Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Other Earth: An anime tale ❯ William's Entrance: The story behind his cold personality ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclamer: I don't own any of the characters or anime, or even games that show here. The only one I can claim ownership Is Mazaki.

Warning: This chapter is the beginning of my favorite OC. It also has scenes of extreme Shadow Creature butt-kicking(hence, Mazaki's beginning). If you do not like extreme Shadow Creature butt-kicking, or are not fans of a weapon that could possibly banish all of your favorite characters, ok, bad guys anyways, don't read.

William's Entrance: The story behind his cold personality.

The desert sun was scorching that day, the day my life changed. My parents and I were on our way to the town of Cairo, Egypt, because they were transferring me from their temple to another. The temple I came from, the one my parents did run, was one of music, one that was supposed to promise peace to all, townspeople and bandits alike. Unfortunatly, they brigands purely of the desert decided on another course. "Mom, why do I have to go? It's not fair for you and Dad to decide wether or not I leave the temple and my friends!" complained a boy. And if your wondering who that boy is, well, wait and see. First off though, he has brown hair, brown eyes, an outfit of pure silk which was formed into two layers and three forms: the first layer, of course, but in the form of a skin tight shirt, and a, of course, pair of shorts. the second layer, well, if you can't figure out, you're out of luck; a pouch at his side carrying a flute from his families temple, and a backpack carring a hidden secret. "Sorry my son, but I can't let you remain somewhere that you won't even put forth an effort to carry on. Besides, with your own traits, you'll be alot better off where we're taking you, right dear?" replied the boys mother. "H-Hey, don't get me mixed in with this, I'm the one who tried to keep him home, remember?" the boy's father said. " I still don't think it's fair, you always do this, just as I'm settling in. I still think your only in it for the money." the boy told his mother. "No I'm n-" his mother started, but couldn't finish as spears suddenly flew from the dunes. "Wha-Wha-what was that" the boy asked fearfully, while trying to possibly find where they came from, so he could hide. "Heh heh heh, what do we have here a couple of priests and a brat? Heh, don't look like they got much money so, lets kill 'em and take our pick from their corpses." the head bandit said. "No, leave us alone, we're nobodies, with nothing worth taking either way." said the woman, hoping they would believe her and go. "Heh heh heh, you think we're dumb enough to fall for that? You must be weak in the head, thinking that kind of lie will save you." one of the minor bandits said. "H-hey, leave them alone, if you want to mess with anybody, mess with me!" the boy shouted fearfully. "No William, don't try to fight them, just run and save yourself, but make sure you don't get-" my mother started but couldn't finish as she had been impaled by a spear. I couldn't stand to watch, and out of the cowardice I had back then, I ran away, while telling myself I would learn how to fight so as to protect others. Unfortunatly, fate was against me, and a devil crossed my path. "Boy, I have a deal to make you. I will make you a strong warrior, and in due time you will sign on as a guardian to the next pharoh. But if you agree, it will not be so simple, the end of the bargain you hold, I will reveal to you in due time. Do you accept?" I was not only a coward back then, but an idiot as well, so what I said was " I accept. I will complete the task you give me in exchange for the training." "The our deal is sealed" he said with an evil laugh, and so I dissapeared from the face of the Earth, but only for eight years. Eight years later and I had returned to the outer core of Earth and a master of Shadow Magic and weaponry. As i walked to the city gates I was ambushed by the same thugs as back then. "Heh heh heh, what a surprise, nobodys been foolish enough to walk the roads in eight years. Maybe you'd like a lesson why?" the head bandit asked me, without realizing who I was. "Or maybe you'd like to get out of my way, else say your final goodbyes." I reply, with my new tone. " Hmph, your a cocky one, maybe I'll put you in your place. Lets go brat!" he shouts. " Hmmm, sounds entertaining, it'll be fun to go slumming for a change." I say, and grasp the blade at my waist. He charges, and I raise my blade to the stance that a soon to be constant enemy uses, as I find out later. "Don't dissapoint me boy, I want to have a blast." he says, then thrusts his spear towards my chest. "That's enough." I say, then run at him in a high speed, passing by him and not getting hurt. "What did you just do?" he manages to get out before he falls to pieces. I say nothing, and go back on my way to the city. "Hold, we can't allow outsiders into the city." one of the guards say. "I want to see the pharoh. I'm a late arrival, late by eight years in fact, and I need to report the bandit problem to him. Plus, I also want to become one of the guards to him." I say, and prepare to walk in in any case. "Alright, but we'll be accompaning you the whole trip there, understood?" the other guard says. "Alright just don't slow me down." I say to both of them. Anyway, to cut out the boring walk and talk, I end up accepted as one of the guards, Zorc attacks after a few run-ins with Bakura, and I get my mission. 'The hell? Assassainate the pharoh? He's gonna die anyways, so why can't we let nature take it's course?' I ask my trainer. 'Who knew you'd know that, it was just a little test to see if all the training I'd put you through had paid off. Anyways, since it did, lend a hand to the ones who need it, understood?' he replies. 'Yeah yeah, so, can I take Uria for a spin?' I ask, sound like the kid I still was. 'If you must, then yes, and before you ask, yes you can do the same with Hamon and Raviel, but don't get killed.' he says, kind annoyed. "Yes, come on out Uria, Hamon and Raviel, and clobber that thing. With that said, Uria appears in his firestorm manner, Hamon drops from the sky in bolts of thunder, and Raviel enters after all the shadows from the battlefield converge at on spot. Then the clash begins. Of course, we all know how it ends right? So what would happen if you brought the Lords into the mix, fusion wise? Two butt-kicking Shadow Creatures, and one pwned Zorc the Dark One. "Armitael, give him a roundhouse clobber, followed by Transmigration Wave." I shout out, having a blast but not willing to reveal it, "And on to the finisher, Atem, you mind?" "Not at all friend, not at all." he says, solomly. "Hey, I know what your worried about, but hey, I know that with this, you'll meet alot of new friends too." I tell him, to try to cheer him up. "You really believe that don't you?" he asks, while laughing a bit, "Allright, The Creator of Light, lets end this, send Zorc back to the Shadow Realm!" he exclaims, now full of hope, it shows on his expression after all. Long story short, my life constantly gets hectic, because Zorc escapes enough of the attack to survive, and I'm stuck having to banish him. "Grand, now I have to break in the new toy, oh well. Hey Zorc!" I shout to him. When he looks over at me, I've already changed the staff's form to banishment mode and thrown it towards him. "Enjoy a form of hell, because the real thing is too good for you." I say as he is absorbed into it. Then a time vortex opens around me before I can join the others in seeing him off to the realm he'll live well in.

Next stop: The future.
But before it goes to him again, the others will have been introduced, so stay tuned and keep hoping he doesn't go to Juban next.