Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / La Blue Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Outside Interference ❯ Outside Interference ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Outside Interference
One shot - Lemon
Cory D. Rose
(c) 2003

"Where are we again?" The blond haired girl named Aika asked.

The dark haired girl, who liked to be called Shadow, walking beside the blond sighed and rolled her eyes. "I've told you four times already. We are in the Juban District of Tokyo Japan."

"But what city is that." The blond asked, her vacant eyes showing the world her level of intelligence.

Gritting her teeth the dark haired one had to resist choking her friend to death for being so stupid. "Tokyo is the city, it's broken down into separate areas called districts." She explained in a slow methodical manner.

"Oh, then why aren't each of these districts simply called a city? You said Tokyo was one of the largest cities on the planet after all."

"Forget about that, we just need get what we came here for and leave. So there is no reason to remember any of this crap."

"Oh, alright." Aika said happily.

Shadow grit her teeth some more and wondered just why they had been partnered up for this mission. As far as she knew she hadn't done anything to be punished in any way, but if the girl kept this up Shadow had few doubts that she would kill the blond headed boob. They were both dressed in light brown ninja outfits without their masks on as they stood on top of a building and looked down at the crowded street below. They turned as they heard some movement behind them and a small thing, what can only be described as a blob of mobile purplish colored jelly about the size of a pumpkin. Moved across the roof and came to a rest beside Aika's ankle and a small liquid like apendage came out to the jelly and caressed her leg.

Aika just giggled. "Hello Dino, how are you feeling today?"

The thing chittered happily.

"I hope you enjoyed your lunch?"

It seemed to open a mouth of some kind and belched loudly and hacked up some bones. Surprisingly there were not teeth, but an empty orifice that seemed to made out of the same stuff as its body.

"Now you be a good boy and don't run off." Aika said as she waved a finger at it's appendage that was slowly raising up the leg towards the crotch of her pants. She slapped the appendage away and the thing whimpered a bit before retracing it. "None of that, we have a mission to take care of for the Master."

"I'm still amazed the Leaders allowed you to keep that thing as a pet Aika."

"But he's so cute!"

"He's a Blob Demon!" Shadow snapped. "They are so gross!"

Aika bent down and scratched the top of it and giggled as it seemed to writhe around under her finger tips and chitter happily. "Dino is not gross!"

"Whatever." Shadow growled and shuddered as the thing acted like a dog and sprouted some small tentacles that wrapped themselves around Aika's arm.

"Did the master say where we had to set that thing off?" Aika asked as she continued to pet the thing.

"Someplace with a lot of teenagers."

"A mall then? A school?"

"Maybe, just someplace that would attract our targets. Once they arrive we are to enslave them to our will and bring them back to the Master." Shadow explained.

"Alright! Sounds like fun and Dino here can play around too!"

Shadow shuddered as she reached into her jacket top and pulled out a small ring attached to a cord that had been hidden underneath her shirt. She looked around and blinked as her senses picked up something unexpected. "Aika, check out the second floor of that building over there?"

Aika moved over to the edge of the building and looked down. "What about it?"


"You ditz! Can't you feel the odd energy coming out of that room?!"

"Oh, that, why didn't you say so. It's just negative energy of some kind. The same as a lot of demons produce. Except for my cudwy wudwy widdle Dino here!" She cooed at her pet blob demon.

"You don't suppose there is a demon down there do you? One that might interfere in our plans?"

Aika shrugged. "Got me!"

Gritting her teeth again, Shadow started to count back from twenty to make sure she didn't lose control. Counting from ten just wasn't long enough for her to calm down anymore, she had been partnered to the ditz for to long. Three whole months. "Let's go down there and check if that's a demon or not. If so we may not have to use the ring after all and the master would be pleased with us."

They had started training how to amazing things the instant they could walk, as every child in their clan did. So as they looked over the edge of the building and hopped over the edge, they knew that falling to their death so remote that it wasn't even considered. Instead Shadow bounced down the side of the building as silent as death, using the widow sills to slow her decent until she landed on a small ledge about two stories from the ground. Aika followed suit and was soon standing beside her with Dino resting on her shoulders running it's tentacles through her hair.

"Are you going to give that thing something to do at least?" Shadow snapped at her partner.

"Of course, Dino will help with any of the men that are in that room. I can see six just from here, so there has to be more in there."

"Just to be safe let me cast a quick spell." Shadow said as she twitched her hand and a short wooden wand fell into her palm and with a swish she cast a spell. "Caecusaumact!"* The tip glowed for a second and then she felt the spell go into effect. Hiding them from sight.

"Now that we're closer I can sense even more of that dark energy and it's a kind I'm not familiar with." Aika said with a confused pout on her face.

"Aika, you're barely familiar with Dino's energy signature." Shadow snapped.

"Eh ehehehe." Aika giggled and ducked her head.

"You are right about one thing though. That isn't any kind of energy I'm familiar with either. It's definitely the teacher though, in disguise if I'm looking at this room correctly and all those kids are being used for food."

"We should stop it then."

"No. As Suzuka Ninja clan we are no longer allowed to take matters into our own hands. That is a job for the Mido clan." Shadow snapped.

"Well I don't like it one bit." Aika snapped back. "I'm gonna stop that thing!"

"Stop it you ditz, you'll break the spell if you make to much noise."

"Then think of something."

"Well I am sensing something else now." Shadow said as she paled a bit. "Positive energy, on a massive scale."

"I've never encountered positive energy before." Aika said as she tried to sense it too.

Shadow traced the energy and looked down by the front door of the building where a blond Japanese student was reading a map. "That girl, she's got an aura that dwarfs the Masters aura by almost fifty times!"

"She's Fantastic!" Aika squealed as she hopped from one foot to the other.

"Quiet you ditz! That cat just looked in our direction and if you will notice it's quite strong as well, though nowhere near me and you."

"A familiar perhaps?"

"More than likely with that kind of power at it's master's disposal."

"Look! She's going into the building!"

"I'm not blind you know!" Shadow snapped and then nodded her head. "She just cast a spell of some kind. A powerful white witch at least."

"Look at the classroom, something is happening in there too!" Aika yelled, getting into the excitement as she bounced around some more.

"Listen here you bubble headed ditz, I'm going over to that walk way over there that connects those two buildings." Shadow said as she reached under the back of her shirt and pulled out a glove with a small jewel set at the wrist. She pulled it into place and then pulled on the back half of it and stretched it the rest of the way up her arm. "I need to get closer to get a better idea what's going on."

She held out her and a line shout out of the back of her hand over the center of the knuckle. Then with the grace of a cat she swung across the road and landed right where she needed to go. A quick check showed that the spell was still active so she walked towards the door at the far end of the walkway. There were several people there, but they didn't see her because of the spell. Her senses were telling her that the white witch was only a little ways away. She opened the door and slipped inside as she pulled out her wand and got ready to use it in case she was attacked.

As she neared the floor where the class with the demon was taking place she froze as she suddenly heard running foot steps and saw a blond haired girl wearing a blue suit run up the hall and throw the door to the class room open and start yelling. Her senses were telling her that was the witch. She must have cast an illusion spell of some kind. They were easy enough to do and worked great for infiltrating places, but why would a white witch need such a spell? Moving closer to the classroom she peeked around the door just as the girl held up a broach and yelled out. "Moon Prism Power, Make Up!"

Shadows eyes widened as she watched the transformation and felt the full weight of the positive magic hit her in the gut. The girl had been big before now she was even stronger! The teacher, who had transformed back into a demon, was standing a few desks away holding a blue haired girl by her throat. It was also quite obvious that the demon wasn't a type she had encountered before. Sex demons were quite common where she came from, even those like Dino, but this thing was different. More evil and less bound by it's canal desires. She just may have to interfere after all. Letting these things run around unless you were the one controlling the thing.

"I'll punish you!" Sailor Moon yelled as she finished her transformation.

"With a skirt like that she certainly has the right idea." Shadow said with a smirk and looked through the window to see Aika still perched on the ledge across the street fiddling with her glove. She glowered at the girl and asked herself for the millionth time how she managed to make it to field agent status while making these kinds of mistakes. Moving away from the door she noticed the blue haired girl looking at her, as if begging for help. Shadow reached into her shirt and pulled out a cell phone and hit speed dial and wondered if the girl thought she was calling for help.

"This Aika, I'm a bit busy a the moment..." Aika said as she answered her phone.

"Aika, its Shadow. Could you toss that little friend of yours through one of the windows of this room? I want
to see what this girl will do with it and even if she fails to defeat it, we should have some fun anyway." Shadow said as she made a quick on the spot plan.

"Oh Hi Shadow, sure, keep your head down if you can. You know what Dino can get like when he's in a strange situation."

"Heh, that's what I'm counting on."

"Sailor Mercury!"

She swung back around to see the little black cat run across the room and drop a cheesy looking blue pen at the blue haired girl's feet. The demon was several feet away trying to fight Sailor Moon, who was running in circles screaming. "Hmm...must be new to fighting demons." She muttered. "And that cat just talked, fascinating. Perhaps she is a demon too?"

One transformation later and Shadow was panting in heat as she stared up at the teenage goddess in blue. Underneath that frumpy looking uniform had been a toned body of an athlete. This day was turning out to be more and more interesting. Then she looked through the windows and saw Aika throw Dino with all her might. The thing curled into a perfect ball and smashed through the window and bounced off the floor, to the wall, to the ceiling, and smacked right into the demon's head and sent it falling backwards. Then the ball landed on a desk with a sticky splat and oozed to a stop.

"That's disgusting!" Sailor Moon screamed as she got a look at it.

Blob demons had one fault, the disliked change and turned aggressive when they encountered something they didn't understand. One blob was relatively harmless if you knew what to do about them, but when they traveled around in a pack they got dangerous. Shadow wasn't to sure what this would do if it was startled. Sailor Mercury blinked as she gazed at the purple things and wondered what was making it undulate like that. Sailor Moon, who was grossed out nearby edged up against the chalkboard and tried to make her way out of the room. Then she gathered a bit of her courage and took a few seconds to dust the demon before it crawled out of the room and managed to get away.

"Mercury, I'm very happy to meet you, but touching that gross thing might not be a good idea." She whimpered and backed away again.

The blue haired girl glanced at Moon and the black cat and shrugged as she turned to walk away from it. Fast movement around a blob is the last thing you want to do, so the instant she turned around it swelled up to five times its size and sent tentacles of slime arching throughout the room. Several wrapped themselves around Moon and Mercury and they screamed in shock. At the same time the cat tried to get out of the way as well and yell some orders from the sidelines like normal. Then something weird happened and Shadow just grinned as most of the students, who were still out cold, were also caught up in the web of slime.

"What the hell is this stuff!"

"Run girls! Get away before this thing does something we will all regret!" Luna screamed in panic as she was lifted off the floor.

With a twitch the blob did something and the girls screamed in pain as they felt something within the slime penetrate their fuku and inject a venom into them. This happened to all the students a few seconds later and they all started to shudder for a second as they were pumped full of the venom. The blob shuddered as well as it connected itself to all of its victoms and knew that it had gathered up a good haul. If it could it would have been grinning by this time as it began to focus on what it had to do next. More tentacles are sent out to various people across the room and it begins the second process of it's defence.

Luna struggled as she received her own dose of the venom and felt it spreading throughout her little body in a matter of seconds and she knew that all was lost. "Girls! Run...get away..." She tried to yell as she felt her mind slipping and knew that the Dark Kingdom had outsmarted them.

"I feel warm all over." Sailor Moon said as she tried to struggled against the things grip as it held her in the air.

"Me too." Mercury said.

Out in the hall Shadow just grinned as she watched the blob go to work.

Then they caught sight of Luna as her body started to ripple and grow while more of the tentacles appeared to force their way down the cat's throat and into her body. Then the cat twitched and with a groan of pain her tiny feline body started to expand and undulate as more and more tentacles wrapped their way around her body until she completely cocooned. Just a few feet away Sailor Moon started to cry as Luna vanished and struggled harder than before, but the jelly like stuff was to flexible to just break. Pulling and jerking her back into place every time she managed to move around.

"Don't give up Sailor Moon!" Tuxedo Mask yelled as he leaped into the classroom from a window and was promptly snared by a tentacle and injected as well.

"Tuxedo...Baka!" Moon screamed as he heart started to flutter and her blood seemed to get even hotter than before he came into the room.

"Aghaaa!" Tuxedo Mask yelled as tentacles swarmed him and pulled him closer to the mass of writhing bodies that filled the room.

Mercury giggled at the sight as she lay wrapped up in the slimy tentacles and gasped for air as something inside her was altered. She wasn't sure how, but the venom was altering her in some way and making her feel really, really good. "He's funny..." She slurred and a purplish tentacle forced it's way down her throat and started to throb and secrete something into her mouth. Across the room Sailor Moon still struggled even as she started to see double and feel really good herself, as if she was drunk.

"Whash going on?" She slurred and giggled as she saw Tuxedo Mask's clothing ripped away from body. She couldn't see his face, but what she could see was yummy looking as the tentacles held his legs apart and twisted him at odd angles. She giggled as the light started to turn pink and funky looking and why were there twenty white rabits doing the cancan in th middle of the floor? She giggled.

The mass of tentacles that held Luna contorted wildly and suddenly pulled back to reveal a black haired woman with the body of a sixteen year old super model. She lay limp in the tentacles as they held her in the air and began to gently wrap themselves around her legs and spread her wide. Her pussy glistened in the warm air of the room and she moaned as some of the tentacles made their way inside her and started to pulse. Pleasure filled her seconds later and she arched back as they began to thrust in and out of her. Her large eyes were wide open as she more tentacles made their way down her throat and into her ass. Then her body started to shudder as an orgasm hit her and for just a second the purplish mass seemed to spark with some kind of energy as it ran from Luna's new body to the main mass still sitting on the desk.

All around the room the men were lifted into the air and cocooned in tentacles, only to withdraw a little while later to reveal a female that bore a striking resemblance to the male they had started out as. They were powerless to stop the tentacles as they invaded every orifice of their bodies and were soon enjoying themselves to much to care. The only three that hadn't been used in this way were Sailor Moon, Mercury, and Tuxedo Mask, but that would soon change. The blob could already feel that they were getting closer to the state of mind that it liked to keep it's victims in.

Out in the hall Shadow had her hand down her pants as she listened to the cries of ecstasy coming from the room as over forty students had their brains fucked out by the blob demon. It reminded her of home whenever they had a party for the new recruits. She was a bit surprised to see that they Sailor Scouts were resisting the lust drug that had been injected into them by the blob, they must have had quite a bit of mental and physical strength to last even this long. She had only lasted ten minutes the one time she had been given the drug and she had already built up a bit of resistance to the stuff. She knew that they were already feeling quite good, but they would only be taken when they reached a certain point of lust. Most humans fell to the drug within seconds, but even after fifteen minutes all that had happened was that they were hanging in mid air as they were prepped for the blob. Shadow considered going on to help them along, but the blue haired goddess was driving her mad with lust every time she looked at the girl.

"I want to taste her." She muttered and licked her lips.

There was a steady flow of energy being absorbed by the blob now that it had almost all of the students under it's power. Luna screamed as another orgasm rocked her body and continued to writhe as the tentacles delved into her body with every thrust, barely allowing her time to breath let along recover. Sailor Moon's mind was still functioning, though very slowly, as she struggled not to join the other girl in the siren call of ecstasy that filled her mind. Being drugged out of her mind didn't help matters either, but she was resisting as hard as she could. Then she heard Mercury scream out and she managed to get a look at her new friend as a dozen tentacles swarmed over her body and ripped the fuku to pieces, leaving only the boots and tiara as they carressed ever inch of exposed skin. Within seconds Mercury was panting and moaning as the tentacles ravaged her, begging it for more, around a tentacle that was still in her mouth. Her skin was a rosy red color that Sailor Moon thought was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Shadow moaned as she neared her own orgasm, her eyes locked on Mercury as her tiara glinted whenever she moved her head. He body convulsing every few seconds as it achieved orgasm after orgasm and sent this energy right to the blob in blue colored energy. It was lapped up as fast it was came and it was obvious that that the girl wouldn't last to much longer. A few feet away Luna had given into the tentacles completely and just took more and more into herself as they ravaged her body and brought a feeling that she had never experianced before. Her screams of lust were the most vocal of them all as she twisted and bucked within the grip of the drug induced lust.

Sailor Moon shuddered at the erotic sight and turned her head away only to catch sight of the something that even she couldn't look away from. The tentacles were beginning to swarm over Tuxedo Mask's body. One of them seemed to open up an swallow his cock, standing hard and tall, and his whole body spamamed. Then she heard him moan and her eyes widened in shock as she realized that he was getting something a little different than the others and she giggled. In that instant she felt something inside her shift and change and she didn't even try to fight it as her eyes were locked on Tuxedo Mask.. Blue eyes widened as a wave of ecstasy filled her body and her back arched. She wasn't even aware of the tentacles swarming over her own body, just that as the fuku was ripped away she suddenly felt free and unburdened.

Then the tentacles invaded her body, slamming through her virgin mound without any pain, up her ass and into her mouth and started to secrete something into her blood stream. Her eyes rolled back a few seconds later as the feelings she had been keeping at bay surged like a tsunami and she screamed as the biggest orgasm of her life ran through her body and sent her into convulsing shudders. He skin turned a rosy red coloer to match Mercury, but she didn't evne notice or care. The only thing that mattered was what she was feeling and even that was harmonizing with something else inside her. The blob shuddered as the energy from the orgasm was absorbed and it knew that something was wrong as the energy swirled around it's body and turned it from purple to a bright silver. Then it felt that energy grow as it mixed with all the energy it had already taken and began to glow brighter and brighter with every passing second. Shadow gasped as she realized what was going on, pulled her hand out of her pants, shot to her feet, and turned to run. Just as the light shot out of the room and seemed to fill the very air and flow out of the room and down the hall to catch up with her. In seconds she was enveloped in the light and she screamed as it invaded her mind. The whole building started to glow. It poured out every window and crack in the building for close to a minute before it faded away completely.

Having witnessed her pet in action Aika frowned as the light surged from the office building and stomped her foot as it was overloaded with more energy than it could handle. That was good enough for her and decided that it was time to leave and report back to the master. She would meet up with Shadow back at the apartment in a few hours if the girl survived. She ran along the edge of the roof of the next building and started making her way across the city a few seconds later, bouncing from roof to roof with ease. Then a form stepped out of a nearby shadow and fired a blast of energy at her and she died in the resulting explosion and rained down on the street below as a pile of dust.

Inside the building there was an eerie silence as Shadow lay in the middle of the floor, shivering in a fetal position as her eyes dialated and undialated every few seconds. She didn't even acknowledge the sound of steps coming down the hallway, nor when a pair of green boots appear in front of her face. She was kicked in the leg a couple of times before a large red gem was shoved up beside her head and an ice cold voice hissed out two words that would haunt her in the after life.

"Dead Scream." Sailor Pluto says and vaporizes Shadow's body and left a large hole in the floor. Surprisingly the only damage found later on.

She enters the classroom and sighs as the sight that meets her eyes. The place is a pristine and perfect, as if nothing had happened. Sailor Moon had scowered it clean of all the evil produced in the energy backlash that had been set up when the demon tried to absorb her energy. Never in her life had she been more surprised when her future self said that today would help bring about the lasting peace of Crystal Tokyo, even more so than the plan had originally set up. This day would mature the princes far faster than anything else could have done. There was a price though, but only a small one as far as she was concerned. She just had to tie up a few loose ends to protect everybody from the back lash. A quick glance told her that the energy wave had changed all the transformed girls back into men and left everyone sitting in their desks. Though most would only remember this day in their dreams it would in the end turn them into perverts. Nothing to really worry about, really.

As for the Scouts, the four of them hadn't been changed back like the rest. Usagi's heart had made a wish with the silver crystal within her body and even in it's weakened condition it was able to grant the most basic of things. Ami, Mamoru, and Luna were still altered by the tentacle monster, but in ways that woudn't tramatize them for the rest of their lives. Luna would find when she woke up that she was still human and that she could change back and forth between a cat form and a human form. Which would come in hand as the years went on. Artemis would later find out that she was completely uninhibited in her human form and that he woudl be on the recieving end of that lust more than once. All the girls would be that way when they woke up as the drug and the crystal had permanently altered the way they looked at things and matured their bodies a bit to compensate. Mamoru would eventually find that he could change into a girl if he focused on that form when he transformed into Tuxedo Mask. Complete with a Fuku and the title of Sailor Earth and a great pair of legs that she liked to show off to Sailor Moon.

Then of course there was the one thing that had caused the whole mess in the first place, the blob demon. She glared at it was cowered in the corner of the room, chittering to itself as it's now silver body sparked with its new found energy. As she watched she could already see that it was changing from the being a demon into something else as the pure energy of the princess was impossible for an evil creature to handle in that amount. The queen herself had told her that if she even pointed the time key at the thing she would spend several hours in the punishment room for several hours. Punishments for the Scouts in Crystal Tokyo tended to be very unnerving to those that had never experienced them before. Especially when Dino was involved. With another sigh she stepped over to Usagi and tapped her tiara with the staff and the sailor fuku reformed. She did the same with Mercury a few seconds later and turned to other two.

Tuxedo Mask's uniform formed around him even as she was considering what to do with him. It wasn't as if she could just create one of his roses and transform him again, though she would have to find out how he did that. The only one left was Luna and after a bit of thought she shrugged and pointed the time key at her. A dress, designed by Setsuna herself, appeared on her body and Pluto nodded. Yellow and black were Luna's colors alright. She turned as the last of her job was completed and vanished back into the time stream just as Sailor Moon's eyes opened up and gasped in shock. She looked down at her feet as the silver colored Dino came over and rubbed against her leg and made her giggle. Her head was still spinning a little bit, but she wound never have thought that after all that she would feel fullfulled and content. The thing had raped her after all, yet she didn't feel bad about it in the least.

"Well hello there!"

She smiled again as it chittered and formed a silver like tentacle that it rapped around hr ankle. "We have some things to discus."

It blushed and tried to hid behind her leg.

"Alright, we'll talk later, but you better not run off you hear me?" She scolded.

It nodded.

"Good boy." Sailor Moon said as she walked over to Mercury and shook the girl awake. "Time to get up before we get caught."

"Go away, I feel to good to move." Mercury muttered.

"Geeze, does this sound familiar for some reason." Moon muttered, then noticed for the first time thta her fuku was back. "Hey, I thought this was ripped to pieces."

"T-they repair themselves every time you transform." Luna said from where she was laying.

"Luna!" Moon yelled, causing Mercury to wince and slowly sit up holding her pounding head.

"Please don't yell, Sailor Moon." The black haired girl said as she held her head.

"'re human Luna."

"I know and I have absolutely no idea what to do about it and if I have to lay here all day to make this nightmare go away, so be it." Luna complaind.

Grinning, Sailor Moon grabbed Luna's hand and dragged the girl to her feet with a grin. "Come on, you can do better than that!"

"Alright already!" Luna muttered as she stumbled around and tried not to fall over.

"LUNA!" Moon yelled in shock.

"DON'T YELL!" Luna screamed back and clutched her head.

" a..."

"Tail." Mercury finished the sentence for Moon.

"Of course I have a tail." Luna muttered, then remembered that she was human. "What?!" Turned her head to get a look at it and promptly fell down in a heap that had both Scouts laughing.

"I guess it couldn't change you completely. Does that meanyou have cat ears underneith all that black hair of yours?"

Reaching up to her hair Luna ran her fingers through it and exposed a cat like ear and flicked it a couple of times. "I've got normal human ears and these as well. Amazing, it's like hearing in surround sound or something." She muttered to her self.

"Hey! Where's the Baka! I want to give him a peice of my mind." Moon growled as she looked around the room for Tuxedo Mask.

"He seems to have left, like usual." Luna said. "I still don't think we should trust him."

"Who was here?" Mercury asked.

"A guy that helps me out every now and then. Calls himself Tuxedo Mask cause that is what he wears." Moon said. "He came in here after Dino here attacked us..."

Mercury and Luna jumped clear across the room as they noticed Dino sitting by Moon's foot, chittering happily as it carressed her ankle. "Kill that Thing!" They yelled.

"Why? He's harmless now that he's defeated. He'll do anything I say, won't you?" She cooed at it and made it blush again.

"How do you know that?" Luna asked fearfully.

Moon shrugged. "Got me, I can understand what he's trying to tell me somehow."

"That thing is dangerous Sailor Moon. Look what it did to me?" Luna snapped and thumped her chest for effect and moaned.

"Luna?" Moon asked as the cat girl shuddered and nearly colapsed. "What's wrong?"

Coming back to her senses Luna shook herself out of her daze and straightened up again. "I can hear some people coming, we need to leave."

"But what about what just happened?" Moon asked.

"Later and bring that thing along along with you I suppose." Luna said as she led them out of the room and the girls detransformed as they walked.

"Oh my, but I feel as if a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders." Usagi said as she skipped around happilly with Dino sitting on her shoulder.

"I feel the same." Ami said as they walked along. "I think we are still feeling the effects of all the endorphens that Dino here made us release when he was 'playing' with us."

"Enorwhatsis?" Usagi said.

"Endorphens, it's a chemical that the body releases when you have sex." Ami said with a little blush.

"Oh!" Usagi said. "Yeah, I feel like singing right now."

"No DON'T!" Luna yelled frantically. That made Usagi pout a little as they walked and the cat girl sighed with relief. It was bad enough that Usagi had a tin ear, but that she liked to sing in the bathroom too just set her fur on edge every time the girl washed her hair. "We need to talk about that thing."

"Dino has been cleansed." Usagi said with a glare at the cat.

"If he was cleansed he would be dead!" Luna hissed and her tail stood on end.

"He is full of my energy now instead of that dark energy like what he was using before. He's like a good demon."

"Fascinating." Ami said as she looked at Dino a little closer. "What is he made out of anyway?"

"I don't know? Dino, what are you made out of?" Usagi asked her new friend.

It bounced up and down on her shoulder a couple of times and chittered.

" says its made" Usagi answerd and looked confused at the same time. "What does that mean?"

"We'll have to examine him I guess." Luna said. She was beginning to think that the thing wasn't as dangerous as she might have thought, but she wanted to make sure. Then she flicked her hand a few times and eventually stopped when a small blue case appeared in her hand. "Ami, this is Sailor Mercury's computer."

Ami snatched it outof the cat girl's hand and opened it up to see how it worked. "Ooohhh!"

"At least you left me my fingers." Luna mumbled as she looked at her empty hand, then she glanced back at Usagi. "Listen, what are you going to do when people start to see that thing folowing you around?"

"Hmm...I hadn't thought of that, Luna. Well I'll come up with something by tomorrow."

"You are not taking him home with you. Your parents would freak out at the very least and try to get rid of him."

Dino chittered quietly and Usagi nodded.

"He says that he can change his form quite a bit and that I can just wear him if I want too."

"Wear him? How, a watch or something?"

"He suggest underwear." Usagi said with a grin and Luna tripped and fell in shock.


"Just kidding. He can take almost any form, that fits his size or expand himself out if he has a constant supply of energy."

"I don't like this one bit. That thing wants to feed on you all the time, like a parasite." Luna grumbled and gave the silver thing the evil eye.

"He's pretty harmless now Luna, don't worry about anymore. Heck, he can even look like a cat if you want him too keep you company during the days if he does stay at the house."

Shuddering, Luna shook her head.

"Luna, its going to take me a few days to learn about this computer." Ami said as she reluctantly closed it and put it back in subspace with her pen. She still wasn't quite sure how that worked either.

"That's okay Ami, right now we just need to protect the world from those monsters, find the other Scouts, and find the Princess."

"Any clue who the other Scouts are? We can start looking around if you want?"

"No, they are hidden until they are truely needed. Until then we will have problems locating them, but I do know that they are drawn to the Princess to protect her. So they all have to be around the District somewhere."

"Once I figure the computer out I'll start looking for odd energy signitures, that will give us some place to start looking at least." Ami said. "Usagi, be careful around Dino there for the next few days. I don't trust him yet."

"I will, don't worry about him though. He'll do anything I tell him to do and if that's act nice and be everyone's friend then that's what will happen."

Amy nodded with a grin. "Then I'm heading home, I need some sleep after what happened today and some time to study for that test we have next Thursday."

"Test?!" Usagi wailed. "I forgot all about it!"

"I'll help you study for it tonight." Luna said. "Now that I have a body I need to start helping out a bit more."

"Thanks Luna." Usagi muttered with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, Ami, here's a communicator too." Luna said as she handed it over to Ami. "Official Scout buisness only."

Ami nodded, glanced at Usagi and knew that there was no way that the girl would never just use it for Scout buisness. She sighed as she walked away.

"Well Luna, what now?" Usagi asked right as she ran into something and fell down.

"Well, hello Meatball brain." Mamoru said as he smirked down at her. "Who's your new friend?"

"You Jerk!" Usagi snapped as she jumped to her feet and glared at him, her pig tails raised up above her head.

"My name is Luna." Luna said with a sigh, slightly relieved that she could actually answer a question like that.

"Well good luck with the Meatball head here, she a klutz and ditz rolled into one."


A hole opened in the very air and Jedite stepped out into the main throne room and let the portal close behind him. Then he took a couple of steps forward and knelt down as his Queen glared at him from her throne bones made from the left over remains of those Youma that had failed her throughout the ages. He held his fist against his chest as he knelt. "My Queen."

"You failed, Jedite."

"The main plan failed My Queen, but the back up plan gathered quite a bit of energy for our plans." Jedite said.

"What back up plan?" Queen Beryl snapped.

"I had a two Youma in the class room Queen Beryl, but the other one was a Scout Youma and not a warrior Youma."

"The Scouts are useless!"

Holding up his hand Jedite allows his secondary ball of purplish energy to form. "I gathered this from the aftermath of the battle. It's not quite as much as the Warrior Youma would have gotten, but it's still very potent energy."

Waving her hand, Queen Beryl let the ball of energy float across the room and made it hover before her. "Well I'm surprised at you Jedite, there is enough energy here to call your opperation a success after all. Though it did cost you yet another Youma."

"I would like permission to contiue this practice. This way we will come out of every opperation with a bit of energy collected." Jedite asked. He ignored the presense of Nephlite hidding in the shadows behind him.

Queen Beryl gestured at the crystal floating in front of the throne and the purple energy was quickly absorbed. She grinned as she felt Metallia sigh a little as she absorbed the energy into her being. Thopugh she failed to notice the crystal ball itself taking on a purple tint as the last of the energy was absorbed. "Granted! You are dismissed, continue your opperations."

"Yes My Queen." The blond man said as he formed another hole in the air and walked through back to the Earth realm.


A couple of days later Ami was sitting in the park near her apartment eating a sandwich and reading a book on the ancient history of Feudal Japan. For the first time in her life she had found a book that bored even her legendary study habits and she sighed as she closed it and leaned back on the bench. As much as she hated to admit it she was still thinking about what that 'thing' had done to her. She was different now, no longer the innocent untouched virgin she had been all her life. The way she looked at the world had changed and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not. Though there had been other changes that she hadn't even had a chance to tell anyone about. Like the fact that she had her first wet dream the night before and that she had cum so hard that she woke up with a loud gasp when it happened and spent twenty or so minutes smiling to herself as she lay there.

She blushed a little and looked at the ground in embarressment and wondered how the heck she was supposed to tell her mother about this. As if her hormones had decided that yes, after that little experiance that they wanted to suddenly catch up to fourteen years of disuse. Looking down she noticed that her nipples were still hard as well and that they were very noticible. They hadn't relaxed once in the last two days and she hoped nobody really noticed. A scan with her computer, not as detailed as she would have liked, said that her blood chemestry was changing to adapt to some of the other changes in her body was going through because of her awakening as Sailor Mercury. The electralchemical pathways throughout her body were starting to carry more and more energy as the process went on. Seh hadn't been able to figure out what that meant though.

The computer had been a bit confused when it got done scanning her body this morning. One thing she had noticed though was that there were a multitude of little changes happening to her. Like her eyes were a brighter blue now almost twinkling with hidden depths. Her hair was silkier and caught the light in different ways than her old hair did when she looked in the mirror. Then there was her skin. Almost over night she had lost every little imperfection she'd had for years and it had become super soft and smooth. The changes were really strange and hard to handle at first but she was quickly adjusting to them and wondered why they were happening in the first place. Now she was here in the park trying to get her mind off the changes and to study a bit, but no matter how hard she tried she wasn't able to focus on her studies.

There was something else her body wanted and she had a pretty good guess what it was. She was quite tempted to call Usagi and ask if she could borrow Dino for the night, but then decided that if her mom came home and saw that thing she would in a world of trouble. She'd rather be extra horny than grounded. So she was going to have to find a different option to fix the problem, but she wasn't to sure what it was yet. Closing her eyes she leaned back a little more and stretched her back a bit and enjoyed the feel of the cool air as it touched her skin. The sent of sakura in the air as the nearby trees started to bloom, the polution in the air, and even the people around her. They weren't that close but she could pick the faint odors of perfume as it drifted through the air around her. That the guy several yards away on another bench hadn't washed in days and even that he was a guy at all. That was a surprise all on it's own as she looked up and found herself looking at guy.

"Hello." He said nervously.

"Hi." Ami said as she sat up a bit and looked him over. He was a little older than she was, had spiky black hair and a decent build. Wearing a typical male school uniform and carrying a book bag over his shoulder. She kept her smile plastered to her face as she suddenly that with him this close she could smell his lust as it built up around him.

"I'm Kirado." He said with a slight bow.

"I'm Ami, it's nice to meet you."

"Would you like to go and get some ice cream with me?" He asked suddenly and blushed a little.

Ami blushed a little and had an instant urge to say no, but then her hormones took the idea, dragged it off and beat it up for good measure as they reminded her that she could get what she needed from the guy.


The End

Random One Night Lemon Scene Corporation


*caecus -a -um act. , [blind, not seeing; intellectually or morally blind; uncertain, objectless]; pass., [unseen, hidden, obscure, dark].