Saber Marionette Fan Fiction ❯ Terra II's Weakest Link ❯ Round Two: We Have Languages, and Soemon’s Still Here... ( Chapter 2 )
{Su btitles: Hey hey ho!(subs from CCSakura)}
Hi, minna-san!!! I'm so glad you like it!!! *huge toothy/teethy grin* (Hey, I speak more Spanglish than English or Spanish. *shakes head while smiling and tsk-ing* Man I love livin' here. ^.~) Ima! {Sub: Now!} I can't kick anyone off unless I have at least seven votes. ^.^;; Hehehe.. I LOVE doing insane things like this.
About the series.. Ne, minna-san! I now know how Soemon would sound in English! I'd forgotten!! ^.^;; And I must say that it's quite appropriate for being the host, ne?? ^.^ Okies. This is all anime, so any show may pop up. Recomendation: WATCH CREST OF THE STARS!! (Gomen{sorry}.. ^.^;; ..again..) Ok.. Now, keep in mind that I'm writing my English problem-analysis report as I do this. (Well, at least the first half or less of the game) So please bare with me. (The topic? Bubblegum chewing! Title: Bubblegum Crisis!)
This has been another mindless rambling session from GataFairy...
Who else but GataFairy? ^-^;;
Soemon: *standing there, glaring at the camera; mumbles* I will survive.. I will survive.. *notices he's on the air; clears throat* Welcome back. Now we'll see who gets kicked-er.. voted off next. But we have to get through a round first.. -.-; So let's play the Weakest Link. *mumbles* It gets cheesy right about now.
Soemon: Start the clock. [it starts] Bloodberry, what's the theme song of the series Mobile Suit Gundam Wing?
Bloodberry: *usual Bloodberry smile* Just Communication, Baby!
Soemon: *grim expression on his face* Accepted. And do not call me "baby". Otaru, what are the ingredients for "the perfect little girl"?
Cherry: Otaru-sama, you have to know this one!! It's such a simple recipe!!
Luchs: Oh, but recipes aren't everything, Cherry.
Cherry: *glares* No one asked you.
Otaru: Girls, stop! C'mon! *nervous smile* Let's see now.. it's.... spices... sugar... and...
Lime: Otaru, remember the Powerpuff Girls!! *sings Powerpuff Girls theme*
Bloodberry: THAT'S NOT FAIR! She can't be helping him!! I move to kick Lime off the team! NOW!
Lime: HEY! *X on forehead*
Soemon: ENOUGH!!! Otaru, answer the question!
Otaru: Anou... anou.... Sugar, spice.. and..
Hanagata: *from audience* AND EVERYTHING N-
Gennai: *beside Hanagata; smacks Hanagata hard* You ninny! SHUT UP! (A/N: Come on, now. We all love Gennai, ne?)
Hana: *sees faces of Otaru around his head* Otaru-kun.. *off in LaaLaa Land*
Soemon: *angry; says through gritted teeth* Answer the question.
Otaru: Sugar, spices, and... er.. uhm... oregano?
Soemon: Wrong. Sugar, spice, and everything nice. Tiger, what is Lafiel's full title?
**all fall silent**(A/N: MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!)
Tiger: *calmly* Aburiaru Nei Doburesuku Paryunu-shishaku Rafiiru.
{Subs: Viscount Abriel Nei Dobrusk Paryunu Lafiel}
Soemon: -.-;; Correct.
Tiger: *smirking* Kore wa tanoshii desu yo.
{Subs: This is fun.}
Soemon: *glares; eye twitches* Luchs: What does Sailor Mercury's Japanese name mean?
Luchs: Friend of water.
Soemon: Correct. Panther, whi- Panther: Bank!
[Money/points earned: $2500]
Soemon: -.-; Panther, which is better: Japanese subtitled episodes, or dubbed episodes of anime?
Panther: WHY DO I ALWAYS GET THE STUPID QUESTIONS?!!! Of COURSE Japanese subtitled!! Listen to Tiger, wouldya?! Why do you think she's speaking Japanese?! Her English dub voice is so not her. Come to think of it, neither is Luchs'.
Soemon: *somewhere in her speech* Correct.
Panther: Tiger's speaking Japanese because if she speaks English we'll only hear her dub voice. Hey, that's a good idea. Speaking Ja-
Luchs, Bloodberry, and Cherry: *in unison* PANTHER, SHUT UP!
Tiger: Panta, hanasuna!
{Subs: Panther, don't speak! (in the highly authoritative tense)}
Soemon: Moving on.. Lime, what are the maiden circuit attributes?
Lime: *gasps; thinks* Uhm.. it's.. strength.. kindness... and... uhm.. smartness?
Soemon: Wrong. Motherhood, innocence, and virtue.
Bloodberry: Nice goin', Lime. We lost points!!!
Lime: *sticks out tongue at Bloodberry*
Soemon: *closes eyes; eyebrow twitches; through gritted teeth* This is stupid.. *to Cherry* Cherry, whose eyebrows are forked? Only one of the two possible answers is required.
Cherry: Dorothy Catalonia.
Soemon: Correct. Bloodberry-
Bloodberry: Baaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaank!
[Points/money earned: $1000// Total: $3500]
Soemon: *eye twitches; mumbles* Why must I suffer through this?
Bloodberry: Because Gata wants you to!!! $1000 for me!!
Bloodberry: Well too bad, Soe-boy!
Soemon: You insubordinate little-
Otaru: C'mon, guys! Cut it out! It's just a game!
Soemon: *blinks* WHAT?! *blink blink* W-W-W-We're.. ACCEPTING IT?!!
Bloodberry: HA!
Soemon: *closes eyes; eyebrow twitches* Fine. Otaru, what is the name of the Abh writing system?
Otaru: *blink blink* Uh.. well.. it's uh.. A-Abhese?
Soemon: No. Ath. Tiger, wha[time runs out].....*sweatdrops; angry* Time_is_up. Now, it's time to-*stops short; eyes go wide after reading what goes next*-... It can't be..
Otaru: What is it?
Soemon: *blink blink* T..T..T-Ta..
Bloodberry: Spit it out, already!
Soemon: Ta..
Tiger: NANI O DESU KA YO?!!!!!!!!!!
{Subs: WHAT IS IT?!!!!!!!!!!}
Soemon: *glares at Tiger* I refuse to speak if you don't start speaking English!! DO_YOU_HEAR_ME?!!!!
Tiger: *folds arms on chest and looks away; mumbles* Fine.
Bloodberry: *smirks; in sing-song voice* I can't heeaaaaaaaar yoouuu!!
Tiger: *glares; grits teeth; makes a fist*
Soemon: She's right. I couldn't hear you. *wide smirk*
Tiger: *eyes get teary/shiny; glares* I said "fine".
Soemon: *points and laughs at her* HAHA!!!! Hey there, Squeaky!
Tiger: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!! SHUT THE HELL UP, SOEMON! *pronounced Soemon "Soe-ay-mahn"*
Soemon: *glares* You little..
Tiger: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Fuist e TÚ el que quiso que hablara inglés!!!!!!!!!!
{Subs: YOU were the one who wanted me to speak English!!!!!!!!!! OR: It was YOU who wanted me to speak English!!!!!!!!!!}
Lime: Why Spanish now?
Tiger: Porque poseo un corazón.
{Subs: Because I have a heart. (Sound familiar? It's a bad pun, I know.)}
Panther: That's a REALLY bad pun.
Tiger: *sweatdrops* Lo sé.
{Subs: I know.}
Lime: *fumes* You didn't answer my question, Tiger! Or should I say "Tigresa"?!
{Tigresa=Tigress in Spanish}
Tiger: *X on forehead; fumes; head gets huge as she shouts* BECAUSE IT SOUNDS MORE LIKE MY ORIGINAL VOICE!!!
Soemon: *taps fingers on podium thing; chin in hand; leans elbow on podium thing*
Otaru: Girls, I think we should let Soemon say what he was gonna say.
Soemon: *taps fingers some more; stands up straight and re-reads the screen* We're supposed to TALK about what you're gonna do with the points and/or money.
Luchs: I like that idea.
Cherry: Me too.
Luchs: Copycat.
Cherry: Wannabe.
Others: *sweatdrop*
Bloodberry: All right, you two. Knock it off. This is a contest and whoever wins gets to be with the man of her choice. *catches Otaru's glare* Otaru would chose a marionette...
Otaru: *still glaring*
Bloodberry: Woman?
Otaru: *still glaring*
Bloodberry: *rolls eyes* Anyway! Everyone knows what I'd do with the prize money. And for a prize... *looks at Otaru and grins*
Lime: I'd buy a big house with lots of space to run in and lots of cooks so I could have yummy food all the time and I'd get Otaru his own room and we'd play lots and lots of games and we'll be together forever and ever!!!!!
Cherry: *blink* Breathe, Lime. *smiles* Well, I'd buy lots of things to make Otaru great meals. I'd also pay for a wedding ceremony for Master Otaru and I so that we may be together forever as it's meant to be!
Bloodberry: What about you three? *to the saber dolls*
Tiger: No comment.
Luchs: Same here.
Panther: Ditto.
Lime: Ahh, you guys are boring anyway! *looks at Otaru* What about you, Otaru?
Otaru: *blink; sweatdrop* Dieg.. well...
{Subs: "Dieg" isn't a word(that I know of). It's like one of those things you say when you're caught off guard}
Otaru: Well... I..
Bloodberry: Oh come on, Otaru. Don't be shy! I already know you want to be with me. So just say it!
Cherry: Buraddoberii!!!!!!
Tiger: HA! SHITA!!!!
{Subs: Ha! I knew it!!!!(Litterally just "knew", but Japanese is special that way)}
Cherry: *to Tiger* Nani?
Tiger: Nihongo no koe wa ichiban da!! Soshite kimi mo shiru!!
{Subs: Japanese voices are the best! And you know it too!}
Cherry: *proudly* Touzen, Tigeru. *Japanese-Cherry-giggle*
{Subs: Naturally, Tiger.}
Soemon: *near crying due to immense anger* Tasukete kudasai..
{Subs: Help please/Please help..}
Lime: This is boring, Soemon. You said it'd be fun!
Soemon: I didn't say anything. I was forced to do this. *thinks for a moment* All right. I've got a solution. VOTE! NOW!(A/N: Since I only have six votes, I'm casting my vote too.)
**after a while with lights and music™**
Soemon: All right. Now, let's see the results.
Lime: Cherry.
Cherry: Panther.
Bloodberry: Tiger.
Otaru: Panther.
Tiger: Lime.
Luchs: Lime.
Panther: Tiger.
Soemon: *deep sigh* Not another tie..(A/N: If you're wondering, I'm the second vote for Lime. ^.~) *reads the screen thing* Tiger, you get to vote someone off.
Tiger: *smirks* For torturing me, I'd vote you off, but since I can't... Lesse.. Panther or Lime... Panther or Lime.. *taps finger on cheek* Ja ne, Panta.
{Subs: See you/Bye/etc, Panther}
Panther: TRAITOR!!!!!
Soemon: Get OUT! OUT, OUT, OUT!!!
Panther: *growls; gets ahuge red X on her head; makes a fist; head gets huge* SOEMON, KIMI WA BAKA YO!! OMAE O KOROSU!!!!!!! SHINJIRE, ATASHI WA SURU YO!!!! *walks offstage*
{Subs: Soemon, you're an idiot!!! I'll kill you!! Believe it, I WILL do it!!!}
Soemon: *fuming* Why was she attacking me if it was Tiger who voted her off?!
Tiger: *smirks* Behold the power of being in charge, Soe. (Pronounced: "So-AY")
Okies guys. For the next round I need at least six votes. (The more the merrier, though) ^.~ Arigatou, minna-san!
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