chapter of "Where Are You Now?" Nagakura bumps into someone strange and takes him out for a little stroll. Harada, what are you doing to that poor crow!? Then Aiko leaves for a good view of the fireflies alone. Wait Aiko, don't LEAVE!!!!

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I oddly feel jewed……

MysticInca: Gee thanx for the tips, I'll try and not describe the "ROCK" *wink wind* as much any more. Nonetheless, I thank you yet again for helping with my chapter.

CeeCee: Geez girl, you crack me up! To even think that you have so many things to do. Great now I have three people who don't like my writing style GEE thanx everyone! I feel so lonely all of a sudden.. I need a hug…

Inca_dove: LOL! Yeah inca is a little crazy, just can't wait for next chapter…….it's going to be so grand!

JadeGoddess: Yeppers, but that isn't all yet, there is still so much more that's going to twist everyone's minds……that's if I write it correctly.

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AN: **Jumps on Okita blanket and laughs** Lee PUUURRR

Fanfic by ione