Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Ranma, the Demon Sorcerer ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi
Rumiko. All characters (that I have not created or
borrowed from other sources) belong to her. This is
a fan fiction, and is not intended to violate the
rights of those who hold control over the Ranma
series. The same can be said of the Jackie Chan
Adventure series and those who create it.
Sailor Moon also belongs to their creator.
I have no money for legal problems and
would very much appreciate it if no one tries to
sue me. Thank you very much.
C&C welcomed at
Ranma, the Demon-Sorcerer
Chapter 8
<Panda sign>
Jackie couldn't believe all of the things that he was hearing. He had an amazon
ancestor of the ancient tribe of Chinese Amazons. And he was speaking to one of
those relatives now. Discussing of all things a collection of demon cursed souls
that had been turning up recently from the cursed pools of Jusenkyo.
"So there are four cursed so far. The Thunder demon, the Moon demon, The Earth
demon and the Fire demon. And two of them were here right now." Jackie said as
he stared at the two cursed teens that were before him. "So what do we do now?"
"The power of Jusenkyo is hard to break. It is one of the most stubborn curses
known to amazon magic. So it doesn't look like that this curse will be cured
anytime soon. The best we can do is teach them how to use their powers effectively
and teach them to use their powers for good." Cologne said as she looked to her
younger nephew.
"That's why your teaching us chi magic, so that we have a better chance with
handling the situation." Ranma added.
"Yes. It is part of the training that you will need if you are to handle
yourselves with the battle between good and dark chi. Already strong forces
are gathering around you. Forces that will mold you into powerful figures.
You will need guidance." Cologne said.
"Auntie is most wise. Your skill will help them to become better people. We
can trust her to keep things in her hands." Uncle said as he looked to his
aunt. "One more thing, can we be of any help?"
"You can tell me more about your adventures. Ranma and Shampoo, could you take
Jade outside. You can show her your martial arts skills. Kasumi, could you get
us more tea please?" Cologne said.
"But I want to stay and tell auntie about our adventures." Jade said, not
pleased with where this was going.
"But I thought you might like to learn some amazon fighting techniques, Jade.
I was just going to talk some old boring stuff here." Cologne added.
"Amazon martial arts?" Jade perked up. He mind thinking of the skills she could
add by learning some mad martial arts skills. "Cool!" Jade said as she followed
Ranma and Shmpoo out the door.
"Do you think that was wise?" Jackie said, as he thought about Jade learning
some kind of killer martial arts skills.
Uncle slapped Jackie with his two fingers. "Auntie knows what she is doing!
Now, tell auntie why trouble you have gotten into."
Moments Later...
Ranma was fighting against Shampoo in demon form. Each was avoiding trying
to use their special powers as the showed Jade some of the skills they had
learned with the martial arts. They had started off with some basic manevours,
but had started to get more advance as Jade informed them that it was getting
Jade was surprise to see them fighting at such leaves. There was times that
she thought they were using their powers, but they informed her that they
weren't. But how else could you explain how much time they spent in the air.
They seemed to bounce against things to get the height to stay in the sky, so
that might explain that.
But then there was the speed of the punches and kicks. So rapid fire were those
moves that it was hard to keep up with the movement of the arms and legs. But
Shampoo explained that it was some kind of move the amazons had invented called
the "Chestnuts roating on an open fire". Why the Amazons had named a martial
arts moved based on a Christmas carol, didn't make sense. But it was a cool
move and Shampoo siad that they might teach it to her when she got older.
"Aww, I'm old enough now. I've fought demon and evil wizards before. I should
be skilled enough to do that move." Jade said as she pleaded her case so that
she could learn that move.
Shampoo shook her head, not wanting to teach the dangerous technique to the
young relative of hers. She knew the dangers of burning your hand on the open
fire while you tried to roast the chestnuts. A girl like Jade might hurt herself
if she tried to do that. Especially if she wasn't trained.
"What about the alternate technique that I discovered, Shampoo?" Ranma asked as
he moved at rabbit speed out of the yard and back again. He held an aquarium full
of goldfish. Plus floating beside him was a couple of smaller goldfish bowls full
of water as well. He set them down. "Try to catch the gold fish..."
"Simple!" Jade said, glad that she was going to learn that technique.
"With your bare hands...." Ranma continued, with a hint of a smile coming over
his face. A matching smile started to creep over Shampoo's face.
"That shouldn't be too difficult." Jade added, getting a little more nervious at
learning what this technique involved.
"Without getting your hands wet." Ranma finished, as he saw the look cross the
face of the young girl who wanted to learn the martial arts move. The look on the
young girls face was priceless.
"But that's impossible! How can you do that?" Jade asked, frustrated that her
attempt to learn a mad martial arts skills had vanished before her eyes.
"Like this!" Shampoo said, as she moved her hand over the water. She moved her
hand rapidly in and out of the water. The fish moving from one container to the
next. She smile at her relative.
"Woah. But isn't that your demon power?" Jade asked, skeptical. She knew that
demons had powers beyond human ability. It wouldn't be surprising to her that
Shampoo might have some lightning speed to go with her thunder ability. "Can
you do that again, with out the demon powers?"
"Yes." Shampoo took out a thermos of water and pour a tiny bit over herself,
triggering the curse. Her colour tone change back to human from her purple
demon form. All except her hair. It remained purple. It surprised Jade who
thought it must be dyed. Shampoo then moved the fish back into the big aquarium.
All without getting her hands wet. "See, easy."
Jade looked to her hands. They were bone dry. "Let me try." Jade then moved to
take the fish out of the aquarium. But it seemed impossible. First, she couldn't
move her hands in and out of the water fast enough to prevent them from getting
wet. Then there was the fish. They squrmmed in her hands, getting out more often
than not. All and all she was making a wet mess. But Jade kept trying for a few
Then they heard the roar. They turned from the aquarium to the gate behind them.
Standing there was a figure that looked like a man. But had feline features. Or
more exactly, tiger like features. It stood for a moment before it jumped to
pounce on them. But Ranma reacted with heat beam eyes and combustion powers.
The heat and fire energy hit the tiger-man, but when the heat beam/fireball
cleared the tiger was still on his way to attack Ranma. It landed right on
Ranma...on his head.
All of the sudden, Ranma was screamming and running in a vortex. Shaking the
tiger-man off, he ran for the hills. Jade and Shampoo watched him run. So did
the Tiger-man when he got up.
"Didn't expect that." Jade said, simply. She couldn't figure out why Ranma,
with the powers of Shendu and the Twelve talismans, was running away from a
fight. "Something must have gotten into him."
"Ranma have big fear of cats. Talk later. We must fight now." Shampoo said
herself as she launched herself towards the aquariums of water. But the
tiger-man blocked her. Jade ran for some cover.
"Grrrreetings from Daolon Wong. Surrrenderrr yourrr powerrrrs to him." The
black tiger growled as he attacked Shampoo. She kept up with the moves, but
he was stronger than she was in this form. He was wearing her out. He also
made sure to keep her out of the water.
That's when the tiger face his second challenger. Jackie hit the Black tiger
with a flying kick. Knocking the tiger down, he proceeded to hit him with a
few punches. Only to hurt his hands on the hard hide of the tiger man. Then
the black tiger hit Jackie, knocking him back. Jackie crashed into the wall.
Meanwhile, Cologne and Uncle were starting their chi spells. They were hoping
that their good chi might counter the dark chi of the beast. As the black tiger
approached them, a powerful energy attack hit near where the tiger man was
"Harming inncoent girls is unacceptable. In the name of the Moon, I will
punish you!" Came the voice from the cheerleader type hero that appeared.
SAilor Moon and the other Sailor Senshi had arrived to stop the evil of the
creature of dark energy.
Jade watched with a sense of awe. Here was the heroes that she had been
hearing about. And from the attack that had been launched, they had power.
They were so cool! Jade want to become a Sailor Senshi herself, now. She
could see herself in costume, launching an attack of her own. But what to
call herself. Sailor Chi? Sailor Talisman?
Shmpoo looked at the girls and admired their powers, but at the same time
was a little put of with the costumes that they were wearing. Couldn't they
were more clothes. A tinge of jealousy hit her at the thought of these women
looking after her Ranma.
"Excellent. Soon you will face the wrrraith of Daolon Wong!" The tiger said
as it started to glow.
"Not if we have anything to do with it." Sailor Jupiter, as she launched her
lightning attack. Only to have it get adsorbed by the dark aura. The aura
seemed to grow. It stopped Uncle and Cologne from chanting for a minute.
Then the senshi started with their attacks on the tiger, only to have the aura
grow. Except when Sailor Moon's attack hit. Then the aura dimmed a bit. But the
Tiger man just grinned. He then pointed at the Sailor senshi. "Now, Grrrrovel!!!"
Serpents of dark chi charged at the senshi, hitting them. Then the screaming
Then senshi twitched in pain as the dark energy surged over them. Their costumes
slowly faded as they turned into their civilian identities. Henshin pens burst as
the dark energies blocked the power of the senshi. They fell to earth. Except Usagi.
She had transformed into the Princess. Holding her wand, she moved it in a pattern.
She looked dead head, and said. "You will pay for your evil deeds." She moved
her wand and released her attack. It weakened the power of the tiger. The dark
magic surounding it died. But it remained.
It charged at the remaining senshi that was still standing. The hit came as a
surprise. Jackie was trying his best to fight the tiger again. Only it was a bit
more softer to hit this time. But it was still super strong.
Colonge and Uncle had begun chanting again. Their staff and blowfish were
glowing with chi. The two chi energies launched themselves and combined into
a double helix. It hit the tiger, with a flash of energy. It glowed and freezed.
Then Jackie hit it. A shattering noise broke through the magic. Then shattered
pieces of something flew out. Then silence.
"Check on the others. I will look after the senshi." Cologne said as she hopped
over the fallen heroes. She was followed by the now civilian Sailor Moon. Uncle
hurried over to Jackie and where the beast had been destroyed.
Jade and Shampoo followed their relative to the depowered heros. Looking at them,
Jade made a discovery. "That's Rei." She couldn't believe the teen that she had met
had been a Sailor senshi in secret.
"Quiet! I must concentrate." Cologne cried out as she looked at the senshi. She began
chanting again, looking at one of the girls. Her staff started to glow, a bright red.
Then a dark purple blue glow surrounded the girl. Similar glows surround the other
girls, including Usagi.
"What's the matter with them?" asked the reincarnated moon princess. Her voice told
the story of her worry for her friends.
"It is as I thought. Daolon Wong placed in his beast as spell made just for you senshi.
It was made to sever your connection to your planets and your powers. For now it has
left you theordinary girls you were before the power was granted to you." Cologne said.
"Caaannnn it be" asked a weakened Setsuna. She had rose to her feet.
"It might be possible to regain the connection through the use of good chi. I will
have to research the possible mystical invoccation. It shouldn't take more than a few
weeks. A month tops." Cologne said, with a hopeful smile.
Setsuna frown as she thought of the dangers that might occur while they were out of
commision. "We need to figure out something to make it move more quickly."
"I'll try. But I might be able to help with the covering in the meanwhile." Cologne said,
moving back to Uncle and Jackie.
"So you're a Sailor senshi. That is so cool! How did it happen? Can I be come one?"
Jade was firing off questions at the senshi that she had gotten to know at the shrine.
The young girl had helped Rei up and was getting her back to normal.
Rei was shocked at the skill of the Japanese that Jade was speaking. She was also out
of sorts due to the feeling of her powers being ripped from her body. "It's a secret.
And you have to be born a senshi. So it's most likely that you are not one. Sorry."
Jade looked crest fallen, fo a minute. "Maybe there's a way that Uncle or Auntie
Cologne knows." She said with a smile. "Here let me help you with your friends."
"Shampoo will help too." said the purple haired girl, as she looked at the powerless
senshi. She wondered how she could break the news to them that they were powerless.
Back with the chi masters...
"So Daolon Wong has created a new powerful minion. But why? This does not look like
one of his spells." Uncle said as he picked up one of the black pieces of the tiger.
"One more thing...looks like a piece of small statue. Why did tiger turn into this?"
"Most likely because it was a black statue." came a voice from behind them. Setsuna
came up to them. "It's just like the way that most of the Senshi's enemies are
"How so?" Cologne asked , curious.
"The dark energy or creature posseses an object or person, creating a new enemy. It's
possible that Daolon Wong has found a way to infect his dark chi into an item and create
a powerful minion that is also expendable." Setsuna said, adding "That might be why Sailor
Moon's power was able to dampen the powerful dark chi. It's positive energy counteracting
the negative energy."
"And she still has this power?" Cologne asked.
"Yes, it's a part of her. She should be able to call on it even in civilian form. Till
we regain our powers." Setsuna said stressing the last part.
"Maybe we should stay to help them." Jackie suggested.
"We should be fine, once I find my lost apprentice. Thanks for the offer. I have a
feeling that you will be needed elsewhere very soon." Cologne said as she spoke, gaining
a vision.
In a prison in America...
Chin looked over the spell that he had just recieved from Daolon Wong, in exchange for
reactivating his powers. Unfortunately, he had been catch and placed in this prison after
Daolon Wong escaped. But Daolon Wong was repaying the favour.
He looked at the collection of misfits that Daolon had left him.
"So Chin, when are you going to make with the magic?" asked the shorter red headed one.
"Yeah, when are we getting out of here?" Asked the one with a bandage on his nose.
"Soon. After we collect the necessary ingredients over the next few weeks. We should be
ready to unlease our army of Shadowkhan to break us out of this hell hole." Chin said
with a smile.
From another place, a dark force smiled...
Daolon watched as his minion was destroyed. 'Interesting,' He thought as he watched the
aftermath. 'The boy fled the beast, why? What power does that girl hold? How can I turn
this to my advantage?' He was relieved that the Chan's were leaving. But he still had
Cologne and her magic to deal with.
Should he try to take the magic of the girl? Daolon decided against it as it seemed to
be composed of good energy. Something that would limit his power. Something he had to
But there was still the power of the demon cursed. And he smelled a weakness in the boy.
He fled the beast. Perhaps there was a source of fear with the beast. A weakness that he
could exploit. He next beast would be a similar creature that would defeat the boy. Even
if he had to mix the natures of several beasts to create it.
He looked to his cauldren and it's latest brew. It was part of the shield weakening spell
that would cause a few minutes of weakness in their protection. Enough time to drain the
power of the demons into the beast and then into him. He would hold the power he would need
to gain his vengance!!!
Rumiko. All characters (that I have not created or
borrowed from other sources) belong to her. This is
a fan fiction, and is not intended to violate the
rights of those who hold control over the Ranma
series. The same can be said of the Jackie Chan
Adventure series and those who create it.
Sailor Moon also belongs to their creator.
I have no money for legal problems and
would very much appreciate it if no one tries to
sue me. Thank you very much.
C&C welcomed at
Ranma, the Demon-Sorcerer
Chapter 8
<Panda sign>
Jackie couldn't believe all of the things that he was hearing. He had an amazon
ancestor of the ancient tribe of Chinese Amazons. And he was speaking to one of
those relatives now. Discussing of all things a collection of demon cursed souls
that had been turning up recently from the cursed pools of Jusenkyo.
"So there are four cursed so far. The Thunder demon, the Moon demon, The Earth
demon and the Fire demon. And two of them were here right now." Jackie said as
he stared at the two cursed teens that were before him. "So what do we do now?"
"The power of Jusenkyo is hard to break. It is one of the most stubborn curses
known to amazon magic. So it doesn't look like that this curse will be cured
anytime soon. The best we can do is teach them how to use their powers effectively
and teach them to use their powers for good." Cologne said as she looked to her
younger nephew.
"That's why your teaching us chi magic, so that we have a better chance with
handling the situation." Ranma added.
"Yes. It is part of the training that you will need if you are to handle
yourselves with the battle between good and dark chi. Already strong forces
are gathering around you. Forces that will mold you into powerful figures.
You will need guidance." Cologne said.
"Auntie is most wise. Your skill will help them to become better people. We
can trust her to keep things in her hands." Uncle said as he looked to his
aunt. "One more thing, can we be of any help?"
"You can tell me more about your adventures. Ranma and Shampoo, could you take
Jade outside. You can show her your martial arts skills. Kasumi, could you get
us more tea please?" Cologne said.
"But I want to stay and tell auntie about our adventures." Jade said, not
pleased with where this was going.
"But I thought you might like to learn some amazon fighting techniques, Jade.
I was just going to talk some old boring stuff here." Cologne added.
"Amazon martial arts?" Jade perked up. He mind thinking of the skills she could
add by learning some mad martial arts skills. "Cool!" Jade said as she followed
Ranma and Shmpoo out the door.
"Do you think that was wise?" Jackie said, as he thought about Jade learning
some kind of killer martial arts skills.
Uncle slapped Jackie with his two fingers. "Auntie knows what she is doing!
Now, tell auntie why trouble you have gotten into."
Moments Later...
Ranma was fighting against Shampoo in demon form. Each was avoiding trying
to use their special powers as the showed Jade some of the skills they had
learned with the martial arts. They had started off with some basic manevours,
but had started to get more advance as Jade informed them that it was getting
Jade was surprise to see them fighting at such leaves. There was times that
she thought they were using their powers, but they informed her that they
weren't. But how else could you explain how much time they spent in the air.
They seemed to bounce against things to get the height to stay in the sky, so
that might explain that.
But then there was the speed of the punches and kicks. So rapid fire were those
moves that it was hard to keep up with the movement of the arms and legs. But
Shampoo explained that it was some kind of move the amazons had invented called
the "Chestnuts roating on an open fire". Why the Amazons had named a martial
arts moved based on a Christmas carol, didn't make sense. But it was a cool
move and Shampoo siad that they might teach it to her when she got older.
"Aww, I'm old enough now. I've fought demon and evil wizards before. I should
be skilled enough to do that move." Jade said as she pleaded her case so that
she could learn that move.
Shampoo shook her head, not wanting to teach the dangerous technique to the
young relative of hers. She knew the dangers of burning your hand on the open
fire while you tried to roast the chestnuts. A girl like Jade might hurt herself
if she tried to do that. Especially if she wasn't trained.
"What about the alternate technique that I discovered, Shampoo?" Ranma asked as
he moved at rabbit speed out of the yard and back again. He held an aquarium full
of goldfish. Plus floating beside him was a couple of smaller goldfish bowls full
of water as well. He set them down. "Try to catch the gold fish..."
"Simple!" Jade said, glad that she was going to learn that technique.
"With your bare hands...." Ranma continued, with a hint of a smile coming over
his face. A matching smile started to creep over Shampoo's face.
"That shouldn't be too difficult." Jade added, getting a little more nervious at
learning what this technique involved.
"Without getting your hands wet." Ranma finished, as he saw the look cross the
face of the young girl who wanted to learn the martial arts move. The look on the
young girls face was priceless.
"But that's impossible! How can you do that?" Jade asked, frustrated that her
attempt to learn a mad martial arts skills had vanished before her eyes.
"Like this!" Shampoo said, as she moved her hand over the water. She moved her
hand rapidly in and out of the water. The fish moving from one container to the
next. She smile at her relative.
"Woah. But isn't that your demon power?" Jade asked, skeptical. She knew that
demons had powers beyond human ability. It wouldn't be surprising to her that
Shampoo might have some lightning speed to go with her thunder ability. "Can
you do that again, with out the demon powers?"
"Yes." Shampoo took out a thermos of water and pour a tiny bit over herself,
triggering the curse. Her colour tone change back to human from her purple
demon form. All except her hair. It remained purple. It surprised Jade who
thought it must be dyed. Shampoo then moved the fish back into the big aquarium.
All without getting her hands wet. "See, easy."
Jade looked to her hands. They were bone dry. "Let me try." Jade then moved to
take the fish out of the aquarium. But it seemed impossible. First, she couldn't
move her hands in and out of the water fast enough to prevent them from getting
wet. Then there was the fish. They squrmmed in her hands, getting out more often
than not. All and all she was making a wet mess. But Jade kept trying for a few
Then they heard the roar. They turned from the aquarium to the gate behind them.
Standing there was a figure that looked like a man. But had feline features. Or
more exactly, tiger like features. It stood for a moment before it jumped to
pounce on them. But Ranma reacted with heat beam eyes and combustion powers.
The heat and fire energy hit the tiger-man, but when the heat beam/fireball
cleared the tiger was still on his way to attack Ranma. It landed right on
Ranma...on his head.
All of the sudden, Ranma was screamming and running in a vortex. Shaking the
tiger-man off, he ran for the hills. Jade and Shampoo watched him run. So did
the Tiger-man when he got up.
"Didn't expect that." Jade said, simply. She couldn't figure out why Ranma,
with the powers of Shendu and the Twelve talismans, was running away from a
fight. "Something must have gotten into him."
"Ranma have big fear of cats. Talk later. We must fight now." Shampoo said
herself as she launched herself towards the aquariums of water. But the
tiger-man blocked her. Jade ran for some cover.
"Grrrreetings from Daolon Wong. Surrrenderrr yourrr powerrrrs to him." The
black tiger growled as he attacked Shampoo. She kept up with the moves, but
he was stronger than she was in this form. He was wearing her out. He also
made sure to keep her out of the water.
That's when the tiger face his second challenger. Jackie hit the Black tiger
with a flying kick. Knocking the tiger down, he proceeded to hit him with a
few punches. Only to hurt his hands on the hard hide of the tiger man. Then
the black tiger hit Jackie, knocking him back. Jackie crashed into the wall.
Meanwhile, Cologne and Uncle were starting their chi spells. They were hoping
that their good chi might counter the dark chi of the beast. As the black tiger
approached them, a powerful energy attack hit near where the tiger man was
"Harming inncoent girls is unacceptable. In the name of the Moon, I will
punish you!" Came the voice from the cheerleader type hero that appeared.
SAilor Moon and the other Sailor Senshi had arrived to stop the evil of the
creature of dark energy.
Jade watched with a sense of awe. Here was the heroes that she had been
hearing about. And from the attack that had been launched, they had power.
They were so cool! Jade want to become a Sailor Senshi herself, now. She
could see herself in costume, launching an attack of her own. But what to
call herself. Sailor Chi? Sailor Talisman?
Shmpoo looked at the girls and admired their powers, but at the same time
was a little put of with the costumes that they were wearing. Couldn't they
were more clothes. A tinge of jealousy hit her at the thought of these women
looking after her Ranma.
"Excellent. Soon you will face the wrrraith of Daolon Wong!" The tiger said
as it started to glow.
"Not if we have anything to do with it." Sailor Jupiter, as she launched her
lightning attack. Only to have it get adsorbed by the dark aura. The aura
seemed to grow. It stopped Uncle and Cologne from chanting for a minute.
Then the senshi started with their attacks on the tiger, only to have the aura
grow. Except when Sailor Moon's attack hit. Then the aura dimmed a bit. But the
Tiger man just grinned. He then pointed at the Sailor senshi. "Now, Grrrrovel!!!"
Serpents of dark chi charged at the senshi, hitting them. Then the screaming
Then senshi twitched in pain as the dark energy surged over them. Their costumes
slowly faded as they turned into their civilian identities. Henshin pens burst as
the dark energies blocked the power of the senshi. They fell to earth. Except Usagi.
She had transformed into the Princess. Holding her wand, she moved it in a pattern.
She looked dead head, and said. "You will pay for your evil deeds." She moved
her wand and released her attack. It weakened the power of the tiger. The dark
magic surounding it died. But it remained.
It charged at the remaining senshi that was still standing. The hit came as a
surprise. Jackie was trying his best to fight the tiger again. Only it was a bit
more softer to hit this time. But it was still super strong.
Colonge and Uncle had begun chanting again. Their staff and blowfish were
glowing with chi. The two chi energies launched themselves and combined into
a double helix. It hit the tiger, with a flash of energy. It glowed and freezed.
Then Jackie hit it. A shattering noise broke through the magic. Then shattered
pieces of something flew out. Then silence.
"Check on the others. I will look after the senshi." Cologne said as she hopped
over the fallen heroes. She was followed by the now civilian Sailor Moon. Uncle
hurried over to Jackie and where the beast had been destroyed.
Jade and Shampoo followed their relative to the depowered heros. Looking at them,
Jade made a discovery. "That's Rei." She couldn't believe the teen that she had met
had been a Sailor senshi in secret.
"Quiet! I must concentrate." Cologne cried out as she looked at the senshi. She began
chanting again, looking at one of the girls. Her staff started to glow, a bright red.
Then a dark purple blue glow surrounded the girl. Similar glows surround the other
girls, including Usagi.
"What's the matter with them?" asked the reincarnated moon princess. Her voice told
the story of her worry for her friends.
"It is as I thought. Daolon Wong placed in his beast as spell made just for you senshi.
It was made to sever your connection to your planets and your powers. For now it has
left you theordinary girls you were before the power was granted to you." Cologne said.
"Caaannnn it be" asked a weakened Setsuna. She had rose to her feet.
"It might be possible to regain the connection through the use of good chi. I will
have to research the possible mystical invoccation. It shouldn't take more than a few
weeks. A month tops." Cologne said, with a hopeful smile.
Setsuna frown as she thought of the dangers that might occur while they were out of
commision. "We need to figure out something to make it move more quickly."
"I'll try. But I might be able to help with the covering in the meanwhile." Cologne said,
moving back to Uncle and Jackie.
"So you're a Sailor senshi. That is so cool! How did it happen? Can I be come one?"
Jade was firing off questions at the senshi that she had gotten to know at the shrine.
The young girl had helped Rei up and was getting her back to normal.
Rei was shocked at the skill of the Japanese that Jade was speaking. She was also out
of sorts due to the feeling of her powers being ripped from her body. "It's a secret.
And you have to be born a senshi. So it's most likely that you are not one. Sorry."
Jade looked crest fallen, fo a minute. "Maybe there's a way that Uncle or Auntie
Cologne knows." She said with a smile. "Here let me help you with your friends."
"Shampoo will help too." said the purple haired girl, as she looked at the powerless
senshi. She wondered how she could break the news to them that they were powerless.
Back with the chi masters...
"So Daolon Wong has created a new powerful minion. But why? This does not look like
one of his spells." Uncle said as he picked up one of the black pieces of the tiger.
"One more thing...looks like a piece of small statue. Why did tiger turn into this?"
"Most likely because it was a black statue." came a voice from behind them. Setsuna
came up to them. "It's just like the way that most of the Senshi's enemies are
"How so?" Cologne asked , curious.
"The dark energy or creature posseses an object or person, creating a new enemy. It's
possible that Daolon Wong has found a way to infect his dark chi into an item and create
a powerful minion that is also expendable." Setsuna said, adding "That might be why Sailor
Moon's power was able to dampen the powerful dark chi. It's positive energy counteracting
the negative energy."
"And she still has this power?" Cologne asked.
"Yes, it's a part of her. She should be able to call on it even in civilian form. Till
we regain our powers." Setsuna said stressing the last part.
"Maybe we should stay to help them." Jackie suggested.
"We should be fine, once I find my lost apprentice. Thanks for the offer. I have a
feeling that you will be needed elsewhere very soon." Cologne said as she spoke, gaining
a vision.
In a prison in America...
Chin looked over the spell that he had just recieved from Daolon Wong, in exchange for
reactivating his powers. Unfortunately, he had been catch and placed in this prison after
Daolon Wong escaped. But Daolon Wong was repaying the favour.
He looked at the collection of misfits that Daolon had left him.
"So Chin, when are you going to make with the magic?" asked the shorter red headed one.
"Yeah, when are we getting out of here?" Asked the one with a bandage on his nose.
"Soon. After we collect the necessary ingredients over the next few weeks. We should be
ready to unlease our army of Shadowkhan to break us out of this hell hole." Chin said
with a smile.
From another place, a dark force smiled...
Daolon watched as his minion was destroyed. 'Interesting,' He thought as he watched the
aftermath. 'The boy fled the beast, why? What power does that girl hold? How can I turn
this to my advantage?' He was relieved that the Chan's were leaving. But he still had
Cologne and her magic to deal with.
Should he try to take the magic of the girl? Daolon decided against it as it seemed to
be composed of good energy. Something that would limit his power. Something he had to
But there was still the power of the demon cursed. And he smelled a weakness in the boy.
He fled the beast. Perhaps there was a source of fear with the beast. A weakness that he
could exploit. He next beast would be a similar creature that would defeat the boy. Even
if he had to mix the natures of several beasts to create it.
He looked to his cauldren and it's latest brew. It was part of the shield weakening spell
that would cause a few minutes of weakness in their protection. Enough time to drain the
power of the demons into the beast and then into him. He would hold the power he would need
to gain his vengance!!!
