Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Saiyan King and the Lunarian Queen ❯ Chapter Five: Walk like a Saiyan, fight like a Saiyan...FLY like a Saiyan! ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
AN: Hi! It's me again! E-mail = happy otaku Rosy, people!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. I do not own DB, DBZ, or DB-GT.
If I did, I would be the happiest little otaku in the world! But I'm
not. Sailor Moon is owned by the Queen of Manga / Anime, Naoko. Long
live the Queen! Dragonball in all of its incarnations belong to Akira

The Saiyan King and the Lunarian Queen

by Rosy the Cat

Chapter Five: Walk like a Saiyan, fight like a Saiyan...FLY like a


"C'mon get in the boat: Fishie!"

"C'mon get in the boat: Fish-fish!"

"C'mon get in the boat: Fishie!"

"C'mon get in the boat: Fish-fish!"

"C'mon get in the boat: Fishie!"

"C'mon get in the boat: Fish-fish!"

"C'mon get in the boat: Fishie!"

"C'mon get in the boat: Fish-fish!"

"C'mon get in the boat: Fishie!"

"C'mon get in the boat: Fish-fish!"

"C'mon ge-"


"You're just mad that we're getting it stuck in *your* head now,
Vegeta-kun. I distinctly remember you laughing quite a lot when Veggie-
chan and Radditz-chan were busy getting it stuck in *my* head before we
left on this camping trip." Serenity smirked from her place in the bow
of a good-sized inflatable boat she and the Saiyan prince were in, fishing
lines let out from poles made in the simple manner of large, bendy branches
with clear plastic line tied to one end, hooks secured to the far end of
the line with bait in the form of non-poisonous insects skewered upon their

The hooks' points, that is. Fishing line isn't usually pointy, unless you
consider it when compared with an eye. Then I suppose fishing line can be
dangerous and pointy, in a blunt sort of way...



Prince and Princess. In puffy inflate-y boat-ness. Singing annoying song
about fish getting in boats. Song which has been driving the Author nuts
all day, because her sadistic...I'll say goober here, because my mother
might eventually get around to reading this...Anyhoot, her sadistic goober
of a little brother got song stuck in her head because he insisted on singing
it recently.


Author, in a stroke of bloody-geniusness (AN: No, I'm not British. I just
seem like to use British phrases lately. Last night I plotted a whole rant
for a British character in an upcoming fic that I don't know if it'll ever
get out on the net, and I used Bloody a great deal. I had a case of the
giggles afterwards, and I don't even know what the strict definition of
the word as far as British slang goes. Toodles! =^^;=), decided to use the
annoying fish song to break through the even more annoying writer's block on
this chapter that has been there for over a year. Seriously. Chapter six was
done first!

Gah. Okay, the rant is over. Back to your regularly-scheduled story. Yay! =^_^;=

King Vegeta gave an annoyed snort from his position sitting on a fallen log
fragment in their camp-site a few dozen yards from the banks of the river.
Vegetasai's sun was half-set already, and the only reason why he wasn't off
hunting in the nearby forest was the fact that both of his companions had
been complaining, rather vehemently, regarding their food consumption over
the past week which had been, of course, meat.

As Serenity had put it that afternoon: "I want dinner, I want it to have been
something you don't need an insane amount of strength or heavy artillery to
catch and kill, I want something that I don't consider to be in the slightest
way cute in life, and I want to be able to catch it myself. And it *will* be

So, it had been settled that fish would be on the menu, and Serenity had sent
Vegeta-chan off into the woods to look for any edible herbs and fruits they
could use to supplement and/or enhance the meal.

Normally the Saiyan prince would have complained about having to eat anything
plant-based, as is the way of small (and not so small) children, but even *he*
had been getting sick of eating meat, both charred and raw, for about a week.

After about an hour of gathering, Vegeta-chan had joined his friend in the
inflatable boat, which had been originally packed with the princess in
mind, since she hadn't been able to fly at that point, and, well, rafting
can be fun. And Vegeta-chan hadn't quite mastered the art of flight, which
is understandable, since he *was* only two-and-three-quarters years old.
Really, as far as Serenity was concerned, it was a friggin' miracle that
the boy could walk and speak as well as he could, much less be potty-

Anyway, to make a long story short(er), a quantity of fish deemed suitable
for filling the small group's culinary needs for the night had been
acquired, and the two singing fisherpersons disembarked their billowy
blown-up boat and set about preparing the fish for consumption.


The next day...


'Mu-haha! Sometimes I feel so evil...!'

Serenity cautiously slunk along the tree line of the rather dominating
and ancient forest she and her little group had set up camp in for the
evening the day before. It was rather early, the sun barely peeping over
the horizon and the fading image of Vegetasai's waxing moon also still
in the sky. She was heading back to camp from her brief foray to the
river to wash the sleepies from her face, along with any remaining
traces of the previous night's meal. It was there she had stumbled
upon her latest pranking scheme.

Well, actually, *slipped* upon would have been a better choice of words...

Serenity had had a rather close encounter with an annoyingly hidden
patch of mud, which she had discovered actually took up a large portion
of the riverbank on either side, likely derived by the previous night's
small rainstorm.

In any case, Serenity had found herself cold, wet, and muddy, whereupon
she decided to go whole hog and have the boys join in with her in this

Hence the feeling evil.

Serenity gingerly maneuvered the double handful of mud she was carrying,
ready to sling at her unsuspecting companions, doing her best to avoid
dripping too much. She really didn't know why this mischievous mood
had hit her, but, well, as carefree and hyper as she'd allowed herself
to be these days, she really hadn't pulled any pranks, something she was
rather known for at home, although that was more in defiance of her
mother's tidy little box of a definition of her life.

Silly Mommy, boxes are for butt-monkeys! ^_^;

Anyway, back to the mud.

My, Mister Mud, how lovely and squishiefull you are!


Anyway, Serenity had made her way close enough to camp that she could
see the father and son duo sleeping under their little composed-of-branches
lean-to, which they would have done without if it weren't for the
previously-mentioned rain, but far enough away that she felt she could
reasonably beat them to the river, and more mud.

Eee! Squeal of Joy!

Biting slightly upon her tongue, which had inched its way out of her
mouth and just the slightest hint of the tip protruding past her lips,
Serenity tapped into her body's natural reserves of magic, coaxed a small,
slender tendril out of the main mass of power, whispered a minor
levitation spell, and released the ball of mud.

The mud stayed in mid-air, where she held it by sheer will alone until
she gained control of every last threatening drip and drop of watery silt.
Having accomplished that, she directed the airborne muck toward the men's...
boys'...Aw, heck, to the guys' lean-to!


A few feet in front of the entrance, Serenity paused, and muttered under
her breath "Separate," whereupon the double-handful became two balls of
mud. Serenity froze in place, worried that either the sound of the mud
pulling apart or her spell might have disturbed either the prince or the

Silence. So far, so good...

A couple more feet the oozing glop floated, pausing upon reaching their
destination over the slumbering duo's heads.

'...You know,' Serenity paused in thought, 'This really isn't very nice
or Princess-like. Rather mean, really.'

Then Serenity recalled just how utterly adorable (in a totally platonic
way! Really!) Vegeta-sama had looked the few times she had seen him
completely and utterly lost and confused by something she had done that
didn't make sense to his warrior's mind.

'...Ah, but it's ever *so* worth it!'

That decided, Serenity spun on her boot-clad heel and tore off running
toward the river, simultaneously releasing her hold on the mud blobs and
letting them fall. She looked back, muttering a spell to enhance her
vision, and saw that ever-so utterly adorable (in a totally platonic way!
Really!) look that she was rather fond of cross Vegeta-sama's face, which
was covered in mud. A second later the look fled from his face as he grabbed
his son, wrenched them both upright, and started tearing after her, the
thought of flying or boosting his speed with ki never occurring to him in
his haste.

Fortunately, that idea *had* occurred to Serenity, and she tapped into her
newly-discovered ki aura and sped up, even as she dispelled her vision
enhancement spell, which had been messing up her depth perception.

Upon reaching her destination Serenity skidded to a halt, barely avoiding
another spill in the mud patch, and absent-mindedly scooped up a few more
mud balls while she awaited her pursuers.

She didn't need to wait long.

As the two Saiyans crested the bank, Serenity allowed the triumphant evil
smirk on her face shift into a grin, and chucked the wet dirt, yelling out
two glorious words:



Later that day...


Flying back to the Palace, their vacation over and done (may it rest in
peace, as all good vacations should, in the minds of those who were there),
Serenity couldn't shake the down-right perky grin on her face, even as she
picked wind-dried bits of mud out of her golden bangs, having missed them
in the quick clean-up they had made time for before they packed up. This
trip was quite possibly the most fun she had had in an insanely long time.

The only thing that marred the experience was that Serenity had been feeling
a bid odd. Woozy, among other things. She figured that the mud fight must
have tired her out more than she thought. Maybe, however, she just wasn't
ready to be flying so far so soon in her training.

Or maybe...

"There it is!" Vegeta-chan called out over the rushing air, pointing down
at the sprawling geometric amoeba that was Vegetasai's capitol city, the
Palace at its center, the city, nay, the world's, literal nucleus.

Shaking her dizziness off, Serenity slowed down in anticipation of her

Upon touching down in the main courtyard, servants and attendants already
swarming about, Serenity stumbled a bit, barely catching herself in time
to avoid being knocked over by a rushing guardsman.

Blinking suddenly heavy eyelids, the princess's eyes scanned the crowd
absently for the figure of her friend Anja, who was one and the same as
Setsuna of Pluto, although Serenity still hadn't figured out how that
was possible. Still, a friendly face is always welcome...

'Whoa...dizzy. Nap-nap time...?'



"Rena ?"

Serenity, daughter of Queen Tranquility the fifth and King Marcus the
first, Princess of the moon Lunaris, collapsed to the ground as she lost
consciousness, her eyes rolling back in her head.

"MEDIC!!!" bellowed King Vegeta even as he scooped the petite young woman
up into his arms and started racing for the Medical Wing of the Palace.

He wasn't going to lose her!


Author's Note: FINALLY! I finally finished this chapter!

It's been- oh, kami-sama! -a year or so in the making, and I actually got
chapter six done first.

Dang, but I feel pathetic.

Still, in all fairness, I've also had to contend with school, work, and
other story ideas, which quite a few of you readers seem to like very much,
and thank you kindly! Honestly, I don't know where you people get your

Dedications: To you, my readers, for sticking with me through thick and
thin, and not complaining (too much) about my lack of progress with this
story, despite the fact that it's my oldest fan fic on the net. It's not
my oldest fan fic *period,* however, because my first fic idea was a
straight Sailor Moon fic that is semi-abandoned, though I might write
it in some distorted form some day far away in the future. Poor baby!

To Lost Fanboy Desolation, who is my ever-faithful tomodachi-kun.
*huggles!* Mm-wah! Go Deso-kun!

Also, to Rhonda-sensei, who still, after all these years, sits and reads
my work. I don't think I would have ever gotten the guts to post anything
without her encouragement that I wasn't the only person who thought my
ideas weren't retarded, so thank you, oh most honorable Sensei and friend,
for yanking my inner writer out for some fresh air and sunshine. Don't ever
let me put her back! I'll have to smack you with an Eeyore plushy if you
do! *waves her gynormous Eeyore stuffed animal that is about two feet tall
at Rhonda!*

To my hosting fellow webmistresses:

lse- I miss Sailor Balls dearly. May many good and Pippin-filled LotR
fics cross your e-mail in-box. And you never answered if you wanted Life
and Times!

Sailor Stephanie- TLWIR rocks. You rock more. 'Nuff said.

Nika- Poor Nika! Your fic section's been so lonely! Hope you enjoy its
new inhabitant! =~_^=

Azuri- Ooh! Lots of pretty blue on your site! Thankies for hosting!

Owner of Crystal Moon Magic- I can't for the life of me remember your
pen name, but thank you for hosting my story! You and Nika have the
distinctions of being the only people who asked me if you could host
Saiyan King. Everybody else I had to go and ask!

Lady Cosmos- Go you! I don't know how you manage updating that massive
archive of yours once a week. I salute you! *salutes!* and Media Miner also have this fic, but there's nobody specific
to thank, so thank you to all of you little repair guys that fix glitches
for us cranky writers. Most of us wouldn't have nearly as many readers/
fans/whatever as we do now if it wasn't for you. *huggles!*

To my reviewers:

XZanayu- Yup, *Setsuna* is Anja. Sorry that I didn't hurry, but you can't
rush spiffiness, and my muse seems to have developed a fascination for Harry

Lauren/Serena- Been a while, ain't it? Thanks for your silliness. It still
makes me smile (even if you don't like my ever-so-kawaii (cute!) smiley
faces! =^-^;=).

Desolation- Hi-hi! I just had to say thanks again, Deso! 'Tis my right,
duty and privilege to lavish my thanks upon you for being a good sounding
board and friend!

Tiff a.k.a.: smoke and mirriors- I know I thanked you a while back, when
I originally responded to your post on my guestbook, but I just wanted to
reiterate my thanks and gratitude.

Steph-chan- *huggles!* And here's a confetti shower in return, oh She Who
Has Hosted The Longest!

lse-chan- Go iMacs! =^^;= And thanks forever and always for the manip pic.
'Tis currently doing time as my comp, Stuie-chan, 's wallpaper. Yay! And
never mind that you didn't get it to me until after Sailor Balls died
(poor baby-site! I shall miss thee always...), it's the thought that

Bonkey (Along with his mummy and daddy, Rhonda and Frank)- Your welcome.
Now get off your ego-centric kick, and stop disclaiming Harry Potter as
evil just because he has magic and you don't, and as such you're suffering
from Harry Potter Envy. If you don't, I'll pout. *pouts!*

Again, thank you everybody for your support and affection. I don't know
what I'd do without you!

E-mail me at

-- Rosy the Cat
