Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ will to live ❯ chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's notes: Sorry for the lack of updates but I've been really busy with school and work. Anyway, tell me what you think of the story. Constructive criticism is always accepted. Also if you have any ideas about where to take the story after this chapter then please email me because I'm having some serious writer's block. Thanks for reading and reviewing.



Last Chapter:

Battousai stood still while the wind played with his flaming hair; his eyes were frightening amber that glowed with anger directed at Saitoh. Thoughts of anger and revenge swirled in his mind creating a boiling, vicious, malignant bubbling stew of hatred. Then he spoke in a voice that neither threatened nor warned, only promised. "If anything happens to anyone I care about again, if anyone of my friends are harmed then I slit your belly and piss on your grave." He retrieved the sack of money and the envelope, "you have my word." Battousai gave Saitoh one last look of hatred before retreating to the dojo.

Chapter Six:

Two weeks had passed since Saitoh's unwanted visit to the Kamiya dojo yet Kenshin accepted the mission and was now waiting impatiently at a riverbank in Yamagata with Yahiko, Sano and Megumi for Saitoh and Hiko to make their appearance.

"What do think is taking them so long?" Yahiko finally asked the question on everyone's mind.

"Who knows." Sano sat down on a log next to Megumi who rested her head on his shoulder. They had expected to rendezvous with Saitoh and Hiko nearly an hour ago.

"They're probably out drinking or something," and with that Yahiko plopped on the ground to make small designs in the dirt with his bokken.

"Well I don't care what they're doing," Megumi said, "it's incredibly rude to leave us waiting like this, especially when Saitoh was the one who came to us for help! Don't those bakas have any manners!?"

"Is someone grumpy today?" Sano poked her arm teasingly.

"Does someone want to die today?" Megumi said sweetly.

Kenshin remained silent while Sano, Megumi and Yahiko continued to joke, complain and just make everyday small talk; he was too deeply immersed in his own thoughts to pay any attention to their conversation. `What will I do when I come face to face with Kaoru's killers? Will I simply hand them over to Saitoh or will Battousai take over? Will I get revenge? Will I break my vows to never kill again?" Kenshin kicked a stone into the river in frustration, `damn it all! Kaoru, I wish you were here. I bet right know you would say something beautiful and innocent to make me feel better. I love you for that, for always being so caring and optimistic. You-'

Kenshin sensed two powerful ki's approaching the riverbank and turned in time to hear Yahiko make a remark to Sano about how Megumi kept him on a short leash.

Kenshin stopped their conversation with two simple words, "They're here." Everyone turned to see Hiko and Saitoh coming towards them. Saitoh was carrying something in a tattered sheet.

They hadn't seen Hiko since they had to go to Kyoto to fight Shishio but even after three years Hiko appearance hadn't changed a bit. He was still tall and muscular with an egotistical aura that was as noticeable as the large cape he wore and the jug of sake in his hand. Hiko looked at Kenshin and snorted, "I didn't think I'd be seeing you again.'' Kenshin nodded in agreement.

Megumi snapped at them, "You're late! We were waiting here for nearly an hour! What took you so long?"

Hiko answered her simply, "I ran out of sake so I had to get some more." He shrugged before taking a drink from the jug.

Yahiko looked at Sano, "told you they were drinking."

"Anyway, on to more important matters," Saitoh cleared his throat as if preparing to make a speech, "before we start hunting down the leaders of the clan we have a small mission in Yamagata to complete so-"

"Wait a minute," Sano looked at back and forth between Saitoh and Hiko several times, "you said that we were supposed to meet a woman here in Yamagata. Some great fighter called Haruka and her apprentice right? Where are they?"

"I already spoke to Haruka this morning. We'll be meeting her and her pupil tomorrow at a restaurant in town." Saitoh lit a cigarette.

"Why isn't she helping us with this mission? Does she know about it?"

"Because we don't need her help. I spoke to her about it and she said she would tell her student what's happening and that tomorrow they would meet us and now if you would shut your mouth I could explain what needs to be done."

Sano was going to pounce but Kenshin stood in between him and Saitoh, "Go ahead, tell us about this mission."

"It's a simple mission that only you and this baka," he motioned towards Sano, "will need to go on. Your other friends will be staying at an inn," Saitoh saw how Kenshin's eyes darkened when he told him that his remaining friends would be staying at an inn. The last time he told Kenshin that, the inn was attacked and Kaoru was murdered so he added, "The inn will be protected plus Hiko agreed to watch over them. I have to speak to the chief of police here so I won't be helping you either."

Hiko took another swig of sake, "Saitoh, don't ramble on like a woman, just get to the point so we can leave." Saitoh looked angry but Hiko paid no attention, Sano however looked incredibly happy at finally seeing someone say something to piss Saitoh off.

"Anyway," Saitoh voice was strained with anger, "you two have to find the man in charge and just bring him to me or kill him. Whether he's dead or alive really doesn't matter."

"Who are we trying to capture?" Kenshin asked.

"A man named Arakawa Juzo. He's currently running a small operation that's been kidnapping local girls and selling them to the highest bidders in other cities. Also, he's been pushing large quantities of opium into the streets of Yamagata." Saitoh handed Kenshin a map. "I've marked where the inn is and the location of Arakawa's hideout is also marked."

"You're giving him the map?" Hiko drank some more sake, "this baka will just lose it or get lost." He turned his back to them and started walking back the way he came.

Kenshin called to him, "Where are you going?"

"Somewhere else, I have better things to do than waste my time here."

"Sensei, you'll be at the inn right?"

Hiko waved his hand dismissively, "Yeah, yeah" he said before disappearing from sight.

"Hey kid," Saitoh called to Yahiko, "you and-"

"I'm not a kid asshole!"

"Shut up! Just go to the inn like a good little boy." Saitoh motioned to Megumi, "you go too. Here's a map." He looked at the map that Megumi was studying, a fake look of thoughtfulness on his face.

Megumi noticed the look on his face, "what?"

"Maybe you should give the map to the kid. I know that women can't read directions, you'll probably just end up lost" he jerked his head in the direction that Hiko went in, "now buzz off."

Megumi and Yahiko went as ordered although Megumi didn't leave without telling Saitoh exactly what she thought about him in a very impressive stream of curse words but Saitoh simply shrugged off the insults like an annoying fly on your shoulder.

Kenshin turned to Sano, "I see Megumi added some new words to her vocabulary."

Sano nodded then added jokingly, "I've taught her well."

Saitoh cleared his throat very loudly, "well?" He asked Sano.

"Well what?"

"Are you going to go to Arakawa's hideout or do I need to hold your hand?"

Sano scoffed and took the map out of Kenshin's hand. "Jeez Saitoh, I think you have a temper problem. What's wrong? Your wife not giving you any?" He studied it for a second before heading toward the bridge that spanned the river. "Hey Kenshin watch out. I think Saitoh's on his period."

Saitoh cursed at Sano but he shrugged off the insults like Saitoh had done earlier. Saitoh turned to Kenshin, his eyes still filled with anger over being insulted several times today.

Kenshin wasn't in the mood to listen to Saitoh's arrogant voice so he decided to retreat also. "I think I'll be going to catch up with Sano now." He turned to leave when Saitoh thrust the package in the sheet in front of him.

"I suggest you should use this instead Battousai."

Kenshin grabbed the package; it was long, heavy and skinny. He knew immediately what it was and he gave the package back to Saitoh. "I don't use a katana anymore," Kenshin patted the weapon at his waist, "this works just fine."

Saitoh chuckled, "that hunk of steel should be melted down and turned into something useful. What's the point of a non lethal sword?" He gave the katana back to Kenshin.

"It's a weapon that suites me perfectly. I'll fight if I have to but I made a vow never to kill again. This sword serves that purpose; to fight but not destroy." He gave the katana back to Saitoh.

Saitoh laughed again but this time he kept the sword. "A sword that can't kill is like a beast with no fangs. I'll hold on to this sword for you just until your fangs grow back."

"I won't need that sword…ever. I made a vow never to kill and I plan to uphold it." His voice was strong and confident. It was filled with a steely resolution that comforted Kenshin.

"Sure, you keep thinking that but just remember that when you need the sword I'll be holding it for you." Saitoh began to walk away when Kenshin stopped him.

"I said I don't need that sword! I will never kill again." His voice was still strong but something in his heart wavered.

"You may feel that way now, but will you feel the same way when you finally meet the people that tore Kamiya away from you? What happens then Battousai? Would you stick to your vow to never kill even if your victims would be the men that murdered your woman?" Saitoh didn't turn; he just continued to walk away from Kenshin not expecting an answer from him.

And the truth was Kenshin couldn't give him an answer. His voice that was so powerful seconds ago was now lost and Kenshin couldn't seem to find it.

Saitoh called to him again, "just remember, when you want this sword I'll have it for you!"

Kenshin stood frozen in place. `Will I kill the men who murdered Kaoru? Will I really need that sword? My mind is telling me that I won't but if that's the truth then why do I have this strange feeling in my heart?' Kenshin was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice Sano approaching him until Sano tapped his shoulder. "Are we gonna go `cause we don't have all day." Kenshin remained silent. "Hey Kenshin, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Kenshin's voice was strangely detached as if he was watching the internal war rage within himself and was completely unaware of the real world.

Sano didn't believe him so he pressed on, "are you sure? Did Saitoh say something?"

"I said I'm fine so let's just go." Kenshin rushed past Sano in a brisk manner to find Arakawa's hideout. Sano knew Saitoh had said something that deeply bothered Kenshin. `I bet Saitoh said something about Jouchan. Whatever he said is really messing with Kenshin's head.' He sighed heavily, `Kaoru if only you were here.' Sano began running after Kenshin, trying to catch up. `Kenshin really needs you. We all do.'

About two hours had passed since Kenshin and Sano left the riverbank in search of Arakawa. The map said his location was in the mountains surrounding Yamagata. Kenshin looked at the trees surrounding him then at the map. If his calculations were correct they should find Arakawa's haven pretty soon.

Sano spat on the ground, "damn it Kenshin! We've been out here for about two fuckin' hours! Are we getting closer or are we just lost? Shit…the sun's setting and we still haven't found this Arakawa asshole and I'm getting tired of lookin." Sano's stomach grumbled, "and I'm hungry."

"We should be getting really close to his hideout. Actually, I'm surprised we didn't find it already."

Sano stopped walking and pointed ahead, "I think we just did."

Hidden behind some very large trees Kenshin could make out the side of a traditional Japanese mansion. The building was very large and had guards with rifles posted at the gates and around the mansion was an exceptionally tall courtyard wall. "A secluded mansion that has guards with guns and a high wall to keep intruders out. Do you think Arakawa is a little paranoid?"

"Naw," Sano answered, "I bet he's just an old tightwad who hates visitors." Sano looked at Kenshin, his face full of mischief and happiness over finally getting to see some action after trudging through the woods for so long, "let's pay him a visit."

Sano and Kenshin split up and each ran in opposite directions around the mansion. They circled around to meet each other in front, taking out every guard on the way before they could sound an alarm with blows to the head, chest or gut.

Sano reached the gates to find Kenshin waiting for him. "This guy's an idiot! For a geezer who can afford a mansion like this," Sano motioned at the mansion, "he sure did hire crappy guards."

"Let's go." Kenshin led the way.

"Do you think we should knock?" Sano joked. He was hoping to lighten Kenshin's mood ever since Kenshin's conversation with Saitoh but to no avail.

They entered the mansion only to find that the hallway separated into two separate directions. They would have to part ways until one of them found Arakawa. "Sano, which way do you want to go?"

"I'll go left and you go right."

"All right, if you find Arakawa knock him out then bring him to the gates and wait for me to return. I'll do the same thing if I find him."

"Got'cha." Sano turned to the left and sprinted down the hall then he took another turn and was out of Kenshin's sight.

Kenshin ran down the hall with his godlike speed, rendering every unlucky man that crossed his path unconscious. He stopped and checked another room but this one like all the ones before was empty. `Something's strange…this is too easy. There aren't as many guards as I would have expected. Something must be wrong. I just hope Sano will be okay. He didn't sense any ki's farther down the hall but something willed him to keep walking in that direction. He passed a door that would him out to the courtyard but he ignored it. He took several deep breaths, tasting the air with each one. The hall became darker as the air became thicker, mustier and filler with an eerier familiarity that made Kenshin feel as if he were still a hitokiri.

A ghastly scent assaulted his nose, a scent that was absolutely disgusting but horribly familiar to him, familiar to the Battousai. It was the smell of blood, a great amount of blood. A small black creature quickly darted into the room at the end of the hall. Kenshin sprinted forward; his hand was gripping his sakabatou. He threw the door open and stopped in shock.

The room was littered with several bodies of slaughtered men. The floor was covered in a layer of blood as if it were ice covering a small pond. He knelt down and inspected the body near his feet. The man's weapon was still at his belt, instead the hand that was still attached to his body grasped chopsticks that still held a small piece of food covered in blood. His spinal cord had been completely sliced in half as was the rest of the man's body. His torso was nearly a foot away from his lower limbs.

Movement in the corner of the room caught his eye. The same black cat that had darted into the room seconds earlier was now gorging itself on another man's spilt entrails. The man had been apparently sliced across the stomach and, in the seconds before he died, made a futile attempt to shove his intestines back into himself. Kenshin glanced around. Six other men were also lifeless, all of them had died different deaths but their wounds were clearly made by a sword, one sword. Kenshin noticed that one man still had food in his mouth. `They were killed while they were eating dinner. And it seems that they were all killed by the same person,' Kenshin saw no sign of struggle; `all these men were taken by surprise and slaughtered in seconds. Whoever did this is strong.' Kenshin left the men and headed back to the door that lead to the courtyard, `whoever did that was really strong.'

He stopped before sliding the door open. Kenshin took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Something inside of him was holding him back. Something inside him already knew what he was going to see when he enters the courtyard and that same something was making Kenshin a little apprehensive. That something was telling Kenshin that he had already seen too many lifeless faces for his lifetime but Kenshin pushed on and open the door and entered the courtyard.

The courtyard was large and lovely. The way is hade been designed screamed elegance and beauty. Briefly, Kenshin thought that this would have been an ideal place to purpose to Kaoru. The only thing that marred such a perfect setting was the disemboweled men on the ground. Kenshin had expected that he would see several dead men and he was correct. These men had been all killed by the same person who had destroyed the other men who were eating.

In the moonlight Kenshin could see that one man had enough time to draw his weapon before being dispatched. Kenshin approached the dead body. He had his weapon out and seemed to be holding it in a protective manner but it was no use to him because a sword had pierced his throat. If the man didn't die immediately he may have choked on his own blood. Kenshin could tell that the man had been killed seconds earlier because dark oozing liquid was still gushing out in immense quantities from the gaping hole in his neck.

Kenshin's eyes followed the steady stream of blood that flowed from the body to an open cellar door and was dripping down the steps. `An open cellar door, why would that door be opened?' Kenshin carefully stepped over the man. He took special precautions to ensure that he didn't step on any missing limbs or spilt organs. He stared down into the dark, gloomy cellar. `Whoever killed these men must be down there,' he quietly began his descent down the cellar steps, `somebody killed a lot of people tonight and I'm going to find out who.'

The cellar wasn't a cellar at all. It might've started out as a cellar but now it was a large, extravagantly decorated room that was separated in two by a wall that cut the room in half. The room had expensive portraits hanging in every wall along with useless swords that were coated with a thin layer of gold. They hung on the wall over the door that connected the rooms. They were purely for show just like the bouquets of flowers and the delicately crafted tables and chairs that were covered with empty bottles of extremely expensive sake. Insects were burning from several holders all around the room that filled the room with a cloud of pleasant smelling smoke and masked the stench of the spilt sake and the scent of blood which was slowly billowing down the stairs. Kenshin crept toward the door and strained his ears to hear what was happening on the other end. He could hear a drunken man's voice rich with avarice and malice. The man appeared to be talking to someone else.

"Damn it," the man slurred, "where is that girl that I wanted! She should have been here already!" He moaned in self content, "I can't wait forever…I might just have to go along with out her if she doesn't want to help me out…" His voice faded into a moan, "Taku, go get that girl right now!" No one answered the man.

Kenshin sensed that there was two ki's in the room. One was the older, gluttonous ki of the man and the other was a mystery to Kenshin. The other ki he sensed was almost completely hidden but it was slowly becoming more powerful and distinct. In fact the ki was becoming incredibly powerful and that was when Kenshin knew that the man in the room was accompanied by the murdered that killed many of the castle guards; whether the man knew that or not was still unsolved by Kenshin.

Kenshin entered the room with all the skills he possessed as a hitokiri. The man who was speaking earlier was now beginning to pleasure himself. The man's wrinkled fat body was wrapped in clothes of pure silk while a silk handkerchief was wrapped around his eyes like a child awaiting a gift. His disgusting mass rested on a lush bed decorated with soft pillows and quilts. He stroked himself disgustingly while his tongue began to protrude from his mouth. He reached his climax and covered himself with a silk sheet very quickly and spoke again to the man he believed was there. "I told you, Taku, that I was going to have to start with or without that girl but I do expect her to be here soon." His gurgling voice suddenly became very threatening, "do you understand that Taku? What the hell's the matter with you? You haven't said anything all night!"

Kenshin who was still reeling from barging in on such a disgusting sight turned his attention to a strange mass that was hidden from view behind a large plush chair. Behind the chair was the decapitated body of a man who was most likely the Taku that the fat man believed he was talking to. Placed very carefully between the legs of Taku was his head.

The second ki that was in his room grew stronger and less wary of the presence of Kenshin. Kenshin was trying to focus on where the ki was coming from exactly but the ki was becoming erratic as if they knew Kenshin could sense it and was just trying to throw him off. Kenshin looked up at the dark ceiling; whoever else was here must be somewhere in the rafters.

"Hey! Taku! Where the fuck is that little brothel girl you promised me?" The man stood up in a drunken rage but was too stupid to think of removing the handkerchief from his face. "I shouldn't have to wait forever you know! I'm Arakawa and I run this place so if I want some little fifteen year old virgin to suck my cock I better get it! Do you understand me Taku!?" He began to throw a tantrum; stopping his feet and yelling of his needs, "I'm a man and I need some little whore to spread her legs at my every beck and call! I can't be expected to be a good leader if I can't get a stupid bitch to open up when I need it!"

Kenshin had heard a small noise in the rafters; his hand flew to his sword. A small person dropped from the rafters, landing right in front of Arakawa with a soft thud, it's back turned to Kenshin. Arakawa heard the thud and stopped his rampage. He chuckled then grinned with happiness, "finally, a little fun." His hands groped for the figure who stood still as if carved out of stone, "I was wondering when my whore would arrive. I hope you're ready for one wild night `cause I'm feeling a little needier than usual." His hands finally reached the figure's stomach. Arakawa pushed his hands violently toward the figures breasts but before he could reach his goal the figure's hand struck Arakawa with unbelievable speed and sent him to the ground.

The figure spoke in a harsh voice that belonged to a women, "I don't like it when fat slobs like you try and cop a feel." The women removed a sword that was hidden by her cloak from it's sheath and raised it above her head, "Arakawa, it's time for you to die."

Kenshin had seen enough. He would stop the women before any more blood was shed that night. "You should lower your sword that you should." Kenshin voice stopped the women. She turned to face the man who interrupted her. She had a lean build and was not very tall, a little shorted than Kenshin but she was very well developed as her curves could be seen even though she wore black pants from the west and a large hooded black cloak that covered her upper body and the hood hid her face from view.

Arakawa ripped off the handkerchief, and stared wide eyed in surprise at the two strange sword carrying figures that were in his private room. "Who the hell are you two!?" He demanded but then he caught sight of the women's sword, which was dangerously close to slashing his throat, and shrunk away in terror.

The women spoke to Kenshin, "so, it seems you're not working for this scum," she spit on Arakawa's face, "but that still makes me wonder what the hell you're doing here." Her voice contained a hint of danger and coldness but through all that Kenshin could hear the defiant swagger in her melodic voice.

"I'm here to bring Arakawa to justice-"

"Great!" She cut him off, "that makes two of us now if you'll excuse me," she said sarcastically and turned back to Arakawa with her sword millimeters from piercing the terrified man's chest.

Kenshin charged at her and drew his sword. He swung at her deliberately slowly as a warning and as expected she dodged the attack with ease. She moved away from Kenshin who was standing over Arakawa. "I can't let you kill any more people. I will bring Arakawa to justice but not by spilling his blood." He took a step closer to her, "I will bring him to the police and let them deal justice accordingly."

"Who the hell do you think you are?" She sounded slightly angry but her voice still held its melodic swagger.

"My identity is of no importance to you," Kenshin wasn't going to reveal himself to a person who his her face behind a hood, his eyes harden and his voice took on a cold tone, "but I warned you, if you try to kill this man I will have to hurt you."

The woman chuckled softly to herself, "you know if you had any sense you would let me kill this man or rid us of him yourself but prison is far too good for him. Besides if you do take him to the police they'll just sentence him to death. Why don't you do the kind thing and just put this that little scrounge out of his misery?" She advanced slowly towards Kenshin, "I really don't mind killing him myself."

"I warned you," Kenshin prepared himself for a fight, "that if you try to kill him I'll have to fight you."

"That's fine," she ran towards Kenshin, "I always love a good challenge!"

`She's fast,' Kenshin thought, `but she's still not fast enough.' Kenshin moved quickly towards her, his sakabatou was unsheathed and he was prepared to strike her down.

The women laughed at Kenshin then suddenly disappeared in a blur or black. Kenshin stopped in his tracks. `She's was just toying with me,' he thought angrily as he searched for her ki, `I should have known that she was going to be fast.' He sensed that she reappeared behind him. He swung himself around.

She was swaying in place still chuckling softly. "You underestimated me didn't you?" She prepared to attack, "you had better not make that same mistake again."

Arakawa was crawling unsteadily away from the women. His entire body was shaking but he tried to remain slow for he feared that any jerky movement would turn her attention towards himself and he didn't want to taste her blade. He kept his eyes on her the whole time so consequently he didn't see the small table until he bumped into it making a tiny bit of noise but it was enough to get her attention. She vanished from Arakawa's sight so he scrambled to his feet in order to run to safety but she was already blocking his exit.

"Where the hell do you think you're goin?" She moved towards him, her blade gleaming menacingly. Arakawa sealed his eyes shut and screamed for his life when she swung her sword at his neck but before the blade made contact with her wrinkled skin it was stop by Kenshin who intervened again.

"That's enough of your interruptions!" She jumped back and charged again at Kenshin who met her sword with his own in a clash of steel. They continued to fight but neither of them was using all their strength and abilities, they were simply feeling out their opponent. They continued to throw attacks at each other and dodge every attack throw at them and occasionally their blades would meet momentarily and the sound of clashing steel would ring throughout the room before separating to continue the small struggle. It seemed they were evenly matched but Kenshin, as well as the women, still had many tricks that had yet been revealed. Arakawa, who was frozen in place during the majority of the battle, had now seemed to regain himself enough to try and escape. He was trembling toward the door and stumbling over his feet but the warriors were too engrossed in their battle to notice him.

The two blades clashed against each other again but this time Kenshin's sword was in position so that if Kenshin pushed himself toward the woman she would be pushed closer to the floor or perhaps lose her balance so that he would have the upper hand and just maybe he would get a glimpse of her face.

"You know," she said, "this was actually pretty fun and you're not such a bad fighter." She purposely allowed Kenshin to push her farther down while she positioned her leg so that she could easily pivot on it and get out of the way although he didn't seem to notice, "It's too bad that I have to end this so soon."

Suddenly she slid her blade out from under his and, using the pre positioned pivot foot, moved herself out from under him and for a split second was standing right at his side. Kenshin had not been expecting this and, because of all the force he was pushing onto her, when she moved out of his way he had lost his balance and stumbled forward to where the woman used to be. The woman used her pivot foot and twirled around, her sword was soaring through the air. Kenshin's back was toward her now and she took advantage of the situation.

In one quick movement her blade had sliced the flesh on Kenshin's back. Kenshin made a small inaudible grunt of pain when he felt the sword move across his back. He recovered his footing while one hand moved to his wound. He silently cursed himself for underestimating her a second time and falling straight into such an obvious trap.

She turned to Arakawa, who had made it to the door and was nearly out of the room. "Did you really think that I'd let you off that easy?" She sprinted to Arakawa with Kenshin giving chase after recovering from his injury. She rushed to Arakawa with her blade unsheathed and awaiting the taste of Arakawa's blood. Kenshin didn't catch her in time.

She passed him and nothing seemed to happen but when she turned around and flicked the blood off her blade Arakawa knew the truth. His fat hands moved to his chest but he didn't dare look down. He had already known what had happened. He coughed up blood and sputtered before his torso had finally slid off his lower body. The two halves fell to the floor.

Kenshin stopped running after her and looked down at what was Arakawa. His mouth was still sputtering out small droplets of blood but his eyes rolled back into his head and the sputtering stopped. His bottom half, however, was still twitching.

Kenshin looked up to face the women but all he saw was air. She had disappeared. She was no longer in the cellar and Kenshin walked out into the courtyard but she wasn't there either. She had gotten away. "Damn it!" Kenshin began to leave the courtyard. He approached the door but it had already slid open.

Sano opened the door and looked down at an angry Kenshin, "hey I was looking all over for you." He was a little out of breath, "somebody went fucking crazy! There are dead bodies all over the mansion, blood and guts everywhere." He caught his breath and calmed down, "I didn't find who killed everybody and I didn't find Arakawa either." Sano looked past Kenshin and caught sight of the corpses in the courtyard. "Kenshin…" his voice was uncertain, "who killed all those people?"

Kenshin heard a trace of doubt in Sano's voice. Did Sano think that Kenshin killed all these people? `Nonsense!' Kenshin told himself, `Sano trusts me. He knows that I would never take another life.' Kenshin reassured himself that he had Sano's trust for now and forever, but then why was Sano looking at him so strangely? "A swordswoman dressed in black killed them all." He walked inside the mansion, "I fought with her just a little while ago. She killed Arakawa then disappeared." Kenshin started towards the same door in which they had entered they mansion from. He looked back at Sano, his amber eyes glowing eerily in the night, "I think it's time we go back. Arakawa's dead so the mission is over." Kenshin said nothing more.

Sano followed Kenshin out the mansion and through the forest towards Yamagata. His mind was swirling with unpleasant thoughts. `A woman dressed in black killed everyone in the mansion. The story sounds a little stupid. Did Kenshin kill all those people?' Sano became furious with himself, `what the fuck am I thinking!? Of Kenshin didn't kill those people! He even has a wound on his back that proves he got in a fight with somebody!' Sano was arguing with himself, `but, maybe he gave himself that cut so it would just look like he was fighting with somebody. NO! Kenshin wouldn't kill another person. He made a vow and I know he'll uphold it!' Sano quickened his pace. He thought back to what Kenshin had said in the mansion. He looked back at Sano, his amber eyes glowing eerily in the night, "I think it's time we go back. Arakawa's dead so the mission is over." Something in Sano told him that at that exact moment Kenshin had never looked more like a murderer or someone capable of murder. Sano cursed himself again for doubting Kenshin and he forced himself to stop thinking about what happened at the mansion but his heart held a minuscule trace of doubt.

Kenshin was also troubled by his thoughts. `Who was that women? How did she know where Arakawa's mansion was? Was she working for one of his associates and was ordered to kill him. But it that's what happened why didn't she try to kill Sano or me?' his thoughts drifted to all the murdered men, to their disemboweled bodies and spilt blood. He thought of his fight with her and how they seemed evenly matched. His thoughts wandered to Sano, `Sano looked at me like he actually thought that I killed everybody. Does he still trust me?' Kenshin saw the river and knew they were reaching the outskirts of Yamagata, `Does Sano doubt that I'll never kill again? Do any of my other friends? For that matter…do I doubt myself?'

The following morning the Kenshin-gumi, along with Saitoh and Hiko, sat around a very large table in a very popular beef bowl restaurant. They were waiting for Haruka and her apprentice to show up.

"Hey Saitoh, when is Haruka supposed to be getting here?" Yahiko asked.

"She should be here any minute now."

"I doubt that," Hiko said, "you can't trust Haruka to be on time for anything."

A taunting but soft feminine voice spoke from behind Hiko, "awwww…Hiko that's not very nice. You've hurt my feelings."

Everyone looked up to see who the voice belonged to. A beautiful woman with long, sleek ginger hair and storming gray eyes smiled down at Hiko. She was as tall as Megumi and had a slender but muscular frame that was toned by a lifetime of martial arts but didn't take away from her natural curves. Her face was beautiful and held the touch of authority, wisdom and power that showed in her gray eyes but not in the humorous, vulgar aura she emitted. She was wearing an outfit that appeared to be made especially for her. It was dark blue and looked to be something a ninja would wear. It was light and made of durable cloth and was clearly made so that Haruka could fight in it but still be in public without arousing too much suspicion.

"I'm on time now aren't I…or are you too drunk to know?" She said casually while she still smiled down at Hiko.

Everyone at the table seemed to hold their breath, just waiting for Hiko to explode and yell at Haruka but, to their surprise, Hiko's smiled then replied, "I'm obviously not drunk enough if I can still see your ugly face."

Haruka laughed and sat down next to Hiko. She noticed the surprised looks on everyone's faces and began to introduce herself. She introduced herself to Kenshin last, "You must be Kenshin Himura," she said, "Hiko's apprentice." Kenshin nodded his head. She continued, "you're very famous, Himura. Or are you still addressed as the Battousai?" It was a simple question and Haruka said it with no malice in her voice, just innocent curiosity but somehow the question still stung Kenshin.

"No, I abandoned that name years ago and I don't plan on reclaiming it for myself." Haruka nodded politely, "and you should feel free to call me Kenshin."

It was silent for a moment before Megumi asked, "Haruka, how exactly do you know Hiko?"

Hiko answered, "Haruka and I were friends for a lon-"

Haruka interrupted him, "actually what Hiko meant to say is that we were lovers but we broke it off because Hiko was angry that I was only using him for sex." Haruka grinned at Hiko, "He was pissed because I only wanted his body and nothing else so he said that if I didn't want his mind and his heart than I couldn't have him at all." Haruka patted Hiko on the back, "isn't that right baby?"

There was another long silence while Haruka waited fro Hiko to reply. "You stupid bitch," he said while he chuckled softly and poured two cups of sake, "you haven't changed at all." He handed Haruka a cup.

She laughed a little, "neither have you." She tapped his cup against his, "cheers." They both took a long drink from their cups.

"Hey Haruka," Sano said, "if you've known Hiko for so long then how old are you?"

"You know that it's not polite to ask a woman her age." She poured herself another cup.

"That's because even though he looks like a rooster," Megumi said, "he's actually a pig."

"She's 44." Hiko said loudly which earned him a long hard look from Haruka.

"You're such an asshole you…" Haruka searched for something to say, "you old…fart." She took another drink while Hiko looked at her with amusement and…love?

Yahiko's mouth dropped, "you're 44!? You don't look like you're older than 20!"

Haruka flashed Yahiko a smile as a way to say thanks for the compliment and nodded, "yeah but just like Hiko and Kenshin, I look a lot younger than I actually am." She stretched her arms, "so how did the mission go last night?"

Saitoh cast a glance in Kenshin's direction who seemed a little uncomfortable. Kenshin had told everyone what had happened at the mansion and they all believed the story without hesitation but Saitoh didn't. He remembered asking Kenshin it he would break his vow never to kill even if he was getting revenge for the woman he loved and Saitoh loved the fact that Kenshin couldn't answer the question. Right then Saitoh already had a suspicion that Kenshin may kill again and when Kenshin told everyone what happened on the mission and all the dead bodies Saitoh's suspicion was only strengthen by the small traces on uncertainty in Sano's eyes.

Kenshin spoke up, "pretty bad. When we got there almost everybody had been slaughtered. Arakawa was killed also by some strange women but I didn't get a chance to see who she was."

Haruka looked very thoughtful for a brief moment as if she knew something that no one else knew but she quickly covered up her shock so no one would notice.

"So Haruka," Hiko asked, "where is this apprentice of yours?"

"She'll be here soon."

"She better be. I want to finally meet the person who survived your training."

"What?" Yahiko inquired, "what do you mean survived?"

Haruka thought for a moment than answered, "the training for this particular style is so intense that many of the people who want to become the master don't actually survive."

"Could you be a little less vague? What's so tough about it?"

Haruka took a deep breath and prepared to start but she suddenly jerked her head to the restaurant entrance. Yahiko noticed that Hiko, Kenshin and Saitoh had all done the same. `They must sense something,' Yahiko thought.

Four men dressed in blood red identical uniforms entered the restaurant and spread apart in specific locations. One man nodded his head and they all pulled out black-market colt revolvers that were hidden by their clothing. Screams erupted from the restaurant patrons and workers. Each man pulled the nearest woman or child to them and used their hostage as a shied against any attacks they might receive. Each hostage had a gun pressed against their temple.

"Everybody shut the hell up and don't move!" one of the men yelled.

"Yeah," another added, "or we'll start blowing people's brains out!"

The hostages were whimpering quietly for they feared that the men would live up to their threat and shoot them and they really didn't want their brains to be sprayed across the walls.

One thief held a waitress as a hostage. "All right sweetheart," he spoke to the waitress, "you're gonna be a good little girl and show me where all the money is kept in this place or I'll just have to find someone who's more willing to cooperate. Do you understand?"

The girl nodded her head rapidly and led the man to the back of the restaurant where only employees were allowed. They passed through a door and disappeared.

Two of the three remaining men threw their hostages to the ground and walked to each customer to sort through their belongings to take whatever they wanted.

The third man yelled to the customers, "Listen up! When one of my associates comes to you you're expected to donate any money and valuable belongings to them immediately. If anyone causes any problems or fails to make a donation that person will be shot." He calmly pointed his gun at some of the terrified customers, "so, I trust there won't be any problems."

Kenshin and the other's moved to stand up and rid themselves of the thieves but Haruka put her arm in front of them to stop them. "Stay," she said calmly, "we don't want to risk any innocent lives…besides," she nodded her head towards the entrance, "my apprentice is here." She turned to Hiko, "you can see her fight."

Kenshin could sense a strong ki outside the restaurant. The ki was familiar…strangely familiar.

Kenshin looked at Haruka who kept a calm demeanor on her face even though the thieves were going to each customer and stripping them of any thing valuable. Then he looked at Hiko and decided that he would do as Haruka instructed. Hiko calmly sipped his sake. He trusted Haruka's judgment so if she said that they should stay still and sit down than he would. He would do anything for Haruka.

A slim figure entered the restaurant and stumbled around as if she were drunk. Kenshin recognized her immediately. He recognized the strong taunting ki, the black western pants, the black cloak and the hood that covered her face. `It's her! The woman from last night is Haruka's apprentice!?' Kenshin leaned towards Sano, "Sano, it's the woman from the mansion." He whispered urgently, "the woman I told you about, the woman who killed all those men." Shock was plastered on both Sano's and Kenshin's face.

Haruka spoke softly, "just watch. She'll take of this."

The woman was still stumbling around as if she had too much to drink and was liable to pass out at any minute. The thieves were surprised by the intrusion and by the fact that the woman didn't seem to notice that they were robbing the restaurant.

One of the thieves stopped looting the customers and approached the women with his gun held out. "Hey you," he yelled, "what the fuck do you think you're doing? Get down on the ground right fucking now!" The woman swayed unsteadily on her feet but mad no indications that she was going to follow the man's orders or if she had even heard what he had said.

"Hey bitch," the thief lowered his gun and roughly grabbed her wrist and jerked the woman towards him, "I said get the fuck on the ground!" She allowed him to force her towards the ground a little, "get on the ground and cough up all your valuables or I'll have to blow your fucking head off!" The women shook a little and the thief noticed this. "I see that you're so scared by me that you're shaking!" He was very pleased by that thought fore it stroked his vanity.

The woman spoke in the taunting, melodic voice laced with swagger that Kenshin recognized from the night before, "I'm not shaking because I'm scared of you, you stupid dipshit," the man recoiled in shock, "I'm shaking because I'm trying to stop myself from laughing."

In one fluid movement she had broken free of the man's grip and snapped his arm in half by shoving upward on his elbow. Then she seemed to disappear. She reappeared when she kneed the thief in the back of the head and landed gracefully while the man flew violently to the ground. He was completely knocked out but his body shook slightly.

The other two thieves were completely frozen. They clearly didn't expect anything like this. Finally one of the thieves recovered and swung his gun in her direction. He took aim and fired several times but by the time he pulled back on the trigger the woman disappeared again. The thief wildly swung his gun around, desperately searching for her. He heard a chuckle from behind him. He slowly turned around to see that the woman had unsheathed a sword and was twirling it with her hand.

"Is that the best you can do even with a gun?" She stopped twirling the sword and gripped it tightly in her hand, "that's really pathetic." She charged and before the man could fire she struck him down with her blade.

Several of the customers screamed. They expected to see blood gushing from the thief but to everyone's surprise the thief was only unconscious and not dead. Kenshin knew why that was. He saw that in the second before her sword made contact she had switched it around so she would hit the thief with the dull side. When she placed her sword in its sheath Kenshin realized that she wasn't aiming to kill.

The third thief was shaking and pulled his hostage closer to him. "If you take one step I'll fucking shoot this lady!" She took a step closer to him. "I swear I'll kill her!"

She took another step while one of her hands slid up the sleeve of her cloak and slowly pulled out a throwing knife that was hidden from the thief's view, "listen if you kill her then you wont have a hostage and I'll just kill you but if you let her go I might consider letting you live." She came closer.

The man thought about what she said and made his decision. He whipped his gun around and fired at the woman but she avoided getting hit. She leaped to one side of the room so that she was out of the line of fire and threw the knife with stunning accuracy. It entered the man's hand and he shrieked with agony and dropped his gun. The hostage saw her chance and broke free of his grip and ran away from the thief. The knife had gone completely through his hand and he gingerly cradled his hand. Tears of pain, fear and humiliation streamed down his face. He sobbed and turned to see where the woman was. She was approaching him. He turned and tried to run out of the restaurant. He was desperate to escape the woman who had easily defeated his other two comrades but he wasn't fast enough. Using speed that may have surpassed Kenshin, she ran in front of the terrified thief and blocked his means of escape.

"Please don't kill me," he begged in between whimpers, "please I'm begging you…"

She scoffed but she chose to let him live. She punched him hard in the stomach. He coughed up a little flem and fell to the floor. She nudged him with her foot, "out cold" she mumbled. "We'll this was awfully boring." The restaurant patrons were still reeling form shock and remained silent. She approached one of the unconscious men and picked up one of the revolvers, "Hey Haruka," she said while her back was towards Kenshin, "check out this gun. I bet it was worth an assload of money on the black market." She toyed with a little.

"It probably was." Haruka replied.

The door from the back of the restaurant opened and the fourth thief reappeared with his hostage and a large sack of money. He was so happy with the money that he failed to notice what had happened to his partners. "Hey guys, what the fuck is going on? I thought I heard gunshots but you won't believe how much money they-" He looked up to see that all his comrades were strewn across the floor unconscious. "What the fuck?" He asked softly. He finally noticed the women that was holding one of his comrade's revolvers. He knew instinctively that this woman was the enemy.

He pressed the revolver against his hostage's temple. "All right, I don't know what the fuck is going on here but if you don't drop that gun and let me go I'm gonna blow this bitch away." Cold sweat rolled down his face but his voice was manic and desperate.

The woman remained still for a moment, `this guy is really desperate. He probably will kill that lady.' Then she knew what she was going to do, `he probably will kill that woman if he thinks that I care if she lives or dies.'

The woman raised the gun and pointed it at the thief. "I really don't give a shit if you kill her or not. It's not my problem so shoot her if you want to but I'm not going to let you get out of here." She took aim for his shoulder, "not while I'm still here."

Second passed. The thief was in deep thought about his next move. While he was thinking he took his eyes off the women for a split second. The woman saw this, `very big mistake,' she thought. A gun shot echoed through the silent restaurant and the thief dropped his gun and hostage so he could clutch the newly formed bullet wound in his shoulder.

The woman also dropped her smoking gun to the ground and charged the wounded man. She quickly gave him a hard uppercut that sent him soaring through the air and before he could touch the ground she kicked him square in the chest and he crashed through the door and didn't get back up.

The restaurant erupted in cheers. They had been saved by the cloaked woman who was approaching Kenshin and his companions.

"Hey Haruka," she said, "that was pretty cool huh?"

"No, but at least you didn't kill anyone. By the way, did you realize that you're late," Haruka said in parental tone.

"Come Haruka," she replied childishly, "I had a busy night so don't get bitchy or nothin."

Kenshin watched them talk but he didn't really hear any of the words. His mind was filled with thoughts, `this was the woman that slaughtered all those men last night, but she just saved the people in this restaurant and she's Haruka's apprentice. Does she remember me from last night?' Kenshin noticed that her face was still hidden by her hood, `why doesn't she take off that hood? What the hell does she look like?'

"Everyone," Haruka said, "this is my apprentice." The woman flipped the hood off her head with a quick nod of her head. Her face was exposed.

Kenshin, Yahiko, Sano and Megumi were all drained of color. They all breathed in sharply and were unable to breathe out. They recognized the dark raven hair, the lovely blue eyes, the young energetic face and Yahiko noticed the horizontal scar under her right eye that was created a wound inflicted nearly three years ago. They were staring at a person they thought they would never see again but here she was, standing in front if them.

Kenshin stared at the familiar face. He could never forget that face. The face of the women he loved and lost three years ago. "K-Kaoru." He breathed, "it's you."

The women looked at each of them. They all stared at her as if they recognized her but she only recognized the red headed man from last night. The woman noticed that the young man with spiky dark hair was trembling and was nearly in tears, as was the rooster man and the fox lady but the man with the red hair and crossed shaped scar looked at her with disbelief, sadness and love. `Why are they looking at me like that?' Suddenly a glimmer of hope flashed through her mind, `maybe they knew me before I lost my memories. Maybe they know what happened to me three years ago.' She thought about it but dismissed it. `Haruka found in a river covered with injuries and nearly dead…so I guess I really don't want to remember what happened.' She had given up all hope of discovering what her past life was and decided that she didn't want to know. If she was in a river covered in blood and wounds and almost completely dead then she decided that her past life wasn't worth recovering.

"No, my name is Leiko and you are…?"

Author's notes:

Sorry for not updating quicker but I've been busy. PLEASE HELP!!! I'm having serious writer's block and need suggestions on where to take the story. HELP! Thanks for reading this really long crappy chapter.