Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Destiny Calls ❯ Alternate Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SailorStar9: This is an alternate prologue for you betrayal fans out there. I personally blame myself for reading too many Usagi betrayal fics. Have fun.
Disclaimers: I own only this plot.
Chapter Summary: Princess Serenity had always been told that she was the Child of the Eternal Dragon. But when the Ginzuishou reveals to her who the Child of the Eternal Dragon really is, she turns her back on Ami along with the rest of the Inners and demands her powers. Ami refuses and is almost killed by the traitors when Hermes pulls her to safety.
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It was common knowledge that the Eternal Dragon could only be called forth when all seven Black Star Dragonballs were assembled. And once the Eternal Dragon granted a whish, one must wait for seven years for all seven Black Star Dragonballs to reappear.
However, there was a much less known fact about the Child of the Eternal Dragon.
It was said that after every two millennia, a child would be born with the mark of the Eternal Dragon on her back.
This child would be bestowed with immense regenerative powers. There was a rumor that once this child's heart was eaten, one would gain immortality. Not only that once the child merges her powers with the Eternal Dragon, the wishes that were once beyond the Eternal Dragon's capabilities could be granted.
The fortunate thing, nobody actually knew about the Child and the secret was kept for as long as the Dragonballs ever existed.
Eons later, the Child of the Eternal Dragon resurfaced, as Mizuno Ami; Super Sailor Mercury.
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Right now in the Tsukino household…
Perfect! With Chaos gone, Ami's power will surely manifest. Then, I can take her true power, since I'm supposed to be the real Eternal Dragon's Child! Tsukino Usagi grinned.
The Ginzuishou had revealed to her who possessed the Eternal Dragon's power and Usagi had been determined to gain the power which was allegedly hers by right. The late Queen Selenity had drilled it into her head that she, the Moon Princess, was fated to bear the Eternal Dragon's power.
Ami would not deny her of that; she was the Princess after all.
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The next day, Ami arrived to Rei's shrine; only to find Eternal Sailor Moon and the Inners henshinned.
Super Sailor Mars had pointed a flaming arrow at her throat.
The Child of the Eternal Dragon knew it was coming.
“You had it coming, Mercury.” Eternal Sailor Moon sneered.
“Hand over the Dragon's power and I might spare your life. Refuse and you`ll perish.” she added.
“No.” Ami replied firmly.
“It is mine, and only I could control such a mighty power.”
“Your decision is made, I see.” Eternal Sailor Moon scoffed.
“Girls, do what you must and get the power for your Queen.” she ordered.
Mars Flame Sniper!
Jupiter Oak Evolution!
Venus Love and Beauty Shock!
Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!
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Somewhere, Hermes looked on in shock as Selene's descendent ordered Ares, Aphrodite and Zeus' children to kill his granddaughter.
The Eternal Dragon's powers were only meant for the azure-haired girl and no one, not even Selene's descendent could take it from her.
Waving his Caduceus, Hermes quickly created a portal to protect the last salvation of Earth.
Ami could only watch on in horror as the four attacks came to her.
Suddenly, a swirling portal appeared behind her and Ami screamed as she was sucked into it.
The gateway closed just before the four attacks hit.
Eternal Sailor Moon muttered curses as her chance of gaining the power that was rightfully hers just vanished into thin air.
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Ami immediately fall into her home dimension.
The trouble was, she had fallen almost three hundred feet from the ground.
Instinct taking over, a pair of huge angel wings appeared from her back, slowing down her fall. Nearing the ground, the wings gave one huge flap and Ami descended gently on the ground.
Once on solid ground, Ami gave herself a quick glance-over.
She had on a simple halter-necked dress of silvery blue, complete with a pair of white angel wings. On her feet, she wore a pair of baby blue platforms.
As quickly as they had appeared, the wings disappeared from her back.
Finally looking around, Ami fell into pure shock at the barren landscape.
Remembering whatever her memories told her about the Eternal Dragon, Ami shut her eyes and focused, trying to find the auras of either Kami or his counterpart, Piccolo.
The problem was, she could not find any.
With her eyes snapping open, Ami knew that Piccolo was gone. And if the Namek was gone, that could only mean…
“Iie.” she gasped softly.
A soft moan alerted the girl and she turned to the general direction.
Still not seeing anything, Ami shut her eyes once more.
Sensing two auras, one of them being extremely weak, she immediately took off towards the duo.
“Gohan…” Mirai Trunks pleaded.
The older male smiled weakly at his best friend.
A shuffle of feet alerted Trunks and he immediately went into a defensive pose.
As the figure drew near, Trunks relaxed his stance slightly when he saw a female walking towards them.
“Who are you?' he demanded, not understanding why a girl could suddenly appear in such dire situations.
“They normally call me the Balancer of Lives.” The girl replied.
Partiality true. Ami thought with a mental wince.
Taking a quick glance at the fallen Gohan, Ami retrenched her wings and knelt down beside him.
Even before Trunks could protest, Ami had shut her eyes, allowing her powers to heal Gohan.
Minutes ticked by and finally Ami's energy stopped flowing. Trunks blinked in astonishment and happiness as Gohan pushed himself up.
Giving himself a glance-over, Gohan was equally astonished to find that not only were his wounds completely healed, his energy was also restored.
“Wow.” He breathed.
“But how?” Trunks questioned.
Ami merely smiled.
“Now isn't the place to reveal my true identity.” She added.
“We have to get out of here, before the Androids find us.” She finished.
The two half-Saiyans nodded and flew off through a hole in the roof. Ami simply smiled as she spread her wings once more, following them.
“Wings?” Gohan quirked a brow.
“I do not use Ki energy like two of you.” Ami explained.
“I see.” Gohan nodded.
“We're here.” Trunks announced.
The trio set themselves down on a rather deserted house.
A middle-aged woman emerged from the building and clasped her hands in happiness.
“Gohan!” Bulma exclaimed.
“You're alright!”
Glancing at the newcomer, Bulma whispered into Trunks' ear.
“Who is she?”
The lavender-haired teen shrugged, “She calls herself the `Balancer of Lives.' Whatever that means.”
At that, Bulma's eyes widened.
The Child of the Eternal Dragon? Here? She mentally exclaimed.
She immediately shooed the three into the house and shut the door.
Once safe, Bulma turned to the newcomer.
“So, you've finally arrived.” She remarked.
Ami sighed, “If I'd known this would happen, I should've arrived sooner.”
Bulma rested a hand on the younger girl's shoulder, “At least you came.” She added.
“So, the Child of the Eternal Dragon finally decides to show herself.” Gohan sneered angrily, grabbing the front of her dress and pushing Ami against the wall.
“Gohan! Unhand her!” Bulma exclaimed.
“Why should I?” the young adult asked. “If she'd been here, my father would not have died!”
“Gohan, maybe she has a reason.” Trunks replied, trying to pacify his outraged friend.
Breathing hard, Gohan composed himself. Releasing his death grip, he relented.
“True, I should've been guarding Earth with Kami.” Ami added in remorse.
“Then why didn't you?” Gohan demanded.
“Something happened when I was born.” Ami added.
“I… I was taken out of this dimension to another.” She explained.
“What?' Gohan breathed in shock.
“But why?” Trunks asked.
“Only Chronos himself knows why.” Ami added, shaking her head.
“I think I know.” Bulma replied.
All three turned to the older woman.
“Gohan, do you remember what Piccolo said about the Child of the Eternal Dragon?” Bulma directed her question at the ebony-haired warrior.
“The Child of the Eternal Dragon has immense regenerative powers. There was a rumor that once her heart was eaten, one would gain immortality. Not only that once she merges her powers with the Eternal Dragon, the wishes that were once beyond the Eternal Dragon's capabilities could be granted.” Gohan recited from memory.
“Then think about what would happen once the evil side has her.” Bulma added.
Trunks gasped in understanding, “So the Gods sent her away…”
“To protect her.” Bulma finished.
Just then Ami gave a slight frown.
Ignoring the puzzled looks the other three gave her, she walked to the middle of the house. With her wings outstretched again, she raised her cupped hands. A halo of light appeared around her wrists. The circle of light expanded, rising above the roof and covered the entire house perimeter.
“Done.” She announced.
“What was that all about?” Gohan asked.
“I've masked your Ki auras with a protective cover. The Androids shouldn't find us.” She explained.
“A protective cover?” Bulma chorused.
“How is that supposed to help?”
“I don't use Ki, I use magic.” Ami explained, with a small smile.
Bulma nodded, “The Androids are used to sensing Ki energy, so by using magic, it acts
like a masking cloak.”
“Precisely.” Ami answered.
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SailorStar9: As I've said this is the alternate prologue for you betrayal fans out there.