Saber Marionette Fan Fiction ❯ Blondes always get what they want ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hanagata sighed alittle, sitting in the louge of his new spa. "Show some backbone.." he said, remembering the night before when he talked to the marrionettes. " You know why Otaru doesnt like you Hanagata? Its because your a man and you dont have any backbone. You beg and beg and its annoying. Thats why we will always have the upper hand." Bloodberry said smirking.

"You know I tell Otaru the most dirty things in his ear, and then I do them. And and he takes it like a man" she teased, knowing it was a complete lie, since the last time she touched the brownhaired boy she squeezed his manhood too tight and they had to take him to Loreli to fix him. But Hanagata didnt know that. So here he sat, pondering. "Talk backbone.. yes.. I can do that.. to get what I want.." He smiled like a fool and hopped about making a plan.

"Im getting another job" Otaru said. "We dont even have money for breakfast. At this rate well starve." The girls once cheerful faced faded into hard frowns. Cherry stood in protest.
"But master I'd rather work for you. I think the girls will agree that we would rather work than have you do any tedious task for us dear master."
Bloodberry stood up as well. " Yeah Otaru. I would hate it if you had to work all day just for us."
Lime stood up in bewilderment. "Yay were going to work!!"

Otaru smiled. "You girl are really something."
The standing marionettes blushed. " Okay," Otaru said,
"but where are you guys going to work at?"
Suddenly the television flashed. " Now Hiring!! Lovers Spa!!"

That settled it. The gang walked to the spa. The huge building stood near the temple, strangely enough. People swarmed around it like bees to and frow. As they walked in , they were greeted by Hanagata. "Hana, what are you doing here?? Otaru said as the blond came rushing to him. " Why this is my birthday present from my father. I was thinking of you when I named it." Bloodberry ceromoniously smacked him on the head. " Save it Hanny!" Otaru knelt down and extended his hand to Hanagata. 'Whats he doing?" the blue eyed boy thought. " I knew he cared for me! I better not return my affections infront of these crazy marionettes!' He took the offered hand and stood up. "Well Otaru, what brings you here?"

"Well... Lime, Cherry, and Bloodberry want to work and we seen a hiring ad on tv. I really would appreciated if you gave them a job, 'friend'." puting much emphasis on friend.

The girls frowned and snorted.Bloodberry pounded her hand in her fist." Look twerp if you dont give us a job Ill pound you into dust!" Hanagata scittered behind Otaru. " Of course of course!! So cruel machines are! No feelings for human life! I only will give you scrap metals a job out of respect for my good friend Otaru. You start today."

Lime jumped up and down happily,while Cherry and Bloodberry stood brooding. Otaru just laughed.
"Remember this was you guys idea. Have a nice day at work, when you get home there will be Napaci Burgers waiting on all of you"

Cherry bit her lip, her emotions slipping. " I..I will.. I love you master.." she said, looking stary eyed at the brownhaired boy. Bloodberry hugged him from behind. " Me too big boy. Give me a warm welcome when I get home okay?" She said. Cherry frowned. "Bloodberry your such a slut!" Lime cheered. " I wanna be a slut too!!" She said giggling. "Whats a slut?"

Otaru quickly slipped out that situation, sprinting home. Back at home, he took a well deserved hot bath. The apartment was quiet and peaceful without the three girls there. " Ahhh" It had been a long time since he could bathe without someone trying to sneak in. The water feel apon his body sending steam up in the air. He scrubed his body and let the water release his tension.
Getting out, he dried his hair and walked into the bedroom. Since there was no one around, he walked ato his room towless, shivering slightly at the still air against his wet frame. The brown haired boy dried off, then slipped into his boxers, all prepared for a peaceful nap with no feet in his face, no groping mechanical hands that didnt know how hard to squeeze, and no fighting. As he thought of this, he wondered what Hanagata had the girls doing. He let that go and covered himself in blankets , sighing at the warmth.

Rolling over to get my comfortable, he roamed his fingers across the sheets, and froze as he touched a huge lump in the sheets. "What the?!!"

Up popped a blonde hair man from under the sheets, eyes twinkling with mischief. "Hanagata!! What the hell are you doing?!!"

The boys blue eyes stared deeply at him. " Otaru I never got to thank you. Your selfless sacrafice for me and for being a true compainion."

"Your crazy!! Get o-" Before Otaru could finish his sentence, Hanagata kissed him with all the passion he had beyond the cloudy stars of Terra 2. Otaru resisted strangly only for a momment, feeling strange emotions sweeping over him. Although he kissed him intentively, his eyes were savage as need filled him. They parted from this intimate connection and stared at each other, both in disbelief. " Hanagata..what was that...that wasnt a usual kiss..."
"Well my love.." Hanna said seductively, " this isnt a normal feeling...did you like it?"

"No no no no!!! I mean.."
"Well tell me Otaru, if you didnt, why is you hand here.." the blond said, placing his hand over the others that covered his growing arousal. Otaru blushed with embarrasment. He felt the throbbing hardness beneth his hands. He didnt remove his hand and he didnt know why his body wanted to touch him so. Hanagata laughed. "Otaru I promise its something youll enjoy."

All these emotions were so new to the hero and he didnt know how to fight them. He was loosing the will to. He couldnt resist any longer. He moved close to the blond and kissed him, hand still on the smaller boys sex. Hanagatas lips parted as Otarus shy seeking tougue sought out his. His kisses were so bitter sweet, making it even harder to part from him.

Hanas devilish blue eyes met Otarus as his hand reached over to move across the brownhaired boys hardness. With one clean swoop he removed the boxers with restrained his soulmates raging hard on. Their kisses parted as Hana trailed love bited down his chest, his soft fingers gliding down Otarus torso making their way to his shaft. As his blond hair disapeared under the covers, Otaru's eyes closed and he clenched the sheets. Hanagata licked the pre cum from the tip of the boys manhood, which he already made up in his mind was caused from his sexy stare he had been practicing on the way over there.

His tongue dragged slowly across the slit, more sticky essence drizzing from him to taste. This agonizing pleasure made a moan escape Otarus lips. "Ha..Hana please.." he pleaded, fist pounding on the futon. Stopping his torture, for fear the other might do him harm is he teased any more, he placed the throbbing hard erection in his mouth, teeth gently scraping over the underside, causing his neighbor to scream his pleasure out. "Ahhh!!" All these new sensations flickered in Otarus mind as the writer sucked him fierousiously. As his mouth moved up and down Otarus shaft, he felt a warm hand touch his cheek. When he thought his love could stand no longer, he moved back up to his chest. "Otaru did you like that? Did you like your cock in my mouth?"
Breathlessly Otaru managed to get out a " Yeah".
" You want to fuck me, dont you Otaru? I can feel you want to..."

Otaru felt Hanagats fingers rub the tip of his sensitive head and a moan escaped his lips followed by a "yes...god yes.."

Did Otaru really know what he was doing? Giving into pleasure? Not thinking about the fact that this was Hanagata. Or was he? He gasped as a firm hand wrapped around his sex. Everything he thought he knew or made up in his mind about the blond was cast to the unruley plasma clouds. The fact was he did find the annoying boy attractive, he did like the feelings he was pulling forth out of him with every hard jerk of his smooth hand, and his will to stop was way gone. Otaru panted, shaking like a leaf. Where did the other learn how to do this? Where did he learn how to talk like that?

At this point he didnt give a damn. He was just thankful for 2 things. One that the girls were at work, and that the blond kept his tight grip on his cock. He was so beautiful, Hanagata thought. Stroking his length while his pale fingers massaged his seed bearing sac, licking his lips from the sensation. This is how he wanted to be always. Just him and Otaru. He touched the brownhaired mans cheek and looked into his savage eyes. "Come on Otaru. Man to man now. Fuck me hard." he said, laying on his back, legs cocked open.

He blushed at his own request. He had never known talking dirty was such a turn on. He was getting painfully hard. Otaru moved to settle between the boys legs, lifting them up to where Hanas knees met his chest. A long shudder ran down his spine as he positioned his shaft at that entrance. Quickly he thrusts into the others body, groaning at the tightness. Hanagata screamed, hair tossed back. The sudden entry was painful for the both of them but as Otaru began to stroke delicously inside of him, the pain subsided and pleasure evoked a series of harsh moans from him. Otaru rocked slowly giving agonishingly sweet pleasure with each penetrating stroke.
"O..Otaru touch me!!" Hanagata moaned demandingly.

Taking one of Otaru's hands from his thighs, he wrapped it around his cock. " Feel how hard you've made me" he said, slaming his hips back to meet the erection inside of him. With fluid motions Otaru began to stroke deeper inside him, his hand moving over the smoothness of Hanagatas cock fast. While this lovemaking left his mind blurr, Hana saw clarity in Otaru's eyes.

He would have smiled if he wasnt being rammed into over and over, deeper than he ever thought possible. Instead, his eyes widdened, his hands ruined the smooth pale skin on his thighs with his nails, and out poured from his throat a scream that felt like a dam had been broke from inside his vocal cords. His pleasure button was being shoved against hard. " God you feel so good!!" Otaru finally said, unable to keep from saying it anylonger. "Otaru Im about to cum!!" Hana cried out. Otaru stroked the blondes sex faster. " Cum for me Hanagata.."

With a last push against his prostate Hanagata came, his muscles tightened, sticky seed shooting from his shaft into Otarus hand. Otaru panted, his voice ragged, his movements wild. He bucked his hips one last time and his seed surged through his lover. He collasped against the blonde, both trying to catch what little breath they had. " I.. I love you Otaru.." Hanagata said panting. Otaru closed his eyes, focused on breathing. " I love you too." " love me.." Hanagata trembled. " You love me...say it again.." Otaru looked up at him surprised at hiself for saying that. "Say what?" he said, looking at the blond. Hanagata balled his fist tightly. "Say it.. say you love me!! Say you want and need me!! Do it now!!" he said, swearing inside that he wouldnt cry. He needed to show backbone, but he was alittle shocked at how he said that. Otaru stared at him, " I.. I love you, Hanagata" he said. " I guess.. I always loved you.. just needed you to demand it..demand my love.. not beg for it...everyone needs me.. they depend on me. I guess I just needed someone I could depend on. Someone to tell me what to do for a change. Now are you happy?" He said finally, blushing. Hanagata smiled. "Delirious." Otaru kissed his chest and removed hiself from the boys body, rolling to his side so he could lay in the others small arms. "I wish we could stay like this forever Otaru.." Hanagata said dreamily, hands around Otaru's waist. Otaru frowned. " Well we cant Hanagata. You know it. So dont even think about it." he said, back to his annoyed tone. Hanagata sighed at the change. "Remember this Otaru. You can run from Gartland soliders, you can run from palace marionettes, you can run from angry mobs, but you cant run from love. I will get what I want. Whether I you give it to me or if I have to take it. " he said, getting up, standing before the other. Otaru groaned. " What the hell are you talking about Hanagata? I said I loved you already. We just had sex, I cant even get up Im so tired, let along go another round."

" You love me but you love them too.. you put them before your happiness and therefore they have you. I will have your heart for my own and I will share with no one. I always get what I want. " he said then disapeared into the hole in the wall, leaving Otaru angry at him for making him choose between them. "Hanagata you couldnt just leave me alone!" he screamed, sure the blonde could hear him through the hole in the wall. " You couldnt leave it alone!! You had to pull it out of me!! You idiot!! Maybe Im not as strong as you think!! Maybe I need them too!!"

Hanagata ignored him, face buried in his pillow. He wanted to cry, and he knew that stray tears dripped onto his pillow. He was angry with Otaru for the first time. He pulled away from the pillow and screamed back. " I should be all you need!! I have been since we were children!! What is so special about those three that you choose them over me!!" he said, fisting the sheets of his bed. " Why cant you just need me!!"

All the neighbors heard, and sure as hell wernt going to interupt it. Otaru jerked off the futon and into the hole, shaking. " I do need you.." he said softly, head down. "I dont want you to give up being their friends.. I just want you to acknolege me as your lover..thats all.. I want your heart.."

This wasnt how he had planned his day. Otaru walked over to the bed and sat beside him. " Then take it. Take me." he whispered, not even sure why he said it. Hanagata rubbed down the small of his back, a hand moving his face toward him. "I just wanted to make you love me.." he said, kissing the boys lower lip. Otaru shivered. For the first time he felt more vunerable than he ever had. His eyes stung with tears that made their way down his face. He just kept his eyes closed, breathing out shaky puffs of air against the blondes lips. " You didnt have to.. I already loved you.. " he whispered. "Take me.. let me know Im yours.." he felt himself say to his own disbelief, astonished at his actions. He know knew how the blonde felt. It felt as though he was being held back from the most beautiful thing in the world. Hanagata laid him back, fingers flexing over the muscles in his shoulders. " I will my love.." he said, hands gently roaming over his spine. He curved over Otaru's rear, fingers now coated with oil. He massaged over the brown haired boys entrance slowly, then slid a finger deep inside him, laying over his back as he did. Otaru gasped and moaned, head to the side, sex brought back to life by the blondes ministrations. "Hanagata.." he moaned, tears still flowing down his face. Hana licked them away, pushing a second digit into him. He kissed down his earlobe, whispering in his ear lightly. " I love you so much are all I ever wanted.."

Otaru moved into the slow sensual strokes into his body, sex rubbing against the sheets. He gasped as those fingers left him, replaced by a hard silk skined shaft. He prepared his self for the pain, knowing it would hurt. Hana slowly pushed until the crown of his sex was passed the rim and interwined their legs. Otaru cried out, fisting the sheets. It didnt burned.. but he wasnt all the way in.. He moved a hand to touch Hanagatas manhood, rubbing it up, gasping as he actually noticed how lengthy the boy was.

" Hanna..." The blonde just kissed his neck and proceeded to slip into his tight heat until he was completely sheathed. He made a slow erotic motion with his hips, gliding the tip of his shaft over his pros, pushing it like a button over and over until the tanned boy beneath him clawed at the sheets, moaning with each stroke. Hanagata fought to keep his dominance, as he was not at all suited to fight for it, his body much smaller and undefined unlike the Otaru, who was more muscular and could easily over power him.

He panted, blonde hair sticking to his face, sure that he had died and gone to heaven. Before he knew it they both were spent and sprawled all over the bed in what seemed like a pool of cremy essence. Otaru layed there and trembled in the fraile mans arms, not even noticing that they were being watched by the marionettes who just happen to hear him scream and assumed he was hurt.

Cherry cried, Lime pouted, and Bloodberry punched the whole wall out. Otaru and Hanagata sat up quickly, covering there selves. The red head just growled, then sighed. " I guess its the 4 of us now." she said, crossing her arms. Hanagata smiled. "Yes.. yes it is."