Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Mist ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Started 12/04/2007 Completed 12/04/2007
Chapter 15
Ranma was engulfed in a bright, white light and opened his eyes to find himself standing behind a line of clouds. Further back, he could see even more. “Whoa, where am I?” he asked no one in particular.
He was quite surprised when the cloud in front of him responded, peaking in a language he didn't recognize, but understood none-the-less. “You're dead, buddy.” When he saw the expression of disbelief in Ranma's visage, he continued. “I know, I was pretty surprised myself.” Ranma would swear he saw the cloud furrow its brows. “How did you end up keeping your body?”
Ranma looked down at his body and patted himself several times over. “Well, this is new,” Ranma remarked, remembering all the many things he had accomplished in his life. As he reached the top of his head, the back of his hand brushed against his halo. “What the?” he demanded.
An Oni in a business suit approached Ranma, speaking with an exaggerated slur. “Hey there. `You've' still got your body; you're not supposed to be in this line.” When all Ranma did was point at himself with disbelief, the Oni sighed and waved a hand for Ranma to follow. “Come with me, sir.”
Ranma stared with complete disbelief. The man before was a `Giant', with a capitol `G'. This was truly the tallest guy he had ever seen.
“So, you're `Ranma'?” The man behind the desk, reading off names from a very large book
Ranma nodded. “Yes, Ranma Saotome, heir to the Saotome School of Anything Goes.”
The man flipped a few pages. “I don't see our name in my book. Are you sure you're dead?” the man requested.
Ranma sweatdropped. Faster than the man could react, Ranma had his elbow drilled into the man's head, causing him to go face-first into his book. “Of course I'm DEAD! Look at the halo!” Suddenly something occurred to Ranma.
With Ranma being distracted, therefore open to retaliation, King Yemma, the man in-charge of Earth's check-in station, batted him back onto the floor. “If you died, then tell me what happened,” Yemma requested. He would just have to fill in one of the blank spaces on the page.
“Um, I killed this guy named Cell, then everything went white…” Ranma offered lamely. It wasn't his fault he didn't know more; his eyes were closed and he struggling to get up.
Appearing between seconds, one moment not there the next she was, a woman wearing brown pointed shoes, red pants that ballooned at the leg cuffs and a dark blue top with a navy blue jacket over it. “King Yemma, don't write his name in that book,” she commanded, her voice light and warm, though it gave little warning to to her status and strength. `If my guess is correct, then this boy poses a true threat to the Elder gods…' she mused.
“S-S-S… Supreme Kai…” King Yemma managed to gas out. Something big was going on if the current Supreme Kai was getting involved.
The dainty young (looking) woman waved a finger at Yemma. “Nah ah, ah! Madame Supreme Kai, Yema-dear,” she admonished. Turning to face Ranma, “I must request that you come with me.” Not waiting for a reply, she snatched Ranma's arm and vanished to parts unknown…
AN: Don't hate me for killing Ranma off. You didn't think he actually beat Cell do you? Sure he caused his cells to loose cohesion, which means he fell apart. It's been well established that Cell can reform if even one Cell remains. All he had to do was come back together. And in my humble opinion, he would be very pissed at Ranma…