Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Wild As The Wind ❯ From Here To Eternity ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

From Here To Eternity

Warning: Pure mush ahead! For those who don't like warm and fuzzy feelings, this is not the fic for you.

[Music starts.]

Misao and Soujiro walked down a path through the woods. They had been traveling together for about a year-and-a-half. The nearing autumn cooled the air around them and the changing colors leaves showed evidence of a summer's ending. They walked close together, a nervous acceptance buzzing between them.

[I did everything I could, to get you here tonight]

Abruptly, Soujiro touched Misao's arm and walked off the path into the underbrush.

[Without telling you why]

When she asked him where he was going, Soujiro just smiled and gestured for her to follow him. Sighing in annoyance, she began to walk after him.

[Now girl if you only would, please hold out your hand]

After a few moments of stalking through in the underbrush, they came to a clearing where a stream lazily flowed by. Recognizing it as the place they met, Misao opened her mouth to say something.

[Just close your eyes]

Her comment was silenced when Soujiro turned around and took her right hand. He was not wearing his normal smile, instead looking uncommonly serious... and a bit nervous. Quietly, he asked her to close her eyes.

[I've been dying to ask you one burning question]

Still holding her hand in his, he began to tell her how happy he is to have met her here, how much the last year-and-a-half has meant to him, and how much she means to him.

[Will you be mine?]

He turned the hand that he was holding over, forming a cup, and placed a small box in it, curling her fingers around it protectively.

[From here to eternity]

Misao kept her eyes closed for a moment after he stoppped talking, just feeling the light weight of the box in her hand and his hands closed around it.

[I'm asking you to share your life with me]

During that moment, she thought back on the time that she and the man standing oh-so-close to her have spent together.

[Now and forever I guarantee]

At first, she had been so nervous around him. Oh, she had covered under a cheery attitude and witty banter, but...

[I'll always stay by your side

I promise my love to you]

The attraction that she had felt that first night on the roof was still there but it was also tempered by fear. Fear that she would fall in love and he would not. Fear that she would be left again. It would hurt too much, so she tried to keep a bit distant. The kiss they had shared on the roof had not been followed up on, even though she yearned to repeat it, to touch his beautiful face, to...

[I'm willing and able and ready to... whatever you need

I am here for you, and I'll always be]

It was a losing battle, really, because as she got to know him better, even after he revealed to her his involvement with Shishio and the Juupongatana, her feelings for him grew and grew until, at that particular moment, it was threatening to explode from her heart.

[From here to eternity]

Then, eyes shining with unshed tears, Misao opened them and looked to Soujiro's earnest face.

[Well, I saved a year for this ring]

A movement of Soujiro's hand caused her to look at the object she was cupping. Slowly, he opened the box to reveal a ring. She gasped when she recognized it...

[I can't wait to see]

Shortly after they had started traveling together, they had spent a few days near Yokohama. On one particular day, they had been passing a jewelry shop when a certain piece caught Misao's eye. For a moment, she stood gaping at the stone, which was the exact color of the sky opposite the setting sun, and the setting, delicate silver, like the crest of a ocean wave in the moonlight. She had even gone inside to inquire about the price, but it had been far, far out of her range...

[How it looks on your hand]

As Soujiro took it out of the box and slipped it on the ring finger of her left hand, Misao idly remembered that they had passed through Yokohama again a few weeks ago.

[I'll give you everything that one woman needs

From a one-woman man]

Her hand moved upwards as he brought the newly bejeweled extremity to his lips, kissing her fingers just below the ring.

[I'll be strong, I'll be tender... a man of my word]

As he lowered her hand, Soujiro smiled at her, a true smile of pure happiness, full of expectation.

[And I will be yours...]

Opening his mouth to speak, he asked his Question.

[From here to eternity

I'm asking you to share your life with me]

Misao looked intently into the eyes of the man before her. A man who had fought along side of a devil and had killed people with no remorse to bring that devil's plans to fruition.

[Now and forever I guarantee]

A man who had decided that ten years of wandering could possibly bring him a new truth, after the truth that he had relied on for so long had been proven false.

[I'll always stay by your side]

A man who was offering her a chance to love again and be loved in return.

[I promise my love to you]

Was there really any choice?

[I'm willing and able and ready to... whatever you need]

She could feel all of her fears melting away as she took a deep breath.

[I am here for you, and I'll always be]

Misao, with tears shining in her eyes, smiled a true smile, radiating happiness and joy, as she gave her Answer.

[From here to eternity]

Somehow, both participants managed to keep the smiles on their face as they embraced and drew their lips together in a sweet kiss. A gentle breeze blew through the clearing casting dappled shadows on Misao and her husband-to-be, as they embraced, finally complete.


Written by: Michael Peterson and Robert Ellis Orrall

Sung by: Michael Peterson

Get down, turn around, go to town, Disclaimer bogie! Neither the song nor the characters are mine... it's no use to sue, you can't get blood from a stone...

Author's Notes: This songfic brought to you by Happymeal Beanie Babies, jasmine tea, and lemon-scented candles. The 'fic may seem a little weird... the song itself is what Soujiro is feeling/thinking but most of the text is about Misao... oh well... it seems to work. Special thanks to Serizawa Kamo-san who provided me with some information that I needed. This is dedicated to Courtney-chan (who has been waiting for this for awhile), Tae-san (who's songfics today inspired me out of my writer's block) and everyone else who sends me such nice comments... it really encourages me to keep writing.

(Written June 1999)

.. .because everyone needs a little R&R.
"Well, then there'll be just one less person to poke fun at you, right pumpkin."
"Tashika ni kimi wa Queen, kedo dattara ore ga King da na!"