Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Where Are You Now? ❯ Chapter 12: A Remembered Wolf ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Stupid, it screwed up my last chapter! GRRR! ANY WHO! Hope you liked last chapter, I do have something's in store for you in this chapter. Not to shaby if I do say so myself! Already on my 13th chapter, gotta love that number, lucky 13!

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Where Are You Now?

Chapter 12: A Remembered Wolf

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"My Dying Love"

"He Wins

Another day

Some sins

He has paid

Death in war

People die

Widow's poor

And some lie

Love is gone

Time is real

Lovers one

Painful teal

Hearts collide

Death dies

Love abides

Challenge flies" -ione

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June 11, 1879

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Aiko struggled out of the tight binding rope around her wrists and ankles, blood still coursing through the open slits of flesh. She had done everything; even biting through the rope didn't work. She was tired, but yet she was angry, angry that she could get out of the man's grip, angry because Okita was more then likely in pain for her. Darkness was the only thing that the room could offer, a dark and cold room that was with no bed or anything. Breathing in and out slowly to try and calm herself down, Aiko relaxed her muscles and closed her weary eyes.

"Why me?"

Then a loud noise came from behind the wall, or at least she though it as a wall. As the area opened, a torch could slowly be seen. But the sudden brightness was still so much for as she tried to cover her eyes from the light.

"Eh? You're awake."

Could that be the man that brought her here? Aiko quickly grimaced and lowered her bleeding hands to her lap. The figure approached slowly and steadily, and walked passed her, though she could not get a good view of the guy's face. Suddenly a hole in the wall had gone up in flames, illuminating the whole room. Aiko was surprised what kind of room she was in; pictures and portraits and even tapestries that hung on the walls with so many colors it was really hard to count. It was a western style room, high ceiling and western furniture. The woman sighed when she finally realized that there were things that she could've cuddled up on.

"Do you like it?"

Aiko spun around to meet the concerned face of someone she knew, bright orange hair glowing by the fire.


Surprised, Aiko sat there puzzled at the sight. Nagakura was to short to be the one that captured her, so he must be . . . could he be . . .?

"Nagakura-san are you a captive as well?"

Immediately, the man laughed and tried to hold it in but only resulted in laughing some more. Aiko had no idea; she was completely puzzled as to why she was here and to why he suddenly showed up. Then she saw it, the something that was strapped to his waist and wasn't allowed in the times of the Meiji. Biting her lip she lowered her gaze to the burning fire, he was no captive he was a helper.

"Then, why am I here?"

"Eh? We'll get to that soon enough." Lowering his gaze to her wrists he continued in a low voice, "Right now you need some sleep, and I'll go and get the bandages."

As he walked off Aiko drew in a lot and gave a deep sigh. Right now she didn't need any of those things, right now she needed to know if Okita was all right. Starring up at the ceiling she could begin to feel the passive, moving spell of sleep come over her. The pain of her body slowing itself to numbness, as Aiko collapsed onto the floor.

"Soushi . . ."

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Okita slammed the door open to the almost desolate house with silence that could choke a person. Breathing in and out as evenly as he could, the weariness still boring down on him from the latest happening. Walking in he held his hand to the wall for support, as far as he knew he was already too weak to move. That's what he needed, rest, he needed to fall asleep to clear his mind so that when he woke up he could once again start the search for Aiko. When he finally started down the hallway his eyes fell upon something that made him really realize where he was. There they were asleep against the wall sleeping peacefully, Tsutomu sleeping against Eiji's leg. Stopping in the middle of his path to his room he stared at them.

Peace, could there really be any peace in this era . . .

Okita's knee's weakened right then and there, making him collapse to the floor on both hands and knees. No, there could never be peace, not in everyone's lives but only for some. There would never be peace for him or Saitou or anyone else who was at one time a samurai. Even with women associated with former-samurai's, they would never have peace knowing that the one they cared for would do anything do die for his country.

The man pulled himself back into a sitting position, his hands clenching his hakama's tightly as he tried to put himself into his regular mental state. Brown eyes covered by a veil of black hair, teeth grinding at each other while the only thing that went through his mind was the memory of last night.

Kami, did Okita hate himself right now!

Standing up as quickly as he could, he turned around and went another way to his room. If there was one way he was going to get his temper down it was most definitely sleep. Finally realizing that he was moving at a rather quick rate Okita stopped and took a deep breath then stepped forward to his room that was only a few feet away. Opening the shoji slowly he walked in and closed it, his hands shaking fiercely. Rolling out his futon, he lay down on his back and stared up at the ceiling through stricken eyes.

A soundless word slipped from his mouth into the atmosphere and Okita wondered where it actually had came from. Saying it again made him feel alone, his rational mind was no longer speaking almost as if itself was in pain for its loss.

"Aiko . . ."

* * * * * *

In Tokyo Somewhere . . .

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She stared up at the sky, there were no clouds and no birds, and both very good predictions that something bad was about to happen. Narrowing her eyes to only slits she thought of the only thing that her childhood had actually experienced. Still in her traveling Shinobi clothing, her facemask just hanging below her neck.


Takara's eyes widened as she quickly sat up from the abandoned rooftop. She looked down at the boy who ran up to her with fearful eyes just as if he knew something. Taking this into consideration, she jumped down off the roof to the little boy.

"Leader Qi, the camp . . ." he breathlessly said, "the camp, someone is turning each and everyone against you!"


Watching his leader stand up straight he noticed the awful face she had on. Her eyebrows furrowed and her ki, her ki seemed hurt at some point.

'What going on?'

"So there you are."

The sudden unfamiliar voice shocked the nine-year-old and Takara only glanced by turning her head only enough to see the man. Spiked brown hair, a red bandanna, and horrible white clothing. Takara grinned evilly, 'Seems like this guy can't get enough of me.'

"I was starting to get worried that you wouldn't show your disgusting face again."

Grinning even more, she turned her head around and put the facemask over the bottom portion of her face.

"Mareo, wait for me by the temple."

Straightening up he nodded and ran as fast as he could towards the right direction. Takara watched him hurry away, each step he took made him even more safe then what he was right then and there. Removing her hand from her mask she turned to the man standing before her with his hands tucked to his sides. Each person giving a dark grin and standing in a position that kept them guarded.

Starting off on her right foot, Takara jumped and threw herself toward the cocky man in front of her. Her hands went for the dagger behind her back as she quickly drew it, thrusting it to the front side of the man. Catching her wrist in his hand he tried to trip her to the ground beneath them. It seemed though that this ninja didn't feel like falling, feeling a strong stinging sensation at his kneecap he finally realized that the guy had actually managed to hit him good. Hopping backwards from the kneeling male, sliding on the dirt as she did so he right hand holding the dagger and her other rather close to her hip.

The man grinned yet again, "You're lucky."

Standing up from the ground he massaged his wrists and popped his knuckles.

"Only real strong men have ever hit me, so I'm guessin' that you're one of those men."

Takara didn't move all of her attention focusing on his strong ki. She had to predict the guy's next move; either straight on or he'll try and trick by kicking her instead. Narrowing her eyes she decided that it would be the best time to run off but if she did that the guy wouldn't stop running after her. Straightening her pose she closed her eyes and listened to everything around her. Opening them quickly she tossed her blade into the air and jumped, her arms spread from her body. Then as the metal object began its decent Takara grabbed it and flipped herself backwards, her left hand gripping the blade she threw it at him skillfully.

But he was smart enough to realize her little trick, dodging out of its way he ran in the direction she jumped in. Instead of being able to catch he almost was knocked out by a flying piece of wood going straight for him. Catching it in his hands he threw it aside and saw the next move the person was going to make. Clenching his hands into tight fists he went for the fast approaching foot and punched it away from him, knocking the guy off balance as the person tried their best not to fly sideways into him.

Takara's side ran into his shoulder but even as they fell she used his body to jolt herself back up to her feet. Stumbling only a few feet before seeing the guy stand up once more. 'Kami, just stay down already!'

Once more she jumped toward the man in pain, this time though using both her hands to thrust him into the broken down building. Breathing in and out as evenly as she could, she only rested for a minute or two before starting off into a full out sprint. Leaping onto the tall fences and running down the narrow runway. Leaving the man behind in the splintery wood, she would let him become angry for she didn't care at all. Right now, she needed to get Mareo and hurry back to the camp.

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Police Department . . . (Heheheh)

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Saitou slammed his fist onto the desktop, making Tokio jump a few inches backward from where she was. Chou, who was also in the room that was once nicely organized also was cut off from his thoughts when the loud noise occurred. The woman's hands reached for the top of her heart as she could feel her quick heartbeat. Hajime was angry, or maybe he just couldn't think of anything to do to save the girl.

Chou glanced at the nearly shaking woman and back to the former captain and thought, 'Well, I outta just get outta her' quickly.'

Stepping forwards to the door he laid his hand to rest on it and looked back to the two.

"I'll jus' leave ya two alone if ya don't mind."

When the door closed it felt almost as if the air had thinned and that she could now breath. But when Saitou's gaze fell upon her, she could no longer breath once more. Sighing, he walked to the back window and stared at the blank blue sky.

"Tokio." Her name calmly said but the rest seemed forced, "Go back home, maybe someone has come home late." Turning to his wife his eyes still glittering the wolf inside, "But if that isn't the case I'll go searching around."

The woman nodded to her husband, not wanting to complain on his reasoning she turned to the door and opened it. Chou on the other side with his ear close to the door, nearly fell onto the woman but instead fell inside the doorway. Making an obvious "THUMP" onto the floor. Tokio struggled down the giggles that were fast approaching as she did her best to walk away from an ice-cold room. But as she got to the middle of the hallway a not so surprising voice came, "Chou, get off the damn floor!"

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to tell her husband after all . . .

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Fujita Home

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As Tokio approached to gate to their courtyard she was overwhelmed when something came flying past her ear. Her hand hastily went up to her ear to see if there was any blood and then looked in front of her to where the object landed. Walking a little closer she noticed a piece of paper wrapped around a ninja blade. And on that piece of paper was the name that mainly gave her a shock, it was addressed to Okita Souji.

Forcing the blade out of the wood with both hands, she opened the gate and ran inside to a silent house.



Well, almost silent anyway . . .



Tokio nearly hit the floor, was this what usually happened whenever she was gone? Stumbling into the hallway where the voices were coming from Tokio saw the two boys in the middle. Tsutomu sniffling and Eiji patting his head, she couldn't help but to smile at the two.


The 14 year-old boy looked up to the woman standing to the side of him with a slight smile across her face. Noticing the blade in her hand, Eiji stared at it nervously before looked back up to Tokio.


"Tell me, have you heard anything while I've been gone."

The young boy blinked then looked at Tsutomu who was still sniffling and back to her again.

"No, Tsutomu and I have been asleep."

Sighing the older woman looked past the boys to the outside where a clear view of the Sakura trees could be seen. Everything seemed so peaceful out there, no one even really knew about the so-called Okashira Phoenix. Then, something broke that silence, the sound of coughing.

Being brought out of her trance, Tokio moved quickly down the hallway leaving two very confused boys in the hall. They never believed that she could move so quickly.

* * * * * *

The woman walked swiftly since running was definitely out of the question. Her hands roaming along side the walls as she made her way to the man's room. The loud patting noises could almost alert anyone that someone was coming but the question was, did he? Coming up to the shoji to her right she grabbed hold of the edge and slowly opened it to reveal the dark room inside. That was when Tokio's mind went blank as she saw the man lay on his futon in a bloody mess. Now, opening the shoji even more so that she could walk in the woman silently paced her way to his side where the man in front of her was asleep peacefully.

~ * ~

(Okita-san . . .)



(Do you love her?)

(You're pathetic. The Okita I fought with would have realized a long time ago that the woman he loved, loved him in return and was damned in her love as much as he. Get over your self-pitying, I'm tired of watching you wallow in your despair and Aiko doesn't need that kind of crap either.)

(I love you, Okita.)

Even now it seemed those words had its same effect as they did before. The sweet kisses that fell upon him as he returned them in a rush. Kami did he miss her right now, he wished that she was lying right beside him as if nothing had ever happened but in reality it had. Opening his eyes he could clearly see the sky filled with puffy white clouds and white birds crossing every once and a while. He only wanted to stare at the huge blue mass above him; afraid of what he might see the moment he turned his head away. He was haunted by his dreams but then again they guided him.

Once again his eyes closed from the sights and once again he felt something odd about the place he was visiting in his dreams. Sitting up he felt the clinging and swaying grass gracefully brush his arms. The smell of new flowers was clear in his head but something was still not right. The place seemed to be full of sorrow. He knew this ever since he began to have this one particular dream. Opening his eyes to the field around him surrounded by trees Okita rested his arms on his legs. His short black hair touching lightly against his forehead as brown eyes searched the area.

Then something very odd drifted down in front of him, a small pink cherry blossom. Turning his head and shoulders he saw what was behind him. Everything around Okita froze, the grass now sharp blades. What was behind him was the thing that most terrified him, his sister. She stood by the trees and slowly walked over the sharp grass letting it free, one step after another everything began to move once more. Swallowing hard Okita stared up at his older sister Nariko. She still looked the same way since the last time he saw her except now she looked pained. No smile graced her lips and her eyes showed a rage. The next words she spoke to her little brother were the words that would make him move from where he was sitting.

"Soujiro, wake up, please wake up now. No longer will you pay attention to me; to a sister who has long ago died for her beliefs. Don't just wake up from your dream . . ."

Okita's eyes grew with shock as he noticed that tears began to move downward from her eyes.

"Please just wake up from this shell that you've created! You're not this man that wishes to be apart of nothing. You're Okita Souji, the former captain of the first squad of the Shinsengumi. YOU'RE MY LITTLE BROTHER!"

Right then, she and everything disappeared into the darkness; the mirrored black room that he seemed always stuck in. Okita's heart almost stopped, and he tried desperately to stand up to what was being shown to him. The younger version of him, the boy he once was dressed in a Shinsengumi uniform with long black hair and very young looking brown eyes. His head dropped and then he glanced back to the boy in front of him.

"I can't."

The reflection heard his words and acted like he was shocked, eyes widening and his mouth appeared to look like a small dot.

"I can't become who I was . . ."

Falling to the ground once more, landing on his knees and using his hands for support. He knew he shouldn't have looked around him in that field, he had a feeling it would lead to this.

"I'm to weak now . . ."

His jaw quivered, his teeth grinding one another and his bangs shadowing his eyes. Okita's hands became clenched very tightly.

"What the hell do you mean Soushi!?"

Okita's head shot upward, only slight fragments of tears appeared in his eyes.

"You aren't weak Sou-kun."

"Now Soushi save Aiko!"

Okita shot a glance backwards and the forms that were talking to him slowly faded. But he could surely tell who they were.


Pushing himself off from the mirrored floor he continued his words.


His eyes fell upon the smiling mirror of himself.


For the first time in such a long time Okita narrowed his eyes upon the wall. And in return the mirror did the same, almost as if it knew what the other was thinking.


A sharp pain went through Okita's chest and as a result he began to fall backward. He could feel something moving him, tugging at his chest. His eyes closed painfully and his arms tried desperately to cover his chest in a cross.


~ * ~

"Okita-san please stop moving."

*Cough, cough*

The man's body was moving to fiercely that even she couldn't stop him from moving about. His hands clenching his chest as he rolled to his side. Tokio moved backward and covered her mouth only gently.

Okita's eyes shot open and his body made its desperate attempt to slow the pain in his chest. Leaning forward with one hand over his mouth he coughed harshly, the pain in his lungs still lingering.

When the coughing slowed and finally stopped, Okita remained in one position staring down at his gray hakama's. He breathed slowly in and out evenly just to calm him and the woman beside him.

"Ano . . ."

The man's head moved slowly upwards to look upon the woman's face, her skin slowly regaining its color.


Straightening his back carefully, he closed his eyes and tilted his head forward. Then, he felt a relatively still shaking hand on his. His brown eyes fell upon her once again, but not with the usual glitter they always had. A slight dullness filled them but then again a small fire inside him. Then, his eyes fell upon a ninja blade that was being held in Tokio's left hand. Tokio noticed and quickly passed it on to the waiting patiently man.

"Someone threw it at me when I was coming home, I noticed that the name on it is Okita Soushi."

Untangling the piece of paper wrapped around it then unfolding it he read the messy Japanese writing.

"Okita Soushi,

If you want your woman back soon then go to the North Mountains.

You are fully welcomed to come but I warn you, if you don't come I

will personally kill the wench."

Right then and there he wanted to tear the paper to shreds; inside his body he wanted to rip something apart but on the outside no one could tell his true feelings. Tokio sat there watching him; sure his face had no feelings inside it but from the way his hands were gripping the paper he was angry. Curiosity peaked in her mind and she leaned forward to see the letter in the man's hands. Noticing this he handed the paper over to her to let her read then stood up to walk to the door.

Smiling back at the woman Okita only slightly said, "I'm going to go take a bath." And he left her in the silence of her room. Tokio blinked and looked down at the paper and began to read it. What the heck was happening?

* * * * * *

Near the North Mountains . . .

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Takara threw the dagger with all her might at the tree; a white paper already crumpled up into a little ball. Her blade striking it like poison as its blade went all the way in. She walked up to it and pulled it out, only one chip on the edge of the blade. 'Why did they have to bring her into this, there is no reason to bring her into this! Unless . . .' Takara looked to the sky and saw that the sun was going down, night would be coming very soon and then she'd go attack the men who are doing this and get Aiko out.

"That's why they captured her, to lure me into a trap."

Standing straight and her shoulders bent backward, her hands clenched into tight fists. Her teeth biting into her bottom lip and her bangs covered up her angered narrowed brown eyes. Her head turned to her left to stare at the mountainside where her sister was more then likely held. Takara's eyes glared upward, the air in her lungs being used as her adrenaline. Kicking off her right foot she lifted herself into the warm air around her. She would sneak into their hideout maybe and watch to see what's going to happen, but until then she would let her rage boil.


* * * * * *

North Mountain

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Aiko sat on the bed very relaxed and indeed loved watching the fire as it went up and down in intricate patterns. Sighing she fell onto the bed, maybe she love watching the fire but then again if there was anything else to do she'd do it. Her hands were untied now but the pain of them was there still remaining on her wrists.

Then before she knew it her sight at the hands in front of her, a thin blade blocked her face. Aiko blinked and pushed herself off the comfortable bed and looked up to the wall. There sitting in a dark corner was a hidden man in a black cape. Her brown eyes didn't leave his features and watched him as he jumped down with grace from the top.

'A ninja.'

The person walked forward and took off the hood that was hiding half of his face. Aiko could feel herself shrink into her skin and feel herself move slowly away from him. The man in front of her had thin black eyes and long ebony hair that was braided and a large grim smile.

"What's wrong? You afraid?"

She didn't answer but only slid more off the bed and kept her eyes on him.

"And you're her sister, you two don't even look alike except your eyes that is."

Her movements stopped all together, her sister? But she lost her sister in the end of the war to China. A hint of confusion crossed her face as she began to move even more backward but the man took another step forward alerting Aiko of her current position.

"Well that don't matter, the moment she gets here is the moment when you meet your death."

Jumping straight up she now stepped more quickly away from him, but before she even had a chance to run close to the fire the guy grabbed her by her wrists. Her breathing seemed to just stop and she could feel a sharp point under her chin. Standing on her tip toes she tried on not going down any more then where she was.


Removing the blade from under her chin he gripped her wrist and flung her to his side making her fall onto a table in front of the nearby chair. She was in trouble, by his force she could tell that he was here to hurt her, maybe even kill her. One arm shaking uncontrollably and the other pushing her off the table she managed herself into a sitting position. Then he grabbed her hair and brought out his small knife and smiled. He observed the face of horror that crossed the woman's face and her hands went quickly for his one.

"You are afraid, but don't worry I don't plan on really KILLING you. I just plan on wounding you."

With that said his knife slid across her arm and Aiko twirled to floor in agony, tears already welling up in her eyes. Her left hand covered her deep wound as she attempted to regain her control of her mind. She could feel the thick blood soak into the fabric of her kimono and stick to her fingers. Glancing up in pain at the man that was approaching her, she looked over at the glass that had broken under her crash coarse with the table and grabbed a piece.

Grabbing her bad arm and pulling her up close to him nearly inches from her face his smile was every little bit of anger. Gripping the glass in her hand she slugged it toward his face. Not predicting this quick enough to stop her part of his cheek was sliced open. Now having both hands on both arms he threw his own head into hers and knocked her out. Letting her go she fell to the carpet underneath her. Some of her own blood dripping onto that carpet and her hand was also cut open by the sharp edges of the glass.

* * * * * *

Late Afternoon

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'You think you can fight this by yourself?'

'I have to, not only for Aiko's sake but for mine as well.'


The whole conversation repeated itself over and over again in his head. Holding his left hand over the top of his sword, Okita stared at the dark and empty door before him. His hair moving slowly side to side brushing against his eyelashes. He'd save Aiko this time; he wouldn't be lost in battle and make her spirit cry again. She'd already gone through so much now, to end her agony, her sorrow would be his biggest and strongest task he knew. Now it was only a matter of time until he reached the main hall where the battles were going to take place.

Taking one step into the pitch darkness of the night Okita Souji had come to save his love . . .


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Next Chapter

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A lot of fighting, more fighting, and blood yes blood . . .

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Character notes

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Aiko Isami: Poor, poor Aiko but at least she fought back.


Takara Isami: NO, Takara don't go into the dark erm wait is that actually a character note?

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(Insert evil face) I'm mad at everyone who didn't review, except for JadeGoddess, cuz she reviewed and is VERY confused.

JadeGoddess: (raises eyebrow) Yep, surprise coming next or maybe the chapter after that. Who knows how long the fighting scene will last. I really don't think that I can make it last for at least two chapters. Oh no, no, no . . .

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AN: YAY! I figured out, mesas so happppyyyy!

Fanfic by ione