Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Mist ❯ Chapter 17 ( Chapter 18 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Started 12/05/2007 Completed 12/05/2007
Chapter 17
Genma was sweating like a hog in a bacon factory. Right across from his, seated as they were at the Tendo dinner table, was a man wearing all white clothes with a straw hat, wrapped with white cloth.
Nabiki, passing through, noted the interaction and proceeded to the kitchen, where her father and older sister currently were. “Let me guess, Uncle Saotome engaged Ranma to another girl?”
Kasumi placed a hand over her mouth in mild surprise. “Oh my, I hadn't thought of that,” she turned to face her father, Soun, laying a restraining hand on his shoulder, with a warm smile. “Oh, I'm sure he Saotome-san has leaned his lesson by now, Otou-san. Besides, I think Akane is going to take care of the situation.”
Nabiki raised an eyebrow. Ranma had been missing for a week already, and in that time, Akane had become even more violent then she was when Ranma would taunt and tease her. While Nabiki had faith in her family, she knew where to draw the line. `But, still…' “What makes you think that, Kasumi?” Nabiki inquired.
Kasumi turned around from where she had started putting vegetables within her pot. “Oh, it's because I saw her heading in from the dojo a moment ago.” With that said, Kasumi returned to cooking, ignoring the shouts she knew were to follow.
Akane walked into the house after a two-hour long brick-breaking session. She had even thrown in a few kata to give her something to do to keep her mind off of Ranma's absence. Right now, all she wanted to do was go in and relax with a nice, long soak in the furo.
However she hadn't expected to across a scenario she had witnessed too many times over the past year to count. Saotome Genma, her prospective father-in-law, was entertaining a guest at the table, looking like the world was trying to make him own up to a promise.
The man in white set his hat on the table to the side, revealing his long white hair. “Mr. Saotome, you do remember the promise you made to me do you not?” the man's voice was melodic, though oddly tainted with an accent Akane couldn't place try as she might.
Genma wiped at the sweat building up on the back of his neck. “Uh… No?” Sure Genma remembered, but that didn't mean he going to admit it! That would be stupid!
“Perhaps I should remind you of the three kabobs and bottle of sake I gave you?” the man retaliated. He knew of Genma's deception; only a fool would trust him to his word the first time through.
`Another one…' Akane grumbled, a growl escaped her lips as she thought of another contender coming by to destroy the dojo. “Saotome-Oji-san…” she called sweetly, though the battle aura bathing her features in shadow said otherwise.
Genma turned around slowly, dreading what he would find. If there was one thing that instilled fear in Genma it was an angry, vio- `spunky' woman. When he laid eyes on the girl, he went into Saotome Diversion Technique #12: “It's not what you think!”
As Genma threw the air, looking down at the many passing stores and pedestrians, he came to an intelligent realization. `Saotome Diversion Technique #12 never works… I think I'll get rid of it; I know the boy will be glad about that…” Genma watched with a thoughtful expression, as the ground rushed up on him. He was so close to a breakthrough.
A few moments later saw the Tendo family and the visitor all seated around the dining table. Soun put his pipe down and stroked his chin in thought. “So you are actually here to pick up Ranma for a martial arts tournament called Mortal Kombat?” he surmised.
The man with the long flowing white hair nodded. This was something he hadn't expected. He had taken a chance at asking the family if they knew where Ranma was. “That is correct, Mr. Tendo. Is Ranma here at the moment?”
Soun nodded his head slowly in understanding. “No idea.”
“No idea?”
Nabiki rolled her eyes, but knew better than to speak out of turn in her `father's' household. Why couldn't her father just give a straight answer? Nabiki released an annoyed breath, earning her a disapproving look from Kasumi.
“I must have one more fighter for my team, and Ranma is that person.” Raiden explained. The situation Genma had put him in was causing him seriously trouble.; if he couldn't have Ranma, the boy reported to have beaten the Phoenix-god Saffron, someone the Elder gods have been trying to get rid of for eons, then he would have to put all of his hope in Liu Kang, which wasn't fair to the young man who had his brother taken by the man holding the tournament.
With sped born of months of Shogi with a cheating panda, Soun sidled next to Raiden with an arm draped over his shoulder. “Well then, you're problems not so bad! My daughter Akane, age 17; she's the Heir to the Tendo School of Anything Goes and every bit as good as a Xiaolin Warrior Monk!”
Raiden raised an eyebrow and surveyed Akane's physique.
Akane blushed under the scrutinizing gaze; or at least that what Raiden thought, as Akane was keeping a death grip on her battle aura. Her dad just volunteered her for a tournament, something he had never done before.
“No.” Before any protest could be made, tried explaining his reasoning without breaking any rules. “She is not yet ready for the challenges that lie ahead.”
“What do you mean?” Akane asked, her disappointment warring with her anger. “Are you saying I'm not as good as Ranma?” she growled. `How dare this JERK think he can just come to her home and put her skills down!?'
Before Akane could attack, a hand landed on her shoulder. “Sure, I'll enter… Raiden.”