Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Mist ❯ Chapter 22 ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Started 12/10/2007 Completed 12/10/2007
Chapter 22
Kiima sat on the foot of the throne's dais, preening her long silver feathers by sunlight. Today was promising to be a splendid day; Ranma had promised to come meet her - though for the life of her, Kiima couldn't understand why that meant so much to her - Koruma and Masara had seen to it that her presence was not needed for the day, with the sole exception being her favorite past-time, raising Saffron.
The gurgles of Saffron brought Kiima back to the here and now, as she quickly rose to her feet and hurried over to Saffron's form. “Oh, dear baby Saffron, Kiima will take care of you…” she cooed to the infant. As much as she hated the fact Saffron was defeated, and by Ranma no less, Kiima was thankful to have her little baby back.
Movement in the rear of the room caught Kiima's attention and she snapped around in a defensive position, her custom-crafted espada ropera - a sword similar to a rapier - was drawn and at the ready.
What greeted her eyes was wholly unexpected. A woman wearing a white flowing dress, and moving with a grace not even Ranma could match. `Be at ease, my dear,” the woman commanded softly, coaxing Kiima's heart into doing as she requested. The sword fell limply from Kiima's hands, much to the delight of the elegant woman. “I have come here seeking my husband, Saffron. If I might inquire, why is he not in Adult form? He should have undergone his transformation by now,” It was intriguing to Selene, but also made her task that much more easy.
Kiima felt compelled to tell the woman anything and everything she wanted to know, so she gave the entire rendition of the Jusendo plight to Selene, event for event and word for word. By the time she finished, it was nearing high noon (around 3p-4p).
“I see,” she assessed, clasping her slender, pristine hands at her waistline, wondering who this Ranma could be that he was able to interrupt Saffron's transformation and kill him in adult form of any kind. “So this Ranma-boy is to blame for Saffron's current condition? If that is all, I shall be taking my beloved with me,” At that Selene of Elder gods traversed the length of the room and moved to scoop up Saffron..
With the goddess's concentration broken, Kiima regained her senses and quickly grabbed her sword, whirling to skewer the woman's chest, only to find herself alone. “Saffron,” she breathed and hurried over to the crib, placed within the seat of the throne, and found nothing. She pulled the covers away and found only the base sheet and a couple of feathers he had molted. “Saffron?! SAFFRON! SAFFRON!!!” Kiima shrieked into the emptiness of the room…
AN: A short chapter, but it had to be. Next chapter required this filler to start right. I know I could have just used this as an opener, but I didn't want to, so there!