Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Mist ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Started 12/01/2007 Completed 12/01/2007
Chapter 4
A young Centaur trekked through the lush fields of his home village. To his side was a young slender woman with long, flowing light green hair; in her hands was a blue-petal, yellow-stemmed daisy, a flower only the greatest of her people would be able to attain.
“Arterious Milian Xerbe, I don't know what to say,” she replied, blushing a light red hue.
“I know we still don't know what race I am, but I'm pretty sure we're compatible, Natali.” The Centaur spoke with a gentle voice a vast contrast to his heritage.
Over a hundred thirty years ago, Arterious had arrived here, in Faerierealm as an infant. All had felt the disturbance caused by the arrival and word had traveled quickly about the world's newest inhabitant. Since the Faerierealm consisted of only peace, sharing and equality Arterious life was greatly different than if he had of grown up in Outworld, like his brethren.
Natali giggled lightly, her voice causing flowers to bloom and butterflies to flock near her. Natali reached out and allowed a blue-glowing butterfly land on her finger. “Hello, little one, how are you feeling today?”
The small flying critter fluttered its wings and turned to face her, a moment before taking flight again.
Arterious grinned, loving to watch Natali as she spoke with the various animals, it wasn't something every Elf or Fairy could do; it had been speculated that it was because of her being a hybrid Elf/Fairy.
As Natali continued communicating with the many butterflies she had befriended, a Pixie fluttered its way to them and landed casually on Arterious shoulder. Arterious turned his neck, looking at the small creature, and it spoke. “Hello, Arterious Milian Xerbe,” the voice was most definitely female, as she spoke with a silky voice; despite her miniscule size her voice was every bit as normal as the average Fairy
“Hi, Angeline Rosali Cheruby,” he greeted. Only people that knew the two would realize they meant no disrespect when speaking each other's entire name.
“I don't get it,” Angeline remarked, “So, she's half Fairy, half-Elf, but why would she inherit an ability unique to Pixies?” While question came out sounding new, it was something she asked nearly everyday when Natali would speak with her `friends'.
“You're asking the guy who doesn't even know what he is?” Arterious replied, his answer memorized after repeating it so often.
Angeline sighed, her tiny chest heaving under the strain. “Have you asked her yet, or are you chickening again?” Her feelings on the matter remained neutral. Both were her friends and nothing more, but she really did want to see Arterious find someone to make him happy; he deserved it after such a rough first hundred years.
Arterious blushed a deep red, which really stood out on his untanned skin. “Yes, I asked her but her friends came by before she could answer me,” he informed.
Angeline Tsk'd, wagging her finger disapprovingly. “You should have done so earlier, like when the two of you started out on your walk this morning.”
While they were conversing, Natali was spinning a tale of her own, telling her friends of the situation she currently faced. “I truly do like him, but I don't know if I'm ready for such a relationship yet,”
Natali looked at a few butterflies as they fluttered lightly through the air. “That's not what I mean, Jo-jo. I really do want to accept, it's just… I don't know; what do you suggest?”
A pause ensued as she listened and mulled over their `words'. “You're absolutely right, Me'Tre.” With her mind firmed and decision made, Natali stood from her kneeling position and patted down her skirt. She treaded over the soft earth and approached her suitor, Arterious. “Um, Arteri?” she beckoned, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. When his attention turned from their small friend, Angeline, to her, she a light shade of red come to her face.
“I.. Well, I mean… Yes! My answer is yes!” She opted for shouting since speaking was doing her very little good.
Arterious was left blinking and trying to find his footing; neither was going too well. “She… said, yes?” he asked himself, since thinking was out of the question.
Smiling as radiantly as the sun in the sky, Angeline fluttered to the air and danced with joy. “She said yes! She said yes!” Angeline sang through the forested area, telling all of the inhabitants of Pixietown the great news. Since a Pixie's emotion is based on the creatures and people around him, the village threw a celebration, sending blankets of Pixie dust all across Faerierealm.
Ranma was bored, he had already completed his missions a while ago, and now he sat on his futon, staring at the rafters in his room. When he had arrived, only Kasumi had been awake and she wasn't the one he to worry about. So it had been nothing more than a quickly “Sorry for being in so late, had a long night,” and he was away, gone up the stairs.
Ranma focused his energies; with his father having been kicked out the window when Ranma arrived, he could exercise his abilities with no one here to interfere. The wind beat impotently at the window, trying in earnest as the night wore on.
“All life starts with water,” Ranma whispered, gathering the microscopic molecules in the air. “Water holds three stages, gas, as in mist, fog and steam.” As he spoke the stages he changed the temperature accordingly. “The second stage is liquid, it bends moves and flows in any way it wishes, to bend like water is to reach perfection in the Art. The third stage if ice, the deadliest form of water. With a ball of ice one can crack stone, a shard can impale with efficiency akin to glass. And ice can be sculpted, fitted to form a replica of one's self or a weapon harder than the strongest steel. Water flows into the Earth.
“Earth, the base of all life and the resting place of the dead,” Ranma swirled his right hand in the air, overhead as he stared at the ceiling. From the cracks in the floorboards, motes of dust and old dirt rose into the air and swirled in a figure eight pattern. “It can be as sturdy as a stone, annoying as dust in the eyes or as deadly as molten magma rolling down a hill. But when combined with Water,” the floating dust compressed and intermixed with the floating water. “It becomes mud, the fetus for Vegetation, Nature and… Life.” A small stem emerged two leaves growing on it's head.
“As powerful as the two elements are alone and together, their offspring needs Light to live,” as he finished speaking the room lit with an iridescent glow, bathing the leaves with Light. “Light nurtures, and Light destroys,” the plant withered and died from the heat given off from the Light. “But if properly controlled, Light can recreate where there once was,” A new sapling emerged from the location of the former.
Ranma stroked the world's smallest tree, a redwood that could fit in the palm of his hand like a drumstick (the instrument, not a turkey leg). He raised his construct in the air and continued his exercise. “Wood bends to the will of Wind, while Wind assists Wood to recreate,” From various locations more micro-trees sprouted, bringing to bear a forest.
“When Wind mixes with Water you get clouds, that can cause storms, and from the heart of a storm, Lightning.” A bright flash signaled the discharge of electricity, from cloud to ground and back again.
“From Lightning is birthed Fire, which consumes all!” he bellowed, excitement could be felt through his words. The small flicker of flame, started by the heat of the discharge, grew exponentially, burning away at the Wood, Water and Earth. When Ranma continued his voice was somber, almost remorseful. “Leaving behind…” Ranma paused to stare at the charred remains of a world he had created. “Nothing.” The last was no more than a whisper, as a tear ventured from the corner of his eye to hi the floor below his head.
Ranma dispersed the ball of Light and stared around the unlit room. “Darkness, it is the beginning, it is the end… But what lies between?” When Ranma's voice paused for him to ponder on this, the dull but constant pulse of Silence struck him. “The eternal partner of Darkness and Death is you, Silence,” Ranma spoke; he had never come this far before, usually being interrupted by Earth or Fire. “Can you tell me the answer, Silence? Can you, Dark?”
Ranma stretched his senses, seeking the ever-elusive foe, the bane of his internal peace, the greatest conquest he seeks.
“Tick-Tock?” Ranma asked, who was that had a clock in the Tendo home? Maybe he should invest in such a device; he was never able to keep track of tie very well. Seeing as his answer was not forthcoming, Ranma decided to start over. “Water, the source of all Life…”